Chapter 33: Chapter 33. Changing tides.

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   Ryan-" Are they still there?"

   Kashi-" Not only are they still there, but their compatriots have arrived including the Magician."

   Ryan-" Perfect, remember that we need the one applying the tats alive, this Tattoo magic they use seems nifty."

   Kashi-" I keep telling you it's not "Tattoo magic", there has to be more to it."

   Ryan-" Well whatever it is, they are the last unaccounted for group of fugitives left. Once we take them in, our job is done, It only took us eight damn months to finish this."

   It's now been a year since the Tournament. It's currently May of year 751. Kashi and I have been traveling and capturing the figitives ever since we left Grandpa Gohan's home.

   Along the way we found a few of the Dragonballs, We decided to let Kashi hold onto them in her hammerspace. Atleast until we have a safe place to put them. During these travels we noticed the change in people, humans hunting dinosaurs has become a new recreational activity. While still incredibly dangerous the humans have adapted to the increased strength well.

   The lack of elderly created a weird effect where everyone looks at worst around middle age. The craziest changes are the single, newly middle aged women, who have begun harrasing men at bars, sometimes in public, even attacking younger women for dating older men who they percieve as the cause of their loneliness.

   Kashi-" I can't wait to be finished with this. These bounties pay nearly nothing, and I have sand EVERYWHERE! Have I told you how much I hate sand?'

   Ryan-"Not since breakfast."

   Kashi-" Quit being a smartass, and let's get this over with."

   Ryan-" Who's turn is it?"

   Kashi-" Your turn, now hurry up, I want to get out of here already."

   Kashi, and I have been following a group of fugitives while under her illusion. The fugitives have been living out in the desert, they have become part of a gang who use strange tattoos for some odd magic, the tattoos have all sorts of strange effects, ranging from making others forgetful, or pulling water out of the air. These tattoos are not permanent, and need to be reapplied often. But it's nifty magic for sure if it can enable an untrained person to use magic.

   We haven't had a single real fight since we started tracking all these bounties down. Using Ki or magic is overkill when against a normal person, even if they are stronger now after the wish.

   I step outside the illusion, and let myself be seen.

   Ryan-" Howdy folks, sorry about this."

   Most of the group didn't even get a chance to look up at me before I buried them under the sand, breaking their necks as they sunk beneath the ground. None of these men are innocent in the slightest. The only one I kept alive was the one i dubbed as "The Artist".

   He wasn't part of the original gang, but rather a new recruit. He must of been far too scared because he pissed himself as I approached.

   Ryan-" You go around with a group of murderers, and rapists, yet piss yourself at the sight of death?"

   The artist-" Please don't kill me, they made me do it!"

   Ryan-" That may actually have worked if I hadn't have been watching you for the past few days. Now the only reason you are alive is because of that magic. Tell me, where did you learn it."

   The man's face changed from fear into fury, as if he somehow gained courage after hearing my words.

   The Artist-" Ha! The only leverage I have is that magic. if I tell you, I'll die just as they did. I would rather go out knowing I prevented you from stealing my life's work!"

   Ryan-" A man of conviction, even when faced with the guilt of your own actions. Too bad for you I don't NEED you to tell me yourself."

   After saying this I approach the piss soaked man and watch as his bravodo crumples even further. He is smart Enough to know he is far outclassed and doesn't try to attack me at all. He just sits in the sand blubbering as he lives his last moment's.

   The artist-" What are you doing? STOP! STAY AWAY FROM ME!"

   Ryan-" It is sadly far too late for any form of redemption, I grab the man by the head with both of my hands and pick him up to my height of six foot as his feet dangle off the ground, the moment his eyes meet mine he stops moving, going completely limp."

   Ryan-" How the fuck?"

   After I finished tearing his mind apart, I dropped the braindead body onto the ground.

   Kashi-" Well, whatever you found had better be worth crushing his mind over. We both know that's a horrible way to die."

   Ryan-" Those Tattoos are fueled by the users Ki Kashi! That degenerate knew out how to make magic effects with Ki! The only magic in the tattoo was the Ki conversion symbol and the directions for what it did. they would have been permanent, but he didn't want to work himself out of a job."

   Kashi-" We have been working on doing that for years, how could some two bit magician develop what we couldn't?"

   Ryan-" Because he didn't develop anything. He simply stumbled upon a book and replicated the symbols he saw. He wasn't even a real magician, just a phony with too much luck."

   Kashi-" Where is that book? I don't see it here, and I'm not searching the piss soaked man."

   Ryan-" He destroyed the book to make what he knew priceless, or so he thought. It did cost him his life."

   Kashi-" Whatever, let's get the pictures we need and do a field burial. We can figure out if this shows any promise in enhancing our magic with Ki later."

   After taking care of business we sent off the last few confirmed bounties and plotted our course back towards GG's home, we are already rather close by, having been nearby in the desert we had found Yamcha inside of nearly two years ago.

   Ryan-" GG may be pissed at us showing up unannounced."

