Chapter 26: Chapter 26. Memories

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   I set my course for Yunzabit heights. This is chance to do some hard-core training while Bulma is busy. Training Ki is much more than simply working out. From what I have learned, a person can grow much stronger with simple meditation. Much like cultivation, my power can grow immensely in a very short period of time. Sayains have this even easier as their natural biology supports this cultivation with Zenkai's, their transformations, and innate Ki control.

   Being human means overcoming these roadblocks of cultivation manually. Where Goku can get his ass beat, or his body unconsciously adapts, and even has transformations that are built into his races physique. I must reach some sort of epiphany in how to handle my ki, as well as increase the amount I have at my disposal. 

   Enlightenment can do one or both. A revelation in handling Ki can do wonders. I imagine that gravity training does this, by training us how to enhance or bodies with Ki uniformly and precisely. Down to the individual cells. It's that same conscious effort that makes this difficult. I think back to Ginyu and his inability to use Goku's body. He still exhibited some strength, but none of what he should have, based on his own expectations during the fight. This shows how even though Goku is a natural fighter, he has learned ki control on a level those born with it don't. Ginyu probably always snatched strong bodies from strong people who relied on their innate strength only, much like Frieza does.

   Goku can do much of this as easily as breathing completely unconsciously, to help free up his mind. Having lived with him for such a long time, I understand why Vegeta went on, and on about being a warrior race. They truly are, and my only example so far has been one with a tiny starting power level. If it had been any other Saiyan child, they would have been worse than Demon King Piccolo ever was.

   My intention during this training period is to train my mind. To better my natural Ki infused reactions, and to do so safely. Using too much ki with brute force can cause serious harm. It wasn't shown much in the anime, but ki is volatile and much like Goku overdid the Kiaoken, other techniques can cause similar harm. I need to learn proper body strengthening habits. It isn't as simple as using more ki. I must use it properly as well. 

   Doing so in a place as cold as Yunzabit Heights will train and hopefully help me gain some unconscious reactions to my environment. I can also play with heat magic safely here. I have never went too far yet, out of fear. Can I make a laser? Should I fuck with the idea of magic radiation? How effective and harmful will spontaneous decompression be to aliens  or others who use Ki on instinct? Can I lower the pressure in an area and let their blood boil? Can I make a supercharged microwave technique to kill silently? All extremely gruesome and very dangerous ideas I want to play around with. Their may be some unintended side effects that limit their use.

   On another hand, it seems most of the galaxy is relatively weak. Most soldiers are barely weaker than Raditz. In Friezas army, a power level of 1000 was the standard. Jaco was a goofy elite and was around that strength himself. The Ginyu force, and Frieza's two attendants make much more sense with the standard power level of the universe in mind. Friezas' family is simply that crazy strong compared to the rest of universe 7.

   One of the limiting factors in growing my strength is not having a sparring partner. One of the things I have noticed in my own training is that power does respond to a need much more so than desire. Having someone stronger around always helps others around them become stronger with their presence alone. I'll have to do without that, and instead head into the barren tundra of Yunzabit heights solo. To use the environment to force my body to adapt to using Ki in ways it won't without the external pressure.

   I thought about gravity training, however I don't believe it would be beneficial yet. I can instead resume my telekinetic resistance training and finish the full year of keeping my horns out. Something in the back of my mind tells me I'm going down the right path. I can only hope that Shenron didn't give me some sort of insidious gift.

   The marvelous ship bulma made makes it way past Korins tower headed north over the water towards a clear plateau of Yunzabit Heights. As I near the landmass the plane shakes and trembles showing turbulence for the first time since bulma made it.

   I read the displays and see that the winds are a steady 100 kph, gusting to nearly 200 kph like some sort of permanent storm. One of my reasons for heading here is to find Kami's old ship. I have a feeling he may expose himself if i go poking around where he doesn't want me. Even after spending all that time with Korin, I never even heard him speak of Kami. It may have to do with my mind being invisible to others. Let's see what he does after I find his secret.

   The ship starts to sound alarms as the winds increase, forcing me to land and continue on foot. Finding a place to land is easy because of the barren landscape, but I'm regretting my decision already, as the ships on board heater is unable to keep up with the outside environment and is sending alerts that it will fail in a matter of hours At a remarkable -90°C this place is no joke. 

