Harry Potter’s Accidental Apparition Oneshots

Harry Potter’s Accidental Apparition Oneshots

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Harry Potter’s Accidental Apparition Oneshots

Review: 7.9/10 from 5 ratings

Harry Potter was seven years old when it happened. He had been on the run from his cousin Dudley and his gang during recess and he had been cornered in a little used area that was a dead end near the school's kitchens. The only thing Harry could reasonably get to and hide behind were the tall garbage dumpsters. His bullies were right behind him, too.

Just when Harry had almost resigned himself to another severe beating, he gathered his courage. He poured on the speed and ran as fast as his little underdeveloped legs could carry him and leapt towards the dumpsters as he closed his eyes and made his fondest wish once more.

'I need to go where I'm safe!' Harry thought with all his might.
There was a loud crack of thunder and Harry Potter disappeared.

This is a series of oneshots of the possible places that Harry could have ended up.

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