   Kashi-" He can't stay mad forever, nor can he keep her cooped up on that mountain. We barely hear from her and I have a wedding to plan. I also need to check her seal."

   Ryan-" Are we taking the ship, or are we flying ourselves?

   Kashi-" let's fly ourselves, I have that commercial to make for the King. I need all the practice I can't get."

   Ryan-" You still nervous about being a big shot celebrity?"

   Kashi-" Please, nobody knows who the Martial Arts Champion is aside from other martial artists and the small group of fans."

   Ryan-" If the King gets his way you'll be household name soon enough."

   Kashi-" It feels fake though, why do I have to be the face of his new Ki program?"

   Ryan-" Because you are sexy for one."

   Kashi-" That's not a legitimate reason!"

   Ryan-" Sex sells Kashi, not matter what, having a cute women do the commercial, who is also the World Martial Arts Champion couldn't be better. It also is there to get girls to want to gain strength, we don't want Ki to be something only boys do. Showing young girls that to they can be just as strong with Ki can only help. And remember the goal is to make Ki use mainstream. We need mother's, and fathers who will teach thier children the basics, just like they would with tieing a shoe, or leaning to read.

   Kashi-" Whatever, let's go."

   Kashi takes off ahead of me, the convenient thing about telepathic communication is that we can still talk to each other over all the wind.

   Ryan-" Is the wind still hurting your eyes?"

   Kashi-" Not since you taught me how to enhance my body better. Thanks again by the way."

   Ryan-" Not a problem, I have no intentions of keeping secrets."

   Kashi-"How did you figure out how to fly so well?"

   Ryan-" Well I can't take credit for that. I did figure it out on my own, but how i fly now was derived almost entirely from the memories I gained. The method of flying I taught you is far superior, but also far more energy demanding. The one I developed was for efficiency. This technique is more about speed and maneuvering, with a higher Ki cost.

   As we fly out of the desert, the ground turns green, and rocky. Slowly we see mountains form below us as we fly towards where we sense GG, and his two, no three guests

   Kashi-" That's Mr. Briefs correct? It seems we aren't the first to arrive."

   Ryan-" Yes, you are correct, I wonder if he is here because Bulma finished her training plan. I though she was weeks aways still."

   Kashi-" Only one way to find out. Catch me if you can!"

   Kashi takes off, blasting ahead with all she has. I speed up behind her, pushing her to go faster as I gain on her, she has no chance of beating me and we both know it, but instead of simply passing her by, I fly in close and turn upside down, catching her into a tight embrace as we fly together like a rocket towards GG's home.

   Bulma-" Ryan!, Kashi!"

   Bulma meets us outside the house. She has cut her hair short, in a tomboy style, and is wearing bright pink colored sports clothes much like spandex. I never expected her to wear a Gi, but I did wonder how it would look on her.

   Ryan-" Oof! Easy girl, you can't be hugging me with all the strength you have anymore."

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   Bulma-" Oops sorry, I got too excited, we have so much to talk about!

   GG-" Bulma, let's wait until dinner to fill them in all at once, it'll be ready soon."

   Bulma drags Kashi and I towards her parents where I find them both sitting down drinking tea, while GG prepared dinner. Bulma took this time to talk wedding plans with Kashi, and her mother. I'm not sure what exactly Bulma said to her, but Dr. Briefs hasn't asked me Any questions about our relationship yet, and that's fine by me. 

   Ryan-" We keep meeting here Dr. Briefs, I hope this time you aren't going to leave without sharing."

   Briefs-" Sounds like a good idea, let's go outside this newest batch is stinky, the first grow from the moon."

   Ryan-" Wait, did you say from the moon?"

   Briefs-" Yes I did, I call it "Weightless."

   Ryan-" You are world renown scientist, and you decided to grow pot on the moon?"

   Briefs-" Yep."

   Ryan-" That's kinda badass actually. I can't say I would have done the same though."

   Briefs- " So how did you get two women to agree to marry you?"

   Dr Briefs decided to ask the tough question while I was hitting the joint, really putting me on the spot."

   Ryan- " Cough, cough cough, COUGH, COUGH, ahh.. ahem. You really know how to put me on the spot don't you?'

   Briefs-" Don't dodge the question. You didnt manipulate Bulma into this did you?"

   Ryan-" The other way around actually, Bulma was the instigator. If it wasn't for her, Kashi would never have told me her feelings, nor would we all be getting married, did you know Bulma, was the one who had Kashi's ring made to match hers?"

   Briefs-" I don't know all of that, thank you for telling me, now pass that back over here, son.."

   Ryan-" Yeah, that sounds awful."

   Briefs-" Agreed. I'll stick to calling you Ryan."

   Dr. Briefs, and I sat outside In the fading sunlight with scratch laying in the fading rays until Bulma came and got us saying that dinner was ready. With a bad case of the munchies, Dr Briefs and I made our way eagerly to the table, to get some of Pansy's amazing food. And the conversation began with Bulma telling us all about her training and observations.

   Ryan-" What's your power level at Bulma?"

   Bulma-" It's at 66. Before you even try to laugh, remember I only did Ki training, and basic physical exercise."

