Hellion [A Demon Progression Story]

Chapter 44: Chapter 43 Easy Contract

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Helios stopped beside a surviving demon curled into a ball. It had been dried into a husk from one of his Nightmare daggers buried in its back earlier. Hearing its wheezing breathing and seeing its protective posture, Helios chose to ignore it for now.

“I don’t think this one’s going anywhere anytime soon, I’ll save it for last. But these other fuckers aren’t even mutating to heal themselves, why’s that?” Helios asked.

“Very strange, indeed. Does it have something to do with your true name meaning?” Tuktuk mused. “Tuktuk is sure we’ll work it out in the future. Let’s attend to the job at hand first.”

Helios reached inside his mantle to retrieve the four remaining short swords, one in each hand. He strode over to the nearest demon attempting to crawl away without legs. This one was different from the others. The moment the demon realised it couldn’t escape, it rolled over, roaring in defiance as he mercilessly struck down. The roar distorted into an ear-piercing scream that suddenly fell eerily silent.

“You’re going to pay for this. No one kills in Fastidium and gets away with it,” another wounded demon called out. It shifted nervously under Helios’ gaze as he turned his attention to it.

“Oh really, what made you think that you could all get away with it?” Helios retorted, prying his sword free and walking toward the speaker.

The demon’s severed stumps scampered uselessly against the ground before quickly realising it was a wasted effort. It glared up at the imposing figure of Helios looming over it. The demon’s body tensed with anticipation as Helios calmly placed a pristine sword over its heart.

"Do do da de do do doioueu do doioueu dadi da" An eccentric voice sang nearby. 

Helios paused before delivering the killing blow, swivelling his head to investigate the sound. He quickly discovered the source of the disturbance, a familiar Imp dressed in the official robes of Fastidium on a ledge above the alley. Zegg was dancing ridiculously while hunched over. Her tiny hands were balled into fists while she hopped on the spot. 

Noticing his gaze, she stopped hopping and started exaggeratedly wagging her hips. She opened her hands and overlapped them to build an invisible tower until her arms were outstretched wide in excitement.

“Helios!” Zegg exclaimed with excitement. She stepped forward and clumsily tangled herself in the oversized robes, falling unceremoniously from the ledge. 

She bounced off the wheezing demon Helios had ignored in the alley below. It curled into a tighter ball, groaning in pain at the unexpected assault. Zegg rolled lightly to her feet and glanced back at the demon behind her before turning back to Helios with a beaming smile.

Cough, you’re in for it now. The city’s officials are here to investigate the fighting. Someone reported it and you took too long to finish the job. Better run now and hide if you want to save yourself, hahaha!” the demon mocked with rattling laughter.

“Oh, shush you. No one gives a shit about a bunch of Dolores fighting each other in the street. Zegg is here to talk to Helios,” Zegg impatiently replied, causing the demon to stare at her in shock with mouth agape. 

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She reached up to grip Helios’ hand and plunged the blade down before he could react. She impertinently dusted her hands off and turned to earnestly face Helios with hands on her hips. Tuktuk looked her over before silently nodding to himself and laughing in appreciation. 

Tuktuk watched her expectantly, waiting to hear what she had to say with great interest. That was until he heard something clattering to the ground nearby and noticed a group of Imps watching from a ledge in the shadows. He let out a hiss of annoyance and angrily threw his hammer toward them, causing the Imps to scatter in all directions. The hammer burst into a puff of smoke before reappearing clutched in Tuktuk’s fist.

“Bunch of filthy fucking scavengers, even worse than Beebo’s pet. What does the worthless king want to harass Helios for?” Tuktuk impatiently asked while slotting his hammer back into its holster on his waist.

“Zegg’s not here for that either. She wanted to make it up to Helios for helping her out earlier and pay him back for the trouble she caused. Here’s a Task for you to do. It’s rare to get one this super easy. Mortals are so fucking stupid!” Zegg laughed, reaching back to pull a furled scroll from a void that mysteriously appeared behind her. 

She checked opened the scroll's seal and glanced over it before pointing at a line on the bottom and handing it over. The occult symbols spanning the contract were translated in real time as Helios read the intricate clauses Zegg had pointed out. 

Contract for Winning Lottery Numbers; 

This contract is made and entered into on the date of acceptance by the Summoner and by the Provider.The Summoner desires to obtain winning lottery numbers for the purpose of participating in a lottery game. The Provider is willing to provide the Summoner with such numbers in exchange for their soul.

  • The Provider shall provide the Summoner with a set of lottery numbers that the Provider believes have a high likelihood of winning a prize in a specific lottery game.
  • The Summoner shall pay the Provider the agreed-upon reward upon receipt of the winning numbers.
  • The Provider makes no guarantee that the provided numbers will result in a win for the Summoner. The Summoner acknowledges that participating in the lottery is a game of chance and that the outcome is not within the control of the Provider.
  • The Summoner shall not hold the Provider responsible for any losses incurred as a result of using the provided numbers.
  • This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Hell.

“Are you serious? I don’t have the winning numbers,” Helios said, his brow crinkling around his third eye as he looked at Zegg in confusion.

“Don’t be silly. Remember what Zegg said about time being different in Hell? They’re easy to get because the lotto has already happened on Earth. Hehe, see what I mean? It’s so easy!” Zegg beamed at him expectantly.



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