Chapter 29: Chapter 29. The Guardian of Earth

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   The following morning I wake up to a mess of bodily fluids and Bulma's face glued to my thighs. Using magic I clean us up as I should have done last night. While fulfilling her rape fantasy wasn't as fun for me as it was for her, we had fun regardless. 

   Ryan-" Wake up sleepyhead, I know you want some coffee, and breakfast after last night."

   Bulma gets up and looks at me with hungry eyes I know all too well.

   Ryan-" We don't have to time. Breakfast is ready, and we have a long flight ahead of us."

   Bulma- "Ughhh don't be a party pooper. We have plenty of the time. I gave everyone an extra hundred and fifty years as a matter of fact."

   Ryan-" If you don't get that cute little ass out of bed, you may not be around when I see Kashi at the breakfast table. You wouldn't want me to be alone with her after what I saw last night would you?"

   Bulma- "Nice try, but her and I have an agreement. And you need to stop snooping around, you shouldn't have seen that."

   While Bulma gets up and turns off the bracelet growing to her full figure, beginning to get dressed. We continue the conversation.

   Ryan- " And what exactly is that?"

   Bulma- "You'll find out in due time, should things come to pass. No use in knowing things that may not even happen."

   While thinking of Bulma's words and the confirmation of divination being the cause of her mysterious statement. I watch her throw on a pink sundress and socks with small slip on matching pink shoes, yet no panties, or bra. She loves to dress all innocent and sweet in public but she is anything but that.

   After we clean up, we make our way to a dining hall. I find Baba, Kashi, Goku, Chi-Chi, sitting around a large table. I even see some of Baba's fighters leaving the room. Chi-Chi looks like she is adapting to her new obsessed Goku well, as he pays her much more attention which she enjoys, as she feeds him his breakfast herself off in her pink space. At the other end of the large table I find the food. Helping myself to some, I make a plate for Bulma and I, while Bulma enjoys her coffee. 

   Ryan-" Good morning everyone. Kashi, Goku, are you two ready to see what a much younger GG looks like?"

   Kashi-" He was that other large power spike wasn't he? Why did he get so strong?"

   Ryan- "Combination of being in a young healthy body that's far stronger and resistant to improper Ki use than his original, and a lot of anger I assume. His power felt unstable for that brief period. I doubt he can bring that much power out normally, without repercussions. It's still crazy to think of GG being that strong."

   Goku- " I want to spar with him when we get back, it should be fun."

   Ryan- " I don't think he is going to be in a good mood Goku. I wonder how Yamcha, Krillin, and Puar are doing. You hear from Yamcha lately at all Kashi?"

   Kashi- "Nope, he hasn't even tried to call me in weeks, but Puar did. I can't believe the cat is more considerate than that doofus. He hasn't remember any of the important days, except my birthday and that was because we were both at Roshi's. He even forgot our anniversary of when we started dating. He is an asshole. I don't care what kind of training GG put him through. He can give me a call at the very least. Even you, while off exploring remembered about Bulma. You treat her so well, and it's so sweet, but Yamcha seems to have forgotten about me entirely."

   Ryan-" Don't compare us to each other, each man is different. Holding him to the bar I set isn't fair. Besides, couldn't you have called him? Have you tried that at all?"

   Kashi-" I could have, and I know it's selfish, but I like to be chased. I want to be desired, as much as women deny it, we want the man to come after us, to think of us. Look at Chi-Chi for example. Now that Goku is lusting after her, she gets nearly all his attention and couldn't care less if it's due to his attraction to her. It makes her feel wanted. She is off in her own world feeding Goku, entirely unaware of us talking about her. I want that for myself. I don't want to have to remind him of my existence just to get some attention."

   Bulma-" If you stopped being such a stubborn mule you wouldn't be in this mess. Just saying."

   Kashi-" Shush you! Keeps those lips sealed!"

   Baba-" Hahaha! Trouble with love I see. I can't say I miss those days. So where are those books Ryan? I want to get a look at them."

   I pull out a few from my hammerspace to give her a sample.

   Ryan- " Here are a few of the various books I found. I also found some old memory gems that were used to rip memories out of an unwilling alien's mind. This magician was pretty dark, so I expect the magic to be as well. I just can't read it."

   Baba-" And I suppose you want me translate them as well right? You know that's going to cost you?"

   Ryan-" You can keep the books here if you let me get access to the library, I think that's fair."

   Baba- " Very well, that's good enough for me. Now let's see here, this one is about warding, another is about rituals, and arrays. And this black one, ohh my, That's dark stuff."

   Ryan-"What's that black book about? I got some bad vibes from it."

