Chapter 28: Chapter 28. Lust

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   I wake up to my phone going off, and seeing that it is my blue haired devil ready to talk and hopefully explain herself. As much I like her wish. There are many who would feel violated.

   Ryan- " Hi sweetie, I see that you made your wish."

   Bulma-" You're not going to yell at me like everyone else are you?"

   Ryan-" Not at all. I understand the reasoning behind the wish, and while it was slightly selfish on your end, I know you did it for me mostly. I remember the day I told you about the downsides of living so long, it seems I'll have to give you nice present myself."

   Bulma- "You promise?"

   Ryan- "Yes, I promise."

   Bulma-" Thank you for not yelling at me like everyone else. Speaking of gifts I already know exactly what I want from you but it can wait for later. I take it you want to know the exact phrasing of the wish still?"

   Ryan-" Yes, I'm curious why it had different effects on different people."

   Bulma- " That all comes down to how I phrased it and the Dragon himself, as you guessed. But let's start at the beginning. Remember when I sequenced your DNA?"

   Ryan- " How could I forget, magic is bullshit right?

   Bulma- " Yes. Well anyhow... what I didn't mention was that no matter what I did, I couldn't pass those genes on to an already living human safely. Especially the aging gene. So I asked the dragon for the device to do so, assuming that perhaps there was something out in the cosmos that could help, yet the dragon could not fufill this wish."

   "I next wished for the knowledge to surmount this obstacle, and the dragon said that the knowledge does not exist. Pissed I got a tad desperate and asked if he could do it himself. after a while he said he could, but only if it wasn't harmful to the recipient. That was perfect for me. Taking my chance I had him use the small amount of unique genes I isolated from you I gave to everyone on Earth, seeing as the dragon wouldn't cause harm I spread it as far, and wide as I could to everyone who would benefit.

   Ryan- " That isn't such bad wording actually, why was Baba so angry though?"

   Bulma-" She is a women Ryan, she wanted to look younger. Too bad for her that she can live far longer than you. The Dragon must have decided your gene for aging was harmful to her. Her skin is a bit smoother though, and we all are far stronger and more resistant, than before. I feel like I'm on the moon and can barely walk correctly."

   Ryan-" I bet the same was true for Master Roshi as well. What genes did you give everyone anyhow?

   Bulma- " Just a couple hundred that focus on the obvious benefits of your physique. I couldn't isolate everything. For example, that mental shield you have innately was not included."

   Ryan- "Did anyone change outwardly?"

   Bulma-" Only those who were old. Or in pathetic physical condition. I didn't include anything for appearance aside from the really nice soft skin you have, and the physical enhancements which are hardly noticeable. everything else was behind the hood so to speak. Reaction time, healing, disease resistance, eyesight, hearing, your biologically increased defense and strength, muscle density, That was all that was included in the sample I provided the Dragon. They are all dominant genes and will be passed down to new children in the future from the parents.

   Ryan- " Did you know Goku would be affected by this?"

   Bulma- " I may have completely forgotten he was an alien to be honest. Although Chi-Chi is happy that they will have a long life together and can have lots of kids now."

   Ryan- " I wonder how much he gained from the wish."

   Bulma- " I do as well, don't those Saiyan's normally stay in their prime until their old, then age rapidly? How is this going to affect him? Or did he not even gain the longevity at all? I have no idea what happened with him, I tried to get a blood sample but he took off on Nimbus when he heard that I needed to use a needle."

   Ryan- " I'll spar with him when I get there and get you that sample that is probably your only hope."

   Bulma- Good luck, he has gotten strong lately, even before the wish he finally beat Kashi, but even after the wish he grew even more, don't let her know I told you, but Kashi is incredibly jealous with your mind rape boost and his mysterious power gains due to the wish."

   Ryan- " What was that all about anyhow? Why did his power spike after the wish?"

   Bulma-" I haven't had a chance to ask him, Kashi said he felt nothing different. Although he kept staring at Chi-Chi like a boy with a serious crush, for the first time since I have known him. Something definitely changed with him I'm sure. It's like he got all horny for the first time. I can only trust the dragon, and hope it wasn't harmful, until I get a sample."

   Ryan- " Maybe it's just puberty hitting him hard. So has Kashi filled you in on GG wanting to see us all in two days?"

