Chapter 31: Chapter 31. Unintended Consequences

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   I walk up towards Kashi, as she shrinks in on herself, Nervously playing with her hands never meeting my eyes. I pull her close with my left arm around her waist using my other hand to brush her hair behind her ear. She looks up at me and grabs my shirt with both her hands and pulls me closer.

   Kashi kisses me full on. She slowly surrenders herself to me as she relaxes in my arms, while I set the pace. My hand moves from her cheek to her hip as her first kiss continues on becoming far more.

   Expecting to annoy Bulma with our prolonged kiss I open my eyes and look behind Kashi to see Bulma with her face flushed red. When she notices me looking she smiles and pulls out a yellow ring physically identical to her own pink one. The best wingman ever passes me the ring covertly, It is clearly magical just like the others. I look towards Bulma for an explanation but she starts to rub her chest and bite her lip while watching us continue to kiss. I suppose she has own selfish reasoning as well.

   I pull away ending the kiss to the reluctance of Kashi. When she opens her eyes and catches her breath, she see's the ring in my hand Infront of her. Kashi isn't a dumb girl by any stretch of the imagination, and knows exactly what I intend the ask.

   Kashi-" Isn't this too fast?"

   Ryan-" We have known each other for years already. Plus, Baba already said you would be my wife, why wait?"

   Bulma decides to add her two cents as well. She joins the conversation by pressing her chest against Kashi's back, sandwiching her between us. I move my hand from Kashi's waist to Bulma's and pull them even closer together.

   Bulma-" The wedding is still a year away planned for next September. We can now have one big wedding. It wouldn't be fair if one of us got married before the other."

   Kashi-" This is crazy. And my Father will never agree, But I'll marry you Ryan."

   I slip the ring on her as Kashi admires it.

   Kashi- "Where did you get this ring? And why does it feel like yours Bulma?

   Bulma-" Custom ordered from Baba herself. She made it just like mine. The enchantment and all, aside from the color of course. All you must do is think of Ryan and it will lead you to him." 

   Kashi tests the ring out and her smile as it works shines brighter than the ring.

   Kashi- " You certainly know how to make me feel welcomed. I'm sorry for being so jealous of you and Ryan this entire time"

   Bulma-" That's in the past, we should just let it stay there."

   Kashi-" Thank you Bulma for everything. This makes me so happy, come here!"

   Kashi pulls Bulma beside her sharing my chest as I now hold both of them in my arms. I look down at the two downright gorgeous young women.

   Ryan-" How about we take this to a bed?"

   Bulma- " Yes!"

   Kashi-" I'm not ready! I, I, don't have the seal!"

   Bulma- " That just means, more foreplay."

   While they bicker I summon the large bed behind myself and I fall back pulling the girls along with my telekinesis.

   Kashi-"EEP! Ryan, be gentle!

   Ryan-" Those aren't my hands.'

   Kashi looks down to see that Bulma's hands are playing with her chest, I give her no chance to protest things as I kiss her lips just as Bulma begins to kiss her neck.

   Kashi-" Mmmm."

Kashi closes her eyes in bliss while Bulma and I begin to work her over. We share a look that tells me to focus on Kashi for now. 

  I grab Kashi's thighs and ass moving her so that she stradles me. Bulma moves behind Kashi and takes her own dress, socks and shoes off, getting completely naked. When I release the kiss for a moment, Bulma takes the chance to remove Kashi's top and bra, letting her chest bounce free.

   Kashi-" !!!Bulm-- ohh..mhmhm!"

   Faster than I was expecting, Bulma latches onto Kashi's neck while groping her chest from behind presenting me with two beautiful breasts larger than her own, clad in finger tip sized dark nipples with extra large smooth areolas that give her breasts a pointed shape.

   Kashi is completely opposite to Bulma's tiny pink nipples and areolas that nearly blend in with her pale skin. Finding myself thirsty I sit up and capture the gift Bulma is holding out for me in my mouth. She squishes the two together letting me make a mess out of both of them. I find myself following her chest as she lays down on her back. Bulma appears at my left side and I give her a tit of her own to play with. Like a well oiled machine, her and I work in concert together slowly stripping all of her clothes off until she is left in nothing but her black lacy panties.

   Kashi-" Stop, I don't have the seal like Bulma, we can't do that yet!"

   Ryan- " There are plenty of other things to do. Why don't you handle her upper lips while I handle the lower Bulma?"

