Chapter 25: Chapter 25. A New Master

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   I followed Yurin to the injured Tien, he takes a shot to the gut well. Granted, it's a small hole, and it didn't hit anything immediately serious, it looks like Shen wanted to cause him pain, and a slow death.

   Chiaotzu-" Hold pressure Tien! You lost too much blood, we need to get you to a hospital!"

   Ryan-" You can calm down Chiaotzu, I'll heal him."

   Chiaotzu-" And why should I believe you!"

   Yurin-" let him help Chiaotzu! Tien could die. If he can help we should let him!"

   Ryan-" I'll only heal him if you all agree to come with me to a meet your new master afterwards.

   Chiaotzu-" See Yurin, he just wants something from us."

   Yurin-" I don't care if he does Chiaotzu! if he heals Tien it'll be worth it! We don't have anywhere else to go anyway. It's why we ended up here!"

   Yurin turns to look at me and says with all the determination she can muster.

   Yurin-"I'll go with you to this new master, but you must heal Tien first!"

   Tien-" Ahh!"

   Ryan-" Time is running out, what's your choice?"

   Chiaotzu-" Fine, I agree to come with you just heal him!"

   Ryan-" What about you Tien, do you agree?"

   Tien-" Fuck. You!"

   Ryan-" Don't be like that, there are kids around."

   Yurin-" I'm not a kid!"

   Ryan-" You going to make your friends watch you die? 


   Yurin-" We just have to follow him to the new master, he said nothing about staying there."

   Chiaotzu-" Quit being stubborn Tien, we can figure things out later, when you don't have a hole in you."

   Ryan-" Imagine dieing to that weak ass Dodon. If you don't agree, and let me heal you. I'm going to write about it on your tombstone."

   Tien-" Fine, fine I agree to come with you."

   Ryan-"Great! Now eat this!"

   Tien-" This is just a bean!"

   Chiaotzu-"How is that going to save him?"

   Yurin-" It's magic! Eat it Tien, trust me!"

   Ryan-" As the astute little girl says, the bean is magic, Just eat it."

   Tien overcame his reluctance, and ate the bean. There was nothing much to see as the blood and his own hand covered the wound. His personality shift as he felt around for the wound that seemingly disappeared, was obvious though. Slowly he stood up, showing he was healthy.

   Chiaotzu-" Tien! I'm so happy you are alright!"

   Yurin-" Sniff, you had me scared for a while I thought you would die next."

   Tien, didn't acknowledge them as he made his way over towards the crater i put Shen inside of. He was weaker than his brother, better technique for sure, however he lacked any oomph. 

   I followed behind Tien, curious to see his reaction. The metal rods, like all of the materials I create, are permanent. The rods were made of steel. One of the few materials in familiar enough with to form, the rods were sharp like javelins. Using my telekinesis i shot them at him.

   Even with all of that, they only went skin deep at first. It wasn't until after the first ones to hit him pushed him to the ground, that a singular rod I put my all my mental prowess behind pierced his defenses. It went through his chest like a spear impaling itself in the ground. Once that was done I rained magic lightning down upon him, using the metal rod in Shen to conduct it past his defense's. The technique worked well, and killed him on his feet. With only the half melted steel rod through his chest to hold him up, he stands in the crater, as if unwilling to fall.

   Tien-" This master had better be stronger than he was."

   Ryan-" He is stronger, and won't require you to become a killer."

   Tien-" We shall see."

   Tien walks off brooding just like his older counterpart. I take this time to use the final tag. grabbing the stupid crane hat before I send him off to Baba. Perhaps Roshi will like to have a moment. After that's done I look towards my little observer.

   Yurin-" What's your name Mister?

   Ryan-" My name is Ryan, what's is yours little lady?"

   Yurin-" I'm not a little girl! I'm seven years old!"

   Ryan-" I asked for your name not your age."

   The embarrassed Yurin, shrugs off the folley as only a kid can, and continues.

   Yurin-" I am Yurin! Now tell me why you came here!"

   Ryan-" I came here to put an end to a very dangerous man. I couldn't let him hurt my family or friends, behind my back."

   Yurin-" Hmmmm."

   Ryan-" Who is that?"

   Yurin-" Hmm? Oh, that's Ino-Shika-Cho. Master Shen gave me the duty of keeping it out of trouble."

