Chapter 35: Chapter 35. Mystery.

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   Ryan- "Ok, it's time to teach you all how to fly, I know some of you are anxious to get started so let's dive right in. You won't be zipping around as you saw earlier anytime soon that is something you have to work your way up to. For now I want everyone to focus on their Ki. Even if you just had it unlocked for you, it'll be sufficient to learn basic flight so don't worry."

   It was the following day after our arrival when everyone was ready. As I had expected Upa told the tribe all about us and I now had a few hundred people watching me as I gave an impromptu lecture in my newly fashion Roman style amphitheater. 

   Bulma, and GG went around awakening everyone's Ki last night After Tights arrived. Bulma is extremely proud of the technique they developed together and how well it works. Everyone past a the age of 8 in the tribe had their Ki awakened by this method including Dr. Briefs, and Tights. Tights herself got a head start last night when I taught her personally while I had dinner with her. She is a great conversationalist and had all sorts of embarrassing stories to share of when Bulma was young that she didn't mind sharing.

   Ryan-" Everyone please follow my example and have seat. I'm going to teach you how to pull upon that well of power inside of you."

   While everyone got settled into place I looked around and got a sense of the average power levels. The younger kids were obviously weaker, but ignoring them and focusing on the adults showed me a power level similar to the average person's. They were a bit stronger perhaps due to their connection with nature or the lifestyle the tribe leads, but hardly noticeable.

   Ryan-" Good, now close your eyes and place your hands together and try to guide the power into them. Take your time and grow comfortable with the way it feels. I want you to make your palms glow, nothing more, if anyone makes the glow too strong you could hurt yourself, or others. There is no rush, when you are ready use your will to let the power flow into your hands."

   The lesson sounds simple but is anything but. I have a larger soul which makes Magic and Ki much easier. I thought it was just magic, but Ki is just as much a supernatural force, and I have far more talent than most. I must keep that in mind.

   This is how it was for the first five days of teaching. The rest of the day is spent milling around my impromptu class, each time someone's hands begun to glow excitement fills the air. Those who already could do this part are watching along and giving advice. Korin is a big help because of the tribes reverence to him, as is GG, otherwise they are letting me lead the class. I continue to help people who are struggling and tell those who succeed to practice for the rest of the day, I want to keep everyone on the same step. It isn't until late in the afternoon of the fifth day that the last student finishes. She is a cute young girl from the tribe who Pansy is aiding. Dr. Briefs was the fastest probably due to Pansy, and Korin helping him out. But Bora was right behind him, I don't know what it is, but the Doctor is a cat magnet.

   Ryan-" Nice job everyone, would the adults please help the children back home. I think the kids could use a nap, that was exhausting I'm sure."

   Many of the kids had fallen asleep after playing with the pretty light too much, but it seems Bulma and GG got the results they wanted. It only took a few days and we completed the first step of Ki control training. We decided to do it in this way to let people see their Ki. Feeling something is one thing, but seeing it is another. 

   The tribe slowly gathers together and heads back home, to their camp nearby with Upa being a little gentleman and helping the girl who took the longest himself, it seems her mother has her hands full with her other kids. Smooth Upa, real smooth.

   Ryan-" That's looks like a success to me. Over a hundred people of varying ages and genders have all managed the first step safely without incident."

   Bulma-" Don't jinx us now, we still have a long ways to go. Letting them see their Ki was the correct decision though, it made people believe in it, and that made all the difference."

   GG-" I agree, today was a success, but let's not get too hasty. Many of the kids and some of the adults will need more practice, a few nearly passed out after bringing their Ki out. Maybe we should let them rest and practice on their for a few more days before moving on."

   Korin-" Don't worry I'll make some Senzu tea tonight, and make sure that everyone gets some, that way they aren't worn out in the morning when we begin the next step."

   Ryan-" Is Senzu tea what I think it is?"

   Korin-" Yes, it is."

   Ryan-" Then why do you call it a tea? Wouldn't it be closer to a coffee?"

   Korin-" Because It tastes like a tea, and I make it like a tea. Besides, it sounds better than calling it Senzu coffee."

   Ryan-" Fair enough, anyways now that the works over, let's go raid the good Doctors stash Korin, he has some new stuff he calls Weightless."

   Korin-" Ha! What, did he do grow it on the moon?"

   I turn and look at Korin with a perpelexed look.

   Ryan-" How did you know?"

   Korin-" Wait, you're serious? He really grew it on the moon? Haha! That guy has messed up priorities. I'm in, let's go see if it holds up to it's namesake."

