
Chapter 38: 37. The Truth Revealed

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Paul had to admit, Tatsuo did cut rather a heroic figure, dressed in red painted armour from a far earlier era… the problem was, it didn’t fit. The suit of armour, which now that he looked at it was probably more of a costume for a play than actual armour, was scaled to fit at most a six foot tall human.

Tatsuo was very nearly seven feet tall, and not all that slender, although when he was standing next to others of his clan it didn’t seem that way. Oni all tended to be muscular in ways that human body builders would envy.

Consequently he wasn’t so much wearing the suit of armour, as it was hanging off him. The helmet was the only thing that actually seemed to fit, and only because Tatsuo had left out the padding, and banged a couple of dents in the projecting rim above his face, so his horns would fit past it.

He also seemed inordinately pleased to be wearing the armour. Paul had the sudden notion that Tatsuo rather fancied the role of ‘noble samurai protecting his family’. Idly he wondered if one could get customised armour made nowadays.

Ms Mitashi did a heroic job of remaining serious, but then, she was a school principal and probably had seen such things before. Tatsuo glared at her suspiciously, at least until he was elbowed by Jiao. He bowed fractionally.

“Principal-san, you requested the presence of Shoko-san and my imota, Jiao-chan?”

“Ah… yes thank you, Tatsuo-dono. I appreciate you escorting them here.”

Tatsuo almost cracked a grin at Mitashi’s use of the older honorific suffix -dono, which one would use to address a Samurai. He just about managed to hold onto his composure, as he inclined his head again.

“Paul-sama, I will return for them when you call. But Yuri-chan has requested I escort her to a ‘test your strength’ challenge.”

Paul blinked in surprise, and then slowly grinned.

“Well that’s sure to be interesting. Thank you Tatsuo-dono, you may go.”

Tatsuo bit his lip to hold back a smile as he bowed respectfully, as a household warrior would to his lord, and left with Yuri in tow.

Paul waited until Tatsuo was out of ear-shot before remarking.

“He’s enjoying that way more than I thought he would… Jiao, is there something about your brother I didn’t know?”

“He reads a lot historical manga.”

“Ah… right. He fancies himself the noble family samurai to your princess then?”

Jiao giggled but nodded.

“It started as just a game between us, but I think he finds himself in the stories.”

“Hmm, I probably shouldn’t encourage it too much, but I have to wonder what he’d look like in a set of armour that fits.”

Jiao’s eyes lit up at the notion.

“Ohhh... he’d be magnificent!”

“Yes, I rather think so... but that’s an idea for another day I think. Well girls, Jiao, Shoko, this is the principal for the local school Ms Mitashi.”

The girls as one bowed politely to Ms Mitashi, chorusing.

“Pleased to meet you Mitashi-sensei!”

“A pleasure meeting you girls. Now, with permission of your uncle, I have some questions.”

Shoko and Jiao looked puzzled, glancing at Paul.

“Our... uncle?”

Paul coloured faintly.

“Ah… Mitashi-san. They just refer to me as Paul-san… otherwise it gets confusing rapidly as I’m uncle to some, and only a guardian to others.”

“Oh! Ah, my apologies. I meant your Otōsan, girls.”

Shoko-san grinned broadly, Paul could tell what she was thinking and hoped she wouldn’t let her kitsune nature get the better of her…

“Is that why Inari spends so much time in your bed Paul-san? You’re my father, and Inari is my mother so...”

Then again, Paul groaned inwardly as Ms Mitashi’s face froze, as if she couldn’t believe what she’d just heard.

“Shoko-san, you know very well your sister has nightmares. That’s not funny.”

Paul glared at Shoko, who wilted a bit.

“Sorry Paul-sama, Mitashi-sensei … it was just a joke.”

“A very poor one that could cause a lot of trouble.”

Paul growled.

He glanced at Mitashi, who was still looking doubtful.

“Sorry, certain little girls have watched too much anime with not enough understanding of what it means.”