   Ryan-" That's actually pretty good for only 8 months. The question is, can you fly?"

   GG-" I haven't taught her yet."

   Ryan-" Why not? I thought you knew how."

   GG-" While yes I do, I figured you would be better, I don't want her learning bad habits, and I rarely used the technique. I am nowhere near as capable as you, I figured you could teach us both."

   Ryan-" Me teaching you is going to feel odd."

   GG-" In two months I must attend a conference held by the King, he has been gathering every Ki user he can. He intends to find those who are capable of being teachers for his new facilities. He is offering quite a hefty sum for Masters, and is even including a large stipend and a plot of land inside their assigned city for each master to start a personal dojo should they wish.

   The dojo is theirs for as long as they stay a teacher at his facility. It's a deal most would take in a heartbeat. I am very interested in who shows up. I am also supposed to be the one teaching them how to fly, so unless you want to take my place?"

   Ryan-" Nope not interested, I bet it'll be fun though. Goku is going to be mad he missed out on it."

   GG-" I think he will be fine after he finds out that the next World Martial Arts Tournament is being hosted just outside of South city. In a massive new stadium. All the extra funding coming from the King with the increased prize's for second and third place combined with the new junior division is sure to attract many more contestants."

   Ryan-" Roshi has new students as well, I wonder if he'll train them until the tournament."

   GG-" You mentioned they were students of the crane school right? If that's the case I think Roshi will take his time ensuring they don't grow an ego."

   Ryan-" Hmm, I hope they can put up a fight, Goku will probably outclass them, but Krillin and Yamcha could use a good rival."

   GG-" You could always go down there to Roshi's island and teach them those techniques you learned from those memories if you are worried so much."

   Ryan-"Perhaps I should, I wouldn't mind checking up on them. So how long do you think it would take to get a untrained civilian to unlock Ki?"

   Bulma-" That's not a relevant point anymore. Since we last talked I gained insight into my own Ki. I asked GG some curious questions and we developed a technique to safely, but forcefully awaken a person's Ki. The only caveat is that they they still need to learn all the techniques. 

   GG and I need to get a sample of people together and determine if this forceful awakening of a person's Ki and then teaching them Ki control is best, or if we should teach them Ki control, and let it awaken naturally, while reserving use of  the technique for those who have trouble doing so on their own, their are multiple factors to consider in each scenario."

   Pansy-" Gohan, do you mind if I come with you to the conference? I wouldn't mind becoming a teacher, I need something to keep me busy, I have a long life to live now and I want more than simply being the wife of Dr. Briefs."

   GG-" I don't see why not, you may not be a martial artist, but you do meet the requirements the King is looking for."

   Briefs-" Who is going to make my sandwiches?"

   Pansy-" You'll be fine dear, make yourself a robot or something. You did fine for the past 8 months, and I'll still be home every evening."

   Dr. Briefs looked slightly broken hearted after hearing Pansy's resolve to do something she can be proud of, but like a good husband he doesn't hold her back.

   Briefs-" You know, I always wanted to learn how to cook, perhaps it's time I taught myself."

   Pansy looked a little scared of the implications, but didn't back down from her decision.

   Ryan-" So how high did you get your power level pansy?"

   Bulma-" Ughhh."

   Pansy-" Hehehe, 71. Bulma could never keep up, no matter how much she tried."

   Ryan-" You let your mother beat you Bulma?"

   Bulma-" It's not fair, I had to develop the curriculum, while she could get far more practice than I did."

   GG-" Yet your mother did all the housework as well, she even washed your clothes for you, made your bed, and  cooked us all dinner nearly every night. I'd say it was a fair game."

   Bulma-" La, La, La."

   Pansy-" Hehehe. No matter how old you are, you're still my little girl, and I'm still your mother."

   Dr, Briefs-" Do you mind awakening my Ki? I would like to learn how to fly as well, it would make much of my work much easier and safer. The major issues we have on the space stations, and to some extent on the small moon base, are E.V.A spacewalks outside the range of the artificial gravity generators. Freedom of movement in those environments would make things much faster and safer."

   GG-" We could. What do you think Bulma?"

   Bulma-" It would give us information about how to go about instructing someone who suddenly has Ki, but no skills in manipulating it. We have two months before the conference. If we can get dad flying by then, I think it would be proof of our curriculum."

   Ryan-" Do you mind if I bring a friend?"

   Bulma-" What friend?"

   Ryan-" The current Gaurdian of the Karinga tribe Bora, and possibly his son, and eventual successor Upa. The father is strong, yet hadn't awakened his Ki last I saw him. And his son is young, yet tough. The two would give you a bigger sample size."

   GG-" That sounds Good, but would he leave the tower? I know that the Karinga tribe takes that duty seriously."

   Ryan-" No he wouldn't, but there is no reason we can't go to him. Besides that, all of the others are there as well at the tower, or on the lookout. We can meet them there, and I can teach everyone at once. it's about time they learned it."

   Pansy-" Enough talk about training, let's eat dessert, I made a nice cheesecake and it's ready."


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