Chapter 11: Chapter 11. Bulma arrives

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          It's the first of September, age 749. AKA the start of Dragonball. I haven't slept all night. Knowing I'll be leaving home has me anxious like a child all over again. As I lay here I remind myself that everything will be fine. Goku and I have Stayed comparable in strength this whole time, and I also have my magic and telekinesis. 

            Goku has learned all of GG's techniques and became quite proficient in the thundershock surprise. If my ki sensing is right we are both close to 100. 

          Kashi has closed the gap these past few years. She also blossomed into a women and is over 18. When wearing her hair in buns like Tenten she has the gift from Goku dangling beside her eyes. Both her beauty and skills are deadly, but she isn't my waifu no, my waifu is on her way.

            I decide to get up and make my bed for the last time in probably a while.

          Heading downstairs i meet everyone and make a breakfast like normal. I have my ki senses wide open focusing for Bulmas arrival.

            GG-" Expecting something? I didn't realize Baba taught you divination before she left."

            Ryan-"Lets just say i have a gut feeling GG."

             Goku sits next to me and the size difference causes Kashi to laugh.

             Kashi-" Goku, you staying little was cute at first, but its gotten old. When are you gonna grow again?

           Goku-" In a few years. Baba told me that Saiyans have big growth spurts during a small period of time. "

             Kashi- "Speaking of Baba, has she found you something to help with the big ape problem?"

            Goku-" Nothing yet, all of the potions stop affecting me when I transform. 

             Kashi-" Don't worry, you'll get there"

              Shortly before lunch I sense Bulma headed up the mountain. I'm training with Kashi at the moment and she is making use of my size against me. I ask her for a timeout as Bulma arrives. Kashi notices my change in attention and follows me.

           I head to the house knowing she is following the radar, and meet her as she is getting out of her car.

           Ryan-"Hello there, can I help you?"

        Bulma finally peels her eyes off the radar giving me a good look at her face. And she is gorgeous without a doubt. Those pouty lips and that cute nose.l are irresistible. She is petite, more so that I initially expected. Wearing the oversized t-shirt and belt as a sundress, and her hair in a braid gives her a nice tomboy feel. I let out some attraction the moment she looks at me imagining all the dirty things I'd do to her in mere moments by using my mental enhancement ability. My boon hits her and I swear I see her eyes turn into hearts.

           Bulma-" Well aren't you tall, strong, and gorgeous. Do you need a girlfriend by any chance handsome?"

            Kashi-" I don't know who you are, but I'm not letting my brother get taken advantage of by some perverted women. What are your intentions here?" 

         Bulma-" I promise he will be very happy with me. I can be a fantastic girlfriend. See?"

         With her question asked from my side, her arms both wrapped around mine as she holds me tight. I realized this women was coco when she was sixteen and I'm perfectly fine with that.

       .   Kashi-" You are just using your boobs to press against his arms your pervert!"

            Bulma-" It's not perverted if I'm doing it for him right? Afterall he seems to be enjoying it."

           As the girls kept arguing I interrupted them and said.

           Ryan-" Enough ladies. Kashi, we treat guests better than this, and you.... as flattering as this all is, can I get a name?

        Bulma -" Ehh? Oh, right! My name is Bulma Briefs and I'm here looking for the Dragon Balls. 

         Ryan-" My name is Ryan and this is my sister Kashi. Why don't we go inside and discuss this over some tea?

      Being a little dominant i took her hand and guided her inside. Much to her enjoyment as she melted a little under my touch. 

      As I left bulma by the table I went and made tea, Kashi following me into the kitchen.

       Kashi-" Don't tell me you think that valley girl is cute Ryan. She is some stuck up princess I can see it from here."

      Ryan-" While that may be true, she is the Capsule Corp princess for one, and I do think she's cute. Gorgeous even. Don't don't ruin this for me Kashi."

     Kashi-" Hmm, I don't like this. She is a old enough to drive, it means she is atleast 16. She is too old for you Ryan. I don't want you hurt."

     Ryan-" Calm down Kashi I just met her and have no clue what brought her here. She was probably just joking about being my girlfriend anyhow. Just do me a favor and find GG. She wants something with the Dragon ball of his"

      Kashi-" Fine."

      As Kashi takes off in a flicker out the back door, I come back to Bulma fidgeting with a mirror checking her make-up. Deciding to lay on it on thick while we are still young i said.

