Chapter 34: Chapter 34. Fashion trends.

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   Ryan-" Do we have everything we need?"

   Bulma-"We are all set, and the ships been tuned and checked over. Next time, don't take the ship to Yunzabit Heights, you nearly burned up the heaters."

   Ryan-" Sounds like something that could be made better to me."

   Bulma-" You are going to have to wait for that, parts are going to be in short supply once the new fabrication is in full swing. Nearly everything will be getting redesigns. From toasters to cars, it's all getting updated. 

   We can't support the old machines and the new ones at the same time. Much of the new parts won't work with the old tech either, I made adapters where I could but at a certain point you have to encourage the adoption of the new stuff."

   Ryan-" That's fast, I thought it would take a few more years atleast."

   Bulma-" It will for the spaceship you want, but we don't need such high grade metals or computer chips for civilian tech on Earth."

   Ryan-" So I still have to wait to fly the stars?"

   Bulma-" Unless you want to do it in a one of those slow tiny Moon tugs that are used in building the moon base, then yes, you are going to have to wait. All the ships we are planning to make for now are only so we can build out the infrastructure we will need."

   Ryan-" I tell you how sexy you are when you start talking business?"

   Before Bulma can respond we hear her mother coming up the ships ramp In her newly made training outfit. I have to say Dr. Briefs knows how to pick them. 

   Pansy is far more into learning Ki after making her decision than Bulma is and asked for some formal training clothes from GG, this morning as we prepared to leave for Korins tower. Unfortunately he didn't have anything that fit her, even Kashi's clothes would be too short on her, she is simply too tall. 

   Taking my chance I told her about my magic and offered up my services. I have a huge repertoire of various cloth from the Namekians, and a nice sense of style gained from my long life, or so I would like to believe. I couldn't pass on the opportunity to help out my future mother in law either. I made her a set of clothes from inspiration on the spot they turned out so well that Kashi, and Bulma asked for some as well. Along with some anger at not knowing I was capable of this.

   Pansy was easy to please, and I got the outfit to her satisfaction on the first try. I made her a set of black leggings and a baby blue skirt to wear overtop of them to keep her modesty, topped off with a thick tough and stretchy but breathable baby blue tube top style shirt with near invisible straps to help hold It in place. I kept it modest as well and didn't expose her midriff.

   All of the clothes were made out of fabric I learned from the memories, and were far stronger than normal clothes and miraculously stain resistant. Pansy raved about the comfort enough to get me to play tailor nearly all morning when Kashi, and Bulma started making requests for clothes of their own. It only stopped after i put Kashi in a Sailor Mars outfit, and Bulma in a Sailor Mercury outfit. Though i did make the skirts a bit longer. Apparently my sense of style is fleeting. But they both made out with enough clothes to have gone on a shopping spree. I couldn't help but think that the Ginyu Force would appreciate my sense of style much more than they do.

   Pansy-" Don't mind me, you two act like I'm not even here."

   Bulma-" That isn't going to happen."

   After the professional moodkiller did her duty I got back to my duty of cleaning the ship, with both Kashi and I having lived in it for so long it certainly needed more than a quick magic clean. Pansy helped as did Bulma, and we finished before long. As Bulma and I walked down the ramp Kashi came out of the house in an apron. Still wearing the Sailor Mars outfit underneath."

   Kashi-" When do you want to take off Ryan?"

   Ryan-" Let's leave after lunch, we can fly east towards the sacred land of Korin over the ocean route. There are no major storms right now and it'll save us a lot of time, unless someone wants to go the other way for some reason?"

   Kashi-"You can ask them at lunch, but I don't think we need to make any stops. My dad called earlier, he invited us to dinner, all three of us. I put him off until after the conference but we can't ignore the issue. The wedding will be in late September."

   Ryan-" It'll be fine don't worry."

   Kashi-" I wish I had that confidence. Anyhow, I just finished making lunch everyone else is waiting on you three."


   -The Sacred Land of Korin-

   Briefs-" Now that's a Big tree, and you say it's still alive? That's marvelous, I'll have to look into it."

   Ryan-" I'm not sure exactly how alive it is with stone plates inlaid into it, but the magic of the tower keeps it alive. Just don't harm it and I'm sure you could study the tower to your hearts content, but we are here to learn to fly remember? You'll have to do that another time ."

   Pansy-" He is right dear, we came here to be part of the first class on Ki control and flying, this is so exciting!"

   Ryan-" I don't see Tight's ship nearby on the radar I guess we beat her here."

   Bulma-" She is always fashionably late."

