Chapter 10: Chapter 10. Magic

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         Fortunteller Baba was an effective but harsh teacher. After breakfast GG took Goku and Kashi aside for some morning training. Leaving me alone in Baba's hands for my first ever magic lesson.

        Baba-" While Ki is life force, Magic is using your mind and soul to alter reality. While you can give magic structure like runes and chants, it all comes down to imagination. A poor visual image of what you want from magic will always ruin any spell you cast."

        Baba-"Now today we will start with the basic skill of any mage or apprentices of the mind arts. This skill will allow you to move things with your mind. Known as telekinesis, this is how I move about on my crystal ball with such elegance."

        Baba-" Before you is a coin, you will be attempting to pick it up using your mental strength alone. This is not true magic, but it trains your mind for it."

        I start by using my mental enhancement ability that GG showed me, trying to impose my will on the coin. After staring a hole into the coin for an hour I started making progress in lifting the coin. I could feel its weight pressing on my mind, but not my body. Creating a weird sensation of vertigo. Overcoming this sensation of feedback was Baba's first task for the week. 

         Goku and Kashi, were training with GG every morning this past week and Goku gets tutoring after lunch, for a few hours, followed by Goku and I training with GG until the late afternoon. While Kashi gets her own lesson with Baba.

         Over this past week Baba has realized that tutoring Goku is far more a challenge than she expected. While Goku is deathly afraid of her.

          Goku-" phs..up here Ryan, is she still looking for me?"

          As I turn my head up, I see Goku hiding in the tree I'm leaning against, I also see Baba far above the tree staring down at him.

          Ryan-" Actually Goku, I don't think she is looking for you at all anymore."

          I begin to laugh while Baba floats down to Goku's position. Snatching him up with a telekinetic hold.

           Goku-" let go of me you old hag!"

          Baba-" Just for that brat, I'm doubling today's class and you must finish before you eat dinner, do you understand?

            With dinner under threat Goku caves quickly. 

           Goku- "Yes, Aunty Baba."

           And yet another change in Goku. After getting some actual physical affection and care from Kashi this past week, he has learned how to use his innocence to his benefit. Every single night he goes to sleep in Kashi's room by playing up the puppy eyes. Even now he is calling Baba his Aunty to ease her mood.  Though this fails to work as he is  still carried off by Baba to her guest house for his lesson.

           With some free time before Goku and I train, tonight I spend it training with Kashi.

            Ryan-" Hey, Kashi. What have you been learning with Baba?

            Kashi- oh, hi Ryan. Baba has started with teaching me how to focus my mental energy. Once we did that she had me start on telekinesis. What about you? Won't you be learning some flashy fireballs?

            Ryan-" Not yet. I'm actually doing the same thing as you trying to lift a quarter. I was thinking we could try to practice together, interested?"

           Kashi-" And how exactly would we do that?"

           Ryan-" Simple, we fight over a single coin."

            Kashi-"Hmm,  Alright I'm game. But if I win you cook that chicken fried steak and gravy for dinner tonight."

          Ryan-" I didn't realize this was so serious. If I win you do my laundry then. That should be fair."

          With that the game began. I tossed a coin midair between us and grasped it with my mental powers as did Kashi. I could feel her mind as we pushed against each other both trying to gain complete hold of the coin by shoving the other off. I doubled down and reinforced my grip on the coin once I realized we were in a dead heat. I was gaining and loosing my hold at an even pace as did Kashi neither winning. I changed the game by going nearly completely defensive. Reinforcing my grip and slowly inching my way forward. My calm hold was pushing against her fast and brutal mental probing for what felt like hours. I could feel what felt like her mind brushing against mine growing more frantic as she failed at reclaiming any ground I took. She tried to attack my hold with another last barrage of attacks thats did nothing but make me pause in my steps and moving again, once she let up. With a last burst of energy I took the coin from Kashi completely.

              KASHI-"Thats doesn't count! You threw the coin! Let me toss it and we go again."

            As Kashi and I practiced through the afternoon GG came back saying that the outdoor bath was finished.

            GG-" The bath is finished, Ryan be sure to make use of it. Even if you never feel sore, its a great way to relax."

            Ryan-" Yes, GG."

            GG-" So whats for dinner tonight?"

            Even though I had won the game, I decided to make some chicken fried steak anyhow. 

             Ryan-" I was planning on making the chicken fried steak again. Kashi here seems to have enjoyed it"

             GG-" Hmm, thats good. I did as well. By the way where is Goku? Weren't you two going to spar tonight?

             Ryan-" That was until Baba caught him running away from her."

            GG-"Haha, I can't blame him, I'd do the same. At his age Baba can be a frightening women." 



             This was the way of things for next few months. Kashi and Goku growing close. Baba teaching Goku, slowly but surely. GG getting Kashi ready to unlock her Ki. And myself training my telekinesis. Moving from coins, to a deck of cards, that I'd practice my abilities on by building card houses, and playing poker with GG using my abilities to deal the cards. This nightly poker game eventually had Baba's attention as well. Thankfully, she never used her abilities to win from what I know. It was one of these nights that Baba mentioned Kashi's birthday coming soon.