   Bulma- " So that's what he wanted. He called Kashi, but she's too scared to answer. She did answer her father though, it seems all the big cities are having some kind of impromptu celebration, many of the people who had illnesses that we couldn't cure even with the new drug are healthy again, while all the older people are celebrating being younger again."

   Ryan-" What about your parents? Have you heard from them?"

   Bulma- " Not yet, but if I know my father I may have a new sibling soon, he always wanted a son, I don't see him passing on this opportunity."

   Ryan- "Hahaha, there are far worse issues than a potential new sibling. Although this new longevity is going to make family tree's confusing in a few decades."

   Bulma-" I gotta go, Tights is calling me, I'll see you soon."

   Ryan- I'm only an hour away, I'll be there as soon as possible, bye."

   With the conversation over, I let out a sigh of relief. Aside from Goku, most of the people only got an upgrade, and without Ki it won't change much for them at all, aside from living much longer healthier lives. I'm sure the Kai's would have issue with humans evolving like this, but they are all dead, useless, or indisposed.

   I check my heading seeing that I'm a tad closer than expected. I gather my things and use magic to clean myself, removing the training outfit, and going back to my loose fitting clothes. With some time to kill, I turn on the radio, listening in on whatever I can tune in. Most of which are talking about how this miracle happened. A few self proclaimed prophets are taking credit for it and only one station even mentioned the odd darkening of the sky, prior to the miracle that swept over the world.

   Arriving at Baba's palace I flew over  the wall, through her barrier, letting it sweep across me telling her of my arrival. Landing in the rear courtyard where I sensed Goku, and Chi-Chi. I exited the ship to see them waiting for me. Chi-Chi is different. it's subtle but damn, she is far cuter I must be honest. Her hair and skin have changed slightly so has her frame, she does her best to hide it, while wearing a black cloak like Baba's, but she is covered in hickeys, all over her neck, and is incredibly flustered while Goku looks like he is about out of breath, Interesting.

   Ryan-" What's going on here?" Marking your territory Goku? You can't leave hickeys all over her like that man, you'll embarrass her."

   Right on cue Chi-Chi notices the marks on her neck. Chi-Chi turns apple red up to her ears having been called out. What happens next surprised me as she pulls out a cast iron frying pan from a hammerspace smashing Goku over the head.

   Chi-Chi-" I told you not to leave marks you idiot!"

   As Goku rolls around the ground holding his head Chi-Chi decides she is too embarrassed.

   Not one to stick around she runs off or tries to, but I cut her off not allowing her to run away just yet.

   Ryan-" Here eat this, it'll get rid of the marks."

   Chi-Chi takes the offered bean and runs away to somewhere in the palace. Likely to cool her head. Maybe it is a waste of a bean but getting on the good side of the mother of the strongest warriors of the future is always a plus.

   Goku-" Sorry about that Ryan she can be a handful."

   Ryan- "Next time get a little more privacy than a courtyard garden to suck face Goku. and don't do it where clothes can't cover it up. By the way, since when have you been interested in doing things like that? I never saw you show so much favor to women before."

   Goku- " Hmm, since the wish I think, do you think it is the reason I feel like having her close all the time? Is this how couples are suppose to behave?

   Ryan- " I don't think there are many hard rules to how people carry out a relationship, but attraction is one of them for whatever reason you see her as a potential mate. Whether that is the Saiyan instincts, or the human additions is anyone's guess, just try not to rush things, too fast. Let her set the pace."

   Goku- "Hmm thanks for the advice."

   Ryan- So where is everyone else? I can't sense them through the barriers."

   Goku- "I'll take you to them."

   Ryan- " I'm sorry Goku."

   Goku- "For wha!!!! Get it out of me, I'm gonna die!!! It hurts!!"

   Ryan-" It's already over quit your bellyaching. It's for your own good. Weren't you just sucking face with a girl? Now act like a man and shake it off. lead the way."

   Using my quicksilver I had made a needle that I could control to get a blood sample easily and quickly from Goku. I doubt I'll ever get the jump on him again, but hopefully I won't need to.

   Goku led the way to where Bulma, Kashi, and Baba were. As he grumbled the entire time about me interrupting his make out session and now breaking his trust. Promising payback in the future.

   Baba's Palace is old, yet still a marvelous building. It is large and intimidating for the public areas that people see when getting fortunes read for them, but the rest is actually rather welcoming and inviting. There are all sorts of people around, even her fake Jiangshi guards, she made from the dead bodies of the bounties sent to her. I wonder if Tao, and Shin are included in that and how she gets to keep the bodies after collecting the payment. Or if she just steals them. As we get to the room they are in, Goku leaves me to go chasing after Chi-Chi.

