Hold On, General

Chapter 6: 6

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Counsellor Zhuge …

Genius Long had only put on a simple tunic, and the darkness made it hard to tell what the material was. He had been in the carriage during the march and had entered the tent directly from the carriage when setting up camp, so few people had seen him. But since he can appear in the barracks, he proves to be one of his own.

He took a few breaths and, feeling alive, went to line up. Most of the soldiers wore outer clothing, with a few wearing simple white undershirts. Although their upper bodies were slightly different, their hair, trousers and boots were all uniforms. Genius Long stood in a slightly out-of-place position with them. But he was in last place. No one paid attention. It was only when the soldiers in front of him returned after receiving their meals that they suddenly saw the addition of such a man to the queue.

They walked a few steps into the distance, found a place to sit down, ate together, and secretly looked at Genius Long by the way. This person has a beautiful face, handsome and clean. At first glance, he is a child of a large family. He is not at all like people like them who have been on the battlefield, but he doesn’t know why he appeared here.

Genius Long rubbed his appetite and patiently followed the group forward. He was very efficient in the barracks and soon it was his turn. He happily stepped forward and the ration soldier picked up the dry ration and handed it over. When he looked up, he was frozen in his tracks and hesitated.

Genius Long looked at him with a wide-eyed stare for a long time, and then became angry: “What for? Why, did you bring me here to fight in the war and not even give me food?”

“Oh, no, no,” the man looked at him carefully, and asked anxiously, “Are you here to pick up the meal or serve the meal for others?”

He can’t be blamed for asking too much. He knows that there is a carriage following in the army this time. Although he doesn’t know who is sitting on it, according to the general’s instructions, the food that the person eats is made separately, and the things used are also very particular. He is the forage soldier in charge of the escort, and he knows exactly to what extent those things are particular, so naturally, he dares not neglect them.

The person in front of him is obviously different from an ordinary soldier. It may well be related to the person in the carriage, and the least helpful person may be the little guy next to that person. Of course, he has to ask clearly.

Genius Long thought to himself that neither facial paralysis nor white lotus flower had been eaten. Did this person think I was going to get them? He rolled his eyes at the moment: “Whoever cares about them, of course, I will eat by myself.”

“Oh,” the ration man said, putting his mind at rest and handing over the dried food, and pointing to the barrel next to him, “here are the dishes.”

Genius Long answered, holding the hot, dry food and a bowl of vegetables. Looking around and he saw that it was a simple hut with a long, roughly made table with a chopping board and a few vegetables on the side. It was a mess, but there was an open space and a bench next to the table, so he happily went over and sat down and ate his meal.

Naturally, the forage soldier didn’t dare to stop him, so he turned around and continued to work. The other people in the grass shed looked at each other, but they didn’t stop him and went with him.

Genius Long took a bite of the dry food and chewed it a few times, thinking that it was a far cry from the rice he had eaten at the general’s mansion, but he knew he couldn’t be so particular about the war effort, so he didn’t pick at it and continued eating.

Although he is the young master of a big consortium, his father has taught him to be independent since he was a child. What’s more, when he went to study abroad, he took care of the food and lodging by himself. He remembers that once in order to crack a troublesome program, he held the computer and stared for a day and a night. He was so hungry that his eyes lit up with green light. When he saw a half of the instant noodles on the table, he rushed over without thinking about it.

The Chinese student who shared with him came out of the bathroom to prepare to sleep. Who knew that the instant noodles he was about to throw away were gone at a glance, and the culprit reluctantly held the box of instant noodles and licked it cleanly, then turned his head and looked at him. There was a green light in his eyes. He was shocked in an instant and hurriedly went to soak another box, which was solved.

Thinking of those days, Genius Long couldn’t help but feel that even if he didn’t go to his own company when he returned to China, he could make ends meet by finding a job, but he didn’t know how high the sky was and entered the Lei Group, and finally got himself to this point.

He sighed sadly, thinking to himself, although Lei Yan wanted to kill him later, he spent a lot of time on him in order to cultivate him. He learned a lot, at least he knew how to survive in a harsh environment. 

