Holiday to remember

Chapter 14: Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


Before too many people could notice Amelia’s confusion, I hugged her, bringing my head close to hers and talking to her softly to calm her down. Jess cuddled her sister from the other side and seemed almost as confused as Amelia was.


“Amelia. It’s ok, you came with us, remember?” I spoke loud enough for her to hear but not loud enough to alarm anyone else. Several people were looking on, concerned for the girl I was holding tight. Fortunately, she did recognise me and wasn’t fighting me to get away which would have made things difficult for me.


“What’s going on?” She demanded in a similar tone to the one I had used.


“We came to watch the fireworks remember?”


“Tosser, of course, I remember that, I’m not an idiot like you.”


“Thanks, do you feel alright?” I smiled, though I didn’t like being called a tosser by anyone, it felt good to hear her use the insult she’d used when we first met properly on holiday.


“I feel a bit sick, I probably just ate too much… Woah, look at that one.” She was distracted by another series of rockets screaming up into the sky and exploding into a dazzling array of colours high above us.


“Do you think that sitting down will help?” I asked, not really sure what I was supposed to do apart

from not letting her be alone or leave with someone I didn’t know. A police team had been to the school earlier in the year, giving talks about how spiking people’s drinks was against the law and how girls could keep themselves safe from having their drinks spiked but I hadn’t really paid it much attention. Mum and dad weren’t pub-goers and I wasn’t interested in going to clubs or drinking so I hadn’t really thought it was important for me to know. Now I wished I’d given it more attention and could remember more of what we had been told about how to help people that might have been spiked.


I remembered that they had told us to keep an eye on the ones we thought had been spiked and to call an ambulance if we were worried about them in any way. I didn’t want to cause trouble for nothing and knew that if I called an ambulance out, I’d have to tell them why I thought they might have had their drink drugged. That would probably lead to me having to tell them all about Jimmy which would just put him on guard meaning it was harder to get to him and beat him myself. I weighed up the thoughts in my head as I held Amelia close to me, acutely aware of how much her breast was pressing into me and how much bigger it was than Summers.


I was somewhat embarrassed by Skye having told me off over Summer already so I was instantly ashamed of myself for the thought of comparing their breasts.


“What do you think about heading home after the fireworks finish?” I asked Amelia as I tried to ignore the way her twisting to see the fireworks made her move against me.


“Mmm, you’re kinda cute, that could be fun but I can’t leave my sister.” She smiled a sweet little smile and had a bit of a sparkle in her eye that seemed both suggestive and a little wistful. I clamped down on the thought and tried to push it out of my head, asking myself what I was thinking, she was clearly under the influence of something. She bit her lip a little and looked at me from under hooded eyes as she smiled. The effect was melting my heart, she was so cute when she was being bashful like that.


“We’re living at theirs remember?” Jess commented quite sourly as she saw her sister trying to flirt with me.


“Oh, there you are Jess. Of course I remember that! Why would I forget it? Um, how were we supposed to get home, I can’t seem to remember.”


“Mum or Dad will come get us I expect.” I mumbled, aware of Jess’ glaring as though I was encouraging her sister.


“Aunt Willow is a bit weird don’t you think?” Amelia asked her sister “Always smells of weird stuff, and going on about chakras.” She giggled a little to herself. “David scares me though, I never know what he’s thinking.”


“He’s just a bit more practical than mum that’s all.” I defended my dad without even really knowing why I felt I should. He was cool and we’d always had a good relationship. Amelia yawned and leaned her head on her sister.


“I’m so sleepy.” She mumbled. Her eyes flew wide open a second later when the finale of the fireworks arrived with several rounds of big fireworks exploding in the sky at once, filling it with colours for a moment before they died and silence filled the air for a moment before people clapped their appreciation then began to drift away. The air was filled with the heavy scent of gunpowder and the sound of people talking.


