Chapter 15: chapter 15. Gifts

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     We now have six of seven Dragon Balls. Kashi doesn't seem to care about them at all either, because Yamcha is all she seems to talk about.

     Goku-" Sis has been acting funny, Ryan. You think she needs to go to the hospital?"

    Ryan-" Phfff, haha! Your right Goku, she just might. Be sure to tell her that when you get to Roshi's if she keeps acting funny ok? 

   Goku-" Got it"

   Kashi-"Come on boys let's get back on the road!

   We are headed west to Pilafs one star ball. We near the area of the rabbit gang when I see that trees have turned into mushrooms I ask Kashi to check the bounty book for anything local.

     Ryan-" Kashi could you pass the bounty book?

     As I'm flipping through the bounties I see that Yamcha's is torn out completely. She must have wanted to keep it secret. That's dirt for later. I move on until I find who I am looking for. 

      Boss Rabbit Ten Million Zenny reward, dead or alive. Highly dangerous, when he uses his ability to turn people into carrots. Do not allow him to touch you. His organization memebers wear rabbit ears as insignia.

      Ryan-"Hey Kashi, we got another bounty up ahead. One known as Boss Rabbit, also know as Monster Carrot. A whole Ten Million Zenny, dead or alive. Evidently he can turn people into defenseless carrots with only a touch.

     Kashi-" Freaky magic, must be some kind of innate ability. It's far too strong to be some spell or else he would be making money not running a gang. 

     Those are my thoughts as well. We can go to this town and stir the pot until he reveals himself, sound like a plan?

     Kashi-" As good as any, I need to stretch my legs anyways."

     Bulma-" How long have you two been catching bounties for?"

    Ryan-" We just started when we met you. It was something I asked our Auntie about long ago because I wanted to make money and still have time to train. This is also extremely good money. I couldn't pass on it."

   Kashi-" Also because Goku needs some potential life skill or way to make easy money. Lets face it Ryan, he would never be able to do a nine to five job. No matter how much you educated him.

  Ryan-" I beg to differ, he could be a dojo Master easily."

  Kashi-" Have we ever paid Master Gohan?"

  Ryan-"Well, no."

  Kashi-" Exactly. Running a dojo costs money it doesn't make it. Unless you sell assassination contracts like Tao or Shen.

  Bulma-" Assassins!?"

  Ryan-" Yup, Mercenary Tao and Shen are brothers who are both sadistic murderers. And highly dangerous. Be very careful if you see them."

    It was almost noon when we arrived at the town. I also remember Bulma had a bunny outfit on in the original at this point that causes the misunderstanding that she is part of the gang.

    Ryan-" Everyone knows the plan. Let's go."

    Goku, Kashi, Puar, and Yamcha went to the town center to handle their part while Bulma and I stayed behind them.

           Once Goku encounters some of the lackeys he confronts them starting a big argument ending with him beating their ass, but leaving them conscious.

     Goon-"Boss, we need help. The kids too strong!"

     B.R-" Can't even handle a bunch of kids? Pathetic!"

    Goon-" Boss is on his way, and you'll see true strength! Ack!!

   With the call sent out, Goku and Yamcha both started working through the town with speed, taking care of the goons while Kashi calmed the villagers letting them know we were here to help.

     When I saw Boss Rabbits car nearing us I brought my new bubble of nightmares down and walked to the side of Goku while he stood waiting for him.

   However, I'm not a fair fighter like Goku. Especially when the opponent can turn me into food with a touch. This is 20 years too soon. 

    As soon as boss rabbits car nears us I push my 3:1 mixture of methane and oxygen into the cars gaps by the doors filling the car entirely.

    Once boss rabbit opened the door, it was too late. He probably could smell something was off the moment I added the gases, but opening the door was a bad idea.

   Ryan-" Party Poppers!"

   I use a slighty stolen technique that instead of somehow summoning confetti. Mine makes a shower of ki sparks that I point at the infamous Monster Carrot. In an intense flash of heat and an explosion of sound he gets launched out of his car like a cannonball across the street while very much on fire and very much dead. Atleast his face is intact.

