Chapter 16: Chapter 16. Parting ways

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          Puar-"What is it Yamcha?"

          Yamcha's gift was on the smaller side. As he opened the lid it revealed a blue stone.

          Yamcha-" This stone is telling me it will automatically take me to a some place called Yardrat for exactly one year to be trained by an awaiting hidden master. To activate the ticket I need to be able to destroy it with my Ki.

          Yamcha didn't look very excited but this was a big chance for him. 

          Kashi-" I don't want you to leave. We just met!"

          Yamcha-"I won't be going soon. I can tell that I'm nowhere near strong enough to harm this stone, for now."

          Ryan-" The Dragon wouldn't send you to some two bit Master, Yamcha. Remember that."

          Goku-" And we already are going to  Master Roshi's soon. We should do that first."

          Kashi-" You are right Goku. We must pick up Chi-Chi on the way. Ready to see your girlfriend?"

          Bulma-" Enough everyone, we still haven't seen Ryan's present yet."

          Goku-" Hurry up, open it!"

          With everyone's eyes on me I opened my box to find a puddle of liquid silver. It stirs and slowly reaches a tentacle like appendage of itself towards me and once it finds me it latches onto me much faster than I can react.

           Bulma-" What the hell is that thing!"

           Goku-" Is it trying to eat him?"

           Kashi-" Calm down everyone, let it do whatever it needs to do. Remember it was his present, not a punishment."

       As our big sis said, the silver liquid had calmed down as it formed over my face and under my clothes over every inch of my skin forcing me to close my eyes and hold my breath.

            Whatever this was didn't seem to have a consciousness like Kashi's gift, however it was doing something. When I was about out of breath and had no choice but to breath, and I opened my mouth, and nose the silver liquid slid inside of me becoming a part of me. Much to the worry of others.

            Bulma-" Oh my God! Burn it with fire!

            Puar-" I don't like this Yamcha!"

            Goku-" Now Ryan is eating it!"

            Kashi-" Eww."

            Yamcha-"Who are these people!"

       Once I recollected myself, I found the knowledge just as Baba taught us. It seems I have some kind of magic metal symbiote thing.

            Bulma-" You still are my boyfriend right? That silver liquid didn't steal your body?

            Ryan-" I'm quite alright Bulma. The gift is some kind of dragon made magic symbiote. It has no will and responds to my commands like a new hand. It grows with me and enhances my abilities. It constantly adapts everyntime its damaged remaking itself stronger. I can also do this!"

             I punctuate my statement by expelling some of the silver liquid through the skin of my hand harmlessly. The liquid quickly forms a long blade in my hand.  I continue playing with it forming shields, spears, and various other simple tools.

           Ryan-" Weapons made from this mysterious metal are always able to exert more power than I can without them. This is normally a problem with most other weapons. when we get too strong, they become fragile. Or you have to reinforce them and that's difficult and hardly efficient. But this will always be useful to me, it's a part of me, it is me."

          Kashi-" That's a fancy gift. It suits you well."

          Bulma-"More magic bullshit. Hmp!"                    

         I then let the metal form metal gloves hitting them against each other and ask Goku if he wants to spar. Knowing the answer.

          Ryan-" Up for a spar Goku? 

          Goku-" Always, let's go!"

        Goku and I head a bit further away while the rest stay back. Puar is getting my sister's help in storing the money, and like a good disciple of Baba she is getting a cut.

           Ryan-" I need to test out this gift properly so let's start slow alright?"

           With an affirmation from Goku we take our positions. Over the years Goku has gained an edge in our spars with his infernal power pole. Let's see how my magic weapon stacks up

             As we begin I start with only using it on my hands. Goku starts with a simple extend. Instead of dodging it some of the material forms a shield as I will it to, and I deflect the incoming attack.

             I move forward towards Goku after deflecting his hit trying to close the distance. But he simply shrinks his power pole faster than i can move and attacks again

           Goku-" Extend! Extend! Extend!"