Mitashi’s face cleared, as she nodded.

“Ah, yes. There have been cases like that before.”

Mitashi regarded the girls, then smiled gently.

“Now then, Paul-san has said he’s enrolling you in April. Shall we have a chat about that, and what you know?”

Shoko eyed Mitashi with some worry.

“You mean a test?”

Ms Mitashi shook her head.

“No, no.. just a talk, so I know something about you and what you like.”

“Okayyy… Paul-san, is it ok if I tell her the truth? Just, she’s our sensei, and one is supposed to trust your sensei.”

Paul stopped and regarded Ms Mitashi thoughtfully… who was beginning to look concerned again. For a moment he considered the matter, they possibly could continue the subterfuge. Mitashi was as sharp as a tack, probably because she was a school principal and used to students trying to pull the wool over her eyes, but even so… however, the question was should they?

He glanced across to where Inari stood, watching them intently. Silently he mouthed; ‘Should I tell her the truth?’

Inari nodded, once, firmly. Paul sighed, and nodded.

Glancing back at Ms Mitashi, he realised that their unspoken exchange had not gone unnoticed.

“Mitashi-sensei, one question first. Am I correct in thinking that to you, your students’ safety comes first?”

“Yes, of course Paul-san. Why?”

“Because everything I’ve told you up until just now was a cover story. For the sake of Shoko and Jiao’s safety.”

“Goodness! You mean, you are a spy?”

Paul chuckled.

“No, nothing that simple… ok. This is going to take a bit of explanation and some privacy. Is there somewhere we can go where we’ll be unobserved? Because it’s easier to show, than tell.”

“Umm… well the school is unlocked and we can use my office. But I shouldn’t be away for too long.”

“I see. Yes that will do. Inari, You’d best come along, bring Kiko and Yuko.”

Paul didn’t need to look to see if Inari had read his lips; she joined them as they headed towards the park entrance, not saying anything, just tucking herself against him under his arm. Ms Mitashi looked at Inari as she joined their little parade towards the school. Inari shrugged.

“Not everything Paul-san said was untrue... crowds do upset me.”

“We’ll be inside soon then dear. I can make you a nice cup of tea if you like.”

“Thank you, that would be most welcome.”

It was a short walk, though mostly empty streets, before they reached the smartly modern school building. Paul had to smile at the slight incongruity of what they were about to do, in comparison to the sleek modernity of the surroundings. At least, until he spotted the small shrine discreetly tucked away at the far side of the circular central court-yard from where the main gate opened.

Inari broke ranks, and ran over to the shrine, closely followed by Kiko. Mitashi looked at Paul, who shrugged, looking equally puzzled by the sudden turn of events.

“Not a clue. Hoi, Inari?”

Inari didn’t answer, instead she conversed with Kiko in a low voice. After a moment Kiko came back over to them, while Inari seemed to be praying… Paul wondered who a former goddess could be praying to, but shelved that question for later. Kiko stopped in front of the small group and inclined her head.

“Inari apologises for her sudden behaviour, and begs your indulgence. She recognised the Mikoshi, or portable shrine, as something she thought long lost. A gift from her dear friend Emiko.”

Paul recognised the name of the long dead priestess who’s body Inari had resurrected to inhabit for the duration. Mitashi however looked somewhat lost… Paul nodded at her.

“I know what’s up, and it’s not relevant to the matter in hand. I think we should amble in the direction of your office slowly, and allow Inari to catch up. Kiko, could you stay with her please? Just in case.”

“Of course Paul-san. It would be my duty and my pleasure.”

Paul could almost see the curiosity burning inside Mitashi’s brain, but she refrained from asking questions.

“Perhaps I should show these two some of the elementary class rooms, they’re on the ground floor, between here and my office.”

“That sounds like an excellent idea. Lead on...”

