Chapter 12: Chapter 12. Restraint

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          As the sun sets we find a place to rest for the night. Bulma said she had brought a capsule home for the journey.

        Finding a place to set it was easy, and soon enough we were inside the house and Bulma wanted to impress me with some pre-made food from her chefs.

        Bulma-" Try this Ryan it's something one of my chefs made, I'm sure you'll love it."

         Ryan-" Thank you Bulma I appreciate you letting us stay in here with you tonight. I know Kashi is happy to have a shower."

         Bulma-" I couldn't treat my future sister in law with any less respect afterall."

         And she already has us married in her head. This girl is off in the land of rose tinted glasses and honestly, I love her innocent attitude. I also can't wait to break it. All in due time though. 

         Bulma-"By the way Ryan, there is only the one bed and the sleeper sofa. Since Goku and Kashi all already sleeping there, I hope you don't mind sharing the bed with me tonight?"

         This is gonna be a rough night. Why did I jinx myself? Maybe I can get kashi to save me?

          Kashi-" Thanks for the shower Bulma, I appreciate you letting me go first. Have you told Ryan about the sleeping arrangements?"

           She sold me out. My dear big sis sold me out for the first shower. As a matter of fact I think she is pushing for it. Her driving to let Bulma hang out in the backseat, and now this. What did these women agree on? 

           Bulma-" Yes i just did, by the way help yourself to whatever food you want. It seems Goku has already went out looking for some real food as he says.

           As Bulma heads to the shower, I give Kashi a telepathic slap.

           Kashi-" What was that for?"

            Ryan-" Whats going on between you two?" 

           Kashi-" I don't know what you are talking about."

            Ryan-" Don't play dumb with me. Kashi, tell me what you girls have planned. You already have me sleeping with her on the first night."

           Kashi-" Don't say it like that, your just sleeping in the same bed. It's not like you are going to do anything."

           I just gave her a look of incredulous disbelief as the words came out of her mouth.

            Kashi-" Fine, the truth is I saw her in your future when Baba and I practiced divination."

            Ryan-" What else did you see?"

            Kashi-" Baba taught me to never sell futunes for nothing Ryan."

           Ryan-" Take my cut of the bounty. Now tell me. What else do you know.

            Kashi-" I didn't see much, just that you get married and have a boat load of kids." When I saw you two in the furture, you were very old. Even some of your kids had grey hair. But they all looked similar to you, and that women in the shower was at your side. So now you know, what are going to do about it?"

            Ryan-" The same as I always have. We both know the future isn't set in stone.

          Kashi-" Hmm."

          As Kashi hummed in agreement Bulma came out in nothing but a towel and strut across the place into the bedroom leaving the door cracked as she went to put on pajamas. 

           Kashi-" That girl has it bad Ryan. You need to do something or she'll drive herself up a wall."

         Ryan-" And what exactly should I do?"

          Kashi-" Those kids were awfully cute. You could always give that a try."

         Ryan-" I think I'm a little young Kashi. You seem to forget that sometimes.

         Kashi-" It's not my fault that you are almost 6 foot tall and speak like an old man."

          Bulma-" Ryan the showers free, why don't you get cleaned up. If you need a hand just ask. I'll be happy to help.

          Ryan-" I'm sure I can handle the shower Bulma, but thank you for the offer."

          I take a shower cleaning all my junk  with extra care, just incase the horny inside that girl needs release, and try to get dressed. Try being the operative word because GG didn't pack and of my Pj's. Deciding to rock the boxers look, I head to bed and see Goku already back and passed out sleeping on the fold out sofa next to Kashi.

         Kashi-" If you go into that room wearing only boxers, you are asking for trouble."

          Ryan-" If I had something else I'd wear it. GG didn't pack my pj's."

          Kashi-" In that case Goodluck, and goodnight."


          Ryan-" Knock,knock it's me can i come in Bulma?"

         Bulma-" Ye, yes I'm ready."

        As i head into the room. I notice it's already dark with only a bit of light coming through the window. I can see Bulma with her back to the light in a trance looking at me as I make my way to the bed.

         Ryan-"Well, you got a good look. Now move over and make some room for me please."

           Bulma"Right, there is plenty of room for both of us."

          As she got up to make room for me i could see through the moonlight of her clothes that she had gone all out and was wearing nothing but the nightie itself. embarrassed from her previous actions she laid on her side away from me as i crawled into bed. The extremely narrow bed that left me no option but to cuddle up to Bulma. Making her the little spoon.

          Ryan-" Don't you think this bed is bit small for the two of us?"

          Bulma-"Not at all i find this perfect actually. Really comfortable."

          Ryan-" Then you don't mind if I get closer do you?"