   Baba- It's long forbidden knowledge on the steps to become a lich. Although incomplete, there should be more black books similar to this, do you have them? 

   Ryan- "Yes, I do. Do you want to go to the library after breakfast so I can drop them off there?"

   Baba- "Yes, that is wise, these books need to be sorted into the proper security measures. And with the proper seals. These can cause a lot of harm in the wrong hands. Much of this magic is esoteric, and extremely old. Even the counter spells are likely lost to time. Like this ritual for example, allows one to create real temporary living, bleeding voodoo dolls of people. And these arrays are for draining the life force and Ki from living beings. If this array was made big enough you could drain an entire planet. Thankfully the array is incomplete. It won't work if scaled up too large. Whoever wrote this book was smart enough not to include the entire thing thankfully. If I had to guess, I would bet that the magician wasn't human. The language is from the Demon realm." 

   Ryan- "His bones looked human enough, but I can't say I looked closely."

   Baba- "Some demons are more human than others, that is understandable."

   Kashi- " What's that last book?"

   Baba- "Those are seals, and talismans just basic preservation, detection, and trap seals. Not as good as what I taught you, but there are some others that are more niche. Like a miasma purifying talisman that could be handy though."

   As the witches look through the books I begin a conversation with Bulma. 

   Ryan-" So how did that conversation with tights Go?"

   Bulma-" Oh, yeah she said that everything is fine. She settled in at Omori island, near East city. She also has finished her reports on what she found out in space. And got paid handsomely. She wants us to come visit when we can. I asked about Jaco, but he already left with an invitation from our King for a Galactic Patrol outpost to be built on the moon."

   Ryan- " Is she still writing her scifi books?"

   Bulma-" She just published one when she came home called, Chako the Space Policeman. I ordered a bunch of copies from various sources to make sure it didn't flop. I can't have my sister being discouraged if it didn't do well."

   Ryan-" And there is my considerate Bulma. What are you going to do with multiple copies of the same book though?"

   Bulma-" I'm having them all sent to various libraries and schools across the cities as donations." 

   Ryan-" That's smart. She mention anything else? Maybe about the effects of the wish?"

   Bulma-" She didn't believe the explanation for how I caused it, until she saw Baba casting magic over a video call. You would think after exploring the galaxy she would have an open mind. But she loves the enhancements, she says it gives her a good point of view for characters in her books with super strength. Although she is a little freaked out by the lack of any humans who look like they are past middle age. And says that it is unfair that the beastman and dinosaurs didn't gain the same benefits as the humans have."

   "Now she is writing a book using our story and the effects of my wish as inspiration. She wants to write a fictional romance book about lovers wanting to be together against all odds. I think this is part of why she wants to meet you. I hope you don't mind."

   Ryan- "I don't mind, I think it's sweet of her, and would probably do well. Even if it offers a seemingly fake explanation to the world at large about how all this happened. If it's romantic enough, people will want to believe it."

   Baba-"Our guest is arriving, I want you all to shut up and be respectful. He is very important, and wants to meet you all."

   Ryan-" Guest?"

   We all quiet down, even Chi-Chi takes a break from spoiling Goku, as we watch the doors swing open. The first person I see, is not a person at all. It is a Genie. Mr. Popo to be exact. Unlike the anime, here he looks almost ethereal. Like his body is made of smoke that clings together and fills out his clothes. 

   Behind him walks the Guardian of Earth in his white robes and blue cape, holding a staff in his right hand. Neither say a word as their eyes scan over us, as if judging us. Which is probably exactly what he is doing. When he gets to me he stares until he finally speaks to me without ever having blinked.

   Kami- "Who are you child, and why can't I see your nature?"

   Deciding to not be on the back-foot of this conversation I respond in Namekian to throw the old man off.

   Ryan-" I am a friend to many, a lover to one, and family to those close to me. My name is Ryan. We have much to talk about, Piccolo."

   Kami-" That is NOT my name!"

   Ryan-" That was the name your parent gave you, you can't change that."

   Kami-" And what do you know about my parents?"

   Ryan-" Parent, singular. You may not have all the memories or knowledge of your bodies abilities or your races history but I can fix that." 

   Bulma- " What's going on? Who is that green old man?"

   Ryan- " He is the alien who's memories got stolen all those years ago. Do you know you have memories missing Kami? Do you know that these gems here contain what was stolen from you all those years ago?"

   As I say this I reveal all the gems covered in rock that I numbered to keep them in order. I also include the logbook that was written by the magician. When I remove some of the rock to reveal the purple gems inside  Kami lays eyes on them, he begins to shake, and tears stream down his face. As if some part of him remembers them.