He looked at the food in his hand and murmured: “No pollution, no additives, let alone waste oil, pure natural green food, absolutely no illness after eating it. Although the taste is not as good as instant noodles, it is much healthier than instant noodles.”

“…” There was silence in the straw shed, and they couldn’t tell whether this person was talking to them or something, so they all stood still and waited. They saw the culprit take another bite of dry food and continued to eat without raising his head as if the mess of things just now was not what he said.


General Gu anxiously turned around but still found no one. Finally, he found this place. The soldier who was eating saw him get up hurriedly: “General.”

General Gu hummed faintly: “Have you seen a young man?” He described it briefly and found that there was silence around him, and he couldn’t help but ask, “What’s the matter?”

Everyone stretched out their hands and pointed in one direction. General Gu hurriedly turned his head and saw a familiar figure sitting in the grass shed not far away. He strode over without saying a word, leaving a group of people behind him watching dryly and whispering.

He thought Xiao Wang Ye was sitting here sulking, but who knew he was eating, dry food with vegetables.

General Gu was frozen in disbelief at what he was seeing. Wang Ye had been well-clothed since childhood, how could he eat such things?

The people in the straw shed greeted him when they saw him coming: “General.”

General Gu didn’t react at all, as if he couldn’t see anyone else except the person in front of him. He suddenly felt a bit sad that Wang Ye, who was held in everyone’s heart, had to suffer this sin because of his selfish desire.

When Genius Long heard what they said, he stopped and turned his head. After seeing the visitor clearly, he “hummed” and continued to eat: “Why are you the only one, that stupid military counsellor?”

“…” For the first time, everyone heard someone say that the military counsellor was a fool, and they all froze in place, watching silently.

General Gu didn’t answer, but stepped forward and said solemnly: “The food I asked you to prepare, hurry up and serve it.”

Everyone didn’t dare to disobey, and hurriedly brought the prepared meals from the small stove and placed them on the table one by one. The forage soldier happened to come back and almost fainted when he saw this scene. The person who complained that he didn’t give him food turned out to be… It turned out to be the lord of the carriage! And what he gave was ordinary dry food, and his cold sweat fell instantly.

Genius Long was already stiff. He was holding half a piece of dry food in his left hand, and he kept holding chopsticks in the air with his right hand. He looked at his own food, then at the newly placed things, then at his own food, and then at the newly placed things. He opened his mouth and choked in an instant: “…You are simply too evil.”

General Gu sat down beside him and pushed the food this way: “Eat, it’s specially prepared for you,” he paused and said solemnly, “I said I will protect you thoroughly, and I will definitely not let you suffer half of it.”

Everyone opened their mouths wide. They absolutely heard it right. Their majestic general had a gentle tone in his tone when he said that. What is the relationship between the general and this person…?

Genius Long was still stiff: “… is this the legendary unequal treatment of class?”

General Gu naturally didn’t understand, but he had long been accustomed to being calm. Seeing that this person was not moving, he stretched out his hand to take away his dry food. Long Geniuses instantly recovered, pinched it, and murmured: “It’s shameful to waste food…”

General Gu was startled: “What?”

Genius Long didn’t answer. His good tutor told him not to throw away half of what he had eaten. He looked at the food in front of him again, and then at the small vegetables he had eaten half a bowl, and turned his head silently: “Have you eaten yet?”

General Gu shook his head.

“Xiaohua…Oh, did that stupid military counsellor eat it?”

“…” General Gu shook his head again, “What?”

“Well, you can eat these meals, don’t waste them,” Genius Long added a few dishes to the bowl and stood up. “You let me calm down, I really don’t want to see you now…”

He said and walked to the soldiers gathered not far away: “Buddy, give me a place.”

Most of these people had already eaten and were observing them. When they saw him coming, they consciously moved out of the way. Genius Long sat down and put the bowl on the ground, and looked around: “Have you finished eating or are you full? Come over for a la carte.”

When the soldiers saw the dishes in the bowl at first glance, they were all startled. Genius Long pushed: “It’s okay, eat it, anyway, I can’t finish it myself.”

The soldiers moved their chopsticks, looked at him, and tentatively asked, “Is the little brother new here?”