   Using the cameras I look below at my intended landing place and move the earth. Like a thick liquid the ground moves to my command creating a dome as I command the ship land safely inside.  The view outside turns pitch black as it closes. the ships' alarms stop with the wind blocked out. This will be my base camp with some tidying done.

   Moving so much Earth like I did takes a lot of effort, more than simply creating a solid material. The constant change in shape and firm control i had over such a large amount shows my mastery. I would never have been able to use my magic in such a way a year ago. Making simple earth spears was my best. And I did that by carving it out of the ground. Now I can mold the ground like clay. I may be slow, and it may only be super compressed dirt, but I can control the terrain. Given the time, I can devastate an area. One aim is too be able to compress it enough to create molten lava, but I don't know if earth will do that if don't give it room to expand as it heats up.

   With thoughts of what I came here to do ending, I begin to execute them. Bulma before the tournament, made me some prototype training clothes. With more than a little trepidation  I pop open the capsule to reveal a rack with multiple sets of an all black long sleeved outfit, some nice looking capsule style grey boots and black jacket the first thing that stands out is a bright pink letter amongst the dark colored clothes.

   Bulma- "The suit is automatic. It offers more resistance the faster you attempt to move. It also has an armor function i want you to test. It it will record your movement, and damage by linking with a satellite to save data continuously. Don't be afraid to break it. The more damage the more I learn."

   There are more details below on the letter I skim over. I pick up the main attraction and notice the weight instantly. It's thick and extremely heavy. I look at the others and see that they are all different weights.

   I pull out the lightest one and get a feel for it. Bulma put her mind into these outfits. They are thick yet soft and breathable. Even if it's a solid one peice it's for a reason. These outfits not only weigh from 50 to 500 pounds, but offer resistance in the movements at the joints, with electric components that are woven into the joints to work against me in my movements. This works by sending pulses that make the fabric itself stiffen. Atleast that's what the note says it does.

   I think of Bulma, and watch the ring glow slightly. Giving me a direction far to the south. Probably near the Red Ribbon HQ. I'm a bit worried about her getting hurt, but Kashi is there, everything should be fine.

   I get dressed, and try on the boots and jacket. Designed much like the current Capsule Corp clothes, they are made of the same new material. It reminds me of a thick softer leather. The suit itself when on activates automatically shrinking tight to my skin, it hardens on certain parts of my body like chest and arms, shins and my back.

   This is far more than I expected. I can tell that my magic barrier was the inspiration. The material now resembles the same scale plating, I wonder how strong it is. Before doing anything in the ship, I head out down the ramp. I almost trip going down the ramp because the suit makes itself known, slowing the swing of my legs. I catch myself rather inelegantly, and continue to the edge of the dome, where I create and close the opening as I walk out into the cold of Yunzabit heights. Popo must have sheltered Bulma with magic to keep her safe, because it is far too cold for her to be up here without proper attire.

   It is extremely dry, and windswept. There are plants somehow growing. Some low lying ground cover of some mossy textured plant is abundant. It collects any dew or frost on itself which grows slowly. It crunches under my feet in a loud noise that is muffled by the wind. I walk towards the closest overlook to get fully exposed to the winds that sweep across the canyon landscape. My heat magic is all that keeps me warm. I sit down on the icy ground with the wind hitting me full force. It's time to train my Ki to do that as well.


               TWO WEEKS LATER

   While I have been learning to safely use my Ki to offset the cold, I explored the area. Kami lived here for quite some time before he split becoming the gaurdian. I wondered if there was anything else around.

   So far I have found a small variety of animals, that somehow survive out here. Some dinosaur looking creature is both the apex predator, and the best eating. With the winds as fierce as they are, no flying creature exists around here.

   There is a bug Armadillo like creature that eats the moss. They are absolutely disgusting. Just cooking it made a horrendous odor that still clings to my nose worse than a skunk. The blood of the creature never froze, even after being long dead. The lizard like creatures seem to just run hot. It makes them incredibly heat resistant, but once they die, they freeze quickly. They taste like any other lizard does. A lean chicken type of taste.