   Bulma- "Gladly. Come here Kashi, I'll be teaching you how to kiss."

   Kashi- " Eh?.. mhm.... Mhhmmm."

   Bulma climbed on top of Kashi, and gave her a long deep kiss. Watching Bulma stradle and make out with Kashi while butt naked is extremely hot. With Bulma leaned overtop of Kashi I had a clear view of her wet glistening pussy as well. I have no doubt she was manipulating things to get to this point, and I couldn't thank her more.

   I pull the lacy thong off of Kashi, who helps me by lifting her hips slightly. I then push her legs up high. Bulma, like a  mind-reader guides Kashi's legs underneath of her up towards Kashi's chest using her own weight and legs to hold Kashi's legs folded back. This puts both of their pussies next to each other, nearly touching, with Bulma's atop of Kashi's. a small pale pussy that is just a tiny slit versus Kashi's dark puffy soft looking mound that shows it's bright pink interior as if inviting me in.

   I push Bulma up a little and begin to kiss all around Kashi's inner thighs and taint. Bulma doesn't let Kashi speak as she keeps her lips sealed with her own I only hear her moans of pleasure as Bulma enjoys dominating the lips of the inexperienced Kashi. 

   Instead of staying focused on only Kashi I flip the script, pull out my dick and grab Bulma by her her ponytail. I pull her head back giving Kashi's lips a break. My other hand moves to her hip holding her still as I shove myself to the bottom of her snatch letting my balls slap against Kashi's wet pussy. I push Bulma's ass further down so that each stroke in and out of her, drags my balls and shaft between those puffy wet lips of Kashi's. I can feel Kashi's clit harden with each stroke.

   Bulma-"Ohh God yes!"

   Bulma screams with the pain, or rather pleasure of Her hair being pulled, and I look down to see Kashi latched onto one of Bulma's smaller breasts with her eyes half closed. I give Bulma the dicking down she deserves for allowing this to happen, While Kashi starts to turn the tables growing more comfortable with not just me, but with Bulma herself. Kashi never showed any interest in women, but niether did Bulma, I can't say I'm very tuned into how this particular society views these kinds of relationships either.

   I chalk this up to women and their sexuality being far more flexible. It also may be due to emotions, but she is starting to get into it. I see her wrapping her legs and thighs around Bulma's waist holding her still as I fuck her deeply while slowly grinding myself on Kashi as much as possible. We have a growing wet spot underneath of us that shows the arousal of Kashi in particular, she is a wet one.

   I keep my efforts up until I notice Kashi is nearing her climax as she begins to grind herself on me faster and faster trying to find release. Before she finishes I give Kashi a show. I pull out of Bulma and stand up dragging Bulma to her knees by her hair before cumming all over Bulma's face. Once I finish I toss the now cum covered Bulma beside the stunned Kashi. She watches Bulma as she lays there shaking with her orgasm keeping her eyes closed, slowly eating my cum off her face like it's the tastiest treat in the world.

   With Bulma out of commission I give Kashi the same treatment I gave Bulma our first night in the capsule house. I give her a firm kiss on her lips before moving down her neck, taking my time to admire her chest until I move on towards the main treat.

   Kashi has a completely different pussy type than Bulma. Combined with all of her training throughout life she has muscles where Bulma never thought of. That's not to mean Kashi isn't soft, she has plenty of give where it matters. her clit stands out loud and proud with her excitement showing exactly how much she enjoys this. I give her small little kisses all over as I get closer and closer to where she wants me.

   Kashi-" Quit teasing me!"

   I eventually break her willpower and reward her. She pushes me with her hands lacing her fingers into my lengthening hair. I settle over her clit using my tongue to push her hood all the way back, as I begin to torture her bean. Her pussy is already soaking wet and she was near release already, so I don't start too slow, or too fast. Regardless, I eventually end up having to hold Kashi down by her hips as she tries to buck me off and strangle me with her thighs at the same time while she cums.

   Kashi- I'm cumming Ryan, move! I don't want you there!"

   I ignore her plea, mainly because she has me pinned. Instead I release my Ki just a bit to help hold her down. When Kashi cums much like Bulma her pussy tightens to an extreme degree. Unlike Bulma though, Kashi has a thick juicy pussy that is now squeezing itself dry. It covers my chin and runs down her taint adding to the wet spot. I continue as if nothing is happening. Pushing her over the edge, setting her off once again. Her hands that are on my head start to shake and her grip on my hair falters. She falls onto her back completely spent gasping for air, I clean my face and the wet spot on the mattress with magic and crawl in-between the girls pulling them close. 