     Bulma-" Is, is he dead?

     Ryan-" He better be, he turns people into carrots and eats them Bulma, I'm not taking risks."

     I can tell she doesn't like it, but doesn't voice her concerns here. She just walks back to the camper. Goku, and Kashi don't care which doesn't surprise me considering how many of the Red Ribbon he kills in the original. And kashi is old enough to know that death is a part of our path sometimes.

     I walk up to the burnt hare and check with my ki sense. He is very much dead. 

I slap a tag on him and he disappears like the rest. Another ten million split to add to the bank account. 

      Once the rabbit gang and Boss Rabbit were gone I expected some fanfare, but instead the townsfolk were simply scared of us now. So we went out of town and ate lunch at a good place.

      Bulma-" Couldn't you have just knocked him out like the rest?"

      Ryan-" And if he got free and killed again, those deaths will be partly my fault for not making the hard decision. It's not something I like to do Bulma."

     Bulma-"I still don't like it."

     Ryan-" You don't have to Bulma. Infact you shouldn't."

     After Bulma and I discussed her feelings we left once again headed west


     Ryan-" Hey Bulma do those ravens look a little odd to you?

     Bulma-" Those aren't ravens! They are some kind of reconnaissance drone."

     Ryan-" Heads up everyone, We have company. Kashi switch driving with Yamcha lets fool these stalkers with some illusions.

          Kashi-" That sounds fun, got anything in mind?

          Ryan-" looks like an ambush. How about you place an illusion of the camper 20 meters or so ahead of us? Should let us counter whoever is waiting."

           Kashi-" I can do that and cover us with another illusion to keep us out of sight but I can't stop the dust trail our camper will cause."

             Ryan-" I can handle that with a little Earth magic. I'll just create a fake dust cloud to follow your illusion. It should blend us in as well. And hide the illusions lack of tracks."

          Kashi-" Perfect."

          Ryan-" Yamcha, all you got to do is drive until they ambush the illusion. Once they do I want you to stop ok?"

          Yamcha-" You can count on me!"

      As we travel down the road, Kashi creates an illusion of the camper and I increase the dust trail to obscure our image. The illusionary camper pulls ahead of us and the dust trail follows behind all the while we fade a bit with Kashi's aid, hiding in the fake dust trail helps.

      Puar is tranfixed by Kashi's talent in illusions and can't help but watch her perform the magic.

      Puar-" I must learn that!"

      Ryan-"You could always trade her for training Puar, but let her focus, this isn't an easy technique and it may be a while until they make their move."

      It wasn't long at all. Yamcha even saw them on the Ridgeline before they fired.

      Yamcha-" There they are!"

        Ryan- " Rocket incoming."

   Yamcha slows down as the rocket slams into the illusion, Kashi winces as it gets temporarily dispersed, until a sick gleam fills her eyes.

          Kashi-" Stay here for a second and follow my lead."

          We do as asked by Kashi, and when the smoke clears we see that she created an illusionary crash scene complete with dead bodies and blood. Quickly I put out any fires that are inside her illusion. 

         Bulma-" Whats the big idea Kashi? Thats gross!"

         Kashi-" HUSH!"

        We watched our would be murderer came down the ridge in a giant robot suit with a smoking rocket turret. Without remorse the pilot I know is Shu walked past our corpses to the wreckage.

       Once he gets close, the corpses all start to rise. Of course these are illusions, but Shu doesn't know that.

           In a panic we see Shu spin up the gatling gun firing frantically into the corpses, which does nothing as the bullets simply pass through. As the corpses push him back surrounding him they change becoming ghosts that start to fly at him. At this point he breaks.

          As Shu takes off discarding his mission Kashi drops her illusions.

          Ryan-" Since when have you gotten so good at lifelike illusions? That was perfectly done kashi. I'm impressed.

           Kashi-" Ha, ha, I am to. That was rough, but so worth it."

           Bulma-" He stepped on my dead body, with that junkyard robot. Serves him right!"

           Ryan-" You do realize he believed he is the one who made all those dead bodies? As far as he is concerned he did murder us, he did step on your dead body."

