Grey Eyes

Chapter 25: Chapter 23

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"I'm here..." Nemu's annoyed voice said as she entered the room.

Nemu was a tall girl for her age a short jet black hair and red eyes which had dark circles under them, no doubt she will be absolutely beautiful when she grows up... if we omit the dark circles.

If Sofia leans towards the cute side in appearance, Nemu leans towards the beautiful side.

"Hello Miss Nemu, sorry for the inconvenience but I needed to ask if you could agree to be Sofia's caregiver due to the fact that she has a condition that doesn't allow her to see..." Greeted Matt and explained why she had been called.

"That depends" Nemu grunted.

"It depends?" asked Clair confused.

"First, what's in it for me, second, who is Sofia, and third, why me?" said Nemu annoyed with the current situation, looking around to see Clair and a few pairs of feet behind her.

"Oh I see, to answer your question, basically we'll give you a bigger room in the girls dorms although you'll have to share a room with Sofia but I don't think that will be a problem, I chose you because of... your personality *Ahem*, and Sofia is her" Matt explained implying his reasoning and ending by pointing to Sofia.

Apparently Clair had moved at some point revealing Sofia's small figure.

"H-Hello" Sofia said with her head down.

"Mnn" Nemu stared at Sofia for a few more moments.

Sofia is a short girl... or she was very tall, whatever, she had short silky white hair and, though it took a bit to see them, she had gray eyes that looked dead on.

Nemu stood for a few moments thinking about the pros and cons, before nodding his head.

"Okey I accept, I'll accept the puppy, but the room better have a kitchen, I refuse to walk all that way to the cafeteria" Nemu said with his permanent frown as he nodded his head.

"I can't promise you that but I'll see what I can do." Matt replied with a laugh.

"Well..." Nemu said as he approached Sofia.

"My name is Nemu Kumoshi, it's not nice to meet you but we will be friends from now on, now your name" Nemu said in an annoyed tone as he looked down at Sofia.

"M-my name is Sofia Flumin, it's nice to meet you" Sofia replied despite being a little intimidated by Nemu's height and tone of voice.

"Okey then let's go" Nemu exclaimed before turning around and starting to walk.

When he reached the door frame he turned around and only saw how Sofia was still in the same place as before.

"What's wrong?"

"This one... I can't see."





In the hallway of the royal school two girls can be seen holding hands as they walked down the hallway looking for their classroom, the one taking the front was a girl who looked 12 years old while the one in the back was an 8 year old girl, anyone would think they are sisters if it wasn't because their hair and eye colors were totally opposite.

"So... tell me Sofia what is the disease you have, I know you can't see but it's not the name of the disease" Nemu spoke as she kept walking forward without looking back.

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"It's called Grey Eyes, it's supposed to occur due to the mother suffering from Excess Mana at the time of giving birth, even so it's supposed to be a very rare disease and has no cure" Sofia explained about her situation without hesitation.

"Um... I see" Nemu nodded as he was immersed in his thoughts.

"Hey, tell me Nemu are you from Kitsuwa?" your surname doesn't seem from this Kingdom" Sofia asked a little unsure I know whether to ask this question.

"My mother is a Kitsuwa noble but she married my father who is a noble from the Eiger Kingdom, my mother as she was a higher noble rank than my father I inherited her surname."

"Oh, but then why are you here and not in Kitsuwa?"

"Because the Royal School is better than Kitsuwa and because there is not much freedom in that country, everything is strictly regulated, from the resources of nobles to the amount of money the average commoner earns, the slightest glimpse of stepping out of the country's rules equals years in jail, even if you just cut down a tree but didn't have a certificate as a lumberjack" Nemu explains with a sigh.

Just as Sofia is about to ask more they arrive at the door of classroom B, Nemu opens the door and drags Sofia next to her and sit her close to her.

Sofia looks around looking at all the mists there, she can tell there are about 17 mists not counting her and Nemu.

There is something that was intriguing Sofia and that was Nemu's Mist, his mist while not huge was certainly much larger than most of the room, but what intrigued her the most was that his Mist seemed to be filled with faces with different types of eyes, honestly the first time she saw it Sofia was terrified it seemed straight out of the nightmares of a madman.

The weirdest thing was that the eyes were staring at her, as if they were watching her at all times. But she didn't feel it unpleasant, it wasn't like that black smog that comes out of Alchemy.

"Well we're here I'll take a nap while the professor arrives" Nemu said before lying down on the desk with her arms crossed, shortly after she heard the soft sound of her breathing, curiously she was still frowning.

"What... how can someone sleep so fast" Sofia said amazed by her friend's self-centeredness.

"Hey you white-haired one!" Called a voice behind her.

Turning around she saw... an ordinary fog for nobles, big, but nothing compared to Nemu.

"Yes?" replied Sofia.

"Hey what's with the disrespect! Don't you recognize who I am?! You should kneel down right now you ill-bred girl!!!" Shouted a child's voice as he pointed his finger at her.

"I...what?" Sofia said unsure of what to do.

"What's up snowy hair, can't you see you're before-" Said the boy as he approached Sofia but....

"Shut up you stupid rich kid, I'm trying to sleep here, you know?" Suddenly Nemu's voice sounded much more annoying than usual as he took a step in front of Sofia and towered over the boy intimidating him.

"You... you dare to insult me?! You don't know that I-" The boy pointed at her angrily at the disrespect of the girl in front of him.

"That you what, I don't care who you are or where you are from to me you are nothing more than a child with attention problems, if you are going to go to mom and cry to her that a girl bullied you on your first day of school or you are going to cry to the teachers and beg to be punished..., but either of those options just proves that you are a scumbag who doesn't deserve even the slightest attention from anyone" Nemu replied coldly as he rose to his full height intimidating the boy more than he already was, the class stopped to watch the exchange.

The boy just looked at the floor as he went back to his desk and started to cry, but that only earned him a blank stare from Nemu who went back to her desk to sit down, she looked around the room and when she saw everyone looking at her she said....

"What do you see me you pieces of shit, get back to your stuff before I make you do it myself" Nemu said as everyone in the room tried to ignore what had just happened.

"Thank you..." Sofia whispered to Nemu.

"Don't give them to me, I simply made a deal for a bigger room, thanks to you for that" Nemu replied as she went back to sleep....

Or so he tried before the door opened to reveal the professor's entrance.



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