Hold On, General

Chapter 13: 13

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Although Genius Long had shown his face before, the people of Beimo were deep in the valley that day, trying their best to protect themselves, and they had no time to take care of others. In addition, he was hidden behind the soldiers, and no one noticed him even more. Even if several kings later learned that the person above was Shenghua’s weakness, he was surrounded by everyone at the time, and the people below naturally couldn’t see anything.

So Genius Long walked into the Beimo Military Camp, bathed in many meaningless eyes, without any psychological burden.The tents of the three major tribes were not tied together, and it was not easy for Yun Xian to follow, and in the end there were only a few of them left.

Genius Long lowered his head and silently followed the king into the tent, waiting for orders.The king had other things to deal with, so he asked his personal guard to take him down to make simple arrangements, at least to take a shower and change clothes first.

The man answered, turned around and walked out. Genius Long followed with a sullen head and entered another tent. At this time, the hot water hadn’t burned out, and only he and the guard were left staring wide-eyed.

“Big brother,” Genius Long rubbed up against him, “the move you just used to restrain me was very powerful, teach me.”

The people on the grasslands were relatively bold and did not look down on him because of his status. The man nodded his head and struck quickly, so Genius Long could only scream again: “Ouch, ouch, be gentle, ow!”

“…… I’m not using any force.”

“I’m in pain too, it hurts like hell,” Genius Long said as he hugged his sleeve, “Look, all my wrists are bruised from your pinching.”

The man looked down and thought, ‘He is really weak’. Genius Long was thinking that anyway, you will have to try whether I have martial arts in the future. It’s better to fulfill you today. He was aggrieved: “You move slowly, I can’t see clearly.”

The man said “hmm” and really slowed down. Genius Long quickly mastered the trick, but he still couldn’t restrain others. The man was helpless: “Use some strength.”

“I did.” Genius Long said, and after practising a few more times to no avail, he gasped for breath and finally sat down on the floor: “Some other time …… some other day, I’m exhausted.”

The man looked at him carefully, and there was a fine sweat on the man’s forehead. Coupled with the few temptations just now, he knew that this person was not pretending, and that this person’s body was worse than the average person, and the possibility of being an assassin was very small.

At this moment, the tent was suddenly opened, and the visitor put the wooden barrel away and poured hot water. Genius Long got up and undressed happily, and the man was about to go out, but when he turned around, he suddenly saw something and strode forward to pick it up: “What is this?”

“Medicine,” Genius Long said, “Soft tendon powder and arsenic.”

The man was taken aback: “What’s the use?”

“It’s for life-saving.”

“So is arsenic?”

“Oh, that’s for myself. I’ve already thought about it. If they accidentally catch me back, it’s better to die,” Genius Long said, glancing at him, and suddenly took a step back, “You…Don’t you think I’m going to be bad for the king?”

The man shook his head, feeling again that this person could not be an assassin.

“That’s good,” Genius Long patted his frightened heart, “If you worry about it, take it away. Anyway, I’m with you now, and it’s useless to keep this.”

The man nodded, and when he saw him start to take off his pants, he went out. Genius Long squinted his eyes and hummed a little song to take out the remaining medicines and put them away: “Tell you in advance that I have medicine on my body, so as not to pull things out of me in the future. I can’t explain it. Of course, I guess you won’t turn it over, Hehehe.”

He took off all the rest of his clothes, carefully avoided the wound, took a comfortable bath, and then went to eat. Yun Xian didn’t show up until night. He couldn’t help sighing helplessly and went to bed obediently.He woke up early on the second day. In line with the principle that he didn’t want to be a waste, he helped as much as possible, but his scope of activities was limited, and it was still based on others knowing him, so all he could do was to pack up the things in the account and help with the meal during the meal.

The king has been reported by his subordinates and confirmed that this person is not proficient in martial arts. Now that he saw him like this, he pointed to the table and asked him to clean it up. Genius Long readily agreed. There were all military secrets on it, and there was a small note in the center that clearly says: Check, there was no Wei Xiaobao in the Xiaochou Pavilion in the city. This person was not Wei Xiaobao.

Naturally, they wouldn’t check it so quickly. Doing so was all a test, but it was obviously useless, because Genius Long couldn’t read at all, so they saw someone with a serious face and no change in expression. Later, they tried it a few times, and the result was the same.

The king looked at him: “Are you illiterate?”

Genius Long nodded: “Yes, the little one has been sold into the Xiaochou Pavilion since I was a child…”

“Well, this king knows.” The king interrupted him, thinking to himself that he has no knowledge of any of the words he reads, he is so delicate and frail, and he has no presence of mind.

What is this if not a young servant?

