Chapter 27: Chapter 27. Wish

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   Before I start on my training I pull my phone from my hammerspace checking for any messages before I call Bulma. Today is the first of September, exactly a year from when we met. Only a foolish man would think today was Unimportant.



   Bulma-"Hi, It's nice to hear from you. How, and what have you been doing?"

   Ryan-" I'm doing well, I have been training in Yunzabit heights with those suits you made. They work extremly well by the way. Are you all still looking for the Dragon Balls?"

   Bulma-"We wouldn't be if Goku wasn't so stubborn! That old hag wanted money for the location of the last ball, but instead of letting me pay her, Goku insisted on fighting all of them alone."

   Ryan-" Goku should win without much of an issue what's taking so long?"

   Bulma-" That's because Baba called in Kashi to fight Goku if he challenges her other disciples. As a student of Baba's she is honor bound to head her masters call. Every time Goku gets past the first four he has to fight Kashi while tired, and worn out. Which leads to him getting stomped. He already ate one of the beans you gave Kashi to heal himself, and if he fights again tonight he will need another. Kashi has been ruthless in stopping Goku, I'm not sure if he can win.

   Ryan-" If he eats enough of those beans he will eventually. I called to tell you Happy Anniversary. Today marks a year since we met."

   Bulma-" And tomorrow will be a year since we started dating, that's sweet of you to remember. That doesn't change the fact that you still owe me a date night when we get back in West city. Don't think just because things got in the way that you are getting out of it buster."

   Ryan-" Only if you wear that tight short red dress again. The one that pushed your tits up perfectly, and wrapped around your thighs and ass tightly."

   Bulma-" I can't, you ripped it off of me last time remember?"

   Ryan-" You are one of the wealthiest women on the planet Bulma, buy another."

   Bulma-" I could do that couldn't I? Why didn't I think of that."

   Ryan-" It's the blonde in the family showing itself."

   Bulma-" Speaking of dumb blondes. My sister came home."

   Ryan-" Tights is back? Since when?"

   Bulma-" A few days ago. She called me to congratulate me on the engagement. And then berated me for getting married young. Once she did all that, she made fun of your age saying I was a pervert, Now she says i must have gotten knocked up, and that's why we are getting married."

   Ryan-" If only she knew the truth, hahaha! Is that Jaco fellow still around?"

   Bulma-" He didn't come up, honestly. She was too annoyed with me getting married first to tell me anything about her trip."

   Ryan-" Is she sticking around?"

   Bulma-" Why do you care hmm!?"

   Ryan-" Because I would like to meet the sister of my fiance. The future Aunt of my children, my future sister in law.

   Bulma-" Ok, good point. And yes she is. She wasn't planning on being around for quite some time, but she changed her plans and came back, she was tasked by the king himself with putting together a report for the government about the state of the galaxy. My fathers plans with the space elevator, and our plans for the moon has forced our government to take this seriously."

   Ryan-" It's always nice to see the government taking things seriously."

   Bulma-" Well, Tights didn't sugar coat anything. They are freaking out with the reports given to them that are just stuff from the galactic patrol, and about the planet trade organization. The king himself wants a defensive system and compound put in place on the moon to protect the planet from extraterrestrial threats and to process aliens seeking refuge properly. He is even funding it.

   Ryan-" That's amazing, much of the red tape should be gone with King backing the company. Granted its because he just got reports on a world conquering organization. How do you like the idea of your sister being back around?"

   Bulma-"I honestly, didn't think my life ever mattered to her until now. I'm happy that she is staying, we haven't had a good relationship in a long time. Now that we are both adults, perhaps we can start fresh. I'd like to have a sister again."

   Ryan-" That sounds nice, we will certainly need the help, how is the seal?"

   Bulma-" It's fine, Kashi says that it is working as intended. Although I wish she could have hid the lines all over my stomach. Speaking of food, what the hell are you doing for food in Yunzabit Heights?"

   Ryan-" There is enough to get by. I'm more than capable of surviving out here. What you should be asking is what did I find."

   Bulma-" Fine, I'll play along. What did you find out there?"

   Ryan-" The stolen genetic memories of an alien who came to Earth hundreds of years ago."

   Bulma-" What!? Could you say that again?"

   Ryan-" You heard me right the first time Bulma. I found the residence of an old magician, who lived out here. He seems to have come across a young unaccompanied alien child, when they where landing. Unfortunately for the peaceful trusting alien, Earth is not such a place. By using the naive trusting nature of the alien known as a Namekian, the magician lured and captured the young child. 

   Using magic he plundered the aliens mind seeking knowledge, for what I'm not sure. Upon finding out the child had far more knowledge than he should, he discovered the races genetic memory. The magician then redesigned his ritual to accommodate the alien physiology. This use of memory gems in the unintended way caused permanent memory loss in the victim, And was done atleast a dozen times."

