Chapter 17: Chapter 17. West city.

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          Bulma and I made it to GG's safely, landing on the dirt path by the cabin.

          GG-"Nice to see you again Ryan, Bulma.

          Ryan-" It's nice to see you as well GG"

          GG-" Well, come on in and tell me about your trip, and where Goku and Kashi are.

          Bulma and I went inside. I made some tea letting them talk a bit. Coming out with everything I hear some of their conversation.

          GG-" What he said is true Bulma. I can confirm that, I was there just like Kashi and Goku. But, there are many ways to live longer, not only the Dragon balls."

          Ryan-" You already told him about the summoning I see."

          GG-" Yes, but she didn't tell me what the wish ended up being."

           I settle in at the table and let Bulma  tell the story until, it got to Kashi and Yamcha.

          GG-" He isn't some punk is he Ryan?"

          Ryan-" He has real talent. But I'm worried his ego may get the better of him once he gets ahead. Kashi is good at keeping him in line though. As far as Kashi goes, she's safe. He doesn't have what it takes to make a move anytime soon."

          GG-" Good, good. That calms my heart, I wouldn't want Kashi wasting her first on some chump."

          GG-" So what did Kashi wish for? "  

          Ryan-" She didn't make a wish, she gave it to me."

          GG-" Oh really? She must like this fellow a lot to give up her wish. So what did you wish for?"

         Ryan-" She's head over heels for him. Anyway I asked the Dragon to give us as all gifts."

         GG-" That sounds like a good wish. It gives everyone something. What did you all get?"

        Bulma-" I got schematics and knowledge from civilations across the universe. Expect capsule Corp to change drastically in a few years."

        Ryan-" Kashi got a pair of living crystal balls that Baba is going to be insanely jealous over. And Goku got a necklace that is suppose to help him retain control whenever he turns into a Great ape. How it works I'm not sure. Kashi's new boyfriend got a peculiar stone that he needs to be able to break with his ki. Once he does he gets taken to a hidden master that is awaiting his arrival. The magical cat got a massive pile of gold to ease his worries.

        GG-" It Sounds like the Dragon took care to make his gift personalized for each of you. What did you get Ryan?"

        Ryan-" Mine is odd GG,  it's some kind of magic metal tool that bonded with me. I have full control over it like a part of my body."

       I continued on telling GG about what I learned in the spar with Goku. I then begin to show him by forming a small knife of it in my palm.

        GG-" Thats very interesting, I can't say I have ever heard of, or seen anything like this. What do you call it?"

        Ryan-" I thought of that, and nothing sounds good." 

        GG-" Well that's the easy part, because I think this magic metal changed you more than you realize."

        Ryan-" What do you mean GG?"

        GG-" I may not know much about magic but I can tell that this one isn't just some liquid weapon that you can whip out whenever. You said it responded to your attacks and defense? Even hits Goku landed that you didn't see coming?"

       Ryan-" Now that you point it out, I see how odd that is. It's like it automatically took the damage."

      GG-" Or it's always active."

      Ryan-" What do you mean?"

      GG -"You said it bonded with you right? For all intents and purposes you are the magic metal now Ryan. Instead of just forming weapons try to alter your body."

      Ryan-" Hmm maybe you are onto something."

      GG-" Don't worry about it for now. It's as you said, the Dragon wouldn't give you a faulty gift. let alone one he made just for you. And didn't Kashi say that you get more information once you reach a threshold? Maybe you'll find out more as you get stronger, or reach some enlightenment. I also deduced what appears to be a theme that the Dragon used for all the martial artists in the group. For instance, Goku's necklace has hidden capabilities, Kashi's orbs grow with time as they learn, even this Yamcha guy has to get to a threshold to activate his gift. I think all of them will keep on giving if you work for it."

     GG's words had me stunned for a bit, but it made sense. Even if I didn't fancy the idea of being part magic metal I may need to lose that mindset.

      Ryan-" I will have to ensure this gift doesn't go to waste GG. Thank you for your wisdom."

      GG-" You two lovebirds ok sharing dinner with an old man?"

      Ryan-" I would love to, how about you Bulma?"

      Bulma-" I don't mind, I'm tired of flying. Could we go get the pod as well? I would like to install the capsule tech to shrink it."

      Ryan-" Not a problem, we already brought it down the mountain I'll show you where we put it."

      GG-" Dinner will be done in an hour you two have plenty of time."