   Baba- If it isn't the man himself, who knew she would do something so crazy for your sake."

   Ryan- " If anyone knew it was you Baba, or are you not a fortuneteller?"

   Baba-" Bah!, divination is an artform boy, there was no way I could divine what happens during the dragon summoning."

   Ryan-" But you could Divine for afterwards, this conversation perhaps? Maybe you already know what's going to happen."

   Baba- " Don't question me brat. Now have a seat."

   As I sat down, next to Bulma, Baba opened a pair of double windows with her telekinesis letting the breeze through. I took Bulma's hand in mine noticing that she was no longer quite so fragile. And that her skin was buttery smooth.

   Kashi- So how mad was GG Ryan?

   Ryan- He didn't let any emotion show in his voice, and gave us all two days to be there, including Bulma."

   Kashi- " Damn, that's bad. He hasn't been that angry since Goku blew up the lake."

   Bulma- "And why do I have to show up there? He doesn't have any authority over me!"

   Ryan- " You can try to avoid him, but all you will do is lose his respect. And he will track you down. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet."

   Ryan- "By the way, here is Goku's blood sample. I caught him making out with Chi-Chi when I arrived. You two have any ideas what happened to him? I have never seen him so interested in women.

   Bulma-" He is a boy of course he will like girls."

   Kashi- " You don't know Goku like us Bulma, he hasn't ever looked at women like a human male does. Not once has he ever even stared at my chest with anything but genuine curiosity. But now I caught him lusting after me while walking behind me. This is highly abnormal."

   Bulma- " Then it must be something to do with his alien physiology. I added nothing in that list that effects that side of things."

   Ryan- " I agree, Baba do you know anything about this?"

   Baba- " I'm not a machine to just answer questions, you know."

   Ryan- " You are fortuneteller, that is exactly what you do."

   Baba-" You know nothing of the finer arts boy, you are all too happy to fling around dirt clods. Besides, I demand payment for questions."

   Ryan- " Why are you always so difficult Aunty? Here, how about this, I have a few hundred books I found in an abandoned magicians hideout in Yunzabit Heights. I'll share them with you, if you use your powers to find out what is going on with Goku. We all know you care about him even if you act all aloof."

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   Baba didn't answer me immediately, simply staring me down, but I had the high ground here. I had hundreds of old books that I know she wants to get her grubby hands on. Plus she cares about Goku as much as anyone else here even if she doesn't show it, she just needs an excuse to save face.

  Baba-" Fine, give me the blood I'll find out why our resident monkey boy, is going banana's for the women around him all of a sudden.

   I gave Baba the sample splitting it in half so that Bulma could still do her thing. We watched as she somehow poured his blood into her solid crystal ball turning it a light red, that slowly faded away with a tiny little witch watching the ball with glowing eyes. The color in the ball suddenly fades entirely as Baba catches her breath.

   Baba- "Hahaha! That boy is in for a world of pain! Haha! serves him right for skipping out on my classes all the time."

   Kashi- "What did you learn?"

   Baba- "It seems his race has a habit of breeding with other aliens. And are highly compatible with most. Humanoids. That means He probably gained the longevity as Chi-Chi was hoping for. Moreover, the halfbreeds usually have great potential in Ki. It was probably why he had such a giant power growth after the wish, the human aspects increase his potential not unlike when you cross a lion and a tiger, somehow you get something better than the sum of their parts"

   "Aside from that, what is causing his issue, is that when a Saiyan is around others that his instincts decide are a great match for him they go wild. He is pretty much in the Saiyan form of a rutt right now, and it won't stop until he accomplishes the mission."

   Ryan- " Can he accomplish the mission? Does he even have the equipment necessary?"

   Baba- "Not at all, it won't be for quite a while until he reaches his races sexual maturity. It won't stop him from feeling this way though. His instincts have found humans females since the wish to be excellent breeding partners, and it won't stop influencing him. Although he should grow more resistant to the effects over time."

   Ryan- " How bad is this going to be?"

   Baba- What you see now is as bad as it will get. He may have some sleepless nights though. And an itch he can't scratch for a few years.

   Kashi- " My innocent little brother is all gone now. He is just another pervert like the rest of the men I know."