   Ryan-" let's hope he fits in the ship."

   Yurin-" Ship?"

   Ryan-" You should gather your things, Yurin. We will be leaving soon. I'll go talk to the the two broody silent men over there ok?"

   Yurin-" I don't have much, but ok."

   While little Yurin ran off, I checked on the two that seemed to always miss the interesting bits of dbz. Although seeing Tien, hold back semi-perfect cell was awesome, I know that move is a double edged sword. Maybe some better instruction could change that.

   Ryan-" You two should gather your belongings. It will be some time until you can make it back here. By the way, this is a huge building. Where are the other disciples?"

   Chiaotzu-" Master Shen, told everyone but us to leave. He read something about his rivals students in the world martial arts tournament, and decided to enter us. He wanted no distractions while he trained us for the upcoming competition."

   Ryan-" Hahahah!"

   Tien-" What is so funny?"

   Ryan-" Don't be so uptight Tien, I'm laughing because the Master I'll be taking you to is the man Shen claimed was his rival. His fellow disciple, Roshi the Turtle hermit!"

   Ryan-" When you two get there, you'll need to answer why you desire strength. If he doesn't like your answer, he won't teach you. Look deep within yourself and find the truth before we get there. Now Hurry up and get your things. I'll handle any of Shen's personal effects. I don't know what that crazy man has."

   Finding Shen's room was easy because it was the largest personal room in the Dojo. He was a rather spartan man. Just some spare clothes, a notebook, and a scrapebook full of pictures. I threw most things in a capsule to give to Roshi. If Shen has family outside of Tao, I don't know of it. 

   After ensuring I didn't leave behind any dangerous pieces of knowledge I headed back towards the outdoor sparring area, finding everyone as I sensed them waiting for me. Tien was wearing a new uniform. Having changed out of the bloody one. While Yurin was in a red outfit that was slightly too big for her. She was also ontop of Ino-Shika-Cho. Chiaotzu was wearing the solid green to match Tien.

   Chiaotzu-" So how are we getting to this master?

   Ryan-" We fly of course."

   Yurin-" Master Shen never got to teach us the sky dancing technique."

   Ryan-" I was thinking of using a plane instead. 

   -" Poof!"

   Yurin-" Wow so pretty!

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   Ryan-" You have good eyes, now all aboard!"

   Master Roshi's island home, was nearly on the opposite side of the planet. After squeezing the oversized Ino-Shika-Cho onto my ship, I took off and made a call.

   -" Brbrbr...brbrbrb...brbrbr."

   Briefs-" Well hello young man, congratulations on the engagement. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

   Ryan-" Thank you Dr. Briefs. I'm calling because I may have a solution to those climate protester attacks at the construction site of the space elevator."

   Briefs-" Yes, yes they have been incredibly annoying. I now have two seperate perimeter fences after I was forced into buying even more land. Now I have to hire staff to man the ground. I hope your solution is what I need."

   Ryan-" Perhaps. I have a unique creature in my company. His name is Ino-Shika-Cho. He could use a proper home, and lots of food. He isn't too fond of people either."

   Briefs-" What kind of creature is he?"

   Ryan-" Some kind of super long lived intelligent Boar, deer, butterfly chimera."

   Briefs-" Well that sounds like an odd one, but I'm willing to give him a chance. Drop him off at the site by South city, I'll have people waiting to receive him."

   Ryan-" Make sure there is some food awaiting him as well."

   Briefs-" Will do. If that's all, I'll talk to later, safe flying."

   Yurin-" Did you hear that Ino? You got a place to go that will feed you."


   Yurin-" Weird, it looks like he is sleeping all of a sudden."

   Ok everyone relax, we have a long flight ahead of us and we are already cramped as it is.

    Ryan-"So Yurin, why were you at the Dojo when everyone else was sent away?"

   Yurin-" I had nowhere else to go. I'm an orphan."

   Ryan-" My condolences. Wouldn't a young girl like you be happier at an orphanage then?

   Yurin-" I would rather live on the streets!"

   Ryan-" Got it, forget I asked."

   The flight was rather boring, Tien, and Chiaotzu are not talkative people, especially with me at the moment. Dropping off Ino-Shika-Cho at the site in South city was rather easy. With food waiting for him, and plenty of space free of people he should do well at his new home.

   Ryan-" We are close to Master Roshi's home. When we get there let me do the talking ok?"