   Kashi-" Ha, Ha, Ha, That was intense."

   Bulma-" As always. He never fails to please.'

   Kashi- " I suppose this is where I'm supposed to repay the favor? Cause that thing still hasn't gone down."

   Bulma- " I'll go first."

   Ryan- "How about both of you?"

   Bulma-" Are you sure you can handle that?"

   Ryan-"Try me."


   Ryan- "Wake up ladies we are almost there."

   Kashi- "(Yawn). What time is it?"

   Ryan-" Just before 6. We made bad time flying against the wind nearly the entire flight but it doesn't matter. We should be there in time for breakfast even if we are slow. I sense Goku and Chi-chi have already made it there ahead of us. The Nimbus truly is fast. I'm not sure how much he beat us by, but I'm willing to bet he stopped and ate lunch, and dinner somewhere on the way unlike us.

   Kashi- " God I'm starving, I can believe none of us had any food."

   Ryan- "Sorry about that, I was living off the land when I was out in Yunzabit Heights. I didn't think of asking if you all had any."

   Kashi- " It's not your fault, I should have put some new rations in my hammerspace. Goku just keeps eating them all and I forget to add more."

   Bulma-"Ugh my head, It's too early to be getting up without coffee."

   Ryan-" GG keeps coffee at home, even if he doesn't drink it. You can get some then."

   Bulma-"I was hoping to get some before being yelled at."

   Ryan-" He isn't going to yell at you, oh no, you have a far worse future ahead.  He is going to guilt trip you. And assign you a punishment that you will want to do out of remorse."

   Kashi- " Yep, he will probably have gotten your parents involved as well."

   Bulma-" What makes you say that?"

   Kashi- " I just know GG, he wouldn't try to punish another persons child himself. He would get their parents and get them on his side before doing so."

   Bulma- " I'm not a child Kashi."

   Ryan- " He is nearly a hundred years old Bulma. We are all children to him."

   Ryan-" Do you feel that Kashi?"

   Kashi-"No. What am I looking for?"

   Ryan-" GG has guests. just as you said her parents are there."

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   Bulma- "Uuuggghhhh."

   Ryan-" There are a few others I don't recognize as well. Most feel alert and wary. But not evil or harmful, as if they are looking out for danger."

   Bulma-"Bodyguards? Why would my Dad have bodyguards?"

   Kashi-" We will find out soon, let's get ready Bulma."

   Bulma-" What are you going to do about Yamcha?"

   Kashi-" Be an adult and let him know things are over. They pretty much have been ever since the tournament. Not much of a relationship anyways when 5 months can pass and you don't hear from him."

   Bulma-" True."

   While the girls get dressed, I change into my old style Gi that GG had gotten me. The dark blue pants and light blue blue shirt are something I wore for nearly three years while living at GG's home, it only feels correct to throw them back on when seeing GG.

   Kashi-" Hey Ryan, we got a problem."

   Ryan-" And what's that?"

   Kashi-"Come look."

   I head over to Kashi and Bulma, seeing that they are looking through her white crystal ball at a scene I recognize as GG's house. The house itself is warded against magical intrusion, but the grounds are not. Outside Infront of the house, are multiple black government planes with one particular royal aircraft standing out. It is something I'm have seen on the t.v here, Even replicas have been in movies.

   Kashi-" Hey guys let's turn around."

   Ryan- " You know we can't do that Kashi. And only criminals run, we did nothing illegal, I hope.

   Bulma- ' That's the King's plane, if he is here, we are screwed.

   Kashi-" You are screwed, I'm innocent."

   Bulma-" Ughhh."

   Ryan-" You know I won't let that happen, and don't make assumptions. Maybe they are here to thank Goku for destroying the Red Ribbon Army group."

   Bulma-" One can wish right? Right?"

   We make it to Mount Paozu as the sun rises having to land down the hill a ways and capsule the ship. I didn't want to spook the Kings guards by landing near the house.

   We crest the hill to find  some kind of fancy gun pointed at us by the equivalent of secret service. I have no idea his age he looks like he is in his prime, he could be in his 20's or his 40's and I couldn't tell by his face. It is his fear that gives away his youth, for some reason he looks agitated.

  Agent 1- " Halt! identify yourselves!" 

  Ryan- Whoa Calm down cowboy you don't need to point a weapon at me."