   Bulma-" That's horrible!"

   Ryan-" Don't worry, I found the magician dead, and no body of the alien in sight. I assume he escaped after striking a devastating blow to his captor. In any case this was hundreds of years ago. Upon my recycling of the valuables, I touched a malfunctioning gem which contained part of those alien memories. These were forcibly dumped into me all jumbled up. After a good bit of pain I ordered what I could in my mind."

   "Much of what I gained was bland knowledge. Basic knowledge of math, science, their language, and their unique clan magic dominated most of it. With some lore and history filling the rest. To my surprise, Ki use techniques were included. My power level is over 500 right now, and still climbing as my mind makes connections with the knowledge, and what I have already."

   Bulma-" You're serious, aren't you! What happened to being careful? You got mind raped with the genetic memory of an alien, and a long dead magicians faulty magic gem. are you ok? You better not lie to me."

   Ryan-" A slight headache, nothing I can't handle."

   Bulma-" Are you sure? Why don't you come over to Baba's palace and let her check you over?

   Ryan-" I will be headed there in the future anyhow, I have books that need translating. If there is anyone who can do that it's the witch who has lived for hundreds of years. Besides, I know the general area where the spaceship the Namekian used should be, if it stayed there. I want to go take a look before I leave."

   Bulma-" I won't nag, but I want it on record that I don't like this. You should come home atleast. The spaceship can wait."

   Ryan- " Did the infamous Bulma, daughter of The Dr. Briefs, just choose me over alien tech? I'm touched!"

   Bulma-" That isn't funny!"

   Ryan-" I think it's hilarious. But don't worry, I can't steal it. I want to find it, because the alien should still be alive, it is my only clue. The memories I have say they can live for hundreds of years. I want to find him, to give him back his memories."

   Bulma-" He may have left in his ship for all you know!"

   Ryan-" I have to check Bulma. It's the right thing to do."

   Bulma-" Fine, fine, go play hero! You better come back safe, I'll be checking the logs on the suits! Goodbye!"

    I didn't get a chance to even say goodbye before she hung up on me. This women just helped destroy an army yet doesn't even mention it, and complains about me not being careful. This behavior is the exact reason, that she is unreasonable, and adorable.

   I let the irate Bulma cool off, not bothering to call her back, that is a future me problem. letting my familiar, but new Ki unravel out. Slowly I raise my power as high as I can maintain it, announcing myself to everyone nearby who can sense Ki. If Kami can't sense my mind much like Korin could not, this should get his attention loud and clear. While maintaining my charged state I feel around with my Ki sense, marveling at how well i can do so. Another memory I did not know of until now is aiding me. Showing me the basic principals based on their philosophy."

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   While I'm glad to gain this power without any harmful effects, having to discover all that I gained will be difficult when I don't know what to look for. Going through the basic exercises, I find my telekinesis has changed also. Not In strength, but in precision. The next basic skill I test is sense enhancement, and this is one is a doozy. Without any antenna, the natural technique that my new memories added, is barely compatible. While not noticeable at first, it's made for a namekian not a human. With a puzzle to solve I find the memories I gained associated for senses and work on removing the antenna dependent parts.

   The result is nothing to write home about. But these little hiccups will take a while to iron out. I continue through more and more exercises through the night, finding many that are downright dangerous. Like the eye beam technique. Made for a Namekian eye. It makes use of their natural recovery. If I had used it, I may have gone blind. 

   Almost all of the magic is unusable but I did find a goldmine. It's a martial art, that uses body casting for elemental manipulation and materialization, in its moves. Linking magic casting to physical action to enhance every action in sync. I'm instantly enthralled by this, and dive into the memories.

    I find that these memories are unique. Rather than just knowledge, these are complete memories from Katas himself being instructed as a child. They must be important. He is learning by telepathic link while watching a demonstration. The memory shows Katas is inside the teachers mind feeling his every thought, while also watching the actions being shown. This is the way Namekians teach each other, it is part of why their culture is so trusting. They know nothing else. The entire idea of lieing is abhorrent to them.

   For the next few days I'm lost spending all my time reflecting on this martial art. This takes magic materialization to a new level. I watch through Katas as two of the masters demonstrate in an actual spar.

   Better than any Avatar, the Master known as Janul, fights against another named Partul. The two Namekians begin the fight after an unseen sign. They start a long range fight of throwing blocks back and forth, or whips of water, crashing against a shield of metal. Partul stomps shaking the area with massive tremors causing Janul to stumble. I even see what I think is liquid oxygen, and gouts of flame. The understanding I get from the memory tells me that this is more so a part of the culture than a simple fight.