Making sure that Jess wasn’t going to let go of Amelia with a glance, I let go and stepped over to my sisters to check on Summer again. They both seemed to be ok so I called dad to see if he and mum had come down to the fireworks and could collect us. I could hear mum mumbling something in the background though I couldn’t hear what she was saying and she sounded somewhat breathless. Dad said they hadn’t left home so we should just get a taxi home before he quickly hung up, I got the impression he was in the middle of something and didn’t appreciate the interruption. Summer seemed to have pulled herself together and although she was a little giggly, she was more her usual self. Amelia seemed more like she was drunk as she walked, stumbling a little uncoordinatedly. I decided that it was probably a good idea to try and sober them both up a bit more before we headed home, so I sent Jess and my sisters to get food and drinks from a stall while I waited with Amelia. I instructed them not to stop and talk to anyone but to hurry back, worried that Jimmy might still be lurking somewhere or that someone else might try a similar trick.


While they were gone, Amelia and I waited near the entrance to the fair people were constantly streaming past in either direction, so we had to back up a bit and ended up being blasted by the exhaust of a diesel generator that was running one of the rides when it started up. Amelia immediately looked queasy. It took a moment or two but the fumes pretty quickly pushed her over the edge and she bent over behind the generator heaving her guts up. There wasn’t really much I could do to help her feel any better, she hadn’t put her hair up in a pony tail like usual so I gently gathered it together and held it out the way until she’d finished. I could feel the lumps of her spine through her skin as I rubbed her back, hoping it would soothe her, I remembered I’d got half a bottle of water in one of my pockets so I dug it out and handed it to her so she could rinse her mouth out. She spat the water out and smiled at me a bit sheepishly.


“Thanks.” Her voice was a little weak but she had to be loud for me to hear her over the sound of the generator.


“Feel better now?”


“A bit. Why’d you hold my hair back though?”


“I thought it would be a bit nasty if it got in your hair.” I shrugged, trying to dismiss it as unimportant while at the same time I couldn’t get the thought of how soft and silky her hair had been.


“That’s kinda sweet of you. Don’t know many guys that would think of it.” I didn’t know what to say so I just smiled and pretended to look for the others as I found myself realising that although I’d just watched her throw up, I found her very pretty at that moment. The overwhelming urge I felt to kiss her and hold her close, to tell her that I wouldn’t let anyone harm her again was so powerful, that it almost scared me as I tried to put it into context again. I was angry with Jimmy, I wanted to protect my sisters too, I knew I was tired after a long day and I was probably just a little confused by the emotional rollercoaster we had been on in the last week. I was just trying to sort it all out in my head when it suddenly hit me why dad hadn’t wanted to come and get us, adding a surge of frustration and jealousy to my mixed emotions.


Thankfully I could distract myself as I saw the others approaching, struggling with the boxes and packets of food they were carrying. Amelia turned down all the food they thrust at her, clearly feeling sick again at the sight of the greasy offerings. Skye had had the sense to only get sealed cans of drink instead of the open slushy drinks that Summer and Amelia had shared earlier. We moved away from the generator and found a quiet spot near the road where we could eat and wait for the taxi to arrive.


Summer caught my eye as she ate her hot dog, standing slightly behind the others so they couldn’t see her, she watched me closely as she pulled the sausage a bit from the bun and began licking it, running her tongue round the tip, and sucking on it as though she was worshipping a cock. I tried to hide the shift in my jeans and pretend I hadn’t seen her but she made it clear that she knew exactly what effect she was having on me when we had all finished eating. She clung close to me, holding my arm and trying to rest her head on my shoulder despite being a little too short really, all the while pressing her small boobs into my arm and pretending to be sleepy.


A People-carrier type taxi eventually arrived to collect us all and Summer got irritated with the driver because she wanted to sit on my lap in the back but he insisted that she needed to sit in her own seat and do up her seatbelt. Although she insisted that I sit beside her and she scooted close, pretending to be sleepy while she teased me when she thought the others wouldn’t notice. The taxi driver did give us some funny looks in the mirror as he drove, I don’t know if he saw a family resemblance or what but he was definitely not sure what to do when he saw Summer nibbling my ear.