   Kami-" My memories were stolen? I though I had an accident."

   Ryan- "Namekians, the name of your people heal far too well to suffer amnesia Kami. These gems contain your or should I say your fathers memories. The ones he passed down to you. I must apologize, because I touched the one I numbered as zero, and it activated giving me a copy of the memories from him, meant for you. I have no idea what the others contain, but these gems should hold all the missing memories. Good, and bad."

   Kami-" What did you learn from it?"

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   Ryan-" That particular gem contains basic foundational knowledge. Such as the language I just spoke to you in, maths, science, and most importantly unique magic only those of your race, and particular clan can cast. It also contains personal memories your father passed down to you. These are genetic memories intended to aid you in life. It may be late to receive them, however, it is better than never."

   As Kami takes in this revelation Popo addresses me on his behalf.

   Popo-" Thank you child, you have done a great service for the guardian of Earth. However, this does not excuse the abuse of the Dragon balls."

   Kami- "Indeed Mr. Popo, you are correct. young Miss Bulma, you are hearby banned from using the dragonballs ever again. Using them to advance a race as you have is heavily frowned upon. The Dragon will no longer hear your voice. I have also came here on the advice of the one known as Gohan, to pick up Goku for training with myself on the lookout."

   Bulma-" Who are you to ban me from using the dragonballs!? Who cares if it's frowned upon!"

   Popo-" He is the Guardian of Earth! The creator of the Dragonballs! You will speak to him with due respect!"

   Popo doesn't hold back as his Ki washes over Bulma to intimidate her, but I can't let someone bully my women even if she is in the wrong. I back her up shielding her from Popo's Ki much to his surprise, it takes everything I have to do so, even my horns appear on my head due to the strain.

   Kami-" Enough, Mr. Popo, there is no need to antagonize them. Nothing they did was with bad intentions. I thank you Ryan for returning these memories to me, I have always felt that I was missing something significant. This may be the cause."

   Baba-" Please have a seat Kami, I have some nice water I have been saving just for you."

   Kami-" I would very much appreciate that Baba, thank you."

   While he takes his seat and Popo pours a glass of water for Kami, Goku asks a question.

   Goku-"How do you know GG?"

   Kami-" I met him long ago when he was but a young man. He climbed up, and past Korins tower never stopping once. He climbed all the way up to my residence called the lookout. A place where I can watch over the entirety of Earth."

   Ryan-" I myself climbed Korins tower. There is no way up, unless you could fly. As far as I know, GG doesn't know that technique."

   Kami-" He knows far more than he lets on. I once tried to recruit him as the future Guardian after my passing, however he turned me down. The reason that there is no way up is on Goku's back. The power pole is used to connect Korins tower to the lookout, he was given it as a gift."

   Goku-" So that's where the power pole came from!"

   Kami-" What do you say Goku? Would you like to come with me to train? There is no better teacher for you on this planet I assure you."

   Goku-" I would love to, but I need to visit GG first, even if he told you to pick me up, I want to see him. Plus, I want to get there like he did. I don't want to get to the top by cheating."

   Chi-Chi- " And I'm coming too! Where Goku goes, I go."

   Popo-" We shall see about that young lady. The training will be harsh and we won't go easy on you just because you are a girl and his mate."

   Chi-Chi really didn't like that, standing while her body started to smoke and catch fire, she ignored it and yelled at Popo.

   Chi-Chi- " Try me puff ball!"

   Thankfully her new robes seem heat resistant to whatever is happening with her.

   Kami- " I see the family blood running strong in her Baba, she is one of your descendants correct?"

   Baba- " You know how many descendants I have running around after  500 years? I can't keep track of them all, who knows?

   Kami-" Still bitter after everything? You went so far as to break into the otherworld and blackmail King Yemma just to see your husband again, yet you still refuse to grow close to the living. This is no way to live Baba."

   Baba- "Says the man who lives like a hermit ontop of the lookout away from everyone. The biggest connections you have are with an immortal genie and minor deities. You have never watched your children die of old age in your arms! you know nothing of that pain! Drink your water and get out, you have delivered your message and ruined my mood."

   Baba stormed out of the dining hall, literally, while floating on her ball that was producing arcs of electricity zapping anything that got close.

   Baba- " I'll be in the library getting things ready Ryan, have Kashi show you the way."

    After she leaves the room in a stunned silence, Popo was the first to speak.

   Popo- " That was harsh even for you Kami. You know her, and her brothers condition is not easy to live with."

   Kami-" I stand by what I said, she needed to hear it."

   Chi-Chi- " I'm related to Baba? How?

