Hold On, General

Chapter 14: 14

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Return to camp…

Genius Long held the hot bun, looked at this, then at that, lowered his head and took a bite: “Well, it smells good.” Heartless, as if the topic discussed by these people has nothing to do with him.

He got up very early, silently doing chores under many more presumptuous eyes, and once again felt that his facial paralysis was much better than theirs. He worked hard until breakfast time and then ran to the main tent happily – The reason why the people dared not touch him was that although he was an errand boy, he was dining with the King.

He was eating happily, and suddenly six people came in. The back few were all guards. One of the two people in front of them was Yun Xian, and the other was the king of the Sirius Clan who was both bold and loyal in Yun Xian’s mouth. This person’s face was a little white. Hearing Yun Xian said that both he and Ulla were injured, it seemed true.

They came here mainly to borrow one person from the king, a man named Wei Xiaobao.

Douji, the king of the Tuzhen clan, looked at Yun Xian: “Is it the meaning of the military commander?”

Yun Xian generously admitted: “I asked carefully last night. I think Xiaobao’s boss probably knows the whereabouts of my friend, but I am not familiar with leaving the city and want him to take me there.”

Douji sneered: This king has never known the military division was such an affectionate person. As a child’s playmate to be so distantly remembered that he had to be rescued and at a time like this.”

The irony of his tone was very obvious, Yun Xian was unmoved at all, and said softly: “He saved my life.”

Douji couldn’t help being startled, only to hear Yun Xian continue: “Although I have harmed many people, I will always remember who treats me well. I have suffered since I was a child. He is the first person to treat me well…”

Genius Long listened to him gently telling the past in a slightly sad tone, only to feel that this person was much better at making up than him. He pretended to be moved and wiped away the nonexistent tears, lowered his head and took a bite of the bun, and continued to listen with interest, but his eyes turned inadvertently, but he saw the king of the Sirius clan looking at Yun Xian with a look of pity, and almost spit out what he had just swallowed.

“…” He rubbed his appetite secretly, looked down at the half-eaten bun, and then ate in silence. It is shameful to waste food.

Yun Xian looked at Douji: “Now the war is on the verge. By the time we capture the city, the people there are probably already clean. I will only go for one day and only persevere once. If it is fruitless, it is God’s will. I beg the king to fulfil it.”

Speaking of this, Douji was not easy to stop. He looked at Genius Long but saw that the latter was looking at Yun Xian with tears in his eyes, and his brows suddenly twitched slightly: “Xiaobao…”

Genius Long came back to his senses and knew that it was time for him to state his position. He got up and rushed forward to shake Yun Xian’s hand, choking back a sob: “It is Chu Liuxiang’s blessing to have a friend like you. Needless to say, I will accompany you. No one knows what it’s like to be there better than I do. It’s simply that life is better than death.”

Yun Xian held his hand movingly: “Thank you so much, Xiaobao.” He looked this person directly in the eye – fuck me, do you have to be so dramatic?

“You’re welcome, everyone is a bitter person.” Genius Long looked at him – I was all disgusted by you.

Douji squinted his eyes for a while, and asked, “I wonder how many people the military commander planning to bring?”

“Just one guard, it’s not good to have too many.”

“No way!” Douji hadn’t spoken yet, but the king of the Sirius tribe objected. Yun Xian could only persuade him patiently. Genius Long stood dumbfounded. With the remaining glance at the half piece of a bun on the table, he secretly said that he was walking back to eat his meal now…… wasn’t it a bit inappropriate?

While he was thinking about it, Yun Xian managed to convince the man, but Douji got up and said, “Well, this king will go with you.”

They were all astonished and wanted to give further advice. Douji waved his hand and said, “That’s it. It’s settled. You don’t worry about going to this king. This king only takes one guard. We set off at noon and dismounted near the border. In the evening, we can walk to the city. Go to the boss that night and come back that night.”

Genius Long was speechless when he heard it, and the secret way was as Yun Xian expected. The last time Douji and Yun Xian went out together, they checked nearby. Douji couldn’t do it. Now that he is leaving the city, there are too many variables. Douji can take the opportunity to capture Yun Xian and hand it over to the people of ancient Shu, and then just find a reason to deal with the Sirius clan, and as a witness, he will most likely be killed by this person.

Yun Xian sneered in his heart, and leisurely said: “That’s so… it’s all up to the king to arrange.”

Douji nodded and looked at Genius Long deeply. He really liked the eyes of this person, but he didn’t have to. At the expense of one person, an agreement with Gushu could be reached and then Beimo unified. This account is quite cost-effective.

Genius Long was made angry by his eyes, and before he could react, he saw another person coming. This person was casually dressed, his chest was wide open, his abdomen was wrapped in a circle of cloth, and there was a little blood on the outside. It was Ulla.

He looked around for a while, and finally set his gaze on Yun Xian: “I heard that you gathered early in the morning. What are you discussing?”