Paul listened with half an ear as Mitashi talked to Jiao and Shoko about the teachers, their classrooms and the activities and daily life. He got the distinct feeling that the School Principal was inordinately proud of her school, and genuinely enthusiastic about helping her students achieve their best.

It was some minutes later when Inari silently slipped into the class-room, and wrapped her arms around Paul’s waist, hugging him tight.


Inari shook her head, then shrugged.

“As well as I can be. It was... a surprise. Not an unpleasant one, but unexpected.”

“Understood. Up to carrying on?”

“I will follow your lead, Paul-san.”

“Very well then. Mitashi-san, your office?”

“This way...”

The Principal’s office was a smart, modern room, with a comfortable looking sofa and a low table as well as a more functional looking desk. Paul glanced around as everyone filed in, making the office seem somewhat smaller. Paul rested his hand on Yuko’s forearm as she entered, murmuring in a low enough voice that despite the confines he was fairly sure only she heard him.

“Stay by the door, just in case.”

Yuko glanced at Mitashi, and nodded, settling herself with her back against the office door. Paul got the impression it would probably take heavy equipment to shift her.

Mitashi leaned against the edge of her desk, her eyes darting from Inari to Paul. He wondered what she was thinking, what possible explanations her mind was coming up with to explain their behaviour. He was certain that whatever she imagined he was about to say, it wouldn’t be anything like the truth.

“Mitashi-san, perhaps it might be better if you sat down… had a cup of tea ready…?”

Mitashi shook her head, then looked faintly alarmed as Paul crossed over to the windows and drew the blinds.

“Alright... having thoroughly alarmed you no doubt, I’ll explain. Oh no, wait... first, I’m afraid I have to swear you to secrecy, at least for the duration. I promise, you will be able to tell people what I’m about to reveal, just not yet. It’s literally a matter of life and death, all of ours.”

To her credit, Ms Mitashi didn’t hesitate.

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“I promise, I will not say anything unless you tell me it’s ok to do so. As long as it doesn’t threaten the safety of my students.”

Paul nodded slowly.

“Given that you saying anything would almost certainly also put the other children in harms way, that’s an acceptable qualifier.”

Paul glanced around at the others, who were, understandably, looking nervous.

“Alright girls, disguises off.”

Inari went first, unclipping the pendent around her neck and removing it from inside her blouse andentrusting it to Kiko. Mitashi blinked as she saw Inari’s sablefurred fox ears poking up though her dark hair. Inari moved, and her long silky black brush came into view.

Shoko and Jiao were next, and although their transformations were more subtle, Mitashi’s reaction was still profound, her eyes widening in shock. Paul glanced at Yuko, and sighed.

“You too Yuko.”

“Must I?”

“I’m afraid so.”

The young Oni woman sighed, and removed the wrist gauntlet that hid her true appearance. She was suddenly her true height, the top of her head just a fraction of an inch away from the ceiling, light jade-green eyes blazing beneath shaggy dark-green hair, her horns gleaming darkly as they curled either side of her head.

Mitashi’s eyes seemed to grow to a size resembling certain anime girls, as she shrank back from Yuko. She fumbled around behind herself, and finding her chair, sank down into it.

She looked at Paul, and then at Kiko. Paul shook his head.

“Kiko and I are human...”

“Sh..she’s an Oni. A REAL Oni!”

“As is Jiao, Yuri and Tatsuo. Shoko is a kitsune and Inari is… well physically a kitsune.”

“The rumours about the temple are true?!”

“Depends on which ones you mean. I mean, yes it is haunted.... although she’s actually a rather sweet girl. That it’s the home to Oni and kitsune and all manner of other yokai.. well, yes those are quite true too.”

“Oh… and you live there?”

“Indeed. It’s my duty to protect them. They are in essence, endangered species who are near extinction. Believe me, there are still monster hunters out there who’d… eliminate, them. Just because they are different, and as part of some misguided notion that yokai need to be got rid off, because they are a tangible reminder of a very different era that Japan needs to forget.”

