Hold On, General

Chapter 15: 15

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Misunderstanding …

General Gu is the main coach, and he will be able to resist the fate of the foreign monarch. What’s more, he is just a prince without power. Genius Long rushed over to block Yun Xian: “Facial paralysis, if you want to kill him today, kill me first!”

General Gu suddenly froze in place, motionless.

Seeing his backer coming, Yun Xian couldn’t help but pounce on him, showing his head to look at the man, and hurriedly explained: “Oh, what he means is, I have taken refuge in you now, I am one of my own, and wow, if it weren’t for me to lead out the king of the Tuzhen clan, they wouldn’t have a chance to catch it, so even if I made any mistakes before, I should make up for it now. It’s a bit unreasonable for you to kill me again, isn’t it?”

Genius Long nodded, with a majestic expression: “If there is no him today, there will be no me in the future!”


“Ah, what he means is,” Yun Xian hurriedly explained again, “If I hadn’t figured out a way, we wouldn’t be back from Beimo so soon,” He leaned into someone’s ear and gritted his teeth in a low voice, “Brother, don’t talk!”

Genius Long really shut up obediently. He looked at his facial paralysis and saw that the man was still silent. He suddenly remembered that he had a golden knife in his arms, so he pulled it out and put it across his neck, ready to force him to let go.

There was an instant pumping sound around, and General Gu became even stiffer. He had already learned everything from the soldiers who had returned from the advance and naturally knew that Yun Xian had surrendered, but he was really angry, so he gave the order, but he never expected that Xiao Wang Ye would react like this, he pursued his mouth, without any expression at all.

The fire in the barracks was swaying, and half of the man’s body was almost melting into the darkness. It was obviously extinguished, and he looked at them so silently that people didn’t dare to be presumptuous. Genius Long blinked, and suddenly felt that his facial paralysis was quite imposing, so he forgot to force him for a while.

The calmest person here was Yun Xian. He was simply crazy. He hurriedly grabbed the knife and pressed it back with trembling liver. He shouted irritably, “Brother, do you think I’m not dying fast enough?”

Genius Long let him put the golden sword back in its sheath, his face innocent: “I am clearly saving you.”

“Shit,” Yun Xian roared, “If you really want to save me, you shouldn’t do this. You are retaliating against me, right? You must be retaliating against me, right?!right?!”

“How could I retaliate against you, am I like that kind of person?” Genius Long continued innocently, “If you are talking about driving me out, causing me to walk such a long way, my feet are blistering, and finally let me save myself, or threaten me to accept you, or come up with such a way to come back from Beimo, let me walk a longer way than before, tired to death, if my feet are blistering again, these are all voluntary by your brother,” He patted him on the shoulder almost sincerely, “Really, your brother, I have no regrets.”

“…” Yun Xian stared at him, “Do you believe in it?”


Bai Lian looked around, and seeing that the general still didn’t mean to speak, he coughed dryly and looked at another person: “Wang Ye.”

Genius Long glanced at him, then looked at the group of people in a panic around him, and waved his hand: “All right, let’s go back to bed early, have a good rest, and fight tomorrow. There are still a few people to look at Douji, don’t let him run away, as for you,” He looked at Yun Xian, “Good boy, go back with your brother, your brother has blisters on his feet.”

“No,” Yun Xian refused directly, “I’m exhausted and tired.”

“Are you still bored? I think you are quite strong,” Genius Long said, “I think when you shot the arrow…um…”

Yun Xian covered his mouth, felt the bad eyes around him because of these words, and instantly became sad and angry: “I will only come back with you if there is water in my head!”

Genius Long smiled and broke away from him: “If you don’t come back with me, you have to deal with them endlessly. Maybe it’s really like you said, you were accidentally burned to death by that group of people one day,” He looked at the man’s resentful eyes and touched his head, “Good boy, you have to let your brother get out of this evil breath, okay, brother is cool now, let’s go, go back to sleep.”