             Baba-" Gohan, I received a letter from Kashi's father wanting to send her a birthday present. It seems she has hers coming up soon."

             GG-" And how old will she be?"

         Baba-" Sixteen, so don't even think about it, you perverted old man"

            GG-" I'm no pervert Baba."

         Baba-" You trained under my brother, Gohan. I know what he asks from new disciples"

            At this Gohan looks mortified, for good reason. Roshi is well known to asks his students to bring pretty girls to his house to accept them. A truly perverted man.

           Baba-" Anyhow, I bring this up because I want to get the bansho fan from Roshi. It could do well in her hands."

            GG-" And why not ask Roshi yourself?"

          Baba-" Because he is just as stubborn as I am.  And would let the fan rot, before giving it to me or any of my disciples. But if you ask, he'll do so without a question. Besides she is your disciple just as much as mine."

           GG -" That's fair. She deserves a good present anyhow, she is helping Goku. He needed a little more tenderness in his life and she treats him like a little brother."

            Baba-" I'll leave it in your hands then Gohan."

          Baba changed the conversation to me, curiously she asked.

            Baba-" So whens your birthday then brat?"

           Ryan-" March 18th."

.          GG-" That's a month before Goku's birthday. It seems we will have to get some more gifts.

           Ryan-" When is Kashi's birthday exactly?

          Baba-" January 7th."

          Ryan-" That's in less than a month, GG. Can Goku and I go to town? I have those pelts I want to sell, and we can get some spending money so we can get her a proper gift."

          GG-"As long as you take Kashi with you, I don't see why not."

          Ryan-"Getting her a present while she is there will be difficult GG."

          GG replies with a smile.

          GG-" I know, it will."

         A couple weeks later and we finally got to make a trip to the town while GG went to get the fan from Roshi. Hopefully, it's before Roshi has thrown it out. 

        We went into town and I decided not to wear my gi. I got the clothes a Goddess made me out and wore them instead. As i put them on I could feel the pants and shirt adjust to my body surprisong me greatly. 

        While in town we sold our pelts to a high end coat maker, who finds Kashi quite the looker, as did nearly everyone. We got a great deal from his eagerness to please deluding his business sense, but we didn't complain. 

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         After dividing the money up, Goku went with Kashi shopping, and I separated to do something I have been needing to. 

          Walking into the barber shop to  find an old man who asks what I need. 

Fade, 2 ontop 1 on the sides.

         Cutting my luscious locks was never a desire simply a need. My hair has been getting in my face causing issues. I can always grow it out again.

          Walkng out feeling the brisk air on my ears feels pleasant. I head off towards where I feel Goku. Finding them both only 20 meters away at a food stall, I can see that Goku is spending all his money already. I must end this so he can still get Kashi something.

           Goku-" what happened to your head Ryan?" 

    Ryan-"It's called a haircut Goku."

       Goku-" Thats weird, why would you cut your hair? 

        Ryan- "Nevermind ,Goku, what are you doing?"

           Goku-" I'm eating Ryan, can't you tell?"

           Ryan-" I'm asking why you are spending all your money Goku, don't you still need to get a present?"

           At this Goku pays attention, even canceling his other orders and getting the money back. It seems that getting Kashi a present is important to him.

          While being sneaky, Goku and I take turns distracting Kashi as we go through the shopping district looking for anything, Kashi would enjoy. I'm usually good at gettjng gifts, but aside from training I can't say I know her hobbies. The only thing I have seen her do is draw. I hedge my bets on that. Getting her some painting supplies. I haven't seen her paint yet, but I bet it would look nice if she tried.

              Goku must have gotten some wisdom from GG because I see him leaving a store that sells custom ribbons, stuffed animals, and some young kids jewelry among other items with a face that says he found the perfect present.

              We finish the shopping list that GG and Baba made for us after that. Placing everything into a capsule in preparation for the long walk home.

              I'm curious what Goku got her, but unable to ask right now. We make our way home. Goku is playing around with his Power pole launching himself in the air. Kashi and I laughing whenever Goku fails at whatever stunt he is trying to do. 

         Kashi's birthday is tonight, and I'm on cake duty. I bring a recipe from my world and make a German chocolate cake, with the coconut frosting. I know that being Sixteen she doesn't need anything crazy on the cake itself. so it just gets the candle on it. Kashi's father has been here all day telling embarrassing stories from her past to GG and Baba who are all drinking sake, content to leave the desert to me. I break out some vanilla ice cream light the candle and walk out with the cake letting the half drunk trio belt out an out of tune happy birthday.

           Embarrassed she gets them all to stop and we get on with the cake and presents. Her father got her some magic books from the magicians on their island. It seems that they specialize in illusions and misdirection.

      GG and Baba give her the Bansho fan. With Baba having remade it into a giant folding fan. With black wood and gold metal contrasting the green leaf it looks intimidating, It reminds me of the kind used in Naruto.

