Heaven, Earth, Me: Rise of the Death Empress

Chapter 9: Chapter 9. Loreia’s and Salia’s heartbreak. Tatyana’s First Enlightenment.

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After reading the letter, Loreia was frozen stiff, her brain unable to do anything more than read and reread the letter. She couldn't comprehend. She didn't want to comprehend! "What is this thing? Is this a bad joke? How could my dear think something stupid like this!?"

Did Loreia blame Tatyana? Of course, she didn't! The thing that Loreia wanted to do the most right now was to engulf Tatyana in her arms and console her. She desired to pamper her and help her lighten the burden of her guilt.

Thinking that it shouldn't have been too long since Tatyana left, Loreia instantly dashed outside the house, not caring about the people on her doors.

However, they stopped her and said. "Miss Loreia! You were able to escape that demon's clutches! As expected from you, now only your mother–"


Loreia's punch landed squarely on his face, breaking his nose and making him faint. Her face morphed with pure wrath as she shouted, "IF YOU DARE CALL MY LOVE A DEMON ONE MORE TIME, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!"

The other man's eyes opened wide with fear since Loreia didn't hold back at all in that punch.

Then, after kicking the head of the fainted person one more time, she ran in the direction she thought Tatyana had gone. 'She should have taken the road and tried to reach the nearest town. There she would take a ride from someone and begin her travel.'

Sadly, she was going the wrong way.

Tatyana knew that Loreia or Salia would probably try to find her, so she opted to go through the forest instead of taking the road.

Even if it was more dangerous, she could at least avoid being caught by them.

Loreia ran toward the town, searched around, asked for Tatyana, and tried to speak with some merchants. However, no one knew about her. Her heart sank the more she asked as she realized that Tatyana didn't take this road.

However, Loreia didn't give up. After returning home, the news of Tatyana leaving the town had already spread, so everyone was in a great mood.

Salia was at the front door, waiting anxiously for Loreia to return. She had also read the letter, but she didn't blame Tatyana.

When Salia saw Loreia returning alone, her heart sank, and she muttered, "Oh dear... Why didn't you speak with us?"

Loreia was completely out of breath and tired since she had been running for tens of kilometers during these hours. She entered the house silently and sat in the living room, her legs trembling because of the effort and her stomach rumbling.

Salia already expected it and placed water and food before her. Loreia ate in silence. However, midway through her meal, Loreia broke down, and she began crying. "I-I couldn't find her."

Salia patted her back and said, "We will find her, don't worry."

"I don't even know where she went."

"No matter where she went, she is still a young child. I'm sure we will discover her tracks sooner or later. Moreover, her red eyes are very distinctive. We will probably know as soon as she appears in a nearby town."

"It is all their fault! If they didn't paint her as a Demon, she wouldn't have thought of leaving!" Loreia's crying took an angered tone as she slammed her fist into the solid Wooden table.

Salia jumped a little at the powerful blow and didn't say anything. "We won't treat any of them from now on. They don't deserve our skills."

Loreia's lips raised even if tears continued falling, "No... I will continue 'treating' them."

Salia frowned as she saw her daughter's eyes burn with the fires of wrath. She wanted to say something, that they didn't deserve death, but her words couldn't leave her throat when she saw Loreia's facial expression.

Salia sighed and said, "Be careful. You wouldn't want anything to happen to you before she returns to us, right?"

Loreia's angered expression froze for a second and then relaxed slightly. "That's true. I can't afford to die before I find her."

Loreia stopped crying and ate everything ravenously. If she wanted to search for Tatyana, she would need to be in shape.

Wallowing in sadness wouldn't help her bring her dear Tatyana back.

Meanwhile, young Tatyana was walking through the forest with cautious steps. She wanted to find a town and move from there. However, she had underestimated the forest.

Even though she had experience traversing the forest, she didn't know how to find a town through it very well. She had previously learned some basic things about it, but since she was somewhat young, Terrance didn't bring her too much inside the dangerous forest.

Still, Tatyana decided to use the advice she had received in the past.

'Find a river or a water stream and follow it. You should find people sooner or later.'

With the sword on her waist and her bag on her back, Tatyana walked through the forest during the day. She managed to avoid some wild beasts and never fought with them. However, looking at the darkening sky, Tatyana knew that she had to create a fire and a place to take refuge.

She gathered dry roots, wood, and grass, put it all in a ditch, and then started a fire with the flint she took from home. She was quite used to creating these fires when helping her mother cook, so she had no problems.

Tatyana then built an improvised bed using long sticks and breaking them to create a mattress and keep her off the ground. She used more dried grass to make comfortable bedding and finally placed some long bars above her to create a ceiling.

Everything was done in three hours of manual hard work.

Night arrived, and Tatyana placed vegetables on the pan she carried. It wasn't an extravagant dinner by any means, but it was enough to keep her fed.

The young girl's red eyes were locked in the fire as she heard the crackling sound of wood burning. The temperature was on the warm side, and the night sky was full of stars. 'Everything changed so fast...'