            Goku begins to rapid-fire his power pole at me being a cheese as I deflect each and every blow. Eventually i force him to jump back as i get too close. But it gives me the opening i wanted, I lash out with a whip of magical metal catching him by his foot and slam him into the ground below him

        With the metal being an extension of me I can manipulate it in any way I want, that includes the weapons or contructs I make from it.

         I don't let go of Goku and teach him the price of getting caught by picking him up and slamming him repeatedly back into the same place without having to move my body at all, my body itself is just the leverage to keep me anchored, all the action of slamming him into the ground is handled by the whip itself. This gift truly is like another appendage that can Manifest anywhere on my body.. Deciding to let go, i throw Goku a distance away, dirty, and little beat up, but smiling.

          Goku-" Finally I get a good fight! Lets go!"

         This time Goku approaches me going all out, he gets into melee range past my whip and we start to duke it out. Everytime he is about to land a hit my skin turns silver and takes the damage and everytime I hit him, my fist does the same turning silver and hitting him doing more damage than I would normally. Goku retreats once again.

            Goku-" Its like punching and getting punched, by a solid metal wall, ouch!"

           By the end of first exchange I have learned much more about this magic metal, and have ideas swirling in my head. Deciding to end this spar Goku and I both power up and clash once again, but this time my dominance is clear as I tank most of Goku's hits, I'm simply too durable now with this magical addition for him to actually hurt me, and too fast to avoid like he did the Ox king.

            As the fight nears it's end I decide to use a little magic and start forming stone balls and using them to corral Goku  and keep his power pole busy

            "Boulder Barrage!"

           Using my telekinesis to the max i launch multiple boulders at Goku and approach behind the second to last. Once it gets broken by his power pole I jump in close and hit him in the shoulder with a long warhammer formed from the metal, burying him in the ground.

            Kashi-" Alright that's enough boys."

            Ryan-" You ok in there Goku?

            Goku-" Ow,ow,ow ,that hurts!"

            Ryan-" Well it isn't suppose to be feel nice."

            As Goku gets out of the shallow hole holding his shoulder, I know for sure he got a zenkai out of it, maybe not a large one though.

           Kashi-" Come here Goku we will patch you up at the camper.

           Goku-" I'm fine sis."

     When Goku says that Kashi just glares at him not saying anything.

           Goku-" On second thought I'll follow you just incase"

           Kashi-" Very good."

          As those two leave with Yamcha and Puar following, Bulma comes over.        

           Bulma-" You said you wanted to talk about something earlier?"

           Ryan-" Yes I do Bulma. There are things about me you deserve to know, sooner than later."

           I take Bulma aside and find a place to sit down pulling her into my lap.

           Ryan-" Number one is that I intend to keep going down the dangerous path of magic and martial arts. So if you expect me to get a job and settle down you'll be disappointed, however I can make money on my own just fine, as you saw during this trip."

        Bulma puffs her checks and looks the other way obviously not liking my declaration.

        Bulma-" Fine, i can deal with that. What else is there.

        Ryan-" This one is a little more hard to say honestly."

        Bulma-" Harder than telling me you are going to be in danger all the time? This must be pretty big."

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        Ryan-" You remember when Goku explained his tail and you found out he is an alien?

        Bulma-"Are you an alien too?"

        Ryan-" No, but I'm far from normal. My body is unique to say the least. GG thinks I was changed by magic somehow.

        Bulma-" I'll say. You are one good looking man."

         Ryan-" About that. One of the unique things about me is that I grow fast. Bulma, I don't know how old you thought I was, but I'm only thirteen.

         Bulma-" Funny joke Ryan. But there is no way you could pass for only thirteen. You almost had me there though. If i did all those things to a young boy, I would be a pervert and since I'm not one, you must be older than thirteen."

         Deciding to let that sink in before i come back to it I move on

         Ryan-" Next is that I'll age slower after I reach adulthood. I shouldn't have an issue reaching over 200 years of age."

         Bulma-" So you are telling me that not only am I older but I'll age faster than you? Are you trying to make me a fool Ryan?