   I jump a dozen meters toward the edge of one of many cliffs never stopping my momentum as I keep moving jumping off the various rocky outcroppings scanning the area for the ship. As I move along loose gravely and dirt falls deep below into the canyon, it's the sound of pottery breaking from those same loose rocks that captures my attention.

   Making my way down into the valley below I see that a crack has opened up above what was a cave that show signs of being lived in long ago. Torn hand made leather covers what was a was the door. Loose rocks are piled from ground to ceiling so that they nearly block off the entrance used. As I near the torn old leather I notice that it's tied to a doorframe made of bones.

   I move further inside the cave, past the doorway down a winding hall, being careful of my step. My Ki sense doesn't help me here. I stay alert checking for traps as I move along. It doesn't take long before I create a ball of light with my Ki to help me see. Even with my augments and ki enhancing ability. No light is still no light. 

   The further I go, the better the quality of stonework. What was once just piled up stones, has slowly became uniform stones stacked with noticeable craftsmanship. Large blocks above my head, span the hallways width every few meters. The first chamber I come to has a solid stone door. At first I thought the hallways just ended, but I could feel the lack of earth behind it with my magic. 

   What I think of as a door turns out to be a solid stone block much like the natural rock in the area. The odd part is that it's jammed in a wide part of the hallway which narrows on both sides. To get past I'll have to manipulate the block with magic, or destroy it. If that's the case, how did the creators get past? How did they get the block into position?

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   With a mystery to solve my curiosity drove me forward. collapsing the stone block and reassembling it behind myself, I walked through. I let my Ki wash through the room lighting everything up in a soft yellow light. 

   The room was circular, with a high domed ceiling. Only a single door leads further in. The same stone blocks make up the walls, with the great skill I have come to expect. It's at the side above the door  that I see the cracks in the ceiling. The very one that caused me to investigate. Below it a large long shattered pot lays. I near the pot and look among these rubble half expecting to find something hidden, but all I find are rocks that have fallen down, and likely dirt that once filled it. How they grew anything in it here in the dark and cold is beyond me.

   I walk to the edge of the walls using my magic to look for hidden passages before moving on through the only path. This stone door is just like the last except the block is made of solid corundum. Stopping me in my tracks. I can get past this easily enough, but I have an idea what this place is now. 

   With my suspicions i moved slower. If this is a magic home or school of some sort I need to be careful, I can't detect magic from afar as well as Kashi, or even Yurin. Past the second block the Hallway changes into stairs that head down. I extract the high amount of titanium from the block, bringing it with me. This is a good chance to learn a new metal for materialization. Putting it into my hammerspace look back down the stairs. The ball of Ki I made is earlier is still going strong above me this time I send it ahead while creating a new one. To follow from above.

   The light shows me white marble steps leading down in a spiral fashion with a handrail on the left, shaped from the very same stone as if all one piece. I follow the light down the steps where halfway down the staircase I notice a hidden door on the wall side. If it wasn't for my Earth magic I would miss it as the block is uniformly fused with the wall. 

   I decide to check it out by making a tunnel around it through the solid wall heading towards the hidden room. When I near the rooms location feel a bit of resistance before a small hole opens before me to get a look at the room. I send one of my lights, which shows me a workplace of some sort, like a hidden lab. There are glass tubes small and large, cauldrons and station to brew them, complete with long dried up plants, a desk and even what looks to be forge. This is all along the three walls. 

   Directly below me is an array of cases with purple crystals inside of them. Baba had crystals just like these, they contain the memories, one places inside They are very rare, and seldom used anymore. Once they were used for storing priceless knowledge or bartering knowledge with anonymity among Magicians.  The amazing thing is that they transfer the makers understanding of magic perfectly. The good and the bad habits. I open the hole further before floating above the cases, careful not to touch anything. The stand for the jewels was a long wall mounted display made of the same stone as everything else. On the far left where it began, a book sat under a class dome. I had a hunch that glass dome was magical.