   -Later that night after dinner.-


   Ryan- "Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur."

   Briefs-"Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr."

   After Korin went around handing out his Senzu tea he ended up swamped by a bunch of kids. We are all sitting around a bon fire and he has become the choice pick for a many a tired child to cuddle up to as they drift off to sleep for the night while the adults enjoy the small celebration.


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   Tights-" He is a good man Bulma, you decide on a wedding date yet?

   Bulma-" Kashi and I decided that late September would be nice."

   Tights-" How many people will be there?"

   Bulma-" Well, we planned on 23 maybe 30 at most. Depends on if anyone brings a date or not. Master Gohan suggested that we hold it at the lake near Mount Paozu, and after seeing it, Mom and I agree with Kashi that it is perfect."

   Tights-" I still can't believe that you are  willing to share a man with another women."

   Bulma-" Kashi is a great friend, and there is plenty of Ryan to go around. things will only get complicated if we make it that way."

   Tights-" I'm happy for you regardless, you decide on the dress yet?"


   I moved away from my spot by the fire out of earshot of Bulma and Tights and walked around stretching my legs as I thought about tomorrow's lesson, but I simply couldn't focus. I head over towards Kashi who was told to not bother climbing the tower as she was too strong and fast for his training.

   Ryan-"Hey, Kashi Can you remember if Baba ever mentioned a magic and ki resistant metal?"

   Kashi-"No, from what I know there is no such thing."

   Ryan-" Check this out."

   I pulled out a piece of the long forgotten ore out of my hammerspace. As Baba said, they become junk magnets.

   Kashi-" What am I looking at?"

   Ryan-"Some type of ore. I found it at the hideout of the memory thief, and honestly forgot about it after I stored it."

   I watch as Kashi tries to hurt it with her Ki. Her magic isn't suited to doing physical damage. She covers it with an illusion easily enough but that doesn't mean anything, just that it doesn't disrupt magic around it.

   Kashi-" I honestly have no clue what it is. I can tell you that it's heavier than gold though, It's harder than diamonds as well. Why don't you ask Bulma or Dr. Briefs?"

   Ryan-" I suppose I'll have to. This is just such an odd material with unheard of properties that I thought you might know."

   Kashi-" Anything else you have hiding in that hammerspace?"

   I look inwards and find the dimensional pocket full of random junk. From trash I didn't want to litter in my travels, to dirty clothes and missing socks. there is no way that I could dump this stuff out here, but I do sort things a bit and pull out various objects for Kashi to take a look at, the cauldrons and long expired potions I recycled from the kidnapper's hideout are obvious pics, I also include the Ultra Divine Water from Korin, I'm curious if she could do something with it. I'm not interested in self torture.

   Ryan-" These are generic tools for making potions, and here are some old samples of what I found. It's not much but better in your hands than mine. And this here is the Ultra Divine Water I told you about."

   Kashi-" Interesting, this water has a very strong purifying effect. I can tell just by looking at it. You got this from Korin, just like the beans right?"

   Ryan-" Yep."

   Kashi-" let me get the beans please, Goku ate the two I had and Baba still has the third."

   I hand Kashi the pouch of beans and she instantly zones out completely, I watch as she begins messing with the cauldrons and pulling things out of her hammerspace as she begins to brew something.

   I decide to her work her magic literally. she is the only one who studied potions because she wanted to aid Goku with his monkey problem.

   Suddenly the wind starts to pick up slightly. The breeze makes the mother's call an end to the festivities, as they wrangle their kids. Before long the tribe has left once again, and it's only the main group with Bora who stay at the base of the tower. But the breeze doesn't stop but rather grows in intensity, it becomes obvious who is causing it and we all begin to watch without a word needing to be said.

   The winds keep picking up around Kashi and the bon fire grows in height responding to the magic. Embers burst and fill the air all around Kashi as we all watch transfixed by her movements. she moves around the cauldron as if it's a dance partner adding various ingredients in a seemingly random order. 

   Her eyes begin to turn white and her movements begin to speed up and the fire rages hotter and hotter while the embers of the fire begin to follow in Kashi's wake, creating an echo of her movements behind her. The dance, fire, and wind all reach a crescendo as Kashi ends everything by dumping the ultra divine water into the cauldron. Both fire's go out and Kashi's glowing white eyes are all that brighten the dark night against the background of the stars until the cauldrons' contents begins to glow. We get broken out of our stupor by the bon fire reigniting and Kashi coming back to her sense's.

   Kashi-" What the hell happened?"


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