The house was dark when we arrived making it obvious that mum and dad were in bed, suggesting that my suspicion was correct, they had been having sex when I rang before. I opened the front door with the hidden key after the taxi driver had left. Amelia, Jessica and Skye all headed straight up the stairs to their rooms while Summer and I went through into the lounge. Items of clothing lay strewn through the room in a trail that seemed to start in the kitchen, I wondered if the girls had found any more on the stairs. As I stood there looking at the discarded clothing, wondering if I should tidy them up for mum and dad to avoid embarrassment in the morning, Summer poked her head round me, sniffing exaggeratedly.


“Mmm, smell the sex.” She commented with a sly grin before she was all over me, kissing me, nibbling my ear, licking my neck and pressing her body against me. I knew I should have pushed her off and sent her straight to bed but I was tempted, confused about my own emotional state and a little frustrated. After indulging in her kisses and kissing her in return as though I was starving for her, a pang of guilt made me push her away.


“This may not be the best time.” I managed to make myself say but I’m sure she could hear the insincerity in my voice.


“What do I have to do to get you to fuck me?” She demanded. “You like the whole porn star thing? … Oh big brother, what is that in your pocket? That can’t be a candy bar for me can it?” She giggled, as she unabashedly felt the outline of my dick through my jeans.


“Summer.” I tried to be stern but I just couldn’t do it.


“Wow, it’s so big, I wonder if it will fit in my tiny little cunt.” She purred “Oh, I know, I’ll do anything for you master, please split me in half with your big fuck tool, I just don’t know what I’m going to do if you don’t make me cum with that big cock of yours.” She looked up at me with big eyes and bit at the fingernail on her index finger in a way that I’d seen on countless porn clips. Part of me knew that she was trying to manipulate me but part of me didn’t care as she used her free hand to tug at the zip on my jeans without even looking down.


“With everyone else just upstairs? What if they hear us?” The rational part of my mind managed to push the sentence out but even I knew it was only a half-hearted attempt to get her to stop.


“What? Are my boobs not big enough? Do you not love me really? Do you love Skye more? Girls have needs too you know! What do you want me to be? A slut? An innocent? Want me to beg? What?” She huffed, her eyes filling with tears and a note of anger in her voice.


“I just need you to be you. To be honest. We’ve been over it before Summer, of course I love you, I’m just not supposed to love you like tha ...” She cut me off with another kiss on the lips, her tongue snaking into my mouth to wrestle with mine. Her fingers fiddled with my fly for a moment and then her hand was inside my jeans and stroking my cock through my boxers. I gave in, my arms going round her, holding her tight.


Her hands went round my neck, pulling me down with her as she sank from her tiptoes to stand properly. My hands slid down her back, landing on her butt where they squeezed softly without my actually telling them to. Taking a grip with one cheek in each hand, I picked her up without breaking our kiss, she responded by wrapping her long thin legs around me and grinding herself against me as I carried her towards the couch. I couldn’t help myself as I knelt by the sofa and set her on the edge, my hands sliding back up her body and pulling her tight t-shirt with them, exposing her small boobs to the air. I could already feel her nipples sticking out from the cold and although I left her t-shirt on her, I wasted no time trailing kisses down her neck and over them, sucking a whole boob into my mouth and lashing the nipple with my tongue.


I felt her catch her breath as I switched between her boobs, loving them and worshipping her body as my hunger for her grew. She held my head close to her, pressing her boobs into my face, encouraging me to devour them. Using her free hand she began clawing at my t-shirt, dragging it out of my jeans and pulling it up. She suddenly started pushing me away and I was afraid for a moment that she had changed her mind but she surprised me by shedding her own t-shirt before starting to tug at my belt to undo my jeans as I sat back on my heels.