      After dinner Bulma fell asleep having been too worked up over the Saiyan pod. I brought her to my room upstairs to let her sleep. Coming back downstairs to enjoy the after dinner tea and conversation with GG.

       GG-" So what are your future plans Ryan?"

       Ryan-" Go to West city and get Goku's cut for the space pod tech first. Baba already got our accounts set up long ago, so I'll deposit the money there. I assume Bulma wants to do all kinds of tests to my body. I'll probably meet her parents while I'm there."

       GG-" That's good. Goku needs a nest egg. I won't be around forever. How long do you plan on being gone for? Do you know the 21st world martial arts tournament is next year?"

       Ryan-" While that sounds fun, I'm not a pure martial artist like Goku. Also this magic metal would never qualify. It's not something I can set aside. It's as you said GG, a part of me."

       GG -"Well I expect you to be there even if you can't compete. I'll be sending a letter to Roshi asking him to take Goku and enroll him in the tournament. I'll be meeting you both there."

      Ryan-"A year will give me plenty of time to do what I need to, I'll be focusing on this new part of me I suppose. I hope this didn't change anything else about me."

     GG-" Find Korins tower, you may find the answers you seek there. Goodnight Ryan."


     With those words GG went to bed in his own room, and I sit here thinking about what this magic exactly is. While looking at the moon I get an idea and form a knife and cut my left hands plam. The first attempt fails because my defense is so freakish due to the metal. I try again attempting to break my new silver skin to see what is underneath.

      When the blade finally makes it past my skin I watch as red blood flows out of my body down between my fingers until i watch my silver skin reforming quickly behind it leaving no scar or blemish. Just a little blood.

        Well I'm not entirely made out of magic metal, which was my worry. However it is truly a part of me. It even healed me, or did I heal myself? This is confusing, it's time to sleep. I'm not a T-1000. That's good enough for me.


     The following morning I get up early absolutely starving. Wait I'm hungry? I haven't been hungry in years! Something  has changed. I decide to listen to my body and eat. I have enough reason to cook breafast and not eat standing in the kitchen if only barely, as I set the table GG comes over.

      GG-" Goodmoring Ryan, you cooked a nice breakfast, thank you.

      Ryan-"Goodmoring GG. Truth be told I'm being a little selfish. I feel as hungry as Goku right now."

      GG-" Those are big word Ryan."

       I didn't respond to GG as i was too busy eating. By the time I finished  I had ate Bulma's entire portion ontop of what I made for myself. I don't get bloated due to my boon, however I shouldn't need to eat like this to feel satisfied. It must be due to the magic metal.

    Ryan-" GG I think the Gift is the cause of my appetite."

    GG-" That's for certain. If you need answers you can always try Baba Ryan."

   Ryan-"I think I'll try to figure this out on my own. I have a year to learn before the 21st tournament. If I don't figure it out by then I'll seek her aid."

   Bulma-"You didn't save me anything?"

   I look over to the stairs and see Bulma has gotten up, and there isn't any food left for her. Time to wing it!

   Ryan-" I was going to make yours fresh, so what do you want?"

   Bulma-" Oh that's sweet of you Ryan, I'll have some scrambled eggs and toast. You got any coffee?"

    Sure thing Bulma.



     Ryan-"Goodbye GG, don't forget to use that number to call Kashi."

     GG-" I will Ryan, you two take care. And have fun in West city. They have some lax laws, haha! Bye!

     As Bulma and I left on the plane with a shrunk space pod, we made our way to West city. Bulma and I got to talking.

    Bulma-"Have you ever been to West city Ryan?"

     Ryan-" No. I have heard of the giant indoor amusement park. And of course, it's home to Capsule Corp."

     Bulma-" You are correct on both counts, however it's also a massive city. One that my family has put in an incredible amount of effort to modernize. It's an expensive place to live, you could save a lot by staying with me, what do you think?"

   Ryan-"I think your parents are asking for trouble if they allow that. But I don't mind Bulma. I would be happy to take you up on your hospitality."


   Bulma was not lieing when she said West city was massive. We flew for over 30 minutes over the city and were only near the center when we landed and walked to capsule Corp. Above our heads are walkways suspended midair for foot traffic and flying vehicles even further above fill the skies. It was a clean and cared for city. As we passed the gate and entered Bulmas compound she entered a code into a panel beside the door. It opened revealing a pink maid robot, cleaning.