“It’s not a big deal.” The king of the Sirius clan blocked his sight and briefly said the matter.

“Oh?” Ulla took two steps forward and went to Yun Xian’s side, “The military commander wants to go in person?”

Yun Xian nodded.

“Then be careful,” Ulla said with a low chuckle, “your life is worth a thousand pieces of gold, don’t fall into the trap of others, or this king will be distressed.”

Yun Xian distanced themselves from each other: “I will, thank you for your concern.”

Genius Long looked at these three people. The king of the Sirius clan was of the upright type. Ulla was arrogant. He didn’t know how to converge when he looked at Yun Xian, while Douji was gloomy and cautious. From the last battle, the two kings were injured and he was unscathed. It can be seen that this person is not easy. Yun Xian is right. It would be great if he could take the opportunity to capture this person.

Several people prepared for each other. They set off from the military camp at noon. Genius Long didn’t know how to ride a horse. Yun Xian thought that riding was too tiring. He still rode in his luxurious carriage. Genius Long naturally followed up and couldn’t help but praise: “You really enjoy it.”

“Of course, I can finally enjoy it, how can I treat myself badly.”

“Finally? Were you miserable in Gushu before? Oh, I know it was pretty miserable at first,” Genius Long looked at him, “It can be seen that you have fine skin and tender flesh, and you don’t lack arms and legs. Shouldn’t it be too miserable later?”

The corner of Yun Xian’s mouth twitched: “The past is unbearable.”

Genius Long rubbed his chin: “Have you ever been nurtured by someone?”

“…shut up.”

The two of them spoke in a very low voice, and Douji naturally couldn’t hear them. They quickly arrived at the border and walked towards Shenghua. Yun Xian and Genius Long were not afraid that Douji would do it now. This person is not a fool. He should choose to act when everyone is relaxed on the way back, and Douji really did as they expected, he kept secretly observing the terrain along the way and choosing the place to start.

So several people had their own thoughts and successfully arrived in the city when the sun was setting. Genius Long was almost hanging on Yun Xian’s body. He was so tired that he didn’t want to move a finger. He said with a sigh: “Let’s go eat first…Here, this is the best restaurant in the city.”

Everyone was hungry after he mentioned it. Although they had all changed into Shenghua costumes, their rough appearance still attracted a lot of attention. So as not to cause trouble, they asked for a wing, and in order to prevent the violence of the accent, Wei Xiaobao, who grew up in the city, naturally became the one in charge. He looked at Xiao Er who led them in, took out his purse and handed it over: “Here, first go to the pot of good tea, and then serve up the signature dishes in your shop.”

“Hey, yes.” Xiao Er stretched out his hand to pick it up, but the moment he caught it, he noticed that the opponent’s hand paused. He raised his head and instantly met someone’s eyes.

You are reading story Hold On, General at novel35.com

Genius Long faced the door of the room, turned his back to the crowd, squinted his eyes, smiled slightly at Xiao Er, and then let go of his hand and sat down on the chair. Xiao Er closed the door and respectfully withdrew, turned around and opened the purse, and unexpectedly found a bag of drugged medicine in it, and the corners of his mouth twitched suddenly.

This master also asked them to put in drugs a few days ago. They were quite scared at the time, but his reward was too much, and he said that he was against it, and afterwards, they did not have much trouble, and someone helped to pay for the wine, so this time he was no longer afraid of putting the drug, but Xiao Er was still very helpless, this master was simply using their restaurant as a black shop.

He handed the money to the shopkeeper and said a few words in a low voice. The shopkeeper frowned and hesitated: “The person who came to him a few days ago is not easy. It can be seen that this person is not small, but we can’t tell the relationship between them. In this way, under the drug, you will go to the Yiguan to find those people in a while, and you will say that the person they are looking for has appeared, and we can’t be guilty.”


So the door of the room was pushed open while the people upstairs were eating. Wei Xiaoan saw that Xiao Wang Ye was safe and sound, his eyes turned red for an instant, and he rushed over: “Young master!”

Genius Long caught him: “Xiao’an! How did you make it like this? Did they hit you? It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have escaped from the little master’s hall alone and left you behind.”

Since Wei Xiaoan can bully the king with General Gu, his resilience must not be underestimated. He cried in a daze: “Young master, why are you back again? The boss won’t let you go. They will be eyeing you as soon as you show up…” He said, turning around to block the crowd outside the door, and said with great righteousness, “Young master, go quickly, I’ll hold them off!”

Muzi outside the door was silent: “…”

General Gu is the marshal and has to sit in the barracks, Xiaohua is the military commander, and Shenghua will send troops tomorrow, so he can’t leave, so the task of finding Xiao Wang Ye fell to Muzi and Wei Xiaoan. They took several soldiers back to the city and continued to inquire. Now they hurriedly came when they received the news.