As a result, the suspicion of Genius Long was completely cleared, and he was arranged to do some chores, and everyone began to get to know him. The life of the grassland was rough. At this time, Genius Long fell into the wolf’s den like a harmless rabbit. They didn’t dare to look at Yun Xian, but they dared to look at this person. Of course, they all knew that he was the king’s person, and they could see or touch him.

Genius Long was frightened by those eyes, and he immediately greeted Yun Xian’s ancestor for eighteen generations in his heart. He couldn’t help but think of facial paralysis. Although that person also had that kind of idea for himself, his eyes were always very magnanimous and never gave people uncomfortable feelings.

Alas, I actually miss you a little bit… Genius Long was sitting in the tent silently sad, and the tent was opened at this moment. He turned his head and the guard brought in a few people, headed by Yun Xian.

“Xiao Xiongdi (1), we met again.” Yun Xian smiled and sat down. Genius Long nodded and asked foolishly: “I haven’t seen you, where have you been?”

“I’m not from this tribe,” Yun Xian said leisurely. “I just came to ask what else you know. If I can find useful clues, I can get my friends out.”

“It was a long time ago,” Genius Long frowned, “I have to think about it.”

“It’s okay, don’t worry,” Yun Xian said, looking up, “I’ll talk to my Xiao Xiongdi for a while, you all go out.”

The few people said yes, turned around and walked out. Except for the guards, they were all Yun Xian’s confidants. At this time, they stayed respectfully outside the tent. The guards couldn’t say anything. They turned and left. There were only two of them left in the room for a while.

The two of them were silent for a moment, and suddenly they all said, “…cross?”



Yun Xian took a deep breath, tears filled his eyes in an instant, and he rushed over: “Brother! I finally met my relatives! Ahhhhhh” 

Although Genius Long was upset with this person, he was still very excited to see someone who was the same as him. He patted him on the back: “It’s done, business is important, what are you going to do if you call me out?” In the letter, this person analyzed the current situation again, and specifically suggested that he could actually come back after the unification of the Beimo. Now he really has a last resort. I hope to discuss it in detail.

The head of the analysis above was the truth, and he didn’t believe that it is difficult to come from Yun Xian’s hands.

“I want to find someone who is smarter and has a position in Shenghua, and then discuss something with him. Who knows that the Tuzhen clan also followed that day. I wanted to take you away, but you just said something to let him take you with him,” Yun Xian crawled out of his arms and sat down, sighing, “I’m struggling to come to you now.”

“How do I know you don’t live together, what are you going to do when you come out to me? How are you going to send me back in this situation?” Genius Long looked at him, “In addition, I am very curious why you did not unify the Beimo. What is the reason?”

“I wanted to unify at first,” Yun Xian sighed, “but then I found out that it didn’t work.”


“There is a bit of entanglement between me and those two countries, do you know?”

“I’ve heard of it,” Genius Long said with interest. “I heard them say that you came to Beimo later. Where did you just pass through?”

You are reading story Hold On, General at novel35.com

“In the ancient State of Shu,” Yun Xian’s eyes were far away, “It was after autumn, at the entrance of Caishikou, where the execution was about to be carried out.”

“Oh, cool!” Genius Long’s eyes lit up, “Is it going to be beheaded? Have you seen the whole process?”

“No, it was me who was slashed,” Yun Xian said with difficulty, “After I opened my eyes, the knife was already hanging around my neck…”

“…” Genius Long asked, “Then how did you escape?”

“What can I do at that time? I can only look up to the sky and yell, my lord, I still have accomplices, I will do it all!”

Genius Long opened his mouth wide: “…and then what?”

“Then I retried it,” Yun Xian said, “I gag all the way, and the people who interrogated me are getting better and better, and I caused a lot of trouble. Later, I learned that the owner of this body was an undercover assassin. He was originally from the country of Zenan, and that country didn’t want others to know something from my mouth, so I sent someone in to kill people, so I passed through and was dragged to the entrance of the vegetable market in a coma. Alas, I’m not dead yet…”

“…” Genius Long said, “So they came to kill you again?”

Yun Xian nodded pitifully: “I was squeezed between these two forces, and finally I tried my best to escape. I fled far away to the Beimo to buy a few sheep to herd sheep. As a result, I happened to run into them in a war. I saw that my sheep were going to suffer, so I helped a little bit, so they thought I was quite smart and introduced me to the king of the Sirius clan,” He wiped away a little tears, “Brother, it’s not easy for me to get into this position today. Ah ah ah!”

“Okay,” Genius Long patted him comfortingly, “How long have you been crossing?”

“For more than a year, I have been tossed by the people of those two countries for a year, and I don’t want to see them again in my life. By the way, brother, what is the status of your body in Shenghua?”

