Chapter 13: Chapter 13. Porked

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         With us having the 4th ball, and hopefully no Emperor Pilaf on our tail, the journey should be much smoother.

The next stop is the village Oolong takes over. That's still a day away though so we make camp at nightfall as normal. If there is one dish that Kashi makes best it's, Sushi. Tuna sushi to be specific, and we have fresh tuna from the ocean.

     Ryan-" Thanks Kashi, that was wonderful. Bulma and I will clean up, go relax.

    Bulma-" We will?"

    Ryan-" Yes, we will. Now give me a hand."

     Bulma-" Okay, okay I'll help."

      After everyone got cleaned up I was in bed waiting on Bulma so we could get some sleep. She comes in not long after with some beer and notebook.

       Bulma-" Care for a beer? I was thinking we could talk and get to know each there some more."

       Ryan-" That sound fun. Come get in bed with me and pass a beer. What's the notebook for?

      Bulma-" Oh, that's because I wanted to ask you about your magic. What you can do and how it works. I wanted something to take notes with."

       Ryan-" What's got you so hateful of magic Bulma? There has got to be story there."

        Bulma-" It's not that I hate it Ryan. It's just that magic can do so much that we can't even do now. Like your hammerapace. What exactly is that Ryan?"

          Ryan-"Kashi and I both have a hammerspace. This isn't something we made ourselves though. This is a rare technique that requires a master to have at all. Baba made these dimensions herself. In theses pocket dimensions no time exists only matter and magic. She then links them to us in a more than permanent fashion. The extra dimensional space grows over time. We can speed it up a little, but its hardly worth it.  

         Bulma-" And how much matter can you hold right now?"

         Ryan-" To be honest I haven't checked on it in a while I don't use all of it as is. Give me a second"

        I turned my focus inward and checked on my pocket dimension. It's just a bit bigger than I remember it.

        Ryan-" About a 20 maybe 25 ft square box. Its a bit difficult to be exacting unless I fill it up completely."

        Bulma-" And you pull anything you want out at anytime?"

       Ryan-" Pretty much. Although kinetic energy is lost inside the pocket dimension. And storing things that I haven't before are difficult. For example, if you throw a baseball at me I wouldn't be able to put it into my hammerspace before it hit me. Most mages who have one, only use it for things they are intimately familiar with, like their weapon or crystal ball perhaps. So that they can pull them out with speed. But aside from that, it's not a quickly done technique.

       Bulma-" Then what happened with ny nightie? You took that off rather quickly and still haven't given it back."

         Ryan-" What can I say, I was extra motivated. And no, I'm keeping it. By right of conquest."

         Bulma-"You want to conquer me again?"

         Bulma asks that while wearing one of my shirts, the collar hanging low on her chest giving me an ample view.

         Ryan-" Yes i do, just not right now. I want more than just sex Bulma."

           Looking a little reprimanded she continues.

          Bulma-" I understand, what do you want to talk about?

          Ryan-"Tell me about yourself, family, goals. Anything you want to. I promise I won't judge you."


        Bulma and I talked for over an hour having to get more beer as our conversation dragged on. After she told me about her sister and Jaco, and the wonderful adventures they had i realized Bulma may have been a little resentful at her sister for not including her.

          As all teenagers do Bulma made her move and we had a long maekout session before I called it quits and went to bed. this time facing the other way so that she can't tempt me with her perky ass all night. Who says a guy can't be little spoon sometimes? Well Bulma does, because she wasn't having it. I got some rest once she laid on my chest with her pillow and wrapped her legs around mine I have to admit, I could get used to stroking her hair at night. 

             Ryan-"Goodmoring beautiful, lets get some breakfast."

           Bulma-" What are we having? "

          Ryan-" The only thing Goku can cook. Eggs, bacon, and toast."

           Bulma-"Why are you in a rush then?"

            Ryan-" Because Goku is cooking bacon. Do you think he can stop himself from eating it all up?"


             It seems Kashi has been keeping the bacon out of our cooks range this morning. Saving us something other than eggs and bread. 

              Kashi-" You two were up late. Anything your big sis should know?"

              Goku-" They drank beer, I can smell it on their breath."

               Kashi-"And you didn't share? I'm hurt."

          As we ate breakfast with everyone laughing i bring everyone back to task.

        Ryan-" So the next Dragonball is at a nearby village. Last night I did some research and it seems we have another bounty to deal with Kashi"

         Kashi-" Who is it?"

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         Ryan-" Oolong the terrible."

         Kashi-" Hmm. His bounty says he is a shape-shifting monster that is terrorizing the village and stealing their virgin daughters."

         Ryan-" Correct, however you are overlooking something Kashi."

         Kashi-" What am I missing?"

         Ryan-" There is only one place that teaches shape-shifting as described in the bounty. You remember what its called?

          Kashi-" The Southern Transformation School!"

          Ryan-" Indeed this Oolong is probably a nobody who failed to graduate, and scares ignorant people.

           Bulma-" His poster looks awful scary to me."

           Kashi-" And that's all it is. This kind of transformation only makes you have a different form. You stay the same strength as before. There is also another downside, in that it takes a lot of time to gain proper proficiency in the technique. Without it, there is likely a time limit imposed on the user.