           Bulma-" Nope, there is plenty of room."

           Having deciding that enough is enough i call her bluff and wrap one arm over her waist and the other I slide under her pillow. I move in close enough for her butt to be pressed against my dick . I can physically feel her heartbeat through her back that's against my chest. As I'm laying there taking it all in, Bulma starts to move her ass just a tiny amount. Grinding against my now growing dick. Before long its pressing against the length of her ass crack and I know she isn't bluffing.

          I make up my mind and roll her to me and grab her chin. I kiss her deeply. Taking charge. Removing my arm from behind her head as I do, I get myself between her legs and kiss her all the way down her chest, until the nightie stops me. Using a bit of magic I store it in my hammerspace raising her excitement even further. 

            I get a good look at Bulma's chest. Her areolas and nipples are such a soft pink that they nearly blend in with her pale skin. I move and take a taste.

            Bulma-" Keep going!"

           I do and keep playing with them until I move further south letting my hands entertain her breast until I end up between her legs. 

           Since she isn't wearing anything I see her bald virgin pussy in all its glory. She is an innei type with only some light fuzz and a slit making itself known. Instead of digging into the main dish I kiss her left and right thighs tracing my lips over hers each time i pass by.

            With the sounds of a needy Bulma becoming louder and louder i give her something that should hold her over for a while. With the aid of body control gained through meditation and ki training. I have excellent tongue control. Putting that to use I give Bulma a tongue lashing.

             She tastes clean, not of any fruit. Just clean. She is extremely hot and bothered by my teasing and I can feel the buildup of heat in her loins through my tongue as I push it ever deeper. While holding Bulma down with my hands on her hips. She has her small orgasms and I build her up for the big one. Slowly increasing my pace in time with her breathing until I feel her legs lock around my head and her hands pressing my head deeper into her depths.

         Bulma-"Yes,  Yes, Yeesss!"

         Bulma is a screamer. As she has her orgasm her pussy twitches and closes pushing my tongue out of her tasty honeypot. And I allow her to rest. 

          Using some magic I clean the sheets of whatever is on them and clear the air if its distinctive smell. When I'm done, I lay down next to a no longer sexually frustrated Bulma. but to my girlfriend, I pull her atop my chest and stroke her hair eventually falling asleep with her in my arms and big goofy smile on both our faces.

           I wake up to my soul being pulled out of my dick. I have had many a morning blowjob and they are always amazing. Looking down i see a still naked bulma between my legs laying on her stomach and her hands on my thighs choking down my dick in an incredibly slow bj. With care she goes down my shaft slowly with obvious inexperience but takes it all down with time, making her way back up, and back down. It's not a fast bj or a nasty sloppy one. She is taking her time and enjoying it, trying to please me. Even after I woke up and started to watch her, she hasn't said a word. Just looking me in the eyes as she takes my dick down to the root once again, her feet swinging in the air behind her as she shows her happiness at her success. She continues her mouth only blowjob for another ten minutes with dedication until I let myself cum. On instinct I grab her by her loose hair and shove my cock as far as it will go. Bulma responds by swallowing my cock as I cum, making the orgasm even stronger for me. 

     Once I release her she runs her tongue all over my balls cleaning everything.

      Ryan-" That was amazing."

       Bulma-" I'm glad you liked it. I had to return the favor after all."

       She says this with a hopeful smile that I recognize as her not being sure what this all means. Even if its cheesy some need to hear it.

       Will you be my girlfriend Bulma? 

       Bulma-" I'd love to!"

        With that settled i get big naked hug from Bulma and do some magic, cleaning us both up.

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        Bulma-" That magic is awfully convenient. It'll make sneaking around much easier."

        Ryan-" Don't get used to fooling around so much. It'll make your brain rot, let's go get breakfast. I'm in the mood for pancakes."

      The following morning was awkward because I had forgotten that other people slept just outside the door to bulmas room. Upon opening the door i get a slow clap from Kashi. 

           Kashi-"if I hadn't learned how to block sound out you would have woken even Goku last night. You didn't hurt that poor girl did you Ryan?"

         Kashi says this while drinking some coffee and Bulma blushes remembering her voice last night.

          Ryan-" I didn't hurt her atleast not yet."

           I notice she blushes even harder at the mention of a little pain in the future. Putting the guy crazy women's thoughts aside I turn and begin making breakfast for everyone. One of the few meals I can actually fill Goku up on.

         As I let the girls talk about whatever, Goku wakes up, being forced to shower by Kashi since he didn't last night.

         It was then that I remembered about turtle. I wonder if he still got lost and is around here. With an easy way to check, I find him with my ki sense not far away.  He seems fine for now, let's finish breakfast first.