“Xiao Wang Ye.”


“Come on, don’t be angry, take a deep breath,” Genius Long said hurriedly, “Everyone has their own destiny, your brother, I’m lucky, Ouch, take a deep breath, we still have business, why on earth didn’t you unify Beimo?”

“…” Yun Xian took a deep breath and pointed at him, “It’s too evil! What’s the point? What? With what?”

“…” Genius Long endured not speaking, letting him vent.

Yun Xian also knew that time was tight, and he took a few breaths again before saying, “I know that the two countries will definitely not let me go, so I want to unify the Beimo and pull a backer for myself, but who knows that the people of the two countries actually found those two tribes.”

Genius Long’s eyes widened: “Are you saying that the two races have their support behind them?”

“Well, the Tuzhen clan is supported by Gushu, while the Weidan clan is behind Zenan’s advice. The Tuzhen clan’s plan is to tie me up and hand me over to Gushu. As for Vidan,” Yun Xian said leisurely, “Ulla of Vidan has always had some thoughts about me. Even if he reaches an agreement with Zenan, he is not a person who keeps his promise. If I fall into his hands, I will definitely be locked up by him.”

“…” Genius Long looked at him sympathetically, “You are so pitiful.”


“Okay, go on.”

“…” Yun Xian said, “I have been dealing with those two countries for a year. They are too familiar with me. Under this situation, it is impossible for me to unify the Beimo.”

“Oh, I see,” Genius Long said, “So you came up with a way to divert their attention, that is, to attack Shenghua and remove the Beimo. Shenghua occupies the largest area and the strongest strength among the three kingdoms. Then the two countries must be tempted, and then you will find an opportunity for Shenghua to help you get rid of these two tribes, and then you will unify the Beimo, and this result is the same as you originally wanted,” He rubbed his chin, “Well, you came to me nothing more than to ask me to help you kill the king of those two tribes, and after you help the Sirius tribe unify, you will let them reached an agreement with Shenghua to never invade Shenghua’s territory, right?”

“Hmm!” Yun Xian nodded, looked at him dryly, and said slowly, “I originally planned to do so.”

“…what about now?”

“Now I have found a relative.”


“And you are still Xiao Wang Ye of Shenghua. I think Shenghua is fully capable of protecting me, not to mention that you still know my details,” Yun Xian continued. “After I stay in the Sirius tribe, I still have to go to great lengths to protect myself. I am also a foreigner. Many of them don’t like me. Maybe I was accidentally burned to death by them one day…”


“Brother…” Yun Xian held his hand with a sincere expression on his face, “You can accept me!”

“…” Genius Long said, “I think bringing you is tantamount to bringing a time bomb.”

“…” Yun Xian said, “Well, then I’ll tell them that you are actually Xiao Wang Ye of Shenghua.”

“…” As soon as Genius Long grasped his hand, he said with a slight complaint, “What are you talking about? Everyone is a relative. I won’t help you. Who will help you? You really are.”

“…” Yun Xian looked at him suspiciously, “You won’t retaliate against me afterwards, will you?”

“…who knows.”

“Well, let’s talk about the future later. Run for our life first. I don’t have to entangle these people anymore. Let’s run away together and escape back to Shenghua. Brother, do you have any good ideas?”

Genius Long silently took out a few packs of things: “Drugged, croton, spring-medicine, come on, choose.”


For some people, these two days are destined to be days of insomnia. After the medical officer went back, he really boiled a bowl of concentration soup for General Gu, but he was smashed without accident. After Wei Xiaoan woke up and learned of the beginning and end of the matter, he was shocked and his eyes rolled and he fainted again. Muzi has been a guard for so many years and never thought that he would be drugged by his own master. He seemed to be unable to accept the blow and became more and more silent.

Bai Lian opened the tent and looked up to see General Gu sitting on the upper level looking at him without saying a word, and suddenly sighed: “There is still no news.”

General Gu was silent.

They found the carriage rented by Xiao Wang Ye that day, and learned from the coachman the direction the man was going. They followed the path all the way to the territory of Beimo. There was still nothing to gain. They didn’t dare to send too many people, fearing that the enemy would be alert, so they had to give up.

“Xiao Wang Ye should be fine if he is so smart. He is probably with Yun Xian now.” Bai Lian analyzed.

“Three days.” General Gu finally spoke after a long silence. He looked at the candlelight on the table, and suddenly remembered that the first time the person stayed in the general’s mansion, he suddenly became interested in the candlelight. He had to look closer. The warm light on the person’s face made the beautiful face even more charming.

“…three days at most,” he said quietly, “If there is still no news in three days, we will immediately send our troops to north.”


小兄弟 (Xiao Xiongdi) : Little/young brother

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