   The practitioners of this martial art are, regarded as opera singers or the equivalent. It evolved into a heavily choreographed display of magical beauty that showcases the practitioners skill. 

   This duel is no exception. Each movement of their bodies controls the elements, while that sounds horrible in a fight, the speed and strength behind the magic is a worthwhile tradeoff. The magic gets bigger and bigger, the fight faster and faster. Janul launches a bolt of electricity from afar never having gotten close. The bolt was weak, but would have actually hurt had any power been put into it. Partul goes down in a show of loss ending the duel.

   While beautiful, it is still incredibly deadly. It all comes down to the unique casting method, This was once a feared fighting style, so deadly, legitimate sparring in impossible which led to the creation of these shows. My new memories tell me that the warrior clans with time, gained enough knowledge of ki to surpass them in strength. Relegating them to the place they are now.

   More memories confirm my suspicion. No namekians ever focused on both arts. Katas was one of the rare few to ever try to go outside his predetermined slot in life. With their genetic memories, it made increasing the depth of knowledge they had in their field more important than branching out. An incredibly cast based society, that is based on mutual trust. He was part of the dragon clan, but not this part of it, he is looked at oddly for learning something outside of his knowlege base, even if it's still magic.

   I go over all the memories I can dredge up of this martial art until I eventually start to attempt my first body casting. At first it was slow going but soon, I had the hang of it. Using magic this way gives me more opportunity to use magic in fights, but is also much less controlled. While being fast it also strict. The first spell I learn is a basic enhanced punch that coats the user's arm in granite. Unfortunately It doesn't make me stronger or much more resistant at all.

   My augmented and Ki enhanced body is stronger than the granite the spell created. I now see exactly why this was not a widely studied field of magic. I performed the spell a few dozen more times, until I felt comfortable with it. I could never describe how to execute the spell to another in words. The way one must manipulate their magic inside of their body, during the movements is something that requires a telepathic link, to properly describe.

   After gaining some confidence in using the spell, I start to pull it apart, analyzing each part even doing failed casts, all to see what part of the spell controls what. At one point I find the part that controls the material used, replacing it with another material that is a metal, I learned thanks to Katas.

   This time when I swing, hence casting the spell, my arm is coated in a dark metal. The sudden weight change doesn't surprise me as I expected it. But again, nothing else changed. My attack was slower yet, had far more momentum I'm sure, but I can't say it was dangerous to a Ki user. Even a direct hit wouldn't feel much different that a normal Ki enhanced punch. If I used the transformation technique, it may actually have been easier and had the same result or better since it's my body powering the hit. I need to figure out a way to have my magic get amped up. To boost the effects of magic, to be effective on someone who uses Ki. Otherwise all of my elemental. spells new or old will be useless against someone who is too strong. Someone like Frieza could tank most of what I throw at him, without a scratch simply because his body is too durable.

   Over the next few days I spend all my time mastering the couple dozen spells Katas was taught. Some of these spells create explosive gases in odd amounts, which I believe was because of the atmosphere they were developed for. Others use a more scientific background. These spells for now will be highly effective in fights, as long as I can keep up with my opponents speed, which should be no issue for the moment, but at a certain point I'll have to figure out how to enhance my magic for the things I create with it to be stronger. Much like a sword user having to enhance their weapon with Ki, I'll have to do the same with my magic, and I barely have any idea how to do so at the moment.

   Ignoring that issue, I go back to my training. Going over the memories I gained finding little things that escaped my notice as I do. The way Namekians create Ki structures is one of them, sadly Katas was a member of the dragon clan and had little ability in this regard. Among the knowledge I gained I found nothing about the catastrophe, that nearly wiped the Namekians out. Nothing else was as vivid as the martial magic training either. For whatever reason Katas found learning this and passing it down important.

   Another couple weeks goes by, while I train, I had shelved the magic, focusing on my Ki as I came out here to do. And exploring for Kamis' ship in the downtime. Even with my memories aiding me, everything looks too similar. I can't get my bearings very well. As I fly above the ground exposing myself to the frigid winds, looking below for the ship the sky darkens, and I know that Bulma is getting her wish right now. I keep my sense open and eyes peeled as I wait for a Dragonball that may come flying my way, when the sky begins to brighten I realized I was not that lucky. It was then that I felt two massive power spikes stronger than me, if only barely that disappear as fast as they came about.

   I head down to the ground behind some cover, pulling out my phone from my hammer space expecting a call soon enough. I have no idea what that crazy women wished for and it scares me just a little

   As expected I get a call, yet it isn't from who I expected.

   Ryan-" Hey, Kas-

   Kashi- "Yourfianceeiscompletelyins-ane! Whatarewegoingtodo! GGisgoing tokillus!"