Mitashi breathed out.

“Really, monster hunters? Yokai… it’s.. it’s true..?”

Shoko came around the desk, and tilted her head towards Mitashi.

“Paul-sama is telling the truth. You can feel my ears if you like…?”

Mitashi hesitated, then reached out, stroking Shoko’s ears, starting lightly as they moved. Jiao silently came forwards, also inclining her head. Mitashi wordlessly ran her fingertips over Jiao’s translucently pink horns, tracing them down to where they met her forehead.

“They... they’re real... all of them are real?”

Inari stepped forward, coming around to the other side of where Mitashi sat, swishing her tail in front of her. Yuko spoke up, her soft voice adding an unexpected weight to her words.

“We are all quite real, and have always been so. It’s only humans that said we didn’t exist, refused to believe in us. It makes it easier for them to ignore us and destroy our homes, killing us because we got in the way and we’re not human. Paul-sama is the first human I’ve ever heard of that offered us friendship, a place to live, and vowed to protect us.”

Paul hadn’t thought that Mitashi’s eyes could go wider, but they did. She tore her gaze away from the soft-spoken Oni, with her incongruously light tenor voice and looked at Paul.

He nodded at Mitashi, grave faced.

“It’s true. The Oni are refugees, originally they came over from mainland China some fifty years ago. They only recently settled here after their home further north was destroyed by developers, who I think had some official backing. There are elements of the government who take it upon themselves to exterminate Yokai, one way or another. On behalf of Inari, I offered them sanctuary within the temple grounds.”

Mitashi blinked.

“Wait... on Inari’s behalf?”

“It’s her temple. I’m just her Herald.”

The colour drained from Mitashi’s face as she slowly turned to look at Inari standing next to her. Inari smiled, as a chink of sunlight found it’s way through the clouds, and the blinds, to catch in her hair, striking an aura around Inari’s head, her deep green eyes seeming to glow, blazing with light like emeralds in the sunlight reflecting from the glass door panel.

Ten minutes later and Paul had found the tea things and made the shaken school principal a cup of tea, which she was cradling in her hands, rattling faintly against it’s saucer, as she sat in a chair. The rest of them had put their disguises back on, Yuko escorting Jiao and Shoko back to the fair, while Paul, Inari and Kiko remained behind. Kiko stood guarding the door, unconsciously adopting Yuko’s earlier pose.

“I.. I have to ask… why tell me all this?”

Inari exchanged a glance with Paul, who shrugged.

“Well, it’s part of a long range plan to get humans to accept Yokai as people… eventually ending in them being ordinary citizens, with the same rights and legal protections, we hope. But, honestly, it’s mostly because Shoko is lonely. She’s a young child, in kitsune terms, she wants to go to school and have friends, same as everyone else.”

“Really… that’s all?”

“Pretty much. It might seem a bit crazy, but honestly, I’ve grown fond of the young scamp. If that’s her wish, then I’ll do my best to make it come true. I had originally planned on spinning a convincing cover story, but Shoko is a better judge of character than I, and she asked if she could tell you the truth. Thinking about it, having you as an ally made more sense.”

“I am honoured by your trust.”

“That was Inari’s call, not mine.”

Mitashi shakily glanced at Inari, briefly. She half stood and bowed deeply in Inari’s direction, still unable to meet her eyes.

“I am humbled by your trust Inari Okami. I will protect Shoko with my life.”

“As I expect you would for any of your students, but let’s hope that’s never necessary.”

Inari’s voice was soft, and held a hint of laughter.

“But please, there’s no need for the formality. I’m just another mother seeking to enrol her daughter in school.”

Mitashi straightened up, her hands suddenly steadying.

“Shoko is actually your daughter?”

“My youngest. I... worry about her, and Paul-san thinks I have been overprotective of her in the past, not allowing her to leave the temple where it is safe. I… find I have misgivings still about this. Perhaps you could tell me about your school, to quieten this mother’s nerves?”