After he finished speaking, he took Yun Xian and left, and at this moment General Gu finally moved. He couldn’t help but step forward and hug Xiao Wang Ye horizontally and turned silently to the tent.

He hugged more skillfully and did not pull the wound on his body. Genius Long did not refuse, raising his eyebrows and asking, “What’s the matter?”

“Isn’t there a bubble on your feet?”

Genius Long hummed, General Gu hugged him firmly, and asked, “Haven’t you been medicated for the wound in the past two days?”


General Gu said no more. Genius Long looked at him through the faint light of the fire, knowing that this person had obviously not slept well in recent days, and he knew that he was indeed under consideration. In case something went wrong, he might not be able to come back into his life. He was silent and confessed his mistake honestly: “This time it’s my fault…”

General Gu didn’t answer but tightened the strength of his arm.

Genius Long touched his nose: “But I’m not all for nothing. You see, you can definitely win if you send troops tomorrow. If you take the opportunity to defeat Beimo, we can return to the dynasty, so my adventure is actually…”

The two of them had already entered the tent while they were talking. General Gu carefully put him on the couch without waiting for him to finish speaking, and finally said, “Don’t do this next time,” He half knelt on the ground and looked at him, “Even if you get more benefits, don’t do this in the future.”

The gaze was still calm, and the temperature was warmer than his arms. Genius Long didn’t know what to say when he opened his mouth several times, and finally, he could only obediently say, “I see.”

General Gu turned around and went out, but when he looked up, he saw that the military commander happened to come in and was about to pass him. He took a look and suddenly stretched out his hand without warning, tugging at his back collar and dragging him out, but his mouth was extremely polite and serious: “I asked people to arrange accommodation for the military commander. The military commander has worked hard all the way, so let’s take a good rest.” Although Wei Xiaoan and Muzi will come over in a while, he still doesn’t want this person and Xiao Wang Ye to stay in the same tent.

Genius Long couldn’t believe that this was something that facial paralysis would do. He was shocked for an instant. He didn’t know how to react for a while, so he could only look blankly with his mouth wide open. Yun Xian would never be in a daze at this moment. While trying to break away, he clung to the tent before being dragged out completely: “Brother! Brother! Help! What the fuck are you doing?”

Genius Long suddenly returned to his senses: “Hey, you let him go…” He was about to get down from the soft couch when he said that, General Gu reluctantly let go when he saw this, glanced at someone blankly, and turned to go out.

Yun Xian rubbed his wrists, didn’t care if his clothes were messed up, and walked in with a smile: “It’s a lot of resentment. Love can really make people lose their minds. Look at the way he cares about you so much. What’s your relationship?”

Genius Long nestled on the couch: “Guess.”

Yun Xian didn’t answer, and climbed onto the soft couch with a smile: “I don’t even have to guess, brother, forget it if you follow him.”

Genius Long squinted at him, and was about to speak when he saw Wei Xiaoan and Muzi coming, standing respectfully beside him, he suddenly waved his hand: “All go out, we have something to talk about.”

Muzi was ordered by the emperor to protect Xiao Wang Ye. The last time he was drugged by the master, he wanted to draw his sword and kill himself. This time, he said nothing would let Xiao Wang Ye leave his sight again. Seeing that he was not leaving, Wei Xiaoan changed his mind and thought about General Gu who was obsessed, so he stood obediently with his head down.

Genius Long raised his eyebrows suddenly: “I said Xiaoan, don’t forget that you made a big mistake before. If you don’t want to go back to the capital, I will let my brother punish you for your sins. It’s best now…”

“The little one retires.” Wei Xiaoan hurriedly ran out without waiting for him to finish speaking, and his figure quickly disappeared.

Genius Long then slowly looked at Muzi: “I said Mu…”

Muzi didn’t wait for him to finish speaking, and said in a muffled voice: “The emperor has ordered that his subordinates must not leave Wang Ye’s presence.”

