Chapter 36: Chapter 36. Big White Beans.

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   Ryan-" So you don't remember anything?"

   Kashi-" Not at all, how long was I in that trance?"

   Ryan-" A solid twenty minutes or so, you pulled a lot of ingredients out of your hammerspace and were so focused we let you be. I figured it had something to do with the fortune-telling Baba taught you after I saw your eyes glow white."

   Kashi-"Hmmm, well let's look at what I made."

   We all gather around the cauldron to see the last of my Senzu beans at the bottom of the pot absorbing the concoction Kashi made. They grow brighter and larger every second as they slowly absorb the mystery potion.

   Ryan-" Hey, Bean Daddy, got any ideas?"

   Korin-" I have lived a very long time and have worked with these beans for hundreds of years, I can tell you that this isn't normal. But nothing about it feels malicious, quite the opposite actually."

   Kashi-" Son- of- a- bitch!"

   Ryan-" What's wrong?"

   Kashi-" What's wrong? Every fucking high grade herb and all the useful magical parts of animals I had, are gone, that's what's wrong! What kind of potion takes Phoenix Tears Ryan? They aren't even meant to be used as a potion ingredient, it's pointless because there exists no potion that heals better than phoenix tears, so why would I add them?"

   Korin-" To counteract the negative effects of the Ultra Divine Water, it's the only thing that makes sense. It also explains the way the fire behaved during your little dance."

   Kashi-" Dance? I though I only made a potion?"

   Ryan-" You danced while brewing it. I must say it was a very moving dance, it made me jealous of the cauldron."

   Kashi-" This is no time for jokes Ryan, I used nearly every worth while ingredient to make this that I had."

   Ryan-" You even used that chunk of metal ore."

   Korin-"What metal ore?"

   Ryan-" Here, I have some more, take a look. I have no idea what it is."

   Korin-"Ahh, this is raw Katchintite. And very pure at that, where did you find it?"


   Korin-" As iron ore is to steel, Katchintite is the raw form of Kattin steel, also known as Katchin. This is a very rare metal, that is extremely durable and resistant, but heavy as hell. It is hailed as unbreakable from what I know."

   Bulma-" How much more do you have Ryan?"

   Ryan-" Another few dozen chunks around this size. Not a lot, but a good bit."

   Bulma-" Well I'm sure I can find something back home in the database when I get the chance."

   Ryan-" That's one mystery solved, but let's focus on the issue at hand, why was the metal ore added to the potion recipe?"

   Kashi-" Don't look at me, I'm surprised it dissolved, didn't you say it was some unbreakable metal just now Korin?"

   Korin-" I'm just telling you what I know, whether or not it's a valid potion ingredient is out of my expertise."

   Baba-" It's not."

   Bulma-" EEP!

   Ryan-" Must you sneak up on us like that?

   Baba-" When I'm tracking down a magical anamoly that I felt all the way back at my palace then yes, I'm playing it safe and going undercover. So let's see what you made Girl."

   Ryan-" Baba takes the lead, and examines the contents of the cauldron. The water has nearly been completely absorbed, we have Fourteen senzu that have turned white and look like steamed dumplings the size of a burrito."

   Ryan-" I'm going to need some more Senzu it seems Korin, that was the last of them."

   Korin-" let's see what Baba says about them, maybe I'll trade you for one of them, they look appetizing."

   Korin was indeed correct, they had a small pull that drew us towards them, like a part of my instincts was compelling me to stuff my face, which makes me even more wary."

   Baba-" What happened?"

   Kashi-" I went into some kind of magical trance, once I had a group of ingredients Infront of me, things that Ryan gave me."

   Baba-" Which were what exactly?"

   Ryan-" A baseball size chunk of Katchintite ore, and a collection of dried up potions I had found in the same lair I found the books in, including the two cauldrons I took with me. As you can see she only used the one. I also gave her the Senzu beans and the Ultra Divine Water."

   Baba-" What else? That's not enough to do this for certain."

   Kashi-"Every single high grade herb I had, Not just some, but all of it. I'm not sure how much exactly I had. It was easily, enough for a few dozen healing potions, since I never use it anymore it was just hanging out in my hammerspace."

   "I also used the Phoenix Tears I bought from you, but that's not all, it gets worse. I used most of the demon blood, about two liters. Exactly Fourteen bottles of lightning from the legendary Raiju, Seven adult Oni horns, the powdered ivory of a Grootslang who died fighting for save another. Four feathers from a Pazuzu, The eyes of an Alicanto bird, the teeth of a Byakko, And finally, The Senzu beans, and Ultra Divine Water."

   Baba-" What about those dried up potions? You put them in here as well?"

   Kashi-" Yeah, I bet I did, I wasn't really aware as you can tell."