       Maid-bot-" Good afternoon Miss Bulma.

       Bulma-" Where is my dad?"

       Maid-bot-" Dr. Briefs is presently in the garden."

       Bulma-" Oh, okay. By the way what's for dinner tonight?" 

       Maid-bot-"Stuffed quail"

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       Bulma-" Sounds good, make an extra portion for my boyfriend here. He will be joining us tonight."

       Maid-bot-" It would be my pleasure Miss Bulma."


      Bulma and I continued on through the wide hallway which opened up into the garden.

       Bulma-"My father rescues many  unwanted animals. Dogs, cats, birds, even the odd dinosaur. They all have a home here."

     The first floor of the compound is a massive indoor garden full of trees and plants even grass, with animals everywhere.

     Ryan-" I like your father already. He must be a kind man."

     Bulma-"Dad, there you are!"

     Mr. Briefs-" Oh, who's your guest¿"

     Bulma-" Dad this is my boyfriend Ryan."

      Ryan-" Hello Dr. Briefs, it's a pleasure to meet you. I love this first floor garden. The animals are happy and healthy. It takes a kind man to go through this much effort."

       After I made my introduction to Dr Briefs his little black cat jumped off his shoulder onto mine.

       Dr. Briefs-"Bulma, I think you found a good one dear. Scratch doesn't allow just anyone to pet him."


       Dr. Briefs-" That's enough Scratch. This young man has already stolen my daughter he can't take you as well."

       Bulma-" DAD!"

       Dr. Briefs-" It's just a joke honey calm down. Will you be staying for dinner with us Ryan?"

       Bulma-" He will be staying with us for a while dad. He is new to the city."

       As Bulma says this Dr. Briefs ignores her. He pulls out a what looks like a cigarette pack and knocks out what looks like a cigarette, lighting it up and exhaling a very not tobacco smoke.

       Ryan-"Can i have one?

       Dr. Briefs eyes me.

       Dr. Briefs-" Welcome to the Briefs family home Ryan. We will get along well. Here you go."

       As the old man passes me my first taste of weed in well over a decade I tell him.

       Ryan-" We also brought back a bunch of alien technology and schematics. I'm sure Bulma will fill you in."

       Dr, Briefs-"You sure know how to impress me young man. Make yourself at home. I only ask you treat Bulma well."

       Bulma-" We are leaving before you corrupt him any further! Lets go Ryan!"

      As Bulma drags me away to the chuckles of her father I ask.

      Ryan-" Hey Bulma, you got a lighter?

    Mrs. Briefs-" Don't worry darling I always have one just incase, here."

      Ryan-" Thanks!"

      Bulma-"This is so embarrassing!"

      Ryan-" I believe you are over-thinking it."

      Bulma-" Whatever let's go to my room."

  Mrs. Briefs-" They'll make such cute grandkids. I can't wait."

      Bulma- "Ugh!"

  Mrs. Briefs- "She is in such a mood today."


   Ryan-" This looks more like a garage than a room Bulma. You even have a hood vent for soldering. And how many bikes do I see half torn apart? The only thing remotely girly is this pink wristband."

    Bulma-" I'll have you know my room is divided into two parts. Beyond that door is my bed and stuff. This is my workshop. And this wristband is what I was working on last. It's suppose to shrink me down to a fraction of my size."

    Ryan-"That's actually pretty cool."

    Bulma-" You bet it is. Now let me change and we can get you settled in. I'll give you an empty room nearby. Then we can go out and get you some nice clothes."


    Life at Capsule Corp is easy. Everything Is automated to the point my dirty clothes appear clean and folded in my dresser without doing anything at all except take them off. Bulma's parents were stupid rich hippies, nothing else is more accurate. Dr. Briefs also grows some damn strong pot, much to my enjoyment and Bulmas anger. Anything that reminds her of her father or mother just pisses her off. I suppose it's the teenage rebellion getting the best of her. She even stopped using the capsules for an entire week when being reminded who invented them. 

        It's been a month since we arrived and Bulma has gotten over disassembling the Saiyan pod and conferring with her father about the knowledge on the tablet and moved onto me.

       Bulma-" Magic is bullshit!"

       For the umpteenth time today I hear those words coming down the hall towards my room 

       Bulma-" I need another sample!"

       Ryan-" How are we going to get it? Everytime we damage me enough to get blood, my defense adapts. Besides I'm running out of blood."