Her fever and hunger seemed to match my own as she growled in frustration at not being able to easily undo my belt. I leaned back and undid it with a single hand for her as she pawed at the button on my jeans opening them and trying to pull them down while I was still sitting on my heels. As I leaned forward again desperately kissing her, I reached across and began to pull her shorts down over her butt trying to leave the thong where it was so I could actually see her wearing it. She clearly knew what she wanted and pulled on my arm, I thought she only wanted me to raise onto my knees so I could lean closer to her and she could pull my jeans down but she continued pulling me, suggesting I stand. When I did as she wanted me to, she turned me as she pulled my jeans and shorts down in one motion, making me shuffle towards the couch before she pushed me to sit, sliding her hands down my body in a way that sent shivers down my spine. Pumping my cock before her she licked and sucked on it like a crazed woman, the pressure of her suction hollowing her cheeks and my tip slipping easily into her throat as her tongue slid and twined all around the shaft that filled her mouth.


Although she was an expert at what she was doing, something in me didn’t want to mess around, she’d asked me to fuck her and I was ready to oblige. Twining my fingers in her hair I encouraged her with a few thrusts then pulled her face up to mine and kissed her deeply as I slid her tight shorts down with the other hand, the thong coming with them, the thin bit getting trapped between her butt cheeks for a moment before snapping free. Leaving the shorts and thong round her knees, I roughly pulled her into me. She wasted no time, letting them drop to her ankles as she spread her knees to either side of me and aimed my cock straight for the place we both knew we wanted it.


Her insides didn’t resist my intrusion like Skye’s had but I still felt awed as her warmth enveloped me and she took my entire manhood in one motion, grinding it around inside her with practised movements and no hesitation. The spit on my dick and her slick juices making it easy for her to slide up and down as she put her hands on my shoulders and moved her butt around or back and forth on my cock, her shorts effectively tying her ankles while she used me to stir her own insides. I couldn’t help but watch her face, as she held her bottom lip between her teeth and had her eyes closed in bliss, the way her hair moved as she bounced on me was as mesmerising as the way her small boobs jiggled each time she landed, her butt slapping against my legs as she seemed to try and drive my cock further inside each time.


Her animal lust stopped suddenly with a look of pain spreading across her face. I was startled and concerned, wondering perhaps if I had done something wrong, softly I kissed her face and asked if she was ok.


“Cramp.” She complained through gritted teeth, desperately trying to continue moving on my cock though the pain wouldn’t let her move as fluidly as she had been.


“You want to stop?”


“No, I wanna fuck.” She whined.


“Ok, I’ve got an idea.” I offered, twisting and moving her light body to the side, she moaned in frustration and complaint as I pulled out of her, trying to ease her pain. I rolled her so she was once again sitting on the edge of the sofa and trying something I’d only seen in a porn film, I straightened her legs and pushed them up so her knees were by her head, her tight shorts still holding her ankles together, her shaved pussy, bare and gaping a little at me as I lined myself up and thrust my dick savagely into it again. Her complaints turned to huffs of pleasure as I began to stroke heavily in and out of her, my balls now slapping against her butt with rhythmic clapping, her pussy making wet noises as I rammed her. Holding her legs up with one hand I wasn’t sure what to do with my other, trying awkwardly to play with one of her boobs, resting it on the back of the sofa and even trying to grip a fist full of her hair but none of them felt right. She seemed to realise that I wasn’t sure what to do with my hand and guided it to her throat.


“Skye will probably like this too,” she huffed “Choke me.” I was scared of hurting her but she seemed to be ok with it so I squeezed her throat gently. “Harder, I said choke me.” She ordered and my fingers tightened automatically, closing her throat and restricting the blood flow in her neck. Her smile was one of pure bliss as she looked at me, communicating her approval with her eyes while her face started getting redder and I could feel her muscles tensing inside her though she made no move to fight it. The power over her felt intoxicating and drove me to thrust harder as her eyes fluttered. I couldn’t control myself anymore, rutting like an animal, I huffed and moaned, groaning out my pleasure and climaxing inside her before I collapsed over her, releasing my grip on her and panting as I leaned against her legs.


Summer gasped for breath beneath me, our breathing gently driving my slowly softening dick in and out of her a little as it moved our entire bodies. I rolled off her and sat beside her as she let her legs down and kicked off her shorts. She lay there for a moment, heaving in oxygen. When she moved, she slowly got on the floor and crawled to a position that let her slurp my dick into her mouth again, licking her own juices off me and insistently seducing it back to life.