   Baba-" Hmmm well the potion looks completed to me, anyone care to give it a try?"

   Baba looks around and see's our apprehension. Before she can make fun of us I ask the obvious question.

   Ryan-" What does it do? Should we eat a whole bean? Just a bite? How big a bite?"

   Baba-" I have no proof what it is, or does. That's why I asked someone to try it. I can tell you it isn't harmful though. If I had to guess. Hmmm yes, that makes sense. If I had to guess, the ore made the potion stable. Then the demon blood naturally bonded with the pain inflicting portion of the Ultra divine water. demons are attracted to violence and pain, it's in their blood. I assume this bonding made the bad parts of the Ulta Divine Water it bonded to susceptible to the Phoenix Tears and Pazuzu feathers. which should nullify each other out. I think that the bottled lightning was used as fuel to aid the reaction, you only had the two from me right?"

   Kashi-" Yes that's right, two tears."

   Baba-" Remember I'm guessing here, but I'm fairly certain this will be like drinking the Ultra Divine Water, without the ill effects. I would presume one bean per person, or per dose, but I could easily be wrong."

   Korin-"If that's the case it'll only work once, unless something changed. Eating two would be pointless."

   Baba-" This shouldn't have been possible, the ingredients should have exploded in your face, but they didn't. I would suggest eating them tonight, I can tell the magic won't hold out long, the sooner the better."

   Ryan-" Can we place them in our hammerspace?"

   Baba-" If you want to take that chance be my guest, but I think they will turn to dust if they get disturbed too much, they are a miracle as they are."

   Kashi-" What about the powdered ivory, Oni horns and eyes?"

   Baba-" Oni horns are a delicacy. That draw we feel is coming from the Oni horns' magic being incorporated. The eyes are I'm not sure about. Commonly they are used to in diagnostic potions to find something amiss. The powdered Ivory is extremely neutral, it must be what added the mass to the beans."

   GG-" I'm more concerned about the trance she was under. Why did that happen?"

   Baba-" Something to do with her talent in divination. The magic aided her for some reason or another. I wouldn't worry about it, given time she'll either gain control over these moments or they'll stop coming to her. This usually happens with young fortunetellers speaking in riddles, or in legends of Oracles. This is the first time I have seen it strike in this fashion though."

   Yamcha-" I'll try it. Someone needs to be first."

   Krillin-" Let's do it together, Yamcha."

   Ryan-" We have Fourteen beans that are quickly nearing expiration. Baba could you please get Goku, and Chi-chi down from the lookout? I don't care if you have to drag them here, I'll pay you myself.

   Baba-" I want a bean."

   Ryan-" That's a deal if you bring Kami as well."

   Baba-" This is going to be fun."

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   Ryan-" With those four accounted for, we have another 10 left. Bulma, Kashi, Yamcha, Krillin, GG, Pansy, Puar, Bora and Upa. You should go get your son  Bora."

   Korin-" What about me?"

   Ryan-"You already drank the water a long time ago right? Will it have any effect? 

   Korin-" You're right. It's too big a gamble, but if you're giving it to that kid, I'll have to make sure he doesn't squander it."

   Puar-" I don't need this Ryan, isn't there a better choice?"

   Ryan-" It's Either you, Briefs, or Tights. Out of the three of you I think you'll get the most use out of whatever exactly this does."

   Secretly I was wishing that I had invited Roshi, Tien, Chiaotzu, and Yurin. Too bad they are on the other side of the planet.

   Briefs-" It's ok Puar, you don't have to worry about us, go ahead and take his offer.

   Tights-" I agree, you shouldn't pass on this opportunity."

   Korin- If it works like the water, it'll help you unlock some of your inner potential. How much I have no idea."

   Suddenly I sense Goku coming down fast.

   Goku-" Ahhhhh!! (CRAashh) Ooffff!" 

   Chi-Chi-" Ahhh!! catch me Goku!"

   Goku -" I gotcha! Crash!!"

   Baba-" You haven't even taught them how to fly yet? What kind of Guardian are you? "

   Kami-" The kind who finds witches kidnapping his students annoying."

   Baba-" Well it got you to come off your tower so it worked, now come here so I can get paid."

   Baba floated down from above as Goku and Chi-chi picked themselves up out of the small crater they made."

   Goku-" Hey Chi-chi, everyone's here just like Aunty Baba said."

   Chi-Chi-" I can see that Goku."

   Ryan-" No time for catching up guys we are in a rush get over here."

   Kami-" What's going on?"

   Korin- A once in a lifetime opportunity."

   Baba-" Kashi went into magical trance and made something that should be impossible, the product is harmless, but it won't last long, you are here because Ryan wanted to give you each some of it."