“Seeing that you are not like a child from an ordinary family, how could you come to join the army?”

“I didn’t want to come either,” Genius Long was depressed. “It was my eldest brother who had to let me come to the battlefield to experience it, but he didn’t say what he wanted me to do. I was already in the carriage when I woke up…”

Everyone suddenly realized that the person in the carriage was actually him, and one of them said, “Your brother is really willing to let you come to the battlefield.”

The other person said again: “But it seems that your brother loves you very much.”

Everyone agreed, it was a carriage and a single stove, which could allow General Gu to take care of it to this extent, and this person’s eldest brother was absolutely high-ranking.

“Of course,” Genius Long said, “he has only one brother.”

“But in this way… you shouldn’t be allowed to take risks.”

Genius Long sucked his nose and his shoulders collapsed: “Who knows what he wants me to do here…”

You are reading story Hold On, General at novel35.com

He lowered his head slightly, his curled eyelashes bent in a beautiful arc and then lined with a beautiful face, which made people feel good when they looked at it, and their hearts were beating. Everyone comforted one after another: “It’s okay, we’ll take care of you when the time comes.”

“Yes, we protect you!”

“Ah, by the way, little brother, what should I call you?”

“Oh, you can call me…”

“He is a new military counsellor.”

Before Genius Long had finished speaking, a familiar and majestic voice came from behind. Everyone raised their heads and hurriedly got up: “General.”

After General Gu ordered someone to bring the food to Bai Lian, he stood still and looked at Xiao Wang Ye. Since they met, this person has brought him too many surprises. You think he is an embroidered pillow, but he can easily see the situation clearly. You think he is pampered, but he can calmly eat coarse tea and light rice. You think he was born in the palace and was full of extravagance, but in a blink of an eye, he sat on the ground kindly and talked to people.

Perhaps from the beginning, he didn’t plan to get to know this person well. All the rumours about this person pushed him in one direction so that when he really met, he realized that what was in front of him was the other extreme that was completely contrary to the rumours. 

The extreme came so suddenly and so unexpectedly that all eyes had to rest on him, even to the point of wanting to understand him completely.

General Gu watched quietly until he saw that something was wrong with the soldiers’ minds before he hurried forward and then interrupted when he heard the question of the salutation.

It’s rare for Genius Long not to be angry at his arrival, but got up and blinked his beautiful eyes: “…what?”

General Gu looked at him: “Don’t you want a feather fan?”

“Hmm,” Genius Long’s eyes lit up, “It’s the kind in Zhuge Liang’s hand. Ah, you don’t understand when I say it. I’ll go back and draw it for you. By the way, do you really want me to be a military counsellor?”

General Gu nodded: “Would you like to?”

“Of course,” Genius Long hastily agreed, then looked back around and said, “Ahem, I’m your military counsellor, ask me anything you don’t know in the future, follow me and you won’t be defeated, oh, you can call me ……”.

“Zhuge Liang.” General Gu interrupted behind him.

“……” Shit, what did I just hear?

General Gu continued, “You can call him Counsellor Zhuge or Master Zhuge from now on.”

The crowd unanimously said, “Yes.”


“Let’s go back and discuss the military situation.” The people behind him watched in silence and then looked at each other: “When have you ever seen a general take a man’s hand of his own accord?

They shook their heads in unison.


There was a dead silence, and everyone began to think about the possibility that the general had another idea about making this person a military counsellor.

It was not until he was pulled into the tent that Genius Long came to his senses and shook off his hand, instantly angry: “What the hell? I still want my name to be remembered in history!”

General Gu then patiently explained to him that he could not reveal his identity for the time being.

Genius Long calmed down a little bit of sadness and anger and then said: “Then you can’t use Zhuge Liang. He is already famous enough. He doesn’t need me to help him build momentum. Change his name and let them all call me a genius. This king is a talent made in heaven.”


“Do you hear me?”


“Wang Ye…” At this moment, a slightly weak voice sounded next to him.

Genius Long turned his head and saw Bai Lian standing there, holding a few books in his hand, looking at him, he hurriedly stepped forward: “Oh, Xiaohua, we will be colleagues in the future, please take care of me.”

