Chapter 32: Chapter 32. Community service.

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   King Furry-" Marco! Get in here!"

   The agent guarding the door enters quickly, making his way to the King where he stands at the ready awaiting orders.

   King Furry-" Go get the the briefcase in my plane please."

   Marco-" Yes, sir!"

   And he's off, sure to be back soon.

   Kashi from beside Krillin, now seperated from Yamcha asks's what everyone's thinking. 

   Kashi- "fugitives?"

   King Furry-" One of the more pressing matters, are all the escaped prisoners. After their little strength boost most took off. The worse the criminal, the more likely the were to break out, since they had nothing to lose anyways. We had thousands of people who are extremely dangerous, atleast to normal people. Imprisoned, and they are now free, many were serving life sentences. We captured most of them, within a few hours , but we still have hundreds of people to capture.

   We hear the agent return with a large briefcase, which the King takes as he dismissed the agent back to the door.

   He opens the case to reveal a few dozen capsules neatly sorted. Along with some files 

   King Furry-" Ah hear it is, and this one and that one for sure. What about hmm, maybe."

   King Furry-" I hear that you two are getting married correct? You took down the great mercenary Tao, and his brother Shen?

   Ryan-" Yes I did indeed claim their bounties, and as you heard we are engaged."

   King Furry- "Fantastic, as her fiancee you won't mind helping her find these criminals, they are all dead or alive bounties that pay little, but that's no problem to you two is it?"

   Knowing that he was simply offloading this onto me through Bulma I didn't complain and just accepted the job.

   Ryan-" Not at all."

   King Furry-"Great, now Miss Bulma. Your family and sister speak highly of you, with your brilliance, I don't doubt these claims. I have no intention to make you into a criminal like these fugitives, but you have work to do. Consider this community service. Your first order of business is to use that mind to help me make Ki mainstream."

   Bulma-" Huh? Why would you want a bunch a superpowered civilians?"

   King Furry-" Because that young boy destroyed the entire red ribbon army singlehandedly."

   Ryan-" He also dealt with Emperor Pilaf."

   Goku-" I did what now?"

   Ryan-" When you got the last Dragonball, remember?"

   Goku-" Oh, thats right, I didn't hurt the dog or the girl though."

   King Furry-" Well that's another pain in my ass gone. Anyways, after speaking with the Galactic King, I learned of the power of Ki and how the powerful races use it to enforce their will. As the King of course I knew of this power, I just didn't realize the extent it has been mastered."

   "When I asked how this could be, the Galactic King said that most races are born with the strength they have and don't grow much stronger. Only a rare select few races and individuals actually improve themselves consciously. He sent over data on what he calls power levels and said that if we want to join we need people at appropriate strength. He set this condition after mentioning that a low power level is the worst thing for the universe. It could even lead to annihilation.

   He said that there are Gods or beings resembling them in power called the Kai's. Some of them are measuring our worth based in this strength. If we fail to gain enough we may die from one such being known as the God of Destruction. This leds to the reason he refused our application. He see's us as people unlikely to grow in strength after relying on technology. And hence more likely to be erased to make room for something better. He fears we are not worth investing in. I would call him a jackass but apparently he saved us once long ago from an asteroid."

   "This terrifying piece of knowledge spurred me on. It also conflicted with my own. So I came here to speak with an astute master of the art. He confirmed that we could indeed gain strength. From our conversation we decided to start not a martial art dojo, but Ki control facilities. Gohan said it was possible, and we plan to get started right away."

   "Your job Miss Bulma will be to aid him in developing the best practices for the masses, and to deep dive into the science of Ki. Gohan said you are going to have to train yourself in order to do this and we found that a fitting punishment as well. Remember Bulma, our planet and very freedom is on borrowed time, and real monsters dwell out in the inky abyss. If we truly are one of the few races able to improve themselves we need to start now."

   Ryan-" Flight, or atleast basic levitation That's the answer, everyone dreams to fly. You just need to have flying become the new fad. Train some celebrities, get a good P.R team and make a few adverts. Before you know it, all the kids will want to learn, don't put an age restriction on it and sell it as an alternative to getting your license or as a way to make a quick trip. The problem is, it'll take quite some training prior to being able to do so."

   King Furry-"We can fly like Shen? That's a great idea, far less violent than Gohan's demonstration was.

   Kashi-" What did you do GG?"

   King Furry- "He erased a dinosaur out the air with a bright blue light, never once having left the ground himself. Neither did anything fall."

   Kashi gives GG a reproachful look as she crosses her arms.

   Kashi-"Whatever did that poor dino do to you?"

   GG-" I was venting, he was a predator, it was cathartic, would you like to take it's place?"

   Kashi-" Not at all, carry on please your Majesty."

   King Furry-"Ahem, anyways the Galactic King sent over some general data about the galaxy. Including what they call power levels. The common practice is to measure a warriors power level with a tool called a scouter. The King has sent schematics over on how to build them to help protect ourselves. It is also how much of the galaxy determines if they can walk all over you or not."

   Bulma-"I have made a few of my own already actually."

   King Furry-" Truly? Wonderful! That speeds things up. Now let's see here. Oh, yes that's perfect. As your second responsibility I want you to design a large ship. Hopefully we never need it but I want a way to evacuate people. Either a few huge ships or a massive solitary one in each great city. I'll leave the evacuation plan to you to figure out Whatever works best and can actually be realized. Just remember the civilians may not be able to pilot a ship themselves."

   Bulma-" That actually sounds fun. Far better than building a training plan."

   GG-" You'll be training with me, don't worry about building ships anytime soon, you have your future booked already."

   Bulma-" Eh?"