   Ryan-" Goku here, try this. It tastes really good."

   I passed Goku his bean first, not because I wanted to test it out on him, but because I feared he wouldn't eat it, if given the knowledge of what it does. As expected, he gets hit by the Oni horns' magic and eats the large burrito sized bean in a few bites. Without even questioning what it is. we can all smell it from here and watch as he eats it. For something made of part powdered ivory,  it's full of juice and smells incredibly sweet.

   Everyone with Ki sensing opens their eyes wide as Goku's power begins to climb. Even those who can't, sense Ki notice something in the air as an aura forms over Goku.

   Baba-" Quit gawking and eat your Beans! If his power goes too high, it could ruin the others!"

   We all do as Baba says, including herself. My teeth sink into the white flesh of the extra large bean, but to my surprise all i taste is fruit. None of the bland Senzu taste remains. If I had to compare this to anything, it reminds me most of a perfectly ripe pear. Extremely soft and juicy flesh that I can't stop eating. Juicy, succulent, and addicting describe the experience.

   My power has doubled by the time I finish and continues to climb. Memories from another come to my aid. Memories meant for when Namekians perfom the taboo and combine into one. Techniques  of how one should control the sudden gain of power. These work well, and allow me to calmly ride out the wave of potential that is released. Much like Kami and Baba do. Everyone else is not so lucky, and must endure the long route.

   Bulma somehow controls her stomach, and shares hers with her sister. Pansy shares hers with her husband. It seems to work as everyones power begins to climb.

   Bora, and Upa are with Korin as he helps to guide the young child, while Bora takes the challenge solo.

   Pansy-" Hold on Honey, remember those breathing techniques I taught you."

   Bulma-" You got this sis, hang in there!"

   Goku-" My power keeps increasing! What's happening? What was that Ryan?"

   Ryan-" A gift, now shut up an try to keep a handle on it."

   I look over to see Goku struggling to keep himself calm. His tail catches my eye as it whips back and forth. It takes a second, but I notice it has begun to grow longer, and slightly thicker. What's happening to Goku?

   Kami-" Remember your meditations Goku!"


   I turn to the sound and see that Chi-Chi is on fire, blue flames roll off of her and heat up my face to an uncomfortable degree. Her clothes are instantly gone and a brand new, much more modest metal bikini is starting to glow red-hot as she struggles to calm the flames.

   Chi-Chi-" Sorry! I can't help it, the power wants out!"

   Baba-" Amateurs! Apadaly pa!"

   I watch as Baba summons a bath full of ice water underneath Chi-Chi to cool her off. It seems to help as she begins to calm down but her hair stays aflame. 

   Pansy, Bulma, Briefs, and Tights, all suddenly stop gaining power, and they all fall to the ground in relief as they gasp for breath. I look over at Yamcha and Krillin. They both look like they are about to reach their limit from the strain. I can see their clothes are already drenched in sweat, and both are shaking uncontrollably.

   Ryan-"Is this normal Korin?"

   Korin-" Not at all, look at Kashi."

   From what I can tell most of us had an increase in our potential with Ki, but Baba gained more magic while Chi-Chi was closer to an even split. In Kashi's case Her two crystal balls are in her hands as they glow.

   The white crystal looks harmless as always, but the black one is somehow casting shadows as if they were light in direct contrast to it's pair. Both are vibrating causing a low hum to be heard.

   Baba-" Haha! Now this is exciting!"

   Yamcha-" Puar!"

   I look over to the blue cat, to see him changing the most out of all of us. A complete physical transformation. By the time I realized what was happening to him it was all over.

   Bulma-" Ha! I knew it! Puar is a girl!"

   Sure enough, Puar turned into a human, a human girl, no cat ears or tail remain Just long blue hair and an incredibly petite but seemingly adult sized frame, I see no tits to speak of, but without a doubt she is a girl.

   Puar is out cold which is understandable. What isn't understandable is that Yamcha was the first one to snap to their senses and cover her up with his own gi top. Even with his power still surging through him, he kept Puar's modesty.

    Ryan-" Is it me or does this feel like it won't end."

    Baba-" It will, the magic is nearly spent."

   Ryan-" How are you handling this so well Kami?"

   Kami-"I could ask you the same."

   Ryan-" If you had taken my advice and looked at those memory gems you would know. Your father gave them to you for a reason, why you turn your back on them now I have no idea."

   Kami Has no rebuttal, but does have the decency to look ashamed. When I sensed him coming down the tower I couldn't believe he never checked out the memories after I gave them to him. I'm gonna have to make sure he does, but now is not the time, it seems the powerup has come to an end.

   Chi-Chi-" Ha, ha, ha, ha. Is it me, or does Goku have a longer tail?"



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