          Kashi-" Enough talk of death Ryan. let's get going, Yamcha keep driving."


         Pilafs personal palace is uselessly large, and has no innocents nearby. I have no intentions of going inside to play his games.

        Ryan-" Our enemy is bunkering down in there. That place is loaded with traps I guarantee it."

       Bulma-"What other choice do we have?" 

        Ryan-" We don't have to play their game. We can flush them out or make a new opening."

        As we were talking a bunch of dogs were released.

        Yamcha-" I'll handle this."

      Wolf beats dog. I took note that he didn't permanently harm any of the dogs either. Good man.

      Shu comes out in another robot suit. With more heavy weapons.


     Goku takes the challenge, not letting Shu fire his weapons. His power pole hits Shu and doesn't stop, pushing him through multiple walls depositing him deep in the mansion. 


      Bulma-"Is that a plane?"

      Puar-" They are running away!" 

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       Ryan-" Goku throw me!"

      I tranform into a steel baseball amd cover myself in ki

      Ryan-"I need to land in the plane!"

      Goku picks me up and tosses me directly at the plane from behind it. 

      I hit the plane going through it's sheet metal with a loud popping noise. Ending up in the rear luggage, i quickly transform back and get ready.

      Pilaf-" What the hell was that!?

      Mai-" It sounded like something hit us in the luggage compartment."

       I find a tiny gap in the seals and tranform into a beetle, moving through the crack and finding Pilaf and Mai. And the suitcase with the ball inside. I move closer to the briefcase and open a hole inside it to get at the dragonball. Once I get to it, I place it in my hammerspace and crawl back out.

       Pilaf-"Who were they Mai? And how do they cloak their dragonballs Mai? Are you listening Mai?"

      As Pilaf berates Mai, I approach the planes throttle as a bug and transform back to my normal form. I proceed to grab the throttle, push it forward, and then snap the handle off. 

    Ryan-" Goodluck!

    Before they could react I jumped out of the plane and transformed into a paper airplane, gliding all the way back with the final dragonball. As Pilaf screams in the distance.

    With this being the seventh Dragonball. We have a complete set at last. As I fly down I see them by the camper.

   Bulma-" That robot Goku destroyed was a hunk of junk on its best day. Argh!"

  I see Bulma throwing what she calls a worthless robot part off to the side, when she sees me instead of the lovestruck Bulma that's now calmed down, the past few days. I get an irrate girlfriend.

    Bulma-" What do you think you are doing buster?

    Ryan-" I was-

    Bulma-" I Don't want to hear excuses, you could have gotten hurt!"

   Bulma-" Promise me you won't be so reckless?"

   Ryan-" I can't Bulma, also we need to have a talk."

  Bulma-" You aren't dumping me are you?"

    Ryan-" Heavens no Bulma, you are my girlfriend. Don't worry, I just need to tell you somethings about myself. Now let's meet up with the others."

   As I took Bulma's hand and found the others, we did a bit of searching around the castle, but found nothing of value.

    Kashi-" We have the final Ball. How do we use it?"

    Bulma-" There are some magic words that need to be said to activate them according to legend. I have them written down here."

    While Bulma searches for her journal I ask Kashi.

    Ryan-" Are you still going to make that wish Kashi?"

  At my question Kashi goes still, obviously thinking.

  Yamcha-" What wish?"

   Ryan-" Don't worry about it Yamcha, it's none of your concern."

   Kashi-" I Don't think I need it, I think I found it myself."

   As she says this she looks at Yamcha successfully diverting his and Puars attention.

   Ryan-" Goku, do you have a wish?"

   Goku-" Hmmm, nothing that we don't already have comes to mind Ryan, you can have it, if you want."

   Ryan-" Can I get the other balls Kashi?"


    As I acquired the full set they began to glow.

   Ryan-" Do you all trust me?"

   Goku-" Of course."

   Kashi-" Yes, I trust you Ryan."

   Bulma- " I do as well."

   Puar-" Kinda."

   Yamcha-" Not really. Ow!"

   Kashi-" That's my brother, you will get along!"

   Yamcha-" I trust you!"

