Grey Eyes

Chapter 24: Chapter 22

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Walking down the hallway of the school Sofia can see various mists moving through the hallways, some smaller, some larger, some slow, some fast, all kinds. Sofia is impressed by the variety of mists she sees, looking around a bit at all of them, to the people around her she seems to be curious about her surroundings.

Sofia and Clair are currently on their way to the teacher's room to explain Sofia's condition to the teacher.

When they reach the room Clair knocks on the door and it is opened by a woman a little taller than Clair, she had coal black hair and eyes.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Professor Matt" Clair explained to the tall woman.

"Um, come in he's sitting right here" Says the woman as she opens the door so they can come in.

Clair walks in next to Sofia, surprising the tall woman as she didn't see Sofia at all. Clair looks around the room and spots the professor quickly approaching him.

He is a brown haired person with brown eyes, he wears glasses and is dressed in a white shirt with black pants.

"Good morning I'm Matt, how can I help you?" asked Matt as he settled into his chair.

"Good Professor, I'm Clair a servant of House Flumin, the reason I met with you is because of Miss Sofia's condition which may hinder her learning at school" Clair explains quickly, curiously she has lost her cold tone of voice but Sofia can sense it's just acting.

"Oh I see, and what condition does Sofia have, Excess Mana, Inverse Expulsion Points; any mental or physical condition?" the teacher asks in flurry, not realizing that Sofia is behind Clair trying to hide.

"Her condition is Grey Eyes" Clair answers quickly.

"..." The professor freezes for a second before continuing.

"I... I see... that's problematic..." He whispers as he delves deeper into his thoughts.

"I was wondering if I could accompany her during her stay here to guide and care for her, Sofia is a very intelligent child so I don't think the lessons would be too difficult for her if that's what you're worried about" Clair replied this time a little slower.

"We can't let her stay at school no matter if Sofia has a condition or not, the best thing we can do for her is to put a caregiver to supervise her or assign another student to take care of her. And we'll see how smart she is..." Replied Matt explaining the situation and whispering the last part.

Throughout his years as a teacher he had encountered several parents who said their children were geniuses only to have them not even know how to add or correctly summon a fireball. At first he suspected that Clair might be using Sofia to spy on the academy but it seems that's not the case....

"So... where is Sofia?"

"H-Here p-professor" Sofia replied quietly poking her head out from behind Clair, looking at the professor with her typical dead eyes.
Matt was surprised as he thought she was just exaggerating the disease, after all it is a very rare and uncommon disease.

"Hi Sofia, would you allow me to ask you a few questions?"

"S-Sure!" replied Sofia nervously but excited at the same time.

"Alright then... tell me, what are the two main types of Mana that exist?"

You are reading story Grey Eyes at

"I-Inner and Outer Mana"

"What are the main elements?"

"Water, Fire, Air and E-Earth"

"What is the name of the Kingdom you live in and what are its rulers?"

"Kingdom Eiger and its rulers are King Salomon Eiger Floriam and Kingdom Ana Floriam Eiger, although the King has 2 concubines, although these have no power over the Kingdom, currently the Kingdom has 3 princes and 2 princesses" Sofia answered as if nothing.

"...Tell me the names of the other Countries on the continent" Said an impressed Matt at the accuracy of the question.

"There are 5 countries in total, are The Nox Empire, the Eiger Kingdom, the Fluxia Kingdom, the Kitsuwa Triumvirate and the Sacred Republic of Amon" Answered Sofia without breaking a sweat at the question.

"...honestly already just from what you told me you could possibly skip the first year and go straight to the second year" Said Matt still dumbfounded by Sofia's intelligence.

"I told you Sofia was smart" Complimented Clair as he puffed out his chest with pride.

It should be noted that Sofia is not particularly smart, Clair simply taught her everything very well, even giving her advanced things for people her age. In fact Flora shouldn't even be able to control the steam like she did that time with Zoe.

"Alright then Sofia we will give you a student to help you in your stay at school" Matt says while taking out a pocket crystal and filling it with Mana.

"Good morning Mrs. Nemu, sorry for the inconvenience but could you do me a favor and stop by the teacher's lounge, it's important" Matt said to the crystal.

"Okay...I'll be there in a moment..." Came the voice of a girl who looked like she hadn't slept.

"Who was she?"

"She was Nemu a freshman like Sofia, she is a good person but her personality is a little weird, I can assure you she will help Sofia in school" Matt replied as he put the crystal in his pocket.

"Ok, so I guess they already know but you will stay in the ladies dorms, to pass a test you need at least 12 out of 20 points, depending on your grades the second year can "rank up" to A, B or C class student, depending on what rank you pass the year with you will receive various rewards which I can't comment on but I can tell you they are very good, and that I think would be it..." Matt explains the workings of various things in the school.

Just as he finishes explaining the door to the Teacher's Lounge opens and in walks a tall girl with short black hair and red eyes that instill fear just by looking at them, she seems to have dark circles under her eyes, she is dressed the same as Sofia.

"I'm here..." Nemu's annoyed voice says as she enters the room.



AN: I might publish the glossary of the characters ahead of time, maybe by Friday I'll have it ready but I warn that they will only be relevant characters in the story (the pictures will be from WaifuLab :P) and that I might update the glossary every time we get to a chapter of Experimental Diary.


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