   Ryan- Hey, I resent that."

   Kashi-"You think Bulma and I don't talk or something Ryan? I know exactly how freaky you two are and all about those gadgets that Bulma made. Don't even try to defend yourself."

   I look towards Bulma with a shocked expression of betrayal.

   Ryan- " That was suppose to be a secret, and it was alo her idea!

   Bulma- " Girl talk doesn't count."

   Baba-, Kashi- "Agreed!"

   Ryan- Why am I even here, if I'm just going to get ganged up on?"

   Baba- As much as I love gossiping, I have work to do. I expect you two to clean the sheets before you leave, I can't force my staff to clean that mess up, I don't pay them enough for that. Breakfast is at 7am sharp, goodnight."

   As Baba walks out Bulma latches onto my arm with a creepy grin and starts to drag me out of the room, with a hasty wave goodbye to Kashi, Bulma takes me down the hall to her room not wasting anytime."



   Bulma-" I have a new more durable body, and you said you would give me a present right? I want to do THAT."

   Ryan- I didn't promise to do that. I already told you it feels weird. What happened to you as a child that made you grow a fetish for THAT?" To even go so far as to make a device that can make you LOOK like you regressed in age just for this is kinda crazy."

   Bulma- " It's not crazy, it's my fetish. You shouldn't kink shame your fiancee. And we both know immaee it as an alternative to the age problem. I didn't make it just for this. Besides you said you would give me a present. You promised! this is what I want, I even have the enhanced body to help me out now, you have no excuses."

   Ryan- "Exactly how young are you going to revert down to? And how do you want to go about this?" Is this going to hurt the seal or the child?

   Bulma- "Not at all you have no excuses. The seal hasn't even let me become fertilized yet, there isn't even a child to worry about. So quit looking for excuses. I made some adjustments to the device, I can manipulate how old I look constantly. And I want it rough, I want you to force me down and to take it while you gag me and fill me. God I'm wet just thinking about it."

   Bulma grabs my hand and forces it under her pink skirt to find no panties and a sloppy wet pussy waiting for me. Having reached my limit I spin her around shoving her face first into the bed with her ass in the air. I flip her skirt up  storing my clothes as I lick her tasty pussy from her clit to her ass, with my face buried in her snatch I feel her shrinking and her ass growing smaller, I stand up at the foot of the bed and watch as Bulma flips over tossing off her clothes and shows that she regressed herself down to an age where her tits are nothing but little nubs of puffy nipples. She looks at me with anticipation, biting her lip, and rolls back over wiggling her tiny ass Infront of me.

   Bulma- "Rape this tiny young pussy, fill me with your cum, make me your nasty little sex slave!"

   Ryan-" Knowing that she won't take no for an answer I get behind her even smaller than normal frame. I use some new magic to form cloth that I use to tie her up forcing her head to stay down against the mattress as i tie her hands behind her back and her body to the bed, leaving her laying prone with her tiny butt being the highest part of her due the pillow under her waist, I stradle her thighs and part her ass rubbing the head of my dick against her pussy lips.

   Bulma- "Thats dirty! Stop!"

   I give her the silent treatment as I let my hands wander her body, groping her like molester as she suppresses her pleasure in knowing she is being used. I get the head of my dick inside of her, and notice that she has a hymen again somehow. Must be due to Kashi and her magic. The kinky women even regrew her hymen just for this.

   Bulma-" Its feels funny, stop please!"

   Instead of responding I plow through the barrier going as deep as I can in a single stroke. She is so wet I bottom out and lean forward pressing my hips against her tiny butt, grabbing her neck and chin forcefully as I turn her face and make eye contact. Her pussy was sloppy wet and even as small as she is now I had no trouble claiming it.

   Bulma-"That hurts please stop! not there!"

   I squeeze her neck harder until she can't talk and continue my selfish use of her body. I pull out slowly and slam back inside of her. The pain of ripping through her hymen has already made her start to cum. With each stroke I hear and feel a wet slap and a tight grip as she cums around my dick, her pussy twitching the entire time clenching around me. 

   I don't let her talk but let her stay barely conscious as I fuck her roughly, dominating her body. Her tiny ass doesn't hinder me from reaching the depths of her pussy. I start to speed up my pace wanting to get this first nut out of the way. Her pussy has never stopped squeezing me since I started, the slight pain and abuse must be making her cum repeatedly.

