Chapter 30: Chapter 30. Self fulfilling prophecy

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   While Kashi and I walk towards the ship, she surprises me by using her hammerspace to quickly change from her black magician robes and flats, that hide her thick thighs, plump ass, and long legs. Into tight short white jeans, that end at her calf, a too small white holter top, that shows off her beautiful dark bronze skin, and white sandles with gold hoop earrings that round out the outfit. While keeping her hair in the same bun she always does with one long bang that frames her face from the side. it was quick, and flashy, no normal human would see anything, but it didn't stop me from catching an eyeful of the lacy black thong and strapless bra she had on underneath the robe. 

   Kashi-" Don't look at me like that, this isn't the first time you have seen me naked in all the years we lived together."

   Ryan-" If Bulma saw you doing that Infront of me just now what would she think?"

   Kashi-" You forget I know her as well as you do. She would probably act like she was insulted but be turned on by the fact her man was being teased Infront of her privately."

   Ryan-" Bulma shares far too much of our sex life with you, why is that?"

   Kashi looks like she is about to say something, but decided against it and keeps walking acting like she heard nothing 

   The idea of banging Kashi and Bulma has been eating away at me all morning. I can't get what I saw out of my head. One women is enough but two is better. I'm sorry Yamcha, you snooze you lose, if I can have my cake and eat it too, I'm going for it. Kashi is an excellent women I wouldn't mind having as mine. I'm not letting myself be held back by rules made by others, I plan to become a god, or die trying. What kind of man limits himself to a singular women when his current one shows that there is possibility for more. I bet Bulma wants this as much as I do anyways, whatever is going on seems to be partly her doing. Like she led things to this point behind the scenes. 

   Ryan-" Enough beating around the bush Kashi. I found the videos you two shared. I didn't think Bulma would record us having sex let alone share it with you, what's going on between you two?"

   Kashi- " None of your business, I'm dating Yamcha now, that video trade was made long ago, when I wasn't thinking straight. Forget what you saw."

   Ryan- " Not a chance in hell I can forget what I saw. And you must think too highly of me if you think I give a fuck about Yamcha."

   Kashi stops walking and turns around crossing her arms under her chest. While looking at me straight on.

   Kashi-" You made your decision the day Bulma arrived at GG's. If you wanted to pursue anything with me you had your chance. You had years to make a move on me, or at least show some interest, but you didn't. You are engaged to Bulma now and that's that. There is nothing to discuss. Why are you bringing this up now, a year too late?"

   Ryan-" Because I never thought you liked me like that. You were pretty good at not giving me any signs of interest."

   Kashi-" Not every girl will throw themselves at you like Bulma did Ryan. Besides, I'm older than even Bulma, it would be wrong if I made a move, no matter how mature you look and act. You were the one who needed to make a move. Why do you think I stayed at GG's instead of coming with Baba here after she left? I stayed because of you! You were just too dense to see it!"

   At this point Kashi has gotten close enough to look me in the eyes. She is just a bit shorter than me so as she looks up me I can see her bronze cheeks flushed red with tears welling up in her blue eyes, that make my heart ache. I never wanted to cause her pain.

   Ryan- " You threw yourself at Yamcha that doesn't make any sense."

   Kashi-" He was just something to distract me. And perhaps make you jealous. I couldn't take seeing you and Bulma getting along so well. It ate me up from inside, so I latched onto him hoping I could have what Bulma does. But i was a fool. Yamcha is a horrible boyfriend, he is too scared to even kiss me. And too inconsiderate to even call me."

   At this point Kashi has actual tears running down her face. I open my hammerspace pulling out some tissues, to wipe the tears off as she cries silently, before long she is buried into my chest letting the water works go. It was quite some before she calmed down enough to speak again.

   Kashi- " Sniff, Did you know Baba said you would be mine in the future? She lied Ryan, you were suppose to be mine! You were suppose to marry me and make me happy. How can Baba make such a bad prediction? It's not fair that Bulma has you and not me! I was suppose to be the one you married, but now I'm making seals for another women to have your child. That first night after we met her I did a divination for her and saw your kids, it crushed my heart. Do you have any idea how painful that was for me when I love you so much?"

   Bulma-" About time you confessed your feelings for him you stubborn mule. Thanks Baba, here is a tip for such great accuracy."

   Baba-" I don't get tips very often, thank you Bulma, if you ever need another divination just let me know I'll put you on my high profile client list."

   Kashi-" Ehhh??"

   Baba-" I don't make false divinations girl, you should know that by now. You never know how things get to where they are. When you divined for Bulma last year, you only saw a small fragment of what will be. As a student of mine you should know how dangerous and misleading divination can be. I never said you would be his only wife, just a wife"

   Ryan-" Ehhh??"

   Bulma- " Dont act like you aren't in heaven, Ryan. I wouldn't share any other man with any other women, you should count your blessings. I don't want to hear a word from you for a while. Kashi and I have some things to work out. Now let's go to the ship. Goku and Chi-Chi have already left on the Nimbus, we have all the privacy we could need and plenty of time."

   Kashi-" What's going on?"

   Bulma-" West city, has no laws against polygamy is what's going on Kashi, lobbying can do a lot. Welcome to the relationship. I can't wait to get my hands on you!"

   Kashi- " Oh no."

   Ryan-" Oh yeah."

You are reading story HEAVEN OR ASCENSION at novel35.com

   Bulma- "I said shut it Ryan! And wipe that smirk off your face. I saw enough of your shit eating grin in that divination, I'm not watching it in real life as well. And I'm dumping how to explain this to my parents on you. Hell if I know how to tell them that I'm sharing my fiancee with another women."

