Chapter 14: Chapter 14. Bandit

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     Our first day driving over the desert was boring. I sensed Yamcha once he found us himself. He stalks us all day and when night comes and we turn in he tries to attack, or that was probably his plan. 

    I decide on a way to get Yamcha into our group, and let him not be a douche to myself or the group. With some careful magic manipulation I made some oxygen low air into a bubble. This kind of technique takes a while because i have to filter the gases and hold them together at the same time. If I ever let go of the invisible bubble I'll have to start again. I begin by pulling out a bunch of nitrogen the main component to the air we breath. Then I move onto oxygen not taking as much. I add in some carbon dioxide as a finishing touch. I'm no scientist but I'm pretty sure I got the gases right. Or atleast close enough to knock him out without anyone knowing. Once my Bubble of nightmares is ready, I sneak out of the camper acting like I'm going to the bathroom. I use my speed and move around to behind Yamcha and Puar and listen in.

       Yamcha-" She's Beautiful Puar!"

       Puar-"They both are."

       Yamcha-" Yeah, but the one with the ribbons in her hair was better."

        I don't know if i should be angry that Yamcha thinks my sister is hot or if I should be angry he thinks she's better than my Bulma. 

      Yamcha-" look she's back."

   As i watch Yamcha pull up his binoculars I look at what he's talking about, and see Kashi moving to the bathroom that has open blinds. I must end this now before he peeps on her.

      I lower my cloud over only Yamcha leaving puar alone.

    Yamcha" Do you smell that puar?"

    Puar-" Smell what?"   

    Yamcha-"I, I'm not surre it smeel oddsS."

        Sfx: Puff!!

        As Yamcha hits the ground like a bag of potatoes I raise my cloud and wait.

        Puar-" Yamcha, Yamcha! Wake up! Yamcha! Get up!

      As poor Puar has what looks like a panic attack at Yamcha being unconscious. He unconsciously yells at Yamcha in a desert with nothing to dampen his voice. I give it a few minutes and walk out from where i was.

    Ryan-" I heard you someone screaming is everyone ok? 

   Puar-" No, Yamcha just feel unconscious and won't wake up. Help him please!"

  I run up to Yamcha and pretend to check on him. Not finding anything wrong I suggest to Puar.

     Ryan,-" lets take him to my camper, my sister can help him I'm sure."

    Puar-" Sniff, sniff anything as long as you save Yamcha!"

    Alright, now I feel bad, just a little though. He was perving on my sister. As we make our way to the camper Kashi was already up having heard Puars cries. She meets us at the door.

   Kashi-" What the hell is going on Ryan? And who is that in your arms?

     Ryan-" A man who won't wake up. You wanna give him a kiss to see if it works?"

   Kashi-"Very funny Ryan, now put him in the spare room and I'll check him out."

   Ryan-" You got it sis."

   With my plan in full swing I think over what I want from this plan.  keeping Yamcha here long enough to see the real meaning of strength atleast. If he trains I'll worry about him. If not, I'll forget him. If he makes a full recovery before we get to frypan? I'll just knock him out again. As long as I get him out of the desert and make Puar a friend I think I can just carry him along for the ride. That doesn't mean I'm telling him about the Dragon balls.. That's an unnecessary risk. Also they fit in Kashi's hammerspace perfectly. Not even Bulma can detect them. It also means we can roll up to Pilafs gate without any worries.

     The next morning Yamcha wakes late, and freaks out seeing Kashi taking care of him. I completely forgot about his fear of women. Kashi doesn't let him escape and brings him back to bed.

   Kashi-" You aren't going anywhere until we find out what happened. You have any idea how worried your friend was? Hmm?"

   Puar-"I thinks she's right Yamcha, what if it happens again?"

   Yamcha is promptly brought back to his room and forced to rest by the overbearing Kashi. During the entire time Yamcha was obviously overloaded by Kashi's presence, but he calmed down soon enough to just not make any sense to Kashi.

      Kashi-" He's so cute when he gets all flustered Bulma. You think I look nice? I haven't ever worn make-up before, you think he'll like it?"

     Bulma-" You look beautiful, Kashi, he would be an idiot to not think so."

   As I'm cooking lunch I hear those words from the girls. For the first time in my new life I tripped on nothing. Kashi thinks Yamcha is cute? Since when? what did I do this time?