   Kami-" She has lived for a long time, and that comes with it's own pain. She outlived her husband, children, and grandchildren. After a certain point she cut off her connection with her living family. Or at least that is what she would have people believe. You are without a doubt one of her descendants long removed."

   Ryan- " Huh, well isn't that something."

   Chi-Chi-" How can you be so sure?'

   Kami-" The outfit, and that extra dimensional space are dead giveaways. She doesn't just hand those out to anyone who visits her. Also the strength increase you just used when angry, is very iconic to those who remember her husband. If you want to know more, talk to her. She may put on a tough facade, but I'm sure she would enjoy telling you about your ancestors, once you get through to her."

   Chi-Chi-" Hmm, thank you for telling me."

   Kami-" I will see myself out. I look forward to your arrival Goku. If you manage to make it to the lookout Chi-Chi you'll have to undergo Popo's training. I would suggest that you take this time to prepare yourselves. Again, I must thank you for these memories Ryan. I don't know if I have the courage to view them, but it explains much of what has eluded me. And you, Miss Bulma are still banned from using the Dragonballs or trying to circumvent the ban as well. Don't push your luck, goodbye."

   Ryan-"Before you leave Kami, I need to say that I'm not sure what the others contain, but the one I numbered as zero, while headache inducing, contains actual memories of where you came from. If you try any of those gems I would recommend starting there."

   Kami- " Thank you for the advice, let us go Mr. Popo. We have much to prepare. The world is changing quickly."

   As they leave we all let out a sigh of relief. Kami is rather intimidating for an old man. 

   Kashi- " Guardian of Earth? Does anyone know what that means? And why is an alien the guardian of the planet? This all seems very odd."

   Ryan- " Let's go to the library, If Baba feels up to it, perhaps she will explain things, or we can just get answers from GG later. Goku, Chi-Chi, Bulma, please gather your things, we will be leaving in an hour, the flight will take quite a while from here. The sooner we leave the better. I'll meet you all where I parked the ship in the courtyard. Let's go deliver these books Kashi."

   As they all scattered, Bulma gave me a kiss on the cheek as she left to gather her things. Kashi led me downstairs underground to a library that was guarded by more of her Jiangshi. The doors were massive and enchanted. They stood atleast twelve foot high. As we neared the doors the guards opened them for us, letting us through. 

   The library was massive with people milling about here and there among tall bookcases made of a dark wood. We followed the walkway in the middle straight back to the rear of the room. We found Baba near some empty shelving floating above some equally empty tables.

   Baba-" What does that old slug know? How dare he lecture me about family."

   As we get closer to the rear of the library I make out a little of her ramblings until she stops talking to herself, and directs us to a set of shelves she prepared.

   Baba-"Is this enough room for all the books or do I need to bring in more shelving?"

   Ryan-" I believe it is enough. How do want them organized?"

   Baba-" You just dump the books here on the table, I'll organize them based on their contents. I would like to be alone for a while."

   Ryan-" That's fine by me."

   As I set the books down on the table Baba looked through them as Kashi perused the book on seals even if she couldn't read it. Is seems Baba doesn't want to talk any further. It didn't take but a half hour to remove all the books in my hammerspace. As we made to leave I left Baba with one comment.

   Ryan-" You know, Chi-Chi found being your relative exciting. Perhaps it isn't the worst thing in the world to acknowledge her."

   Baba-" Hmph! Sentimental nothings like that are for the weak."

   Ryan-" I don't believe you breaking into otherworld to be with your husband was weak at all. As a matter of fact it seems all your greatest deeds were done out of that same sentimentalality you so deride. Let's go Kashi, we have to get a move on."

   As we neared the exit, I looked back to see Baba shaking and tearing up. I need to thank Bulma again, living that long truly is a curse. I don't know if I could have handled it half as well as Baba has. And I wouldn't have lived nearly as long as she has. It puts Master Roshi's behaviours in a new light as well. I'm willing to bet his Pervy rude attitude with people and his life out on that island alone with the long lived turtle, are all an effort to not make connections. To push people away. They both have been suffering for hundreds of years.

   Kashi-" We should do something Ryan. We can't just leave her like that."

   Ryan- " I don't think there is anything we can do Kashi. What do you suggest? Finding all the family she has separated herself from to save herself heartache? To show her all the family she missed out on bonding with? I could only imagine that would reaffirm her decision to close herself off."

   Kashi-" Hmmm."

   Ryan-" We have our own issues to deal with anyway. Do you have anything to get from your room before we leave?

   Kashi- " I kept everything in my hammerspace, I'm ready to go."

   Ryan-"Then let's go meet everyone at the ship and take off. We have half a planet to travel across and no time to lose."


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