       I give her an painting easle and some brushes and colors to get her started. She seems a bit confused until I explain my reasoning.

      Ryan-" I saw you drawing so I thought that you wouldn't mind to give painting a try. Besides these living room walls need something hung on them"

      Kashi-"Thanks Ryan, it's a very thoughtful gift. I'll have to give this a try for sure."

      Goku was next. And he looked a bit nervous.

      As Goku gave her the present she opens it to reveal Some long ribbons with some jewelry inlaid on one end. Light pink ribbon and multiple blue gemstones that match her eyes inlaid to one end.

      Goku-"Aunty Baba said you use this kind of ribbon to hold your hair up. I wanted to get you some new ones, but make them special in some way. GG and I then thought to use those special stones we found in the river. Do you like it? 

        Kashi-" Aww Goku, I love it. It's beautiful. I'll cherish this forever. Come here!"

         With that Goku is getting smothered by his adoptive sister. And the night moves on to more cake and ice cream for us kids, and more sake for the adults.

       Baba-" Today we will begin with Elemental Manipulation. For now you'll be playing with what already exists. Not creating something from nothing. That is far beyond you at the moment."

               Before we begin let me tell you about elemental manipulation. The most important thing you need to understand is that there is no such thing as cold. Just the absence of heat. This means that all magic that deals with temperature, is some form of heat magic. Not fire, or ice magic. Only heat magic exists. This makes learning ice and fire magic, one in the same. Just a different application of the technique. The next element to be respectful of, is air magic. This magic controls all gases, an extremely dangerous and subtle skill. followed closely by water magic, that controls liquids. Earth magic controls solids.  Now let's begin"

                   As the lesson ends for the day I think back to my first ever class on elemental manipulation. And about how  It's been a year since my arrival already, and another 2 years and some months until Bulma arrives. I'm now eleven and Goku is ten. While Goku hasn't changed much at all to Kashi's inner delight. I've grown like a weed at 5'5" already and 120 lbs. I'm already as tall as kashi to her displeasure. While Goku has been helping to train kashi in the morning, to practice restraining himself. Him and I have been having some intense spars in the evening. Nothing that really triggers his zenkai thankfully, but he is still stronger than his default counterpart for sure. If I had to compare our powers I'd say Goku and I are about half of GG, and kashi would be a quarter due to her still learning ki control. 

                   Since I'm not sure that GG is still at the 125+pl it's said he was, I'm hesitant to put numbers to anything. While he has gotten stronger perhaps from Goku and I being around. I also doubt his old age is helping anything.

I get cleaned up and exit the shower with a fresh Gi on. GG has us all going up to the lake today and the afternoon has been cleared for the trip.

                 We set off going to the lake in one big group. And arrive to a beautiful summer day on the lake. We do a little fishing for stuff we can't get in the stream and GG tells us what he brought us here to see. 

         GG-" I didn't bring you all up here for nothing. I wanted to show you all Master Roshi's famous Kamehameha technique. Now step back and watch closely."

            I couldn't believe what I was  hearing. GG was going to fire the Kamehameha!

           I watch with Kashi and Goku as GG walks to the lake and he gets into the iconic stance. White and blue lights form between his palms and condense further as here presses his hands together. 

          GG-" KA..ME...HA...ME....HA!

           We watch as a brilliant blue streak of power rushes across the lake and then slam into the mountain on the other side creating a massive explosion that cleared revealing a hole bore clean through the mountain.

          Kashi and I just sat there dumbfounded at GG's power when using the technique. It skyrocketed up to almost three times normal. While we were in a daze Goku was first to express his opinion of the technique.

          Goku-"That was amazing GG! Can i try?"

           GG- "If you want to i don't see why not"

           GG-" Come here Goku I'll help you the first time. Before you start lets get the stance correct to help the flow of Ki. 

Just like that, now bring your hands together, now focus your power like you saw me do earlier. Bring your arms back.... now try to compress the Ki and give it a spin. Now before you fire it, remember to keep giving it more power as you do."

          GG-"When you are ready begin."

           After seeing it once and some simple instructions Goku fires it off across the water.

         Goku-" KA...ME...HA....ME...HA"

          Once again Kashi and I sense the power increasing aspect of this atk.

         Stronger than the one in the anime, his ki attack moves across the water, Goku is visibly struggling to give it enough to hit the mountain, and succeeds causing a decent explosion next to GGs opening that barely leaves a crater

             GG-"You still have a long way to go Goku." 

            "Poof!" I look back to see Goku getting swamped by Kashi who is praising the boy"

              GG-"If Noone else wants to try let's go home kids"

              On the way home, GG tells Kashi and I all about how to do the technique. The kinds of details Goku does instinctually.  Eventually we make it home, coming back as the sun is about to set.

             GG-" Get cleaned up Goku, I'll have dinner ready soon."

        Needing nothing else to keep him focused Goku is off to the bathroom and another night comes to an end.


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