          Ryan-" I agree, and I bet this Oolong is a joke. Let's head for this town and get his bounty. It's at a million Zenny already due to the disappearance of the girls."

            As we head to the town I reafirm my decision to deal with Oolong properly. This pervert drugs Goku, and Bulma trying to assault her. With me knowing that, I feel no remorse in sending him off for the bounty. Hopefully far away from Bulma and every other women.

            As we near the village I search for Oolongs mansion, once I find it Goku and I head there while i send the girls to make a deal with whatever villager has the ball. I'm not going to make that old lady give the ball up just to save her town when we already get paid for this. Bulma will probably just buy it off her, or the women gives it to us anyway. 

        Goku and i arrive at the mansion just as Oolong is leaving. I have the tag for this with me just to end it that much faster. As Oolong nears us to try and intimidate us, I say the magic words.

                    Ryan-"Get him Goku."

                    Those were the last words Oolong heard because he was knocked out. Sleeping before he hit the ground. A power pole to the face will do that.

         Goku-" Weak."

       As Goku drowns in his sorrows of weak opponents I slap a tag on Oolong and don't look back as we head inside to get the girls. 

         After rounding up the wannabe city girls we got back to town to a loud applause of  happy villagers having their daughters back. And we got a feast thrown in our honor. We decided to stay the night here in Oolongs mansion. And celebrate, even if it wasn't a big deal for us.

        Goku got his fill tonight, and Kashi was attracting the attention of the men in town getting a lot of drinks. As I stayed near her to keep an eye out, Bulma fended off any women who wanted to approach me with vigor. I find her possessiveness adorable. We found the old lady and got the dragonball by letting her have Oolongs mansion. Since we got his bounty it was ours already. Giving it to her didn't bother us one bit.

          Ryan-"That makes five. Only two more to go!"

         As the night went on we all found a room to sleep in. Bulma never leaving my side. I woke up to blue hair filling my vision. It seems that I was the big spoon last night and that I got a handful of tit right now. Reluctantly I get up. Dropping kisses all down Bulma's check, neck and shoulder as I do. 

           Ryan-" It's time to get up"

          Bulma-" It's too early."

          I pull the sheets up letting the cold air get to her and i see the naughty girl has her hands in her panties flicking her bean.

            Ryan-" What do we have here, huh?

          Bulma doesn't answer my question instead rolling over hiding her face under a pillow.

              Ryan-" I suppose I can fix it."

         Bulma removes the pillow and looks at me with surprise. I wash our mouths out with some magic and sit down next to her.

        I waste no time and kiss her deeply before sliding my right hand past hers into her panties. Without stopping our intense kiss, I find her bean and circle it like a shark getting her wet and needy before I pass it over in favor of entering her. She is wet and has been playing with herself already. My finger slips in easily. I  hook it dragging my fingertip across her g-spot slowly. 

               As Bulma's back begins to arch i release her lips and work on her neck and chest. Before long she has her arms around my neck and she is moaning in my ear in tune with my handiwork. I slowly start to finger her faster and faster never going too deep using my thumb to press against her clit. It doesn't take long for her to start leaking some wetness and my hand starts to make a sound with each stroke. My speed hits a climax on a final stroke I let go deep and fast. I leave my hand there as she cums wrapping he soft thighs around it and leaning in to my chest as her orgasm rolls through her. I can feel her shaking with it's intensity. After she comes down from her high, I plop her back down on the bed and lick her taste off my finger for her to see. I give her butt a little smack to get her out of her stunned stupor and tell her.

           Ryan-"Get up already."


         As Bulma on wobbly knees makes it downstairs for us all to meet up and leave i think of our next destination. Frypan Mountain. On the way we should encounter Yamcha and Puar. My problem with it isn't that he has a bounty,  and a rather high one at that. It's that he shoots a fucking rpg at Goku's group in the original. If I can avoid him trying to, or willing to commit murder on us perhaps I can get him rolled in with the group. I'd love to see Yamcha do well and keep up better. But if he goes all bandit on us I'm going to just cash him in. Puar has no bounty. I can let kashi take the cat.

             While removal is the easiest option he may prove pivotal at some point in the future. I'm not sure if he plays some important role or not. Like the Pilaf gang. Two of then have massive bounties. Should I turn them in? I bet they would escape if I did, but it could delay the Demon King Piccolo saga. Throwing piccolo Jr in jeopardy. I decide to do as I have always done and wing it. If I sense Yamcha early enough I'll intervene in some fashion before he dooms himself.  Maybe get some training from Puar in some way. I wouldn't feel bad with a little manipulation if it's for a better end. 

             As Kashi opens her map we got from GG we both notice that the next Dragonball is at his fellow disciples Castle. But Bulma's map calls it frypan mountain. 

               Kashi-" I knew these old maps would be a problem"

             Ryan-" In this case I think it's a bonus. If the story Bulma told is true then we know who this Ox-King is and may be able to get the ball from our connection."

           Goku-"You think he is strong Ryan?  

         Ryan-" I'm not sure, but I would think so. He trained with GG for a reason." 

        As we make the trip we get to the desert which I assume is Yamchas area of thievery. We use an off road camper Bulma has and begin our journey through the desert.



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