  Agent 2- " God damnit, Jason put your weapon down. Before you get yourself killed, you saw what that man did."

  The first agent does as commanded by the second. The grizzled man comes closer approaching us and introduced himself. He looks a fair bit older than the previous man, but he still looks rather young for the way he carries himself. The idiosyncracies make it odd and slightly disturbing. 

   Agent 2- "I apologize, he is rather jumpy being out in the wild like this, the stories of the giant ape got to him. You can call me Torque. Why don't you all follow me to your grandfather, he is expecting you."

   Ryan-" Sure, but can you explain what's going on?"

   Torque- "I would if I knew, but all I know is what I'm told, and I was told to escort you all to the cabin when you arrived."

   Kashi-" let's get this over with, I want to see what GG looks like."

   Bulma-"I have seen plenty of pictures of my Father and mother before they had Tights, but seeing it in person is going to be weird."

   When we approached the house Torque speaks with another agent by the door who goes inside to let everyone know we are here. I'm sure GG and the others already know of arrival, but the King and his security detail are not taking it lightly. I wonder what GG did that scared the security team so much. And what the fuck the King is doing here.

   We walk inside after the agent comes back. Nobody greeted us at the door but that's fine, GG is hosting both of Bulma's parents as well as the King, it is understandable.

   The first thing I notice when we walk in is the livingroom is that the King is not here, I can hear someone in the kitchen. The second is that someone is smoking pot. I'm willing to bet it's Dr Briefs, who else would get stoned first thing in he morning with the King around. I'll concede that I didn't expect weed to have no real negative connotation in this world. You can light a joint at a restaurant and the staff will bring you an ashtray.

   Ryan-" Whoa! Who knew that the Great Master Gohan was such a pretty boy."

   Kashi-" Blonde? I wouldn't have ever thought he had blonde hair."

   GG sat at the low lying table as he always did at the head. Yamcha and Krillin were sitting across the table from where we stood, Yamcha had cut his hair short, while Krillin had let his grow out. Bulma's parents sat with their backs to us across from Krillin and Yamcha, Puar was playing with Dr Briefs cat named scratch under the table.

   GG- " And the stranglers arrive. Come have a seat we have much to discuss."

   Pansy-" Bulma dear, come have a seat beside me, you as well Ryan, Chi-Chi and Goku will sit across from you. We can let the King sit at the other end."

   I must thank my wonderful daughter for her thoughtful wish. And we have so much to plan for! I never expected you to want a traditional wedding! You even got rings! You must come let me see it!" 

   I noticed Kashi was talking to Yamcha already, getting the problem out of the way. I hope he doesn't resent me at all.

   Briefs-"At first glance you could say it's thoughtful but this is going to cause major issues. They will start to show themselves soon."

   Pansy-" Don't you go raining on my parade mister."

   They looked much younger. Pansy always looked nice for her age, but she was a mother and it showed. Now she looks like a 20 something women who hasn't had kids yet. She also adapted her style some to fit the new appearance. This age thing is crazy. 

   Mister Briefs, isn't wearing his glasses at all, he even put on a nice outfit  instead of his lab coat, I swear he lives in that jacket. His blue hair is still a few shades lighter than Bulma's, but I guess that's how it always was. He has his mustach still, the same as always, but all the signs of ageing are nearly gone.

   GG on the other hand looked nearly as young as them, he must have aged very gracefully, because he doesn't look past 25 maybe 30. He is wearing a black long sleeved outfit that looks similar to what he once wore under the colorful vest he had, he also doesn't have his hat, which just seems odd to me. The shirt he has on now is thicker with four buttons going up the front on a singular row, and has white trim, with matching black pants. I must say he looks good. To bad he doesn't look much taller, GG was always rather short. At just over five feet tall.

   GG-" Hello you three, the King is in the kitchen making breakfast, take a seat. We will begin discussions soon. And Ryan congrats on the engagements."

   What GG says about the engagement isn't noticed by anyone but me, and Pansy herself. She gives me the stink eye before turning her head to Bulma at her side in a questioning manner.

   Ryan-" It's nice to see you all, everyone looks rather youthful."

   Briefs-" Nice to see you Ryan."

   Ryan-" nice to see you as well sir. By the way, is that last batch ready yet?'

   Briefs-" Oh it's more than ready, it's what you smell. I also made some edibles."

   Ryan-" Care to explain to me why you are smoking pot so early in the morning with the King at my grandfather's home?"

   Dr briefs- " After hearing about aliens who blow up planets I stopped caring."