“You don’t have to do that.” I told her, trying to stop her as she swallowed with my cock in her mouth, the pressure of her tongue running along it and milking it for any of my seed that might still be hiding in there.


“Think you can go again?” She demanded a little croakily, as though her throat was sore, while slipping me out of her mouth for a moment but not missing a single stroke as she moved her fist up and down my dick, expertly massaging it and teasing it in all the right places.


“Shit Summer, what’s gotten into you tonight?” I half laughed as she looked up at me, a confusing image, still my innocent young sister but every inch the horny slut. She shrugged and took another sultry lick along the underside of my cock which was slowly coming to half-mast. She worked it, with her fist and her tongue, coaxing it until she thought it was hard enough when, without even letting go, she stood, straddled me and slowly pushed it back into her. As she bounced herself up and down on my cock she kept her head close to mine so she could whisper to me.


“My turn. Make me cum on your cock.” She husked into my ear, pulling my hands to her hips and helping me stabilize her. She rested her hands on my shoulders, leaning back so that she could get my cock to slide in and out of her at just the angle she wanted. She was in no hurry this time, apparently savouring every movement, every sensation,  mming to herself every time my cock hit the deepest it would go. She moved with a purpose, chasing her own satisfaction.


I don’t know how long it took, it felt like forever and at the same time, no time at all as she gyrated and wriggled. All the time forcing my cock in and out of her hungry snatch. She encouraged me to lick and bite at her small nipples, and I remembered how much she’d liked me putting my finger in her butt the first time we’d done anything together so I tried again which took some manoeuvring to get right. Pain crossed her face as I wriggled my finger into her butt hole but she never missed a beat, thrusting back harder to push it deeper into her. The angle was awkward as I tried to support her and she moved but she didn’t complain, hissing “yes” over and over as she drove herself further on. The movement against my cock was frustratingly blissful, as I could feel the length of my finger so close inside her but separated by a thin membrane that slid and wrinkled between them but couldn’t quite push me far enough towards a second orgasm. She fumbled for a cushion and held it against my shoulder, burying her face in it as she made incoherent noises of approval while she approached her own climax.


“Yes, oh yes. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Oh god yes, Mmm. Aaaahhhhhh.” I heard her muffled voice, shrill, beside my ear as her climax crashed into her and she went rigid. Before slumping, limply, on me as she tried to catch her breath. She pulled the cushion out from between us as though it were the greatest effort in the world and lay her head on my shoulder, breathing heavily. Her muscles twitching and shivering as she slowly calmed and relaxed again. I was about to start moving her on my cock again, to chase my elusive second cum when I heard one of the stairs creak a little, I looked round in fright but couldn’t see anyone or anything in the dark beyond the room. The fright made me shrivel instantly and I slumped deeper into the couch, knowing that the second time was now long gone and beyond reach.


“Was that the stairs?” I asked Summer in a whisper. Her eyes soft and dreamy as I turned back to look at her.


“Dunno.” She murmured, a happy, relaxed smile on her lips as she moved forward slightly to plant a quick kiss on my lips before snuggling her head into my shoulder again.


“Think we got busted?” I asked, worry starting to creep into my brain. I felt her shrug languidly. I was about to try and shake some sense into her when the big ginger tom cat that lived a few doors down jumped up onto the couch and startled us both. We looked at each other and laughed, realising that the cat had probably gotten locked in earlier as he often came in to sleep during the day. Yawning at us he rumbled his deep purr and tried to demand fuss by rubbing his head against Summers leg. She ignored him and put her hand against my neck, holding me close as she nuzzled it.


“I really am tired now.” She whispered to me.


“It is late.”


“Ugh, I don‘t wanna go to my bed, I wanna stay here.” She complained


“Not sure that’s the best idea. Be kinda hard to explain why you’re naked sleeping on the couch.” I joked with a half-hearted laugh, if I was honest with myself I knew what she meant, I didn’t want to move either, her weight on me was pleasant and she was warm where our skin touched.