   Pansy- Don't speak I'll of your sister dear, she will be here soon I'm sure."

   Briefs-" It's going to be nice having both our daughters together again. Have you met her yet Ryan?"

   Ryan-" Not yet. We had made plans to see her before the wish was granted, but life got in the way. I'm glad Bulma invited her."

   Briefs-" Well teaching her how to fly will help make a good impression."

   I circled the tower letting Bora know of my arrival before I landed nearby at the same place I had before. Bora, and Upa showed up with Puar in tow as we exited the ramp.

   Upa-" Look Papa, it's Ryan!"

   Puar-" Scratch! Dr. Briefs, it's nice to see you two."

   Scratch-" Meow!"

   Bora-"Hello friend, it's nice to see you again."

   Ryan-" Hello Bora, Upa, it's nice to see both of you as well, let me introduced you to my friends. First the two lovely ladies in matching outfits are my fiancee's Bulma, and Kashi. This is my grandfather, Gohan and those two are Bulma's Parents Pansy, and Dr. Briefs.

   Bora-"It is nice to meet you all, I assume they all wish to climb the tower?

   Ryan-" Not today, I actually came to see you and those already up on the tower to offer everyone a chance to learn how to fly. I intend to host a class for upto the next two months.

   Bora-" You can teach us to fly like you did when you left? Without a plane?"

   Ryan-" Depends on how skilled you become. But yes, you can fly in the sky just as you two saw.

   Bora-" How long will this take?"

   Ryan-"That depends on you. We have two months until we must leave, but I think you can get it done before that."

   Upa-" Let's do it Dad!"

   Bora-" It seems my son has made the decision for us. I would be honored if you taught us this ability."

   GG-" Hello Bora, you may not remember me, but I met you when you were a small child when I met your mother and father. He was a kind gentle yet strong well respected man, I'm sure he would be proud of how strong you have become."

   GG wasn't joking either, Bora has become even stronger since I last met him. They both also look much better than I recall, must be the tough resistantant skin."

   Bora-" You do look somewhat familiar, my apologies for not remembering you."

   GG-" It is quite alright, it was a long time ago "

   Bora -" A group of people climbed the tower about four months ago, but nobody has come back down yet. I take it these people are the friends of yours that you seek?"

   Ryan-" Yes, they are. Would you be able to guide them to the tower while I gather everyone?"

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   Bora-" Not a problem, everyone please follow me."

   Kashi-" I'll come with you Ryan I want to meet the cat."

   Ryan-" His name is Korin, and sorry Kashi, but you have to climb the tower not fly to the top for atleast the first trip up. This is probably why Puar was down here hanging out with bora and Upa and is now playing with scratch, and hanging out with Dr. Briefs instead of being on the tower with Yamcha."

   Kashi-" Well I already know how to fly, I may as well take the challenge while you are busy playing teacher."

   Ryan-" I was kinda hoping you would help me."

   Kashi -" Huh? What was that? I swear I heard someone say something crazy. Must have been my imagination, I'll see you later Ryan."

   I just got ditched by Kashi who hopped away intentionally letting me get a flash of her panties with every bounce. So that's why they kept the outfit on, cheeky girl.

   I took off slowly as fly up towards the tower, unlike before when I climbed it, I knew the magic at play here that kept the tower and the lookout invisible from satellites and even visual confirmation. You have to approach from low and be close enough before heading up it seems, it's not impossible to fly there at all, but both places exist in a kind bubble of stretched space that can only be entered from one way, they must have changed the magic later on in the show, or maybe the show simply didn't show the tedious process. Or perhaps the lookouts magic itself is different, or Kami can key people in or something. Too many possibilities that don't matter much at all in the grand scheme of things, but a small detail that reminds me that the show didn't cover everything.

   Krillin-" Rock!" CRaASH!

   Yamcha-" Paper!" BoOom!

   Korin-" Scissors!"

   Krillin-," Yamcha- Ahhh"

   Yamcha-" That was a close one Krillin."

   Krillin-" You're telling me, he nearly made me bald again! Those claws are weapons of their own. just as bad as that staff of his."

   I came to a silent stop floating outside the balcony while watching the training Korin is putting them through. Instead of the simple evasive maneuvers Korin is famous for, both Krillin and Yamcha are blindfolded and tied together at the ankle with a short rope that's at most 10 feet long. And worse yet, Korin is fighting back. Without any blindfold or rope of his own. Even if it's two on one, the conditions the two are fighting him under have given Korin plenty of an edge it seems.