Mitashi started reassuring Inari, explaining the schools safety policy, their teaching methods which emphasised respect of others, and so on…

It didn’t take long for her to warm to her subject, forgetting her initial nervousness. Paul sat back, watching Inari and Mitashi animatedly talking, stiff formality forgotten as Mitashi found Inari to be just like any other young mother anxious about her child.

Kiko nudged Paul indicating the pair who had their heads together over Shoko’s ‘educational plan’ for spring.

“Hey Paul-san... I bet you wish Tatsuo could see those two now. So much for humans being unable to accept yokai. It’s not been twenty minutes since she found out that they were real and Inari was a living goddess… and she’s already extolling the virtues of the young mothers club and trying to talk her into joining the parent-teacher committee.”

Paul chuckled.

“Agreed… it never ceases to amaze me the resiliency of the human mind. Give it a day or two, and it’ll seem completely normal to her.”

Kiko frowned.

“Is that a good thing though? What if she forgets the need for secrecy and lets something slip?”

Paul shrugged.

“She’s got good reason not to, and who would she talk to?”

Kiko shook her head.

“Inari said there are humans who know about the Others in town. Mostly old families who’ve always been here and grew up with it. There some Others too who live quietly in town. Inari is not the only one capable of crafting disguises to hide their own or other peoples true appearance, or so she said.”

“Hmmm.. you think they might react negatively if they know that Mitashi knows?”

Kiko shook her head slowly.

“I think it’s not likely… but if she lets slip to them that change is coming, maybe. The Others don’t like change much, understandably. We may see protests from the people we mean to help.”

“Point taken. I shall have a word with Mitashi later.”

They were heading out the school gates, Inari holding a bundle of informational leaflets and talking with Mitashi about starting an after-hours club for ‘special’ students, meaning yokai, to help them integrate into society, when a young girl came running pell-mell up the street, waving at Ms Mitashi.

Inari took a step back, coming level with Paul, as Mitashi stood fractionally straighter. Paul inwardly smiled, amused as he saw them both adopting their roles again.

“Miss Mitashi, Miss Mitashi! Please come quickly!”

“Slow down Mamiko, what’s wrong?”

The young girl, Paul guessed she was fourteen maybe fifteen, probably in her final year of junior high school, stopped. Bending over, her long brown hair falling in a curtain across her face she breathed deeply a couple of times, then stood abruptly, flinging her hair back in an arc. Back ram-rod straight, she declaimed.

“I take full responsibility for what’s happening as President of the Student council!”

“My, my, that’s dramatic Mamiko… and what is happening?”

Mamiko wilted slightly.

“Ahh… some of the band members from the music club unexpectedly had to go home, so there wasn’t enough people to put a show on… but two of the juniors volunteered. It’s my fault! I should have checked who they were, but I didn’t, even though I didn’t recognise them. I was just glad for the help, they said they could get their oniisan and their two onesan’s to help as well. So we had enough people.”

Paul murmured to Inari,

“That’s Shoko and Jiao, I bet.”

Mitashi raised an eyebrow.

“That surely can’t be a problem, even if their brother and sisters don’t go to our school.”

“It’s not, and they’re GOOD! But then they started playing such music.. metal music.. and their Oniisan took his top off because the armour he was wearing chaffed as he played the Koto.”

Inari nudged Paul.

“Tatsuo, he said he plays. It’s good he’s coming out of his shell.”

Paul chuckled..

Mitashi frowned.

“Well… that’s perhaps not entirely appropriate...”

“Miss Mitashi! One of his friends is selling raffle tickets to win a date with him! The girls are fighting over it!”

Paul and Inari looked at each other, and as one exclaimed.


Paul tapped Mitashi on the shoulder.

“Excuse us, we recognise the descriptions. We’ll take care of it.”

Paul took off at a run, his long legs eating the distance… with Inari already in the lead, her long hair flying like a war-banner behind her.

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