“I know.” I felt her smile against my neck and kiss me softly.


“Think you can manage to get to your room?” I asked, moving a little to try and peel her away from me so I could look at her.


You are reading story Holiday to remember at

“I suppose.” It seemed to take a great deal of effort for her to drag herself upright, sitting up on my lap again. She looked down her body to where my cock had shrunk again but was still nestled between her labia, coated in our mixed fluids and glistening in the light. She giggled a little and poked it with a single finger. “Made a bit of a mess didn’t you?” She laughed, looking up at my face.


“Shit.” I looked at the mess and realised we were going to have to clean up the couch before we left the room or someone would ask awkward questions in the morning.


“Just turn the cushion over.” She giggled again as though she were reading my thoughts, “lemme just…” She looked around and seeing my t-shirt on the back of the sofa, grabbed it, clutching it to her pussy as she slowly stood up, her legs a little wobbly, and moved away from me. She stood a little bow-legged and used my t-shirt to wipe herself clean before kneeling before me and gently using the t-shirt to wipe my dick and anything she could get off the cushion. I was about to haul myself out of the sofa when I realised that there was something on my hand, when I looked at it, I could see traces of crap on the finger I’d had in her arse. I felt a sudden sense of disgust and must have made a sound that conveyed it to Summer.


“Sorry, happens sometimes, even messier after a guy cums up there but you don’t have to actually see that bit.” She apologised, “I’ll wash it out before next time if you would rather.” She turned the t-shirt to my finger and quickly wiped away the mess. “You know I can’t help it right?” She seemed concerned and I realised that as disgusted as I felt, she probably felt worse because she hadn’t expected anything to go up there so couldn’t prepare herself.


“I know. I just kinda didn’t think about it I guess.” I tried to reassure her.


“You’re not grossed out are you?” She demanded.


“It’s ok, I know you can’t help it. You go to bed, I‘ll clean up here and then go to bed too.” I smiled at her, seeing her large brown eyes looking so concerned at that range made me feel an overwhelming wave of love for her so I leaned forward and hugged her tight. She seemed to relax, hugging me back for a long moment before she pushed away from me and stood again. I couldn’t help but admire her tall, thin body, the puppy fat she’d had as a child was being burned away as adolescence took hold of her. She clutched my soiled t-shirt to her crotch again and smiled a little shakily at me.


“See you in the morning.” She offered, leaning down and kissing me hard on the lips before grabbing her clothes and dashing into the next room to hurry up the stairs. When she’d gone I looked at the cat for a long moment.


“You gave me a friggin’ heart attack.” I complained. I fussed him behind his ear for a moment then picked him up and threw him out the patio doors at the back of the house. Making sure the doors were locked behind him I quickly flipped the cushion over on the sofa and picked up my clothes. Making my way through the dining room and up the other stairs I crept into my room hoping I didn’t disturb anyone else. I eased my door shut as the guilt began to creep into my head. There was no way I could excuse myself anymore, there was no doubt I was a pervert.


I’d been so angry at Jimmy and so concerned about Summer but I’d yet again taken advantage of her. There was no way I could undo it now but knew I’d got to find a better way of dealing with her. I dumped my clothes on the floor and sat on the edge of my bed without turning the light on. As I began to roll into my bed, I got the second shock of the night. There was already someone in my bed, who squeaked as I rolled on them.


“What the fuck?” I yelped as I leapt across the room in fright.


“About bloody time.” Skye hissed back “Took you forever. I wanted to talk to you about what happened, guess you weren’t that worried though.” She sniped in the dark.


“About Amelia and Summer?” I asked feeling dumb the moment I said it.


“No, about the fucking band; of course about them what else would I mean?” I could tell she was annoyed with me from the tone of her voice and her sarcasm.


“I worry about all of you girls.” I replied carelessly in an attempt to calm her.