“…” Genius Long looked at him suspiciously, “No matter what I do?”


“Well,” Genius Long said, suddenly turning around and pressing Yun Xian on the couch, bullying him over, “Come on, beauty, he won’t leave this king and there is no way. Anyway, everyone is a man, it doesn’t matter if you are seen as a man, right?”

Yun Xian pulled his hair to block half of his face, and whispered shyly: “Oh, I hate it, then you have to lighten up… Lunjia(1) will not be able to bear it…”

“Don’t worry, I will love you very much.” Genius Long said as he stood up, untied his belt and began to undress.

“…” Muzi didn’t expect that the next moment it was such a lively colour and fragrance, no matter how indifferent his face was, he couldn’t help being a little stiff.

You are reading story Hold On, General at novel35.com

Yun Xian continued to whine: “Wang Ye, what’s your hurry? You said you have to accompany Lunjia to see the stars and the moon first, talk about the philosophy of life from poems and songs and then talk to others or something…”

“…” Muzi frowned, only to hear Xiao Wang Ye’s laugh: “Beauty, you are so beautiful, this king can’t hold it anymore, come on, don’t struggle, no one will come to save you if you break your throat.”

“You are too much,” Yun Xian was full of grievances, and after a while, he suddenly became shyer, “But Lunjia likes your excesses so much~”

“…” Muzi shook all over, and Genius Long couldn’t help but twitch, bowed his head and said, “You tormenting little thing.”

Muzi: “……”

Yun Xian stretched his voice: “Wang~Ye~”

Muzi couldn’t help it anymore and run away.

“Hahaha, hey, brother, your guard is much more fun than my group, hahaha-…” Yun Xian laughed and beat the bed, then suddenly glanced, and the laughter stuck in his throat in an instant.

“What’s wrong?” Genius Long followed his gaze, only to see his face paralysis come back at some point, holding a wooden basin, the basin is still steaming, standing there expressionlessly.

“……” Genius Long looked at the posture of him and Yun Xian, their unclothed appearance, and remembered the conversation just now, also instantly silent.

Yun Xian has always had a good sense of danger, but he was very slow in getting off the couch.

As he moved slowly, he grumbled in his mind, ‘Damn it, first you cut me and then you dragged me, you think I’m a sick cat if the tiger doesn’t show off, I’ll kill you today!’

“Ahem, what’s that, you guys are busy, I’ll go out first.” He finally got down completely, walked out slowly, opened the curtain, and happened to see Bai Lian standing there, and couldn’t help but be surprised: “Why didn’t you go in?”

“I was going to enter…” Bai Lian’s expression was a little distorted.

“…” Yun Xian said, “Well, you don’t have to say it, I understand.”

Bai Lian was entangled for a long time, and finally said, “I can’t believe that the military commander is such a passionate person…”

“…” Yun Xian asked, “If I say we are innocent, do you believe it?”


“…Well, I see.”

There was a dead silence in the tent. For some reason, Genius Long was a little guilty. Don’t turn his head and don’t look at him. General Gu was silent for a moment. He stepped forward and put down the hot water basin and soaked all his feet in. Genius Long exhaled contentedly and moved his gaze back.

General Gu got up and sat down on the couch, glanced at his messy clothes, took off all of them in silence, untied the cloth on his chest, and changed his medicine.

The two of them were very close. Genius Long’s upper body was naked, and he was leaning on the soft couch with one hand to look at General Gu. His face was paralyzed and his head was slightly lowered. His eyes, which had always been calm, were a little heavy. He was silent for a while and said with a smile: “He and I actually have nothing to do…”

General Gu’s hand paused slightly, then carefully wiped the medicine, then changed to a new cloth and wrapped it carefully.

“Really,” Genius Long continued when he saw that he didn’t answer, “We have something to talk about, but Muzi didn’t want to go out, so we deliberately pretended to force him to go.”