   It's a simple preservation stand for items placed inside. The first presumabe trap I find is on the stand itself. However the paper talisman it was written on wasn't protected like the book was. The long useless trap made getting to the book that much easier. Removing the glass cover I don't remove the book I feel underneath with my telekinesis, checking for tags. Finding the likely priceless book not booby trapped i opened it to reveal a language that I can't read at all. More than a little bummed I look around avoiding the gems temptation.

   The alchemy lab, is rather intact. The plants turn to dust with the lightest touch showing their age. The two cauldrons look brand new, almost as if unused. Along the workbench are vials with dried up potions, like someone stopped working suddenly.

   The forge was set along a small wall, I wondered why magicians would need a forge. I find a large pile of metal ore on the ground. The weird thing is I can't feel with my magic at all. As I pick it up I feel it's incredible weight. This small chunk weighs an incredible amount. Baba never mentioned magic repelling metal before. I heat my hand up with ki to test the metal out. I get no visible reaction so I try harder pushing my Ki into it, or trying to only to be brushed off by this chunk of black metal. Truly stumped for once I I throw all the raw ore into my hammerspace, glad to have it right now. I do the same with the dried up vials, probably worthless, but no harm in taking them along. 

   I move to the gems, looking for any clue as to what's contained. The all sit in molded marble stone. With glass covering them. I see no talismans or engravings in the stone work, I open the first case intending to collect the stone and add it to my hammerspace the case opens smoothly, and i grab the gem with my telekinesis pulling it out of the stand without any reaction, it's when I touch the gem with my skin that everything goes to hell.

   Slammed with an incoherent rambling of memories that make no sense. I fall to the floor in shock clutching my face rolling on the ground the gem long dropped to the ground, my lighting is even forgotten as I'm blasted by memories unwillingly. It's like someone lived a hundred years the day they were born and I got their memories of the event.

   After, what felt like hours the pain fades. Leaving me to wonder  what the fuck that was. I only touched the crystal, I didn't connect with it. And the fact that it held so much. The crystals only have limited capacity measured in time not volume. The way to get around this is to make a crystal of when you absorbed multiple crystals. The problem being that it is dangerous to do so. For both the creator and the receivers.

   With a pounding head I shrug off what I can't comtrol, and move on to what I can, focusing inward I gather the jumble of memories shoved without regard in my head, and I am stunned to find that these memories are of Kami or rather Piccolo, The son of Katas. These crytals must be the memories he lost while here. I got a large amount of his genetic memory that he is missing from Katas himself. As the memories settle into a place that I can call upon them as if they are mine. I feel my strength surge. 

   I never expected this kind of power boost, however many innate, Ki control abilities of Namekians are genetic memories. With grace I float myself up much easier that I ever had before. The two separately developed flying techniques and their knowledge both in action simultaneously makes me much better, at the action. Although I doubt my arms will ever stretch as the memories say, I could do. No healing either. As hard as I try, my magic is incompatible. 

   I know the technique and could probably teach it to a Dragon clan member. I did gain an exhaustive lost of magic materialization though. And general knowledge. Most of which i ignore for now, focusing on the juicy bits. One of such is an intimate knowledge of materials used in magic materialization. All sorts of materials are a thought away. Taking in everything from just this one crystal, pushed my magic years down the line, even if much of it is specific to the Dragon clan.

   I get up, and head back to the book, finding it written in Namekian. With myself able to read it now. What I find is a experimental journal written by a magician, about the young Namekian. The magician finds him, and tricks him to kidnap him. He used the gems to extract the kids memories forcibly. The first gen that i touched was made on accident when the genetic memories overloaded it. 

   After finding out the child had genetic memories passed down to him concerning magic, he began to focus on those, tuning the experiment Which resulted in the kid losing his memories mostly. But making the other gems safe to use. The journal ends after documenting the first dozen gems. Located here.  It must have been before Piccolo escapes and finds his ship again, to live out the years waiting for his parents or so he believed.

   I leave the other gems alone. Fearing the same forcible memory transfer, I take a break rereading the journal entries for anything specific. The biggest alarm is the Ki binding array, the magician notes he used it to weaken Piccolo, for the capture. The magician mentions it being useful back home. Wherever that is.

   Eventually I leave having molded stone cases to carry the gems inside of. I head further down the stairs for quite some time to another stone doorway. With my Ki lighting the way I find myself in a small library.