       Well whatever, she'll dump him once he gets all cocky and looses the exact thing that she likes about him.

      The journey continues at a much faster rate, we stop a few times for Goku and Yamcha to spar. Everytime Yamcha got his butt handed to him, but Kashi would cheer him on happily the entire time. 

        Goku finally got a fight with some talent and was at least satisfied enough to reach the Ox-Kings. In the meanwhile I trained with puar to get the basics of this technique. It was exactly as Kashi and I described it. 

         This technique was actually rather simple. The main feature was it's safety aspect. No matter how bad of a transformation, it wouldn't disfigure you into a hideous beast permanently.

Over the next few days I got the hang of it. Starting with slight body alteration, and moving onto changing my entire form at once. When we arrived at the  mountain 

        Goku-" You see him yet?"

        Ryan-"No luck, but let's keep going he's probably further up. "

        Goku is extremely exited to fight the Ox king and his patience is wearing thin. 

I know we got here sooner than in cannon so hopefully, Chi-Chi is with her father safe still. 

        Goku-" There he is!" 

         We find him and his daughter outside awaiting us. This isn't the Ox, King from dragonball though. He is smaller, much more like his older counterpart, but then he does something I never in my life expected. He performs a strange technique I imagine is like the pump up technique and grows to unnatural proportions.

          Ryan-" Holy, shit!"

         Kashi-" Language! There are kids here!"

         Goku-" My Name is Goku! Grandson and disciple of the Great Master Gohan! Here I come!

          With Goku's declaration of battle finished, he didn't give the Ox King a chance to respond rushing him quickly.

      Using the techniques Gohan taught him, he runs along the ground using his ki to spread the force of his Ki enhanced legs evenly across the ground and to also grip it.

   In order to move across the ground at our max speed we had to learn this, or else our feet become buried or us launched awkwardly in the air. Like someone walking on the moon.

   Goku shows this skill in closing the distance quickly leaving no damage in his wake to the ground, no craters, no footprint, nothing just a puff of dirt and dust. The Ox king swings his axe at Goku before he even arrives, predicting his movement and forcing him to dodge back and try again. 

         These probing attacks go on for a few minutes, but each time Goku comes back it's faster than last time leading to him outpacing what the Ox king can handle. Sadly he can't damage the Ox king.

        Ox-King- Those attacks are too weak to get past my defense in this stronger form, haha!

        Ryan-" Don't go easy on him Goku, always fight your opponent with respect. That means using all you have. Isn't that what GG taught us?"

       At my rhetorical question Goku pulls out his Power pole. With a more serious demeanor he begins his attack anew.

       Goku-"Block this!"

     Goku fires off an extended power pole attack at the Ox king while running at him. The Ox King tries to block but his Axe shatters and the power pole rams into his gut doubling him over.

      Goku-" Thundershock special!"

       Goku's new move launches a Thundershock surprise through his power pole without the need to stand still .

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      Ox King-"AHHHHH, I ,I YIELD!"

      as Goku got his win he didn't gloat or anything he just smiled and ran up to the Ox king.

      Goku-" That was an amazing fight Mister, Ox King!"

     Ox King-"You really are Gohans grandson huh? I remember that power pole. He tried to break it over my head when we were younger".

     As they talked, I saw Kashi and Bulma whispering and pointing like school girls while Yamcha and Puar were stunned after watching Goku's fight with the Ox king. He seemed to have a fire in his eyes I don't remember, and no it's not the fire from the mountain that's still on fire. Deciding to remedy that, I head over to Kashi.

    Kashi-" Don't you think that little girl would be perfect for Goku?

   Buma-" Hmm. She did have that twinkle in her eyes when he fought her father. What have you got in mind?

  Kashi-" just a little behind the scenes help from big sis. I helped you too didn't I?

     Ryan-" Ahem!"

     As they both realized i was behind them Kashi pretends I heard nothing and I don't say anything, she's going to do what she wants to anyway.

    Kashi-" What do you need Ryan?"

     Ryan-" I was hoping we could get a start on putting this fire out. It's just some runaway magic."

     Kashi-"Fine let's go. Bulma, I will talk to you later about our plan."