General Gu tied the knot, got up and squatted in front of the couch, put his hands into the wooden basin, carefully avoiding the blisters on his feet, pressed his fingers on the acupuncture points, and began to massage him. Under the warm candlelight, Xiao Wang Ye’s feet were surprisingly white. His heart tightened, and he hurriedly suppressed the surging throbbing.

His strength was moderate, Genius Long couldn’t help humming comfortably, and he didn’t explain anymore. Instead, he looked down at him. This person still lowered his head slightly. From this angle, he could only see half of his face, but he was still handsome and extraordinary. He looked at it in silence for a while, and suddenly asked, “Why are you so nice to me?” Even his dear mommy has never treated him like this.

General Gu paused, raised his head and said, “Didn’t Wang Ye always know?”

Genius Long was silent, and then asked again: “If I were still the same person before, and the way you always thought in your heart, would you treat me like this?”

General Gu was silent for a moment, and shook his head honestly: “No,” he paused, “But you are not.”

Genius Long smiled: “I really am not.”

General Gu said, “So it’s worth it for me.”

Genius Long couldn’t help raising his eyebrows, as if he didn’t believe that facial paralysis could speak affectionately, but seeing this person’s still calm eyes, he smiled again and did not answer. General Gu continued his movements and asked, “Why did Wang Ye explain just now?”

Genius Long was startled: “I’m afraid you misunderstood.”

General Gu raised his head, his eyes lit up a little: “Why are you afraid that I will misunderstand?”

“Of course it is…” Genius Long was speechless for a while, but he didn’t know what to say. General Gu didn’t force him, but said, “Bear with it.”

“Hmm?” Genius Long was surprised. Before he spoke, he only felt the pain coming from his feet. He fixed his eyes to see that this person had broken all the blisters on his feet: “What are you doing, it can be fine by itself…”

“It’s too slow to be good like that. Bear with it. I’ll help you with the medicine in a while.”

“It hurts… you take it easy, hey… it hurts, take it easy!”

He yelled loudly, and Yun Xian and Bai Lian outside the tent were both taken aback. Yun Xian’s eyes were lit, and he secretly wondered if someone was over-stimulated so he just ate it? He didn’t want to rush over without thinking about it, ready to open the curtain to see the living Spring Palace.

Bai Lian naturally knew what he was going to do, and when he held him down, a black line appeared on his forehead, and he couldn’t help but re-evaluate the character of this military commander. Yun Xian couldn’t see the live version of G-V, and was very dissatisfied: “Hey, Xiaohua, what are you doing?”

“…” Bai Lian had a weird expression, and finally couldn’t help asking, “Did Wang Ye tell you this name?”

“No,” Yun Xian said with a “huh” and looked back at him, “Are you really called Xiaohua?” So coincidental.

“…” Bai Lian suddenly made a decision. After returning to the capital, he must stay away from Yun Xian and Xiao Wang Ye. The farther away, the better, otherwise his reputation will be over.

Yun Xian took advantage of his daze to open the curtain, and when he saw the indoor scene, his shoulders suddenly collapsed, and he got up silently: “Xiaohua, get me a pot of hot water, and I will soak my feet too. Oh, it’s cool to have someone to serve, thinking of me…” He said suddenly paused but smiled helplessly. Bai Lian glanced at him and said strangely: “…Military commander?”

“Ah, it’s okay,” Yun Xian subconsciously touched his left shoulder, “The past is unbearable, Xiaohua, go and get me a pot of hot water and bring it in.”

Before Bai Lian could figure out the meaning of “bring it in”, he saw this person suddenly open the curtain and walked in with a big grin: “Brother, I’m going to sleep with you tonight.”



Lunjia, a buzzword on the Internet, Lunjia means ” family “. Commonly seen in chats and posts, it is a word commonly used by girls to play cute and act like a baby. Often used to refer to the speaker himself. It is not the other person referred to by the ordinary “Renjia”, which belongs to the Internet language.

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