Bai Lian: “……”

General Gu: “……”

“Did you call me just now? Is there anything wrong?” 

“…” Bai Lian nodded, “Yes, we just read the letter from the border. Yun Xian is not from Beimo, and he is involved with the other two countries. Such a person can achieve the position of a military counsellor. I think it is difficult to capture him. The best way is to shoot with a bow and arrow, but I am afraid that I will not have a chance after I fail once.”

“Yes, it scared the snake,” Genius Long thought for a while, “Well, I’ll find a way to trick him into the front of the formation and find a good position for you, um… I’ll think about it again, and it’s foolproof. Hey, I originally wanted to meet him, but forget it. If you want to come, he’s not too smart, so just kill him.”

Bai Lian responded, endured it, and still asked: “Wang Ye thinks that military counsellor is a fool?”

“Yes, he chose to fight Shenghua now when he was out of his mind,” Genius Long said unceremoniously, “Let me tell you, if I were him, he would unify the Beimo almost before coming over. The alliance has been formed. You should take the opportunity to win a few more battles. The more you fight, the better. Let them be sweet enough and arrogant and complacent, and then look for opportunities to divide the two tribes…”

He smiled, “In this process, I will properly win over the remnants of those small tribes, tell them that this war is not the original intention of our tribe, promise to return the former grassland to them, and finally say something, but the two tribes must disagree, so what is to be done?”

Bai Lian shook suddenly, almost unable to hold the book: “…they will definitely help you get rid of those two tribes.”

“That’s right,” Genius Long said, “I will let them pretend to be people from the two tribes to provoke trouble. The people of the two tribes are no longer in harmony. At this time, there will definitely be a fight. Those remnants want to get their homes back, and they will definitely do their best, but the people of the two tribes don’t know that the other party is pretending to be, only when that party is dead, they will fight fiercely in anger, so the three parties are mixed together to fight to the death, hey, when they are all consumed, I will send out an army and swallow it together easily.”

The scene was dead silent, and Bai Lian took a step back silently.

Genius Long walked leisurely to the cushion and sat down: “Let others do as much fodder as possible, if you can do it yourself, don’t do it, the boss taught me,” he looked at them, “Why? Do you think I’m being sinister?”

Bai Lian shook his head: “No, soldiers are deceitful.”

“That’s what I’m saying, and I’m nothing, my boss is really sinister, I don’t understand how anyone would dare ……” Genius Long paused as he spoke, as if he had thought of something bad, his expression even slightly distorted.

The two of them were surprised: “What’s wrong?”

“It’s okay,” Genius Long returned to his senses and had nothing to say, “Come on, continue to say, wait for me to unify the Beimo and cultivate for a period of time, and the soldiers will come to attack Shenghua again. This is good, otherwise, even if they fight Shenghua now, what if they don’t want to fight to the death in the end, by then they will definitely be bitten back by the remnants of Shenghua. I really don’t know what that military counsellor thinks, that’s why I said that he is not smart, and he must first settle in. I don’t understand such a simple truth.”

“If you want to go outside, you must first settle in?” The two of them were shocked for a while, and couldn’t help but ask, “Why doesn’t Wang Ye serve the court with such a talent?”

“Huh?” Genius Long blinked, “So you want me to sell my life? I’m not going to do it. If I don’t do a good job, I’ll get scolded, but I’ll lose my head, and if I do a good job, I’ll get jealous, and I won’t even know that I’m being set up. The more meritorious you are, the higher your reputation will be, and with my status, even if I don’t usurp the throne, there will be people asking me to do so all the time ……”.

General Gu interrupted in horror: “Wang Ye, you can’t say that!”

Thinking that the ancients were indeed quite squeamish about this, Genius Long nodded: “Well, I just want to say that it’s better to be an idle Wang Ye, eating and drinking all day and doing whatever you want, don’t you think?”

“…” General Gu was speechless. This person saw it quite thoroughly. Is this the reason why he refused to leave the palace for a long time? No, this person obviously forgot everything.

General Gu and Bai Lian looked at each other speechlessly, and they were all confused.

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