          Ryan-" Bulma, you look beautiful calm down."

           Bulma-" You, you really think so? You aren't just saying that to be nice are you?"

         Ryan-" Yes, you are an beautiful, don't grow an ego over it ok?"

            The second half of my sentence goes unheard as she just mutters to herself, in disbelief that I called her beautiful.

          Ryan-" You said something about the Dragon balls?"

         Bulma-" huh? Oh, yeah look here. This is a Dragon radar. I made it to track down these."

        As she stands up and shows me the Dragon Balls, GG , Kashi, and Goku return. 

         Kashi-" There is the hussy trying to tempt Ryan, GG."

          GG-" Well isn't she a looker. A real pichi pichi gal for sure."

         Kashi-"GG I'm telling Baba if you don't take this seriously."

        GG-" It seems i have no choice but to take this with the proper decorum.  Hello, I am Master Gohan, I heard you need something from me? 

       Bulma-" Yes, well I was just explaining to this cutie here that I'm collecting the Dragon balls. And the radar I used to help me do that."

         GG-" I  see you already have two of them meaning you want mine for the third?"

     Bulma-"Yes, Master Gohan. If you would be so gracious, I can pay you for it if need be."

      GG-" While I don't need money it is tempting. No, what i need is to know what you want to wish for."

         Bulma-"Well I uh, was planning to wish for the perfect boyfriend."

         Bulma said this in a tiny voice filled with the fear of judgement. I expected Kashi to make fun of Bulma, but she didn't. Instead her big sis instincts kicked in and she gave Bulma a big hug and they started having a girl moment with Bulma taking about all the horrible men, and Kashi talking about being stuck up here on a mountain unable to find a boyfriend at all. Making a tactical decision GG and I retreated to the kitchen.

            Ryan-" what was that GG? I felt a weird presence."

            GG-" That, young man, was women bonding through adversity."

            Ryan-" One second they were at each others throats and the next they are having a deep conversation about love and men like they have always known each other."

            GG-" Ahh, Kashi was just sizing her up. She views you and Goku as little brothers and will probably test any women who steps up to you two. It seems Bulma has passed the test with her little confession."

            GG  and I came out to  hearing some laughter from the girls.

            Kashi-" There they are Bulma."

           Bulma-" Hi Ryan, would you like to sit next me? 

            Bulma has no brakes and now a clear pass from Kashi already.

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            Ryan-" Sure."

           Kashi-" Also we need your Dragon ball GG. If you don't mind."


           As GG went to grab the Dragon ball I asked Kashi. What happened to Goku? Wasn't he with you? 

            Kashi-"I think he ran away to the stream. The last time a person visited he got his shots afterall."

             Ryan-" Hmp, Goku being scared of needles is ridiculous. We can always fill him in later I guess..

              As GG comes back Bulma scoots closer to the table pushing against my side, making her intentions perfectly clear. 

            GG-" I have the four star ball, and if mine is included that gives you four more to find. Are you sure you wish to attempt this Bulma? Many potentially evil people may threaten you on this journey."

            Kashi-" You misunderstand GG, she doesn't need her wish anymore, she found her perfect boyfriend already. I'll be making the wish and taking the boys with me for help. Unless..You want me to tell Baba that my underpants went missing after you washed my clothes.

            GG-" Well, don't let me slow you down, go get your wish, here!"

             Taking no chance in calling Kashi's bluff. GG gives us his ball and kicks us out. A few minutes later some capsules with our clothes and supplies follow.

             GG-" You can pick Goku up by the stream. Take care kids. And Goodluck kashi!

            Ryan-" You almost gave him a heart attack Kashi, not cool."

           Kashi-" He'll be fine. Now let's go get Goku.

             We piled into Bulma's car and made our way down the road until i was close enough and reached out with my mind and told Goku what was going on and where to meet us. Telepathy is awesome at time like these. It's like a call you can't ignore. It makes getting people to listen much easier.

        Bulma had no idea what was going on at all so while we waited for Goku to meet us, Kashi gave her the Ki and magic talk. It wasn't until Kashi started creating illusions of me kissing Bulma all over the car that Bulma conceded that it was true.

             Bulma-" So who is this Goku kid anyway?"