   Kashi-" You'll marry me too, like Baba predicted? We can be one big happy family? What will people think?"

   Bulma- " Kashi, you can fly and summon lightning from the sky. You are the World Martial Arts Champion and the first true disciple of the Great Fortuneteller Baba. Do you really care what others think as long as you are happy?

   Kashi-" Well not really."

   Bulma-" And I know Ryan, of course he will. He loves you and would be an idiot not to. Besides, he isn't the only one with a sweet tooth for some chocolate."

   As Bulma says this she looks over Kashi while licking her lips and giving her a lecherous look usually reserved for the bedroom.

   Kashi-" I need an adult! Aunty Baba, help me!"

   Baba- " You are an adult. Congrats on getting the man you dreamed of finally."

   Kashi- " It's not Ryan I'm scared of!"

   Baba-" I know! And you should be scared. That girl is a freak among freaks, Hahaha!!"

   As Baba floats away I think about how she slipped past us, and got Bulma ready while cloaking both of them From both Kashi and my own senses. That old hag is dangerous. 

   Bulma and us continue towards the ship with Kashi never letting go of my side with my arm wrapped around her still. I say nothing and just do as Bulma asked keeping my mouth shut and "Shit eating grin" off my face. Which isn't very hard because explaining this to not only Bulma's parent's, but GG as well as Kashi's father is going to be a hassle.

   As we board the ship Bulma drags Kashi off of me much to her reluctance.

   Bulma- " Could you set the course and get us moving? I need to have a little girls chat with Kashi."

   Without speaking I nod my head, pushing my luck when threesome's are a possibility never crossed my mind.

   The girls head off to the left side of the ship, and Kashi quickly uses her magic to not only block out sound, but my sight of them as well. I could use telepathy and sneak into Bulma's mind as I saw how Katas and the Namekians did, but I don't need to go that far. the ship takes off after a brief startup period and the course is set. It is a twelve hour flight East through multiple timezones. With it being 8am here that means it's 6pm at GG's. Giving us an arrival time of around 6am tomorrow morning, jet lag is a bitch.

   I let the girls settle things privately and count my blessings, as Bulma said to do. I'm years ahead of schedule, I have also thoroughly screwed the timeline. I left the ship parked in the courtyard to get a read on everyone's power levels and Goku and I are not the only ones to improve. Kashi sits at 219. A massive gain from the tournament five months ago. while Goku sits at nice round 450, and I bet both can go higher. These are just the highs the computer clocked them in at. Chi-Chi posted the lowest with 142, but that's stronger than she ever got in the original. We still have nearly three years before the next tournament. If Goku and Chi-chi both go through Kami's training I can safely say Demon King Piccolo is fucked. 

   Other changes include the wish which has made all these power levels a bit skewed. Ontop of that, the King has sent an official invitation to the Galactic Patrol. I hope they don't interfere with Raditz's arrival, he was my planned replacement for Vegeta. I have everything worked out to not even fight him at all, just get Baba to snatch up Bardock's soul, and let him give Raditz a stern talking too, and the truth of Frieza. With the revelation of Saiyan rutt as Baba calls it I can then throw him into a nightclub or something for good measure to keep him here on Earth.

   I thought about wishing Brolly here and that perhaps Goku's necklace could keep him calm, but I can't take that risk or explain how I knew about him. Goku getting those human genes may cause issues as well. Will his children still be half Saiyan? It's a miniscule amount of human DNA and he gained nothing that Chi-Chi didn't gain as well. I can only hope the Saiyan ritual goes off without a hitch or else. I suppose if an unborn Pan counts, Goku's kids should as well. I have been pretty careless lately.

   Wondering what else has changed with out my attention. I go towards the ships computer and look up Emperor Pilaf, and his associates bounty only to find that Emperor Pilaf himself is dead. I read the public report for details that say he was found dead crushed under the roof of his red car on a dirt road when two known fugitives called for medical services yesterday. It's a fucking headline for the local paper that touts the capture of Mai, and Shu.

   Did Goku, kill Emperor Pilaf when he got the last Dragonball? What. the. fuck. Goku? I then remember about someone else Goku was suppose to instead of kill save, Launch. 

   I look her up and see that she escaped custody along with a shape shifting, talking pig named, Oolong the Terrible.

   They were later found after he was shot by a large caliber round, the newspaper reads that he sexually assaulted his fellow escapee. He has been in a coma for the last two months, and is not expected to wake up. 

   Launch however was ruled unfit for trial. She is getting proper treatment for her condition after her split personality disorder was diagnosed. Good for her.

   With Emperor Pilaf dead I have no villain to face, that really sucks. It's not like I can release Demon king Piccolo myself and force him to birth Piccolo Jr. It may result in an entirely different child anyways. Just like with Chi-Chi, and Goku. The odds of the same exact child being born like in cannon are incredibly unlikely. I get a little anxious when I realize things are firmly A.U at this point. By the time of Z this place will look completely different.

   I look up Dr. Gero and get nothing recent. I have a feeling Goku didn't go easy on them. And it wasn't long ago that the army was dismantled. I need to keep him in mind especially with the advanced tech that will be coming out of Capsule Corp. The androids will probably be entirely different if they still come about, Cell may not even exist at all, or maybe something far worse takes his place. He is a wildcard I need to be careful of. He could also die in a car accident tomorrow. And never harm the world. The Possibilities are endless.

   I finish looking things up and find the two girls staring at me expectedly.

   Bulma-" Well get it over with already Don't make her wait forever, give her a kiss."


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