   Before I could ask what he meant, the King entered the room, he looked just as old as he did before. He is an Dog man. Part of the Beastman race. He looks like a blue Shiba Inu he was followed by Chi-Chi. Who was dressed to impress, with a nice cheongsam dress on much like her older counterpart. Both of them were carrying food and Goku was behind carrying even more, likely for himself.

   King Furry set the dishes down on the table followed by Goku. What looks like steak and eggs, with salsa on the side, with some nice buttered toast. 

   King Furry- "Thank you for allowing me to use your kitchen Master Gohan. It has been too long since I had the chance to cook my own food, let alone cook for others. Cooking has always helped clear my mind."

   GG- Not a problem, and just call me Gohan, the only people who call me master are my students."

   King Furry-" Very well. Now I assume the young Miss beside Mrs. Pansy is the one known as Bulma? The one who brought us all here today?"

   Bulma looks down at that accusation, feeling a tad guilty, but her mother is there with an arm on her back.

   Ryan-" That depends on why we are here exactly sir."

   King furry-" I know full well that she was the one that caused the humans to become younger, or as your Grandfather put it, increased everyone lifespan, making them age much slower, among other changes. She used the highly classified Dragonballs to achieve this wish, the same Dragonballs my ancestor used to make my family the Royal Nation King of the world."

   "My great Grandfather made that wish with the intention of unifying the planet, under a solitary King, to end the wars and innocent lives lost in conflicts, I know full well that he had only good intentions with his wish, but that doesn't change how the unintended consequences of the wish played out. Now let's eat while we talk, I'll explain the issues, and my plans which you will all be aiding me in."

   The food He made didn't look like anything spectacular, but damn could he cook a nice steak.

   King Furry- "The five great cities that make up most the civilized world have between them 4.5 billion people. Around 15% of that population is retired. That means that 700 MILLION people live in those cities without income aside from pensions and their retirement."

   "From what I know they will live for another hundred plus years. There are quite literally no jobs available for them to do. Nor do they have the skills after being out of the workforce for so long. that's not the end of it either. It doesn't address the fact that the government can't keep paying them as we have been for very long without drastic measures. Measures which the population would refuse now that they are able bodied. Nor does it address how much we must change on the legislation side of things."

   "Since women tend to live longer the population has noticed a shift. There are more men than women alive currently, and not by a small margin either. Women tend to live longer than men, and take less risks. Because of this fact, most of the retiree's are women at an astounding 68%. With nearly half a billion women and only a quarter billion men. We now have significantly more women than men, and that' compounded by the fact that younger men die more often tham younger women as well. this will lead to problems arising eventually among women over men."

   Bulma-" I can't say I thought of any of these facts when I made the wish."

   King Furry-" There is even more damage done to the economy with the changes you caused in the health of everyone. Every cancer case is gone from everywhere, among all the other health conditions doctors trained for being nearly eradicated overnight. Just like those pills you sold did to the other doctors, you have thoroughly wrecked the health industry, so far as to include that fact that nobody wears glasses anymore aside from beastman which has becoming a rallying symbol of those unaffected by your wish. 

   Last night we got multiple reports of violence against Humans, but due to the enhancements, the Beastman have all been thoroughly beaten in every altercation. You would think this a good thing, but this has led to fear among the beastman. Their instincts are driving them to fear humans, now that they are stronger than the beastman are. The long peace our races have shared is at risk of fracturing, due to the unnatural change.

   Bulma-" I had good intentions. I'm so sorry for everything!"

   King Furry-" The road to Hell is paved with good intentions, my family knows this proverb well, and now you do. Has Kami came to ban you from using the Dragonballs yet?"

   Bulma nods never having met the Kings eyes as she picks at her food, clearly having lost her appetite. As much as I want to comfort her now, I'll wait until afterwards, she isn't some flower that needs protecting form everything. These also feel like serious issues that need handling.

   King Furry- "He did the same for my ancestor. You are not the first there. Now the larger topic is about how we move on from here. First your sister and her classifed reports on the galaxy at large has created a need for us to reach out to others for help. Just yesterday your father setup communications between the intergalactic peacekeeping organization known as the Galactic Patrol, and myself in my position as King of all nations."

   "I submitted an application for an outpost to be built here not only for protection, but to make contact with the galaxy at large. A Galaxy that is currently being run by three Tyrants known as the cold family. King Cold, and his two sons, Cooler ,and Frieza."



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