   The more confounding issue is Krillins change. Over the travels Kashi and I had seen many cases of people having drastic changes after the wish. In many cases it was simply due to a disease being cured due to the modifications they received. But others weren't so simple, I'm left stunned until I figure out what must have happened. 

   Krillin's height got stunted back at Orin Temple. And I bet wearing a shell while training at Roshi's didn't help. It's the only thing that makes sense. The wish gave him a much more resistant body, with accelerated healing. Since he is still in puberty he got a growth spurt. He is still short, but not the runt he was, he should have no trouble getting over 5ft tall now. He is nearly at his adult height already.

   Korin-" That's enough for today boys."

   Yamcha -" Let's keep going Master Korin, we can't take it."

   Korin-" You can't even sense that we have a guest watching us, and you want continue?"

   Yamcha-" Guest?"

   Krillin-"It's Ryan! Hey, what are your doing here?"

   Krillin and Yamcha turn towards me, taking their blindfolds off as they do.

   Ryan-"I'm here with Bulma, her parents Master Gohan, and Kashi, I came to get you two to join my flying lesson I intend to host at the base of the tower."

   Krillin-" If Master Gohan thinks that it's worth learning. I won't pass on the opportunity."

   Yamcha didn't look so easily convinced, perhaps due to Kashi being there, but Killin didn't let him get a chance to make an excuse.

   Krillin-" You are coming right Yamcha? Imagine being able to fight in the air? We could certainly improve our martial abilities if we could fly like Ryan does."

   Yamcha-" Yeah. Of course, I'm all in. maybe this will help me with that puzzle."

   Ryan-" Any progress on it?"

   Yamcha-" A little, but it's slow going."

   Krillin-" You should see him, he falls asleep nearly every night overtop that stone having worn himself out."

   Korin-" You should give the stone a rest for a bit Yamcha, take this chance to relax, you have been going from one Master to another without much time in-between to sit down and process things, let's all go down to relax and come back fresh. And here eat these."

   Korin tosses the two some senzu while Yamcha, processes his words.

   Ryan-" Bulmas' older sister Tights is on her way as well. She is cute and has blonde hair like her mother. She writes science fiction novels, and is an all around cool chick, the important part is that she is single Yamcha. 

   There also might be a few cute girls in the Karinga tribe, they might even show up once word gets out about the lesson. You wouldn't want to miss it would you?"

   Yamcha-" Really?'

   Ryan-" Can't say I'm sure, but there is no chance that Upa doesn't tell the tribe about the visitors who have come to teach them how to fly."

   Yamcha-" You guys win, I'll take this time to relax."

   Ryan-" So I take it, Chi-Chi and Goku are above on the lookout? I can't sense them."

   Korin-" That's because of the magic around the lookout downing out their Ki signature. But don't worry about them, Kami won't appreciate the interruption. He is already annoyed enough with that Chi-Chi girl."

   Ryan-" I take it they are doing well up there?"

   Korin-" More than well actually. Kami and Mr Popo have begun to teach the girl magic. Chi-Chi has shown such great success she even managed to temporarily dispell Mr. Popo back into his magical lamp for a few days, let me tell you, Mr Popo was not pleased at being hindered from completing his duties.

   Goku is learning how to focus his mind and balance it with his body, Kami wants the boy to have the proper mental foundation before he gets too strong. They have been doing image training together ever since he arrived."

   Ryan-" There is no way Baba didn't see her talent, I have a suspicion she set this up to ensure she gets a proper teacher."

   Korin-" That sounds like something she would do. Mind if I tag along? This sounds fun, I have been enjoying the company lately."

   Ryan-" I don't mind at all Master Korin. There are many people who wish to meet you."

   Korin- " Well I am a beautiful famous talking cat, of course they will want to see someone of such Majesty."

   Ryan-" Well let's get a move on. Krillin, Yamcha stay still I'm going to use some magic to help you to out."

   I clean them real quick with some super bubbly warm water. I can't manifest soap so I do the best I can, and hit them with a clothes beam when they lookes atleast decent. I gave them both an orange Gi with white trim and a blue undershirt. The orange for Roshi, the blue for Gohan, and the white for Korin. I didn't put an lettering in and keep it plain for both of them. The rest was just regular martial artist style soft shoes, and white socks. Of course everything was made out of premium materials that would hold up to abuse.

   Yamcha-" These are some nice clothes. Thanks Ryan."

   Korin-" I see what you did there, pretty suave I must say."

   Krillin-" Ahh I get it! The orange is for Master Roshi. The blue for Master Gohan, and the white for Master Korin!"

   Ryan-" Alright let's go everyone, this is going to be a long day."



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