   Ryan- Calm down Kashi I can't even make out what you are saying. Tell me what happened."

   Bulma- "That lovestruck women of yours can't accept failure is what happened. She wanted to live long like you, and being unable to do it herself with science she asked the dragon for help. It said it could not do what she asked at first, but after some back and forth. She managed to make everyone on this planet like you!"

   Ryan- Kashi, this is important. Do you know the exact wording she used?

   Kashi- Not exactly, but all the old humans have gotten young again. And I feel fantastic. My eyesight is far sharper, and I'm noticably stronger without Ki. Even my tits and ass have gotten perkier.  If this is how nice of body you have, no wonder you always hit like a truck and never flinched. Goku even changed. He was one of the massive power spikes you must have felt. He says he doesn't notice much different about himself aside from the spike only that he thinks Chi-Chi looks much prettier."

   Ryan- " I didn't need the visual image Kashi, regardless of how nice of an ass you have. It's an odd wish, but very sweet for me. I was worrying about outliving all of you, now I don't have to worry. Goku being strong and effected by the wish is odd. But, Why is that such a bad thing?"

   Kashi-" Objectively it's great. Just let me ask. How do you think GG is going to react to being in a much more youthful body again? Remember how long you are projected to live Ryan?  Even at a hundred you would look like you are what? 35 maybe 40 or so years old?"

   Ryan- Oh....

   Kashi- Oh, my ass. GG, Is. Going. To. Kill. Us. He had made his peace in life Ryan, he was ready to die any time now, and she just gave him and everyone else another hundred years or more to live at least. Not to mention the widespread panic this is bound to be having across the world."

   Ryan- I need to know the exact wording she used Kashi, where is Bulma at now?"

   Kashi- "She is arguing with Baba, the wish didn't seem to effect her much, and she isn't happy about it."

   Ryan-" That's odd. And makes me even more curious how she phrased the wish. Also why did you let her make that wish? Why did Baba?

   Kashi-"The Dragon couldn't grant her original wish that we agreed on, or her second wish. She got pissed, and before we knew it she asked for this instead. There wasn't much of an opportunity to stop her. And Baba looks to have been in on it somewhat."

   Ryan- " So what do you want me to do about this anyway? I appreciate the call, however this was your girls trip if anyone is going to get in trouble it's you and Goku."

   Kashi- " That's your fiancee, you better not let me take the fall, for her actions. Besides I got you laid with that seal. If you want another in the future you better get your butt over here. We aren't leaving anytime soon based on the argument I'm seeing with Baba, and Bulma. Besides, I expect a very angry GG to have made the deductions quickly enough. We can't keep him waiting."

   Ryan- " I'm on my way, it'll take me a while to get there, have Bulma give me a call when she is free, I need to know the exact wording of her wish.

   Kashi- " I will, see you later."

   Ryan- " Bye, sis"

   After the call ended I headed back to the ship at a fast yet, sustainable speed. Having to give up on finding the ship, was not in my plans, but it isn't going anywhere. I can always come back, and resume the search, or use Bulma's satellites to locate it.

   Making it back to the the glorified hanger I fired up my ship and set off for Baba's palace, I could teleport myself using a tag, but I'm not looking to start an argument with Baba for misuing the tags. With a five hour flight ahead of me I sat down to think of the repercussions this wish may have on my knowledge of the future. If Gero is alive he will be far more youthful. may even cause him to take more time in his revenge. That is all assuming his son still died.

   Aside from him, this is a net positive. Making humans stronger is not bad. It'll make the others far more useful. I just don't know the extent of the wish. Making more assumptions pointless for now.


   And the dreaded call arrives making me feel like a child who is going to be scolded. With resignation I answer the call.

   Ryan- "Hi GG, how are you?"

   GG-" What do you know? Don't play dumb."

   Ryan-" Not much, just that Bulma tried to make a few wishes that even the Eternal Dragon could not fufill, all in an effort to live longer. After that she wished for something, I'm not exactly sure what. But it caused everyone who was old to appear younger and gain some other unique traits of mine. But in truth, she changed the human lifespan to be similar to mine. Congrats GG, you will live for another hundred years."

   GG- "I'm an extremely patient man Ryan. But I expect you, and the others including Bulma, to be here in within the next two days. That young lady and I have some talking to do. Do you understand?'

   Ryan-" Yes, sir."

   With that, the call ended without even so much as a goodbye. GG didn't sound angry. He sounded calm, cool, and collected. A far worse nightmare for anyone who knows that when certain men get quite, they are simply pissed, and holding themselves back. With a sigh I lay back deciding to get some sleep while I can. It's going to be a long night.



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