          Kashi-" How long are you going to bother with your makeup Bulma? You look fine naturally, I'm sure Ryan likes you as you are."

          Bulma-"Not a chance,  I finally got a good looking man, who isn't after my money. I'm going to look my best no matter what!"

         Kashi-" Yeah, such a man. By the way, do you know how old Ryan is Bulma? 

          Bulma-" Well no, but we have plenty of time to know each other. It'll be fine."

          Kashi-" Whatever Bulma, just hurry up, the guys are waiting outside they found some lost talking sea turtle."

          There was no chance for the turtle to be left behind with Kashi in charge. And Bulma couldn't care less about what we did as long as she was with me. 

          We didn't have to carry the turtle this time. We just drove and I carried him with my telekinesis, much to Bulma's wonder.

            It's smooth travels for us all until the beast man appears. As Goku is sitting on the roof of the car he jumps out to handle the situation.

           Kashi-" Don't kill him Goku he has a bounty out for his arrest!"

      Beastman-" This puny little boy couldn't harm me if he tried. Hahahaha!"

     I don't think the poor guy even saw Goku move, I also swear I hear some bones snapping as Goku kicked him in the face.

        Ryan-" He's still breathing, what's his bounty anyhow?

      Kashi-" A half mil"

       Ryan-" Not a lot, but its free money."

       We continue on the road after sending off our second bounty to Baba's palace.

        Ryan-" So what's the cut that Baba takes on these bounties?"

       Kashi-" She handles transport and collects the rewards." Many top bounty hunters use her service for that alone. But my book is specially made by Aunty. She charges me 1/3 of every bounty flat rate. The teleporting tags are a gift.

        Ryan-" Sounds convenient"

       Goku interrupted our conversation as we arrived

       Goku-" Is that the sea? Its massive!"

       Turtle-" Thank you all for your help. If you stay here ill bring you a gift."

       Ryan-" how about we eat lunch on the beach? I have a BBQ in one of these capsules I'm sure."

        Kashi-" That sounds nice, I'll get Bulma to help me set up some chairs.

        When Roshi arrives he is treated to the sight of both Bulma and Kashi in entirely too revealing swimsuits. Kashi has a fat ass that i have trained a resistance to while Roshi hasn't. So when he seeing them playing in the water his perverted nature shows.

        Ryan-" Put the camera down old timer"

         Roshi-" Get outta my way boy! It's not every day that you see such beautiful young women haha!"

          With his refusal and the speed of pictures being taken it leaves me no choice but to take drastic action. I can't have my Bulma being lewded by anyone but me.

        Ryan-" Thundershock surprise!"


        With his refusal cementing his fate i launch the best non lethal attack I know, stunning the old man and frying his camera.

         Roshi-" What was that for kid!"

          Ryan-" That's for perving on my women old man!"

          Roshi-" You ruined the film! Such a waste."

           Kashi-"What's going on over there Ryan?

          Ryan-" Just stopping the pervert Aunty Baba warned us about."

          Roshi-" You know that old hag? No wonder you are no fun."

          Kashi-" So you are Master Roshi. It seems that Gohan was the better teacher after all."

           Goku-" He's Master Roshi? Show us your Kamehameha then!"

         Roshi-" Haha! I see you know of me. Indeed, I'm the Great Master Roshi. The inventor of the Kamehameha technique. And Gohans Master. It seems you have me at a disadvantage. Who are you all?

          Goku-" I'm GG's grandson Goku, and this is Ryan his girlfriend Bulma, and my big sister Kashi.

          Roshi-" She certainly is big alright hehe, ow! Stop hitting me!"

         Ryan-" Then stop perving on my sister. What are you doing here anyways?"

         Roshi-" Oh, right. Well I was looking for some people who helped my turtle.

         Turtle-" That's them right there Master Roshi."

           Roshi-" Hmm well since you helped turtle I'll give you something as a reward. Anything you want?

          Ryan-" Let us have your Dragon ball Roshi."

           Roshi-" You mean this thing? If you are sure then take it, it's yours. "

          Roshi throws the ball and I catch it. Before he leaves he extends and invitation for anyone who wants to train with him to find his island.

             Roshi-" Goku, your grandpa once said you may want to train with me one day. Are you interested? You may not grow much stronger, but I can help you learn some new techniques.

              Goku-" I would love that Master Roshi, but we gotta get all the dragonballs first. I'll find you after that.

            Roshi-" That's fine by me Goku, the offer is open to you as well Kashi. Goodbye everyone!

            Before he leaves I tell Roshi.

         Ryan-" If you tell anyone that we have the dragonball, I'll tell Baba that you were taking pictures of Kashi's butt."

           Kashi-" He did what!?"


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