   I near my orgasm and I lock lips with her forcefully buring myself inside her letting my cum flow deep into her, but she doesn't want it, regressing her age even further she tries to escape from being filled slipping from her bindings, but I force my dick to stay inside her, using my telekinesis to keep her tiny body rooted to mine. When I finish, I let go of Bulma and stand up while hearing her muffled cries, but I know better, even if she is crying she loves to be used like this.

   I grab her by her hair and drag her head to the edge of the bed preparing to throat fuck her. At this point she has no tits anymore at all and looks like a cute little blue haired girl, if you ignored the cum and blood dripping out from between her legs, the Burst blood vessels in her eyes, the runny nose and tears on her face, and the red welts on her neck, which I do.

   Grabbing her face that hangs over the edge of the mattress with both of my hands, I forcefully open her mouth, and shove my dick deeply inside of her throat, letting my balls slap against her nose and eyes as I use her throat to my hearts content. She tries to use her hands to push me away, but I simply reach down with one hand and hook my fingers into her dirty cum dripping pussy, pulling her towards me harshly, forcing her deeper onto my dick, after a good minute I let her get a few breaths in before I start again, ruthlessly using her throat for my own enjoyment, as she struggles to get free.

   I could use magic to hold her down, but she has reverted herself into such a young form that she is far too weak and small to do anything, it isn't long before I cum down her throat which causes her to choke, I pull out after I finished and watch my cum comes out of her nose from her choking but she gladly eats it without a second of hesitation. It doesn't stop me at all either, as I flip her over back on her chest. At this point she is in a daze from her orgasms, and lies there shaking as they rock through her.

   There is one last hole that needs to be used to fufill this dirty girls fetish. Pulling out some lube I prepared the final treat, I can't say I'm as into this as Bulma is, I don't mind a small women, but this is ridiculous. Even going as far as to make that infernal device, I need to make her regret it, sadly she'll only get off on any physical punishments I give her. I need to be more mental.

   Using more magic I tie her up once again, this time useing actual rope, having gained such a large list of materials to create from magic has created new opportunities. I tie her up tightly, guiding rope around her chest around her thighs and waist, even making some kind of rubber material, I use to make a gag. before long she is bound tightly. I get off of her as she struggles to get free, I move to her purse looking for her capsules, until I find the one I'm looking for. hidden on the inside at the bottom of her bag in a small hidden pocket.

   Bulma is by far the biggest pervert I have ever met, in either life. You wouldn't think it from watching the show but she is a freak. She would swallow my cum happily no matter how much I asked, or the time of day. I could make her walk around the house with her ass filled with cum all day and she would enjoy it. The more degrading and riskier the better.

    That means her being embarrassed or shy in bed takes a lot. As I pull out the white scuffed up old capsule she turns a pale shade of white, and tries to struggle for real. She doesn't know that I have always known about this capsule and it's contents since a few weeks after I moved in. Popping open the capsule I find whips, gags, rope, vibrators, leather outfits, and what I'm looking for most, a video player and camera. Like a portable cctv setup. I move over to the bed climbing back ontop of Bulma keeping my dick nestled into her tiny perky ass cheeks, as I set up the video player and camera. I put the player in a place she can see and the camera is focused on what I'm about to do to her ass. She visibly relaxes when I don't play any of the videos, she has recoded already. She doesn't know that I know exactly what is on there. 

   For now I heat the lube with some magic as I get her ass ready, she can see everything on the monitor as I let the lube slide down her ass crack, as she shivers in anticipation I use my dick to spread her wide slowly adding more lube as needed, she is incredibly small and needs all the help she can, but before long the head of my dick is inside of her, and I don't wait anymore before I start to long stroke her ass, taking my time and enjoying it. This isn't the first time we have had anal sex, and she knows better than to fight it should she hurt herself. I can hear her moan with pleasure each time I stretch her out. But the crazy girl somehow takes it all in stride. Where it all fits I have no idea, but I must be careful to not actually harm her.

   As I bury myself deep inside her I slow down kissing her as I let my hard dick sit hilted inside her. Before I switch the video to one she recoded nearly a year ago, a video of Kashi in her room of the camper masturbating. With her legs bent at her sides and pussy bared openly as she plays with her fat, juicy pussy. As Bulma realizes what happened she struggles under me to try to shut the video off but I don't let her move. I haven't watched this myself more than a few seconds when I had found it originally. I had decided that it wasn't my business what the girls got up to, But it seems Bulma doesn't like me finding out her naughty secret, which is exactly what I want.