       Bulma-" Not from what the tests show. You regrew your finger in an day Ryan. A little blood isn't too bad. I still can't believe you cut your own finger off. Or that it regrew, bone and all."

       Ryan-" Don't remind me. That was incredibly weird."

       Bulma-" Was it that the finger crawled on it's own leaving a blood trail or the fact that even turning it into mush with a hydraulic press only made it move slower?

        Ryan-" Neither, it was the incredible amount of food I had to eat after we damaged it. And how it changed after that."

        Bulma-" That seems to be part of its function. Once damaged it evolves to fix the weakness. It seems food plays a part. The more of that life energy that is present in the food the less it needs to complete the change."

        Ryan-" This reminds me of a Saiyan zenkai with a heavy defense focus. Have you deduced anything else?

        Bulma-" Well i kept track of your power level after you asked me to make one of those energy detectors. Yours increase from 122 to 125 overnight. It seems something refined itself in your sleep after loosing that finger.

         Ryan-" Is there more?"

         Bulma-" watch this video in super slow-mo."

        Bulma sits down in my lap where I'm meditating, rubbing her perky ass on my dick being a tease.

         She plays the video of my finger being cut off and I see what she wants to show me. We watch as my hand turns into silver when being attacked. Always at the moment of impact the silver color appears.

         Bulma-" I think GG is correct. Your skin doesn't turn into metal when struck. It is metal already. I think it simply hardens when impacted. And the color shifts as a result."

          Ryan-" So it really replaced my skin?"

          Bulma-"No, it added another layer of skin. Or should I say scales. The stuff that went inside you is the stuff you call upon to make weapons. That is my current hypothesis."

           The video continued and when the point of the saw touched my skin she paused it and zoomed in. We could see what looked to be near microscopic scales in a pattern.

          Ryan-" Are those scales?

          Bulma-" Yup, and an extremely strong defense when woven so well. I want you come over to the lab and let me shoot you a bit."

          Ryan-" lets get it over with then, I want to get back to meditating."

          Later that night I was meditating. I was trying to figure out what the complete capabilities of the metal were. I can imagine them being the key to a mastered kiaoken at the very least. I could stay relevant until the end of cell possibly, with only that due to my extreme durability. But there has to be more to this.

         As I'm playing with the large bubble of what I'm now calling Quicksilver for lack of a better name. I throw a bunch of it a distance away, then i bring it back to me with my telekinesis. 

         We have found that damaging and potentially destroying the magic metal skin makes me hungry afterwards. More so if I don't let the magic metal reabsorb into me trapping it. Much to mu wonder i can't destroy it at all because the metal is immune to my ki and magic. This hunger is likely to gain fuel to make the adaption, or more metal. The odd part is that the large volume of Quicksilver i can use to create things comes from inside of me. but we can't find where it stores itself when not in use. There is no added weight at all.

         When i reabsorbed the Quicksilver I think back to the scale pattern. GG was correct in that it became a part of me. As Bulma found that it created a layer of tiny scales ontop of my skin. Going with that thought I think of adding more scales upon my body and like a reflex all off the quicksilver I was playing with and more comes out of me and forms larger green scales covering my body. I grow slightly taller and bulkier. My hands change with my nails becoming black and gaining a sharp hooked edge. I look up at my bedroom mirror and see two small horns on my head and a mouth full of sharp teeth. This has got to something important. My new form looks natural. No metal is showing at all. I look like some kind of fantasy lizard man. Without a tail. When I think of a tail one sprouts from my tailbone and I feel a rush of information and fatigue.

         Before my excitement gets the best of me the transformation ends with the Quicksilver returning and I'm left panting on the ground.

         Bulma-" What the hell was that! Your power level just spiked! I'm on my way!"

        As Bulma yelled over the intercom I lay on the floor unable to move.

        Ryan-" Something I'll need far more training to use effectively."

        I see Bulma arrive walking into my room in her pj's

       Bulma-" So what happened?"

       Ryan-" I figured out some kind use of the metal that strengthens me."

        Bulma-" I'll say, that boost topped out at 379. It was still going up when it stopped. By the way, why are you still on the floor?"

        Ryan-" Because I activated that boost  while being far too weak and can't sustain it. I'm lucky to even be awake. I can't move a muscle."


        Ryan-" What are you doing?"

        I watched as Bulma locked the door and made her way further into the room.

        Bulma-"My big strong boyfriend needs my help. What kind of women would I be if I left him all alone?"


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