             Kashi-" He is the youngest of us. An adorable goofball is what he is. Always up to something, and a prodigy in martial arts. 

            Ryan-"There he is coming out of the woods."

            Bulma see's the monkey boy making a 20 meter leap ftom the trees and freaks out at his landing thinking him to be dead.

          Bulma-"Is he ok?"

          Ryan-" Yeah, he is fine"

          Bulma-"Why does he have a tail?"

          Ryan-" That's a question you are going to have to ask him yourself if you want an answer."

          As Goku got closer to the car he came to my side asking of if blue haired lady was going to give him shots.

           Goku-" She isn't here to poke me with needles is she?

             Ryan-" Not at all Goku. Now Hurry and get in we are going on an adventure. 

              After Goku climbed in and made introductions, Bulma set out once again headed to the next Dragon ball.

            Ryan-" Goku, there is a a pterodactyl up ahead on the road, want to eat it for dinner?

            Goku-"Lizard meat?

            Ryan-"You hunt, I cook?"

            Goku-"Sounds good to me"

            Ryan-" Hey, Bulma could you stop up here? We need to catch dinner."

            Bulma-" I don't see any water around here. How are you going to catch anything?"

            Ryan-" Leave that to Goku"

            Bulma-" Fine, I need to use the ladies room anyhow."

            Soon after we pull over Goku takes off around a boulder sensing the dinosaur. Expecting atleast a little bit of a fight I'm surprised that Goku comes back quickly with the lizard in tow. Wasnt the pterodactyl intelligent? Does Goku eat talking animals? I'm not sure and honestly didn't expect this. As Goku gets closer i can see that the pterodactyl isn't actually dead.

             Bulma-"Did Goku just bring back a dinosaur? I'm not eating that just so you know. 

              Kashi-"Not just any dinosaur either. This is an intelligent one. He has a bounty out for his capture."

               Kashi begins to look through a book she pulled out of nowhere as Bulma hides behind me and Goku pokes the very unconscious lizard with his pole.

                Kashi-" Here it is. He has a bounty of 2 million Zenny. It says here that he has been kidnapping and eating human girls.

                Bulma-" Are we still eating him? I changed my mind. I wouldn't mind a taste.  

                Kashi-"Not if we want to get the bounty paid. We need to bring him in alive. Thankfully Baba gave me this book for catching bounties. It includes these nifty little tags.

                Bulma-"I don't think fancy bookmarks are going to help us here Kashi.

               Kashi-" These are no mere bookmarks. These are teleprtation and restraint tags. Anyone that gets theses placed on them will be sent to Baba palace and dealt with thoroughly.

                With that said, Kashi pulls out one of the tags made by Baba and slaps it onto the unconscious lizard. In a flash of light the pterodactyl is gone and Bulma is a stuttering mess not believing what she just saw.

               Bulma-"My family and I have been trying to travel the stars for years. And I meet some people in the mountains who can teleport like it's nothing. It's not fair! I will get to the bottom of this magic nonsense one way or another, now let's go already!"

               As Bulma had an existential crisis, Kashi drove letting Bulma sit with me in the back to calm the irate bluenette.

                Bulma-" So Ryan, your sister does magic, and your little brother is super strong. What do you do?

               Ryan-" That's actually simple Bulma. I do both. Although, my magic is different than Kashi's here. She focuses on illusion and weather magic, and her master taught her other powerful skills. I know how to manipulate the elements.

               Bulma-" So if I'm thirsty you can conjure me up some water?

              Ryan-" Not quite. I can condense water from the vapor in the air though.

              Bulma-" So magic does have some basis in science then I see." 

               Ryan-" We met you when you were trying to collect seven wish granting orbs. Why is magic such a scary concept to accept, but the dragonballs are not?

              Bulma-" Hmm, I suppose that's because I didn't expect them to actually work. You see, I have no friends. Not true friends atleast. I have already finished two doctorates in college and my father made me attend a high-school to make friends and socialize. But everyone is mean to me out of jealousy or gets close to me just for my money. Searching for the dragonballs was just me doing something for summer break. Something to keep me busy.

                Goku-" We will be your friends Bulma! 

               Kashi-" I couldn't have said it better Goku."

               Ryan-" I would like that as well."

           With a blushing, small smile Bulma said her thanks for having us and we continued on driving through the evening.


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