   Briefs-" Quite right, sorry Bulma, but as part of your punishment you are staying here out of Capsule Corp facilities. Gohan here really, really wants to train you himself. He says his Ki control tenchniques are a good place to start analyzing things. He believes they can help increase a persons strength quickly. I will be having everything you need delivered in a few days, your mother has also agreed to stay here until you succeed and have a plan of action. I'll be taking advantage of my newfound youth to join the crew on the moon in the meantime."

   Bulma-" You, you are kicking me out and going to the moon without me!?"

   Briefs-" Yes we are, and yes I am. After talking with GG we believe that we have been a far too lax on you all these years. While you may be older, it's never too late to put a firm foot down."

   GG-" Don't worry Bulma, I believe you can get the information you need within a year, possibly six months. You already have a way to detect Ki, learning to manipulate it and simplify how to for the masses shouldn't be too difficult."

   The way GG made that statement sent shivers up and down my spine.

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   Before Bulma attempts to disagree I lean in whispering in her ear.

   Ryan-" Imagine all the rough sex we could have if you got stronger."

   Bulma-" I'm in! I'll figure out this Ki stuff!"

   GG-"Hehehe, that's the spirit girl. I'll have you flying within the year. I'm very curious if a scientific mind can come up with a better training regiment than what I have come up with already in my long life."

   King Furry- " I pray that you do, we never know when we may find ourselves  with visitors who have poor intentions. And my military technology will be mostly useless in defending us from them."

   We continued the conversation talking about small details all morning until around noon when the King finished going over the details of his plans.

   King Furry- " The last order of business is to figure out what to do with all this newfound manpower we find ourselves with. Count your blessings I'll be dealing with this myself. I can't have the world crumbling under my watch. I have left contact details with Gohan, and Dr Briefs.

   When you are ready to begin implementing the training we will open the facilities. We wish to open the first one in West city and to expand from there, the lax laws there will make a better test bed for things to come."

   Bulma-" I understand your Majesty."

   King Furry-" I'll see myself out, I have much to do."

   Dr Briefs-" You mind if I catch a flight with you? I'll be leaving my plane for my wife here."

   King Furry-" I'll be headed to Central city. If that's fine with you, it's fine with me."

   Briefs-" Capsule Corp is a worldwide company with offices in nearly ever city, big and small. I can make it from there."

   The King and Dr Briefs made their way out after saying their goodbyes. We watch them take off with Pansy being the most emotional. Goku, Chi-Chi, Yamcha, Krillin, and Puar also get ready to leave, I can tell that Yamcha is a little broken hearted, but he has Krillin and Puar at his side.

   Pansy-" What am I going to do without him around? "

   GG-" You could always train your Ki with your daughter, could be a great time to bond."

   Pansy-" I would like that. Thank you for the offer Gohan, I may just take you up on it."

   Goku-" Hey Ryan!"

   Ryan-" What's up Goku?"

   Goku-" I'm about to leave for the tower, GG said that I should have gone with Kami, but I'm going to do it like he did, and walk all the way there. Krillin, Yamcha, and Puar are coming along to see the fat cat, do you want to as well?"

   Ryan-" While that sounds like a fun adventure, I have a list of criminals to deal with remember? Besides, Kami didn't invite me for the training."

   Goku-" That's right I forgot all about that. I'll ask Kami when I see him to train you too."

   Ryan-" That's nice of you Goku, but it looks like the others are ready to leave. Don't keep them waiting."

   Goku-" I'll see you later Ryan, next time we are having that spar, I  still need to get you back for that needle."

   Ryan-" Ohh you mean this one?"

   Goku-" Bye Ryan!"

   Goku takes off in a puff of dust with his group of friends and his girlfriend following after him. I had made a giant needle as big as I could, which seemed to do the trick as he fled quickly. I'll have to take note of this."

   GG-" Now that everyone's gone. Do you care to explain that illusion over your ring finger Kashi?"

   Kashi -" How! My illusions are perfect!"

   GG-" Haha! I'm just screwing with you. Baba told me long ago you would marry Ryan, and the fortune lined up. I can't say I expected things to go as they have though."

   Kashi-" You knew!?'

   GG-" Of course I knew." 

   Kashi-" Baba!!!"

   While those two had their fun, Bulma pulled her mother aside. I was thankful for her handling Pansy, I wasn't sure how to even start that conversation, Pansy can be rather scary. After a while I saw Kashi, headed inside and GG came to talk to me next.

   GG-" Why don't you and Kashi get a move on Ryan? Together, you two could handle those fugitives relatively quickly. I'm sure you'll get some time alone with one another. I also want to train Bulma without obstruction, something your presence would ruin."

   This all sounds like a warning from him. He probably is intending to break her down and rebuild her, I can't imagine training under a young GG, especially one motivated to make it a thorough experience. I say the only thing I can, trusting that he won't go too far in his efforts.

   Ryan-" I understand GG, Kashi and I will leave soon."

   GG-" Congratulations, on the engagements by the way, I know you'll do right by those women, because, if you don't I'll make you regret it."

   Ryan-" Believe me, I have no desire to ruin a good thing."

   Kashi comes back out soon after GG delivered his warning, she has the tablet containing the information on those we are looking for.

   Kashi-"I got some food and water, enough to last until we get somewhere and can purchase some, I'm not going hungry again when I have a pocket dimension. I also grabbed the tablet, we have everything we need, you get a chance to say Goodbye to Bulma yet? 

   Ryan-" Not yet, she is talking with her mother still."

   Kashi-" She is very pretty, I didn't realize Bulma had such a beautiful mother, must be where she got all the good looks."

   Ryan-"Her sister has the same blonde hair, If you get them all together you see the family resemblance being rather striking."

   Kashi-" Well, we can't leave without saying goodbye. Let's get this over with, hopefully she doesn't object to our relationship."


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