But no matter how they guessed, they didn’t expect this kind of thing to happen, and all the soldiers froze in place and watched.

Wei Xiaoan said, “Young master, go quickly! I won’t let them take you back if I die!”

“No, how can I leave you to suffer again!”

Muzi continued to be silent: “…”

Whether it was Muzi or a soldier, he didn’t know how many lives he had carried with him. Even if he didn’t speak, he naturally exuded an evil spirit. Douji naturally regarded these villains as thugs in the small pavilion. He got up and said in a deep voice: “You are here just in time, we are just about to…”

He stopped suddenly, only to feel his feet were soft, his eyes were black, and his heart was suddenly startled. He raised his eyes and saw that everyone around him was dizzy, only Wei Xiaobao was still fine. He had doubts in his heart, but now he said nothing in vain. , He leaned forward and fell down.

Genius Long’s eyes widened, and he rushed over, crying: “King, King, why are you swollen, why are you swollen, don’t scare me! Ah ah ah”

Douji tried to maintain a trace of sanity: “You…why…it’s okay…”

“Huh?” Genius Long was surprised and then choked out, “My lord, I think you’ve all been drugged by my boss, I have eaten too much since I was a child. This can’t fascinate me. Don’t worry, I will definitely not let them hurt you, even if they catch my life!”

Douji looked into the eyes that were as close as he could get, the bright eyes were full of strength and worry that could not be ignored. He suddenly felt guilty for having killed this man before, and with his last ounce of sanity he handed him the golden sword in his arms: “Hurry …… run ……”

“No, I can’t leave you! If you are taken by my boss, you will die,” Genius Long continued to cry, “how can I bear to see you die! I was your man in life and I’ll be your dead man in death! Instead of being humiliated again, we should die together! Ouch!”

“Good,” Douji’s eyes were actually a little moist as he slowly withdrew his golden sword, “I will not let you …… die again.”

Genius Long suddenly opened his mouth wide and was stunned for a while. Muzi at the door looked stunned and hurriedly stepped forward to stop him. At this time, Douji finally couldn’t support him, and his hands hung down weakly, completely unconscious.

Genius Long exhaled a sigh of relief, hurriedly put the knife away, and then continued to cry on the ground. The poor thing finally got up in silence under the stiff eyes of the soldiers, walked weakly to the table and sat down, choked and wiped the non-existent tears from his eyes: “What are you waiting for, tie it up!”

Everyone: “……”

“Puff!” Yun Xian, who was lying on the table, couldn’t help it anymore, and got up with a smile, “Brother, you really dare to act.”

“What’s so dare not,” Genius Long said, seeing Muzi staring at Yun Xian, as if eager to shave him, he said, “This is my person, you are not allowed to move.”

Wei Xiaoan trembled, your man, prince, why are you embarrassing the general?……

Genius Long looked at the food on the table and ordered Xiao Er to change two bowls of rice and another pot of tea. Then he and Yun Xian continued to eat. By the way, he turned his head and asked everyone, “Have you eaten yet? Let’s eat together.”

Wei Xiaoan and Muzi already had shadows, shaking their heads at the same time, and these bloody examples on the ground were in front of them, and the soldiers shook their heads in unison, so everyone watched the two of them eat, and when they were full of wine and food, they recruited two carriages, tied Douji and the others up and threw them towards the barracks.

Genius Long knew that the facial paralysis will send troops tomorrow. He thought for a while. Now that the king of the Tuzhen clan has been captured, the dragons have no head, and the king of the Sirius clan is concerned about the safety of Yun Xian, naturally, it is not a worry. As for Ulla, he is still seriously injured. , Tomorrow is a good time to send troops.

A few people quickly returned to the barracks. As soon as Genius Long jumped out of the carriage, he saw a man running quickly and pulled him into his arms and hugged him firmly. It was autumn now, and it was a little cold at night. This person had already taken off his armour and was wearing a Confucian shirt. His body was so warm that he could almost burn his skin.

Genius Long was a little dazed for a while and seemed to be dizzy by the temperature in his arms. After a long time, he slowly reached out and hugged him, patting him gently: “I’m fine.”

Yun Xian leaned back in the carriage and looked at it with a smile, then turned his gaze and looked at the young man on the side. When the man saw him looking over, he smiled and handed over his hand and said, “I am Xia Bai Lian, I have long admired the name of the military commander.”

“Oh, hello, hello,” Yun Xian stretched out his paws and waved, suddenly startled, “Hey, what’s your name?”

“Xia Bai Lian.”

Yun Xian was surprised: “…flower?”


“Oh, I mean, have you ever heard of the white lotus of the Virgin?”


General Gu held Xiao Wang Ye in his arms for a long time before letting go, then turned to look at Yun Xian, and ordered: “Come on, drag him down and cut him down.”

  Yun Xian: “……”

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