        I get some distance from the I palace.  While the others follow behind and use my telekinesis to place the balls on the ground a good bit ahead of me knowing what happens next.


     As Shenron burst out of the ball in a show of magic and power, the sky darkened. I summoned Shenron for the first time.

     Shenron-" I am Shenron, The Eternal Dragon. Speak your wish, and it shall be granted."

     Ryan-" Shenron, please grant those arrayed before you a gift, great enough to be given by the Eternal Dragon!"

      Shenron-" Your wish, shall be granted!"

      As Shenron worked his magic we each received a box before us.

     Before we could see what we got, the dragon balls floated up high and split away and the sky brightened once again.

     Goku-"That was so cool, we met a Dragon!"

     Bulma-" I can't believe these things actually exist. We must keep one or more at all cost. We can't let anyone else use them."

      Goku-" We have presents let's open them already!

      Kashi-" let's do it one at a time Goku. You can start."

      Goku's box was small, he opened it showing a necklace with an ornate golden chain and golden Dragon figure on it.  

The necklace itself was small, but did Goku just get some dragon swag?

     As Goku looked at it with obvious confusion Kashi interrupted.

     Kashi-" Put it on Goku it's magical. It'll tell you how it works when you wear it."

    As Kashi instructed Goku I saw that it was as she claimed as the necklace stretched over his head as he put it on.

    Bulma-" Well what does it do?"

    Goku-" It's telling me that it's made to help me keep handle my ape problem. There is more to it, but that's all it tells me."

     Kashi-" That's fantastic. And don't worry that's normal. You need to reach a prerequisite to know the rest, you'll figure it out with time."

     Ryan-" Your turn Kashi."

     We watched as Kashi opened hers next and I had a feeling I new what it was.

     Bulma-" Their beautiful!"

     Just as Bulma said, Kashi opened her larger box to reveal two crystal balls that Baba is going to be incredibly jealous over.

       One of the orbs is such a dark black i can't even see any of its texture. it looks like it eats light and the other is white, perfectly clean and bright, yet not harmful on the eyes at all.

       She touches each crystal bonding with them, the black one moves aggressively circling Kashi  while the white one almost seems timid Hiding behind her.

       Kashi-" They have consciousness!?"


       Kashi-" They are talking to me. They are like children, excited by everything. Give me a minute."

      We watch as she learns to communicate with them. As she said they are conscious, but its limited. Maybe they will grow with time.

       Kashi-" From what I learned they are like a familiar and crystal ball in one. They can channel and alter my magic, I can even attack through them. The white crystal can do healing by itself. The black one can change shape allowing me to do this."

      Kashi jumps in the air while the black crystal transforms into a disk under her feet. Holding her midair.

      Goku-" You can fly now, like Baba!"

      Kashi-" The only issue is they need a source of magic to attach to, and they aren't cheap to maintain, indefinitely. especially when in use during a fight. I'll have to completely rework my fighting style."

       The orbs somehow looked ashamed as she listed the issues with them, and perked back up as she exclaimed.

      Kashi-"But, I love them! So what did you get Bulma?"

      This was all the prompting the bluenette needed.

      Bulma-" It's some kind of tablet."

      Bulma figure out the unfamiliar device in seconds showing off her mind.

      Bulma-" It's an index of technical guides on technology from around the universe! Stuff from a bunch of races! Some race known as the Tuffles fill the majority, but it also includes other races who surpassed them in a unique field! This is a treasure trove of knowledge! Thank you Ryan!

     Ryan-" Thank the Dragon. How about you Puar, you ready? "

     Puar and Yamcha getting gifts was not the intention of the wish, however it's a nice bonus all things considered.

     Puar had the largest box of all of us. As he pulled the lid off, the sides of the box fell as well revealing a neatly stacked pile of gold coins.

     Puar-" We are Rich now Yamcha, no more dirty deeds for us promise?"

    We all looked to Yamcha putting some pressure on him.

    Yamcha-" I promise Puar. We stay on the straight and narrow."

     Kashi-" Good, now show us what you got Yamcha"

     I was actually highly intrigued at Yamcha's gift. What would the Dragon give him?


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