   It has bookshelves staggered in the room to force me to walk around them. Each one is a large enchanted bookshelve. With a few hundred books, with a singular rotting chair next to a stone table by the doorway. I look the books over finding them all to be in yet another language I don't know. Pulling one down at random after checking for traps I find it to be about rituals. The next one is about talismans. I keep going finding books on arrays, until I near the top where I find black books that look cursed. 

   Leaving the case alone for now I head for the exit, searching for a hidden room.  I didn't find anything before heading for the doorway into what looks like the home proper. Inside I find a large low ceiling room with actual furniture still standing. More rooms branch off showing me a bedroom with rotted cloth over a rotted bed. Filled with a shattered dresser. This place has been abandoned for hundreds of years. Nothing is intact except the stonework.

   The last room is a kitchen with a storage room filled with pots. Some have what was once food, but many have spoiled and turned to dust long ago. The only ones intact are the enchanted wines. Taking those I find and area without pots and a broken wall. Heading inside I find a ritual room. At the center of the room is a table with carvings and straps, and a memory Gem, at the top. This must be where he took the memories. All around the table seems to be the ritual itself. Carved into the ground.

   I break the ritual with my ki to be safe and approach the table finding three of the cuffs broken the opposite wall is damaged, I approach with my light finding a dead broken skeleton in leftover tattered robes. This must have been the magician, and where kami escaped from. He either repressed the memory or they were damaged. It could very well have been what caused him to have an evil side. It is said the evil of man tainted him.

   With this place and it's existence solved I searched it thoroughly. Making a stop by the books taking everything. I'll have to get them translated or something to make them readable. I left the place intact, so that Kami or Piccolo can visit if they wish. I intend to give these memories back to them afterall.

   I head out sealing the place shut including the crack that lead me here, I have many memories to digest, and my power level to check. I'm. Probably too strong. Goku won't get his fight with the Demon King, putting Piccolo jr and his training with Kami at risk. 

   Hurrying back to the ship I push harder than ever before, a few hours later i was still jumping from one ledge to another making the suit Bulma made me tighten even more, trying to inhibit my movements. being too weak to do so. I push it past its limits the last few jumps away from the the ship. The fabric begins to tear itself apart at the joints as I break it, glad that Bulma has a few more made for me.

   Entering the pitch black dome I keep the ship in, I strip heading first for a shower in weeks. B

  After getting cleaned I let loose my power and check the scanner, seeing that I nearly tripled from the bit of memory gained from the Dragon clan member. I sit at 504, and I expect more to show as I process more of the knowledge.  The gem didn't work correctly after all. The magician failed to properly extract the genetic memory in atleast this crystal. Because it's where he learned of the genetic memory in the first place.

   It makes me wonder how much power lies behind the others. That are made better. If this had included memories of the warrior clan, I may have powered up beyond Saiyan saga Vegeta. Unfortunately that was not the case. And the idea of taking all these memories in as mine seems wrong. And dangerous for me. They were meant for a Namekian not a human. 

   I move to the rack of training clothes. I skip the second and third suit. Putting on one that weighs 200lbs, with 4x the resistance. It is noticeably thicker than the last one. And while it's heavier, than the last one it feels nearly identical. To how the first one did, while my power is not actively aiding me. Otherwise I could lift a hundred tons. 

   The suits train passive Ki use well. Much like the Turtle shell does. It helps one come to natural Ki use conclusions through everyday life. Little tricks that cut corners or remake the corners entirely's. Using ki becomes a reflex and that's exactly what I need right now. I'm already stronger than Goku when Raditz fought him. I need to be stronger than Vegeta when he arrives. I have 11 years for that, and a long road ahead. If plans work out correctly, nobody will die that day. Meaning no Kiaoken unless i can change something.

   I head back out for more training, for the evening, I have a lot of new power and magical knowledge to get used to. I'm not sure how long Bulma and them will take, especially with Baba and her antics, combined with Goku wanting a fight. I'll use all the free time I have to continue pushing myself further. I also need to find the ship of Kami's, to see if he will reveal himself now. Those memories belong in his hands, and unless Korin helps. It'll be a long time until they get there.


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