Tatyana looked at the sky and thought, 'Everything because of a random lightning bolt falling at the worst time possible.'

Tatyana felt bad again, but she held it in. She couldn't continue being a crybaby now that she was away from home. Now she could only rely on herself. "What do I do now? Where do I go? Once I reach the town, what is my plan?"

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Tatyana thought about these questions, but nothing came to her mind. Tatyana sighed and picked up a stick on her side, throwing it into the fire to keep it going. The last thing heard that night was a sobbing whisper, "Why is this happening to me?"

Morning came, and Tatyana stood up. She ate fruits for breakfast and then continued her trip.

After two days of walking, Tatyana finally found a river. A smile appeared on her face, but she approached it cautiously, "With the river near, I won't have to worry about water."

Tatyana chose to go downstream along the shore.

She maintained her distance to avoid dangerous animals that may live inside the river or animals that may come to drink.

Of course, she kept an eye on possible prey. Tatyana didn't want to just feed on vegetables and fruits. She needed some meat to keep her energy high.

What Tatyana found strange was her unusual stamina. She felt that she should be more tired, she should feel more hungry, or sleepy.

When the sun was high up in the sky, even though she didn't feel tired, Tatyana decided to rest and eat something. 'Just in case...' Tatyana thought.

She had collected some edible plants and had been lucky to catch a small animal similar to a squirrel.

She made a small fire, and then she began cooking them.

Meanwhile, she took out one of the three books. She wanted to take out the [Cultivator's Anatomy] book, but she picked the [Energy Vortex Gathering] book by mistake.

She was about to store it again but stopped mid-way. Tatyana thought, 'It has been almost a year since I tried reading it. Maybe I will be able to understand something. Moreover, trying to decipher it can be entertaining.'

And so she opened it on the first page. Tatyana skimmed over it initially, expecting not to understand anything like in the past. Still, she soon realized that she could understand it. Tatyana's red eyes repeatedly blinked, giving her a cute look. "Huh? Why am I able to understand it?"

After realizing that she could really read the book, Tatyana was happily surprised.

This mysterious book finally let her read what was written inside of it!

Tatyana feared that she would not understand it as soon as she looked away, so she began reading with extreme concentration without delay. She wanted to memorize the content as fast as she could in case the book became unreadable again.

Tatyana realized something the further she read. The words and concepts weren't something pronounceable in the normal tongue, but she could strangely understand what was written even though she hadn't seen this kind of language ever in her life.

Her concentration kept increasing, and time flowed faster and slower. It was a mystical sensation that came to Tatyana. Without her noticing, a small wind began spinning around her. Her mind focused on the book before her as of nothing else existed. Her thoughts became clearer, and the book's contents were imprinted in her mind as if they were being carved into it.

Tatyana had achieved a special state called enlightenment.

Enlightenment was a concept used when a cultivator, someone that absorbed the energy of the world to become stronger, had an epiphany about a concept or idea. This state of mind increased their understanding of it tremendously and quickly.

Each second under the effect of enlightenment would count as studying the concept for a month on their own.

Of course, this state was extremely hard to enter into, and it was quite common for a person to go through their whole life without triggering enlightenment.

However, despite all her misfortune, Tatyana had the luck to achieve enlightenment.

Tatyana stood there for a whole minute. That meant that she gained five years of constant study about the [Energy Vortex Gathering] book.

After this minute had passed, Tatyana placed the book beside her and closed her eyes. Her legs crossed, and she relaxed her arms on top of her legs, entering a meditative state.

The invisible energy around her spun and gathered into her body, nourishing her muscles, bones, and organs. However, what this energy mainly did was reinforce some strange white veins that she and every cultivator had inside them. These unknown veins were only on her ribcage, but the more she nourished them, the further they extended.

After one hour, Tatyana felt some kind of barrier break, and energy gushed into her.

Tatyana subconsciously used this energy and extended those white veins. She realized that the strange energy flowed through those vein-like things inside her body.

What was even more bizarre was that she could perfectly feel them. Normally, you can't sense things inside your body. But Tatyana realized that she strangely could perceive these things.

At that moment, Tatyana discovered another fact.

These white veins were incomplete.

After nourishing them with the energy, the pathways that were only on her ribcage expanded completely around her torso. It felt extremely refreshing, as if she could now breathe easier.

What Tatyana still didn't know is that these vein-like things were called meridians.

They were the organ that would move the energy through Tatyana's body. Depending on the quality of this organ and the Dantian, the cultivator, or immortal as Tatyana called them, would be able to use more or less energy at once.

The Dantian was another organ that Tatyana still didn't have. It was something that she would create much later.

Of course, Tatyana didn't randomly create them.

She subconsciously followed the book she had read countless times before, [Cultivator's Anatomy].

After another hour of getting used to the new sensations inside her body, Tatyana exhaled a long breath and opened her red eyes. Then, she muttered, "What is happening to my body? Is this the process of becoming a respected immortal? I can feel my strength and everything else increasing."

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