         Ryan-" I'm not done Bulma, I'm also 5 times stronger and 10 times more durable, even more so with this new liquid magic metal.

         Bulma-" What else it there hmm?

         Ryan-" I'm an all around better human. Eyes, skin, reflexes. it' mostly positive but there are some drawbacks."

         Bulma-" It certainly doesn't sound like there are any!"

         Ryan-" Watching all my friends die to old age sounds like it could be a curse Bulma. Imagine outliving your kids."


         Ryan-"Exactly, and there is one more thing."

         Bulma-" What else!"

        Deciding to blame my unwanted fertility boon on my physique. I tell her the most awkward part of this conversation.

         Ryan-" As i said everything about me is better, even my spunk. There exists nothing that will stop it from achieving it's goal if possible."

         Bulma-" You mean we can't even fuck unless I'm willing to get knocked up? That can't be true, i'll prove it to you back at my lab."

         Ryan-" And how exactly do you want to prove it huh?"

         Bulma-" Through science!"

         Ryan-" So we just do it with white lab coats on?"

         Bulma-" You are impossible!"

       As Bulma storms off toward the camper likely to verify things with Kashi I just thank the Kais that she didn't take it worse.

         Kashi-" So Goku, Puar, Yamcha, and myself are going to Roshi's and we will pick up Chi-Chi on the way. Bulma is letting us borrow the camper and a boat. Combined with GG's map we just have to go there." 

        Ryan-" Sounds like you have all you need. Did you ask her for an aircraft?"

        Kashi-" She only has the two person one that you two are using unfortunately. By the way how is she taking it?"

        Ryan-" As good as to be expected. She  didn't want to believe it when I told her, but with you and Goku confirming it, she can't escape reality."

        Kashi-" You two will be fine, don't worry. Three years seems like a lot now, but give it another decade and it's meaninglessness."

        Goku-" lets go to Master Roshi already!"


      As we all gather outside Bulma and I say goodbye to everyone.

        Bulma-" Bye talking cat! See you later Goku. And you better use that phone and call me Kashi!

        Ryan-" I'll see you all after you finish training with Roshi okay? And Goku thanks for giving Bulma your old space pod, if we find anything out you'll be the first to know.

        Kashi-" Give GG my best Ryan. Tell him i'll be back once the training is over.

        Goku-" Thanks for the wish Ryan. This necklace will help alot.

        Ryan-" You are welcome Goku. Take care."

        Bulma-Ryan-" Bye!"




        For the first time in three years since I arrived I'm splitting off from Goku. The only real change so far is he didn't get the nimbus. I bet he will get it soon though, it's not like many others can even use it. And with Kashi going to Roshi's I bet there will be far less antics going on. Poor krillin is going to have a difficult time with Goku being so strong. I can only hope he becomes a good friend of Goku's still. I honestly don't want to have to get blown up by frieza to trigger his transformation.

           As we fly towards where Bulma met us she is extremely quiet. There is something on her mind, because this women doesn't stop talking for no reason.

          Ryan-"Okay Bulma, quit brooding and talk to me."


         Bulma tries to ignore me giving me the silent treatment. The longer i let this go on the worse it will get. With that in mind I move behind her and bring my lips to her check and down her neck giving her small little kisses the entire way that eventually break the pouty Bulma.

         Bulma-"Alright, alright i'll tell you!"

         Ryan- " I'm listening."

         Bulma-" I was just thinking that if everything you said is true."

         Ryan-" It is."


         Ryan-" Sorry continue."

         Bulma-" If it is true, that I'll need to find the Dragonballs again."

         Ryan-" And why is that?

         Bulma-" A couple possibilities. I could wish to be like you. Or atleast have the same longevity. It's not like I would enjoy growing old infront of you.

         Ryan-" What else?

         Bulma-" If your seed is verified to be as effective as you claimed. I could wish to either have a body to be able to bare children easily, or control the rate of gestation to circumvent the issue entirely. Which i still don't believe by the way! This makes no sense!

          Ryan-" That's actually not a bad idea. Anything else?

         Bulma-"Magic is bullshit!"



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