    Bulma-" I'll keep an eye on them then and fill you in later."

     We got as close as we could to the magic after we got a look, we formed plan.

    Kashi-"you want to get us some water? I don't like the idea of bringing clouds from so far away to get the water we would need."

      Ryan-"Yeah i'll dig a well."

     It didn't take long before we gathered a crowd.

      Kashi-" I have to thank Aunty Baba for this fan again, I can't believe this was sitting around in that perverts house being neglected."

       As she pulled out and praised her prized folding fan again she begin to stir the air by waving her fan bringing all the clouds towards us on the mountain. A process that will take time.

         I begin my part by using a combination of elemental magic and telekinesis, carving out large chunks of solid earth and dumping them off to the side until i hit water, but i don't stop, we need far more than this. I widen the well into a dangerous pit increasing the water i have access to.

         Ox King-" What are they doing!?"

          Bulma-" They said something about putting out the fire."

        Chi-chi-" Really? How can they do that?

         Bulma-" They must have a way."

        Goku-" Sis is going to do her big magic."

        Ox King-" Big magic?

      While the peanut gallery watched on I gathered a large ball of water in my hands and seeded it with some tiny sand. I moved it up into the air letting it join the clouds Kashi was bringing over. As we kept doing this a storm began to brew and lightning was everywhere. 

      Bulma-" phss Chi-Chi, you think Goku is cute right? 

      As Chi-Chi followed Bulma's advice playing the scared girl act up to get Goku's attention during the violent storm. Rain began to fall in buckets on us. Now the real magic begins as Kashi moves the wind focusing the storm on the mountain and i aid by moving the water. We get enough momentum and it becomes a battle to contain the range of the storm, we can see the flames struggling against the rain.

   Kashi-" One last push!"

  Kashi and I give it one last push, with me condensing as much water as i can. Creating a wall of water that falls out of the sky extinguishing the mountain, while keeping the castle mostly instact. As the river of flood water nears us I create some ditches to divert it away. The Ox king rushes ahead to check on his treasure.

     Ox King-" My precious! It's nice to be back!"

    We finally catch up to the wannabe dragon coveting his horde.

    Ox King-" I must thank you for extinguishing those flames. That was a nasty spell I couldn't overpower myself. What are my mystery benefactors name's?

    Kashi-" I am Kashi and this is Ryan. We are disciples of Master Gohan, and Master Baba.

    Ox king-" You learned from both of them! No wonder you put that fire out so skillfully. Thank you kids. Do you want some treasure as a reward.?"

   Bulma-" Excuse me, can we have this?"

   I turn to see Bulma already found the ball.

   Ox king-" Are you sure that's all you want?"

    Kashi-" Some of us including Goku plan to train with master Roshi after we finish our journey. I would like your daughter to accompany us. Could we ask for her attendance?"

   As i hear what Kashi asks for i realize she plans to train at Roshi's, probably to spend time with Yamcha after this is over, and to test the young Chi-Chi's convictions towards Goku. Sorry Chi-Chi this is out of my control.

   Chi-Chi -" I'll do it!"

   Ox king- " Are you sure Chi-Chi? Master Roshi will push you far past your limits time and time again."

   Chi-Chi-" I said I'll do it!"

   Ox King-" You have your answer then. I would invite you to stay the night, but the castle is in no condition. Do come back at another time."

  With our dismissal received we bade our farewells and once we were about to leave Chi-Chi came running out of her temporary home. 

   Chi-Chi-" Goku! Goku! Wait!"

   Goku-" What do you need Chi-Chi?"

   Chi-Chi -" Um, um...will you be my...

   Goku-"I can't hear you, what did you say?" 

    Chi-Chi-"Will you be my boyfriend!?"

  Chi-Chi's little outbursts got everyone's attention, but this new Goku isn't so gullible. Before the silence made it unbearable for the little girl Goku responded.

   Goku-" Sure thing Chi-Chi."

   He gives her a little kiss on the cheek and we say our goodbyes as Chi-Chi stands there like an unmoving stone. When we get almost out of earshot we all hear Chi-Chi screaming.


  Goku-" Getting a girlfriend is easy, why does everyone make it sound so hard?"

  Yamcha's spirit visible withered and Kashi was there to pick him up after that hit.



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