   Tien and Chiaotzu only gave me a nod to prove they heard me while Yurin followed suit. She has a thing for Tien and mimics his behavior in cute ways like meditating in the same poses, or being overly silent. It's quite frankly adorable.

    As I made for a landing I realized that there was hardly anywhere to actually land, working with some magic I pulled some earty up from underwater and made somewhere for me to land. Afterwards we disembarked to an awaiting Roshi.

   Roshi-" What the hell are you doing to my island kid?"

   Ryan-" Hello Master Roshi, it's nice to see you as well."

   Roshi-" What brings you here unannounced? Shouldn't you be celebrating the engagement?"

   Ryan-" And how exactly do you know about it already?"

   Roahi-" I have my ways. Now why don't you introduce me to your guests?

   Ryan-" These three are the last disciples of the late, Master Shen. The bald one is Tien, the short one Chiaotzu, and the cute little girl is Yurin."

   Yurin-" I'm not little!"

   Ryan-" Ignore her."

   Master Roshi, failed to hear anything after I mentioned the Shen was dead and rightly so. They have a long history for a man who has lived as long as he has, connecting to his youth must be rare and precious.

   Roshi-" How did he die?

   Ryan-" Fighting for what he believed in."

   Roshi-" Why did you bring them here? Shen and I had vastly different criteria for students you know."

   Ryan-" Because they are his last students. You wouldn't let them go with unfinished training would you? Besides, you haven't been invited to my bachelor party.....yet. it would be a shame to miss out on the opportunity to see the... sights."

   Roshi-" Fine I'll teach them, but the party had better have quality entertainment!"

   Ryan-" Good I'll leave them in your care. By the way, there was a creature I brought as well, named Ino-Shika-Cho. Currently, he is working near South city. I'm sure he would like to see you again."

   Roshi-" He is still alive!? It's been hundreds of years!"

   Ryan-" Shen and you are as well, perhaps he took something."

   Roshi-" Perhaps. I'll have to visit him to find out. Now scram, i have students to whip into shape, come along kids!"

   Tien-" I refuse, until I witness the strength, that even Master shen respected."

   Roshi-" So you're a stubborn one huh, very well. Stand back! I'll show you my Famous Kamehameha technique! Watch closely, I won't do it again anytime soon."

   We did as asked, moving back while Roshi himself walked to the shore, he spun his walking stick along the way and shoved it deeply into the ground, as he got serious. Like a switch was flipped, he straightens his back, stands taller, and buffs up just a bit, and his eyes change making himself look far more threatening than before.

   We watch as Roshi gets into the iconic stance, with his legs apart and a slight crouch to keep himself lower. Starting from the beginning he puts his arms out infront of himself. I can feel his ki slowly stirring as his hands begin to glow. He then brings his hands to his side and begins the charge a familiar blue ball of energy in his palms.

   Roshi-" Kaaa... Me... Ha.. Me.. HAAA!!!!!

   We watch as Master Roshi splits the ocean for as far as I can see. He truly is the master of this technique."

   Yurin-" That. Was. Awesome!"

   Roshi-" Why thank you little lady. Are you satisfied young man?

   I look at tien, curious to his response. Everything hinges on it. If he turns down Roshi, maybe I can take him to GG, but I doubt GG would take him in as he is now.

   Tien-" Yes, Master Roshi i am. I would be honored if you take me as your disciple."

   Chiatzu-" Me too!"

   Yurin-" Don't forget about me!"

   I need not worry, Master Roshi never fails to show off. 

   Roshi-" Very well, I shall take you all in until the next tournament. There is a girl and a boy I want you all to beat. You have your work cut out for you all."

   Ryan-" I'll take my leave then, nice seeing you Master Roshi. I'll be sure to come get you for the bachelor party. By the way here catch."

   Roshi-" What's this?"

   Ryan-" A capsule filled with some personal affects of the late, Master Shen. He has no living family i know of after i dealt with his brother. You are the next in line."

   Roshi-" Hmm, thank you."

   Ryan-" Goodluck everyone!"

   Yurin-" Bye!"

   I got out of there as fast as I could. I don't want their angry looks when Master Roshi began his goofy training regiment. With any luck Tien, and Chiaotzu make some real gains before the next tournament. I have my own training to begin as well. I can't fall behind.


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