   As I lay hilted deep in Bulma's ass moving my dick around deep inside her, holding her pinned beneath me, I turn the volume up on the recording as Bulma watches in embarrassment, as Kashi's moans over the monitor get louder and louder we can even hear her wet pussy making noises as she rubs it and see her pussy leaking juices all down her ass crack as she plays with herself. I have to admit it is hot as hell, but the real thing under me takes my attention.

   Ryan-" Since you want to be treated like a dirty little girl. I though we might as well go over your dirty little secrets. It's actually kinda hot. When I found this player I was too curious to not check what was on it. You couldn't believe my surprise when I find it full of videos of yourself masturbating and us having sex. I never knew I was being recorded. But a video of Kashi masturbating, I don't realize you were into girls. It's kinda hot, honestly. I wonder what I should do about it. Should I ask Kashi to explain it maybe I should invite her over here so we can take turns useing you. It would be really hot to fuck you while I shove your face I her pussy."

   Bulma- "Mhrmrmh!"

   Ryan- " Don't bother making excuses, I'm just curious if Kashi knows?"   

   Recording this without her knowledge doesn't seem like a Bulma thing to do, but you did do it to me after all.

   Bulma-"Mhrmrmh, mhrm."

   Ryan-"I haven't watched it all myself yet, so stay quiet or I'll have to ask Kashi about this."

   Bulma behaves as I watch the video while still fucking Bulma's ass incredibly slowly holding her tight underneath me keeping my hips pressed tight against her small ass that feels as if it was made to be a cocksleeve. Savoring the moment, kissing and sucking on her neck as Bulma moans underneath me, and Kashi moans over the monitor.  

   I start to hear Kashi growing louder and louder as she rubs her clit and pussy lips faster and faster on the video. She has a nice meaty mound and no hair, her darker skin contrasts with her pink pussy beautifully and the thick thighs are enticing, but I focus on Bulma giving her my intention instead.

   As I increase my pace taking my weight off of Bulma I feel her trying to once again to move to stop the video, but I pull her back so that she has to watch until the end, the more I stop her the tighter her ass clenches on my dick until I can't take it anymore and dump my cum deeply inside of her, this sends Bulma over the edge, and I feel her pussy clench through her ass as she cums audibly, her pussy pushing everything that was inside of her out as she shakes through a huge orgasm. 

   Sadly for her, it wasn't loud enough to cover up who's name Kashi is calling as she cums making a mess underneath of her and giant wet spot. The video continues as Kashi grabs the camera and starts speaking while I sit there slightly stunned to see that she was watching a video on the same monitor we are now.

   Kashi-"Thanks Bulma, I really needed that, you have no idea how horny that boy has made me. As agreed, we both have dirt on each other, and I have my copy of the video. And this one is for you."

   Bulma- " Mhmhm"

   Ryan- "You aren't going anywhere naughty girl I'm not going to pry into you and Kashi's private dealings. I assume she asked for this as payment for a divination, but you have a lot of work to do in return since I wasn't involved in this, ok?

   Bulma- "Mhm, mhm."

   As expected she agrees all too easily. But I think I know the cause of all of this. I haven't thought about my attraction boon in a while, but I bet this is the cause of the video, it was from last year. Kashi is in the camper. It was probably right before we all met Yamcha. Years of my boon activating on Kashi must have ate away at her, regardless of the age gap. I was literally the only guy around for her to fantasize about for years, it's understandable, and also noteworthy that she never showed any of her attraction to me not even once. And makes me wonder if she had any actual attraction, or if it was simply a reflection of what I felt.

   Still buried inside of Bulma's tight and tiny ass I start moving again deciding she needs another filling, I find another video, this is the one she made behind my back that first night and following morning The very one she let Kashi watch.

   Ryan- " After this you are sucking my dick all night just like in the video understand?

   Bulma- "Mhm hmm"

   Ryan- " I can't understand you. Tighten your ass if you agree."

   As Bulma squeezes my dick with all the effort she can muster I know that I stumbled onto some dirt that finally embarrassed her. Thankful for my augmented body and Ki to recoup myself with, I continue using and abusing Bulma as she so enjoys for the rest of the night, eventually falling asleep with Bulma's sleeping messy cum and tear covered face buried in my balls. Today was a good day, all things considered.



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