“Some more than others obviously.” She grumbled darkly. I was looking for a reply when she patted the bed and continued. “Come here, you look like an idiot. It’s them that are important now.” I mmed an agreeing sound and climbed into the bed beside her. “What do you think happened?” She asked, pulling the cover over both of us. I could feel the soft cotton of her pyjamas as she lay on her side against the wall next to me. It took me a moment to gather my thoughts, tearing them away from how close she was and the last time we had been that close.


“Pretty sure Jimmy drugged them.” I admitted.


“What?! Why?” She exploded, forgetting to be quiet. I shushed her before she woke the twins.


“Why do I think that or why did he do it?” I asked quietly.


“Both you idiot.” She murmured back, her head near mine so we didn’t have to talk properly.


“We had a thing at school a while ago about drugs, they kinda told us what to look for and Amelia said the drink Jimmy got for her was soapy, one of the things they said might be a sign of something funny in the drink.”


“Why didn’t you stop them drinking it then you pillock?” She punched me though there wasn’t a lot of force behind it.


“I didn’t think of it at the time, it wasn’t until they started acting a bit strange that I remembered.” I tried to defend myself, feeling she was being a little unfair.


“Well, I suppose it’s not entirely your fault, I didn’t think anything of it either.” She relented a little. “Why would he do that though? I mean it’s gotta be an expensive kinda thing.” I didn’t bother questioning how she knew what kind of price drugs would be.


“If I’m remembering what they told us right, it would probably be a date-rape drug I think he was planning on trying it on with Amelia.”


“Fuck!” She breathed in shock. “Why Amelia though? I know he had a go at Summer, I thought he was going after some other girl in school now though, why would he use something so expensive to just dip his wick? And what makes you suspect him couldn’t someone else have put it in there?”


“Possible, just not so likely and Summer told me yesterday that he has done it to other girls.”


“Would Summer know it was drugs? Who does she think he drugged?”


“Dave Morrisons girlfriend.”


“Bull shit! When was that supposed to have happened? You couldn’t separate those two with a crowbar.”


“At Jimmy’s birthday party, apparently Dave Morrison shared her with Jimmy and she didn’t remember about it afterwards.”


“She wouldn’t go for that. And how would Summer know anyway?”


“Apparently Jimmy got her involved too.”


“Huh? Jimmy screwed Summer in front of Dave Morrison? I doubt that he’d have bragged about it, he couldn’t keep a secret to save his life.”


“She said he got her involved, I don’t know the details.” I half lied, She’d given me at least an idea of what had gone on. “Maybe Jimmy has something over Dave Morrison so he doesn’t tell everyone.”


“I guess it would be kinda hard to prove anyway, that was months ago.”


“True but Summer has no reason to lie about it.”


“I suppose she hasn’t unless she just wants to make herself more important I guess.” Skye suggested. Giving me my first doubts about the truth of Summer’s story.


“You don’t think she’s been lying to us about all of it do you?” I was somewhat surprised and confused.


“I don’t know. It’s a possibility. It’s not like she hasn’t ever lied about stuff before. Remember when dad caught her stealing money out of his wallet? Or when she was sneaking extra spliffs off him so she could give them to her friends at school?” I could understand Skye’s reasoning but I wasn’t convinced.


“Why would Summer lie about the relationship with Jimmy though?”


“Who knows? Maybe because she was hurt he dumped her? because she wants our attention? Because she wants more of your attention?”


“I’m not sure she’s that calculating and you were a whole lot more sympathetic while we were away, what happened to change your mind? And why the hell would she want more of my attention specifically?”


“You’re her older brother, she’s always wanted your attention. You are talking about going off to university or college soon, she’s scared she’s going to lose what attention of yours she has. What changed my mind? I don’t know, the whole thing about it not meaning anything I guess. It’s so false and untrue, it means a lot to have someone take your virginity. I realised that after I gave you mine.”


“You mean you regret it so she must too?”


“No, I don’t. I don’t regret it, it will always be special and you were so nice about it. I’ve read a lot of guys really aren’t. I guess it’s just the whole not caring thing that bugs me, of course she cares, how can she not? The whole thing about it just being some fun, I don’t believe it, I think that for it to be fun you’ve kinda got to be involved, gotta be emotionally engaged with it so her story just doesn’t ring true.” I could see her logic and how she was thinking but I couldn’t agree with her. From my own experience with Louise, I knew emotion didn’t have to be involved. As I thought about Louise and my own first time, it occurred to me that I didn’t know her all that well and I didn’t know why she had chosen me. I remembered Summer saying something about a bet Louise had going but surely that couldn’t be all of it. Did Louise have a thing for me and I’d just missed it? Had the thong in my bag been hers? Had she been trying to tell me she had a thing for me?


I shook my head to clear my thoughts, If Louise Harrison had a thing for me then why had she been bragging about fucking someone else a week later and belittling their equipment to her friends? Why hadn’t she bragged about me to her friends?


Skye lay there, her head propped on her hand, her elbow on the bed, watching me as she waited for me to process what she had said and offer my own conclusion.


“We can find out though, it’s too easy to find out, she would know that. I can try talking to Jimmy when I get a chance.” My instinct still wanted me to punch his face in rather than talk to him but I knew that Skye had planted just the tiniest seed of doubt in my mind so I’d have to talk first, swing punches later.


“That what you gona do then?” She asked, peering at me in the gloom.


“When I get a chance, I wanna sleep now though. Been a long day.” I yawned, widely, unable to stop myself.


“I suppose so. I’m glad you’re gona try talking first though. I think it’s always better to talk things out. Too many fights and wars start with people not talking first.”


“You sound like mum. It’s not always that simple though. Go to bed Skye. I’m tired.” I mumbled, finding it hard to keep my eyes open.


“Promise me you’ll talk first.” She demanded shaking me.


“Yea, yea, yea. I’ll talk to him first. Can I sleep now? It’s gone two in the morning.”


“Ok. I just wanted to make sure. Gnight.” She pecked a quick, obligatory kiss on my cheek as she crawled over me to head for her own bed through the bathroom. I bullied my pillow into a comfortable position, pulled my duvet up to my ear and was asleep before she even left the room.


I woke late the next day, finally prying myself out of bed near lunchtime and stumbling into the bathroom for a piss. Summer was already in there, brushing her hair. She greeted me with a kiss as though she were my girlfriend and declined my offer to wait until she had finished, telling me to just carry on. She appeared to studiously ignore me as I stood there and eased the pressure on my bladder though I’m pretty sure she was watching in much the same way as I was watching her from the corner of my eye. Her hair flowed over the brush like a silken black waterfall as she moved the brush through the underside of it. I remembered the sight of her hair bouncing the night before and felt both excited and ashamed of myself at the same time. I looked away and tried to concentrate on what I was doing though it occurred to me that the house was strangely quiet beyond the sound of my pee splashing into the toilet and the soft rasp of the brush.


“Where is everyone?” I asked as I finished and shook the drips off. Summer stopped brushing her hair and examined the ends of her hair as she replied.


“They’ve mostly gone out. Dunno what Skye is doing, but the twins and the parents have gone out, gone to get some of the twins stuff from their house. Grandpa Walker is meeting them there and going to let them in.” She let her hair drop, put the brush on the shelf it lived on and turned to face me, perching her butt on the sink while she waited for me.


“Surprised they didn’t want us to go with them.” I offered as I pulled my house coat tight around me and tied the belt with a jerk.

“You were asleep, Skye didn’t wanna go out and I’d only just got up when they wanted to leave.” She shrugged.


“What you gona do then?” I asked pushing past her to rinse my hands in the sink.


“Oh I could think of a few things to do.” She smiled coyly. “You got anything you wanna do?”


“If they’re out for the day. I’ve got time to go find Jimmy.” I said slowly, watching her face to see if she had any kind of reaction. She seemed disappointed.


“I was hoping we might spend some more time together.” She complained.


“After I see Jimmy.” I sighed, wondering if maybe Skye had been right and this was all an act on Summer’s part. Now I felt I couldn’t relax until I knew the truth and either paid Jimmy back or exposed Summer’s lies.

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