
Chapter 39: 38. A Rescue and more.

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Rin was enjoying the fair, finally.

It had started out boring; Rin had wandered around, hoping for something entertaining, but nothing seemed worth bothering with. There was the usual run of kids in a silly costumes, running around after eating too much candy. There were simplistic games, which weren’t even rigged! So those were no fun to cheat at.

A few of the country girls were pretty enough, Rin supposed, but woefully innocent which made flirting with them rather less of a challenge than usual. Rin had found a high spot to sit and play spot the Yokai for a bit… but there were more of them than one usually found in Osaka and that spoiled the fun.

There was even a policewoman who was a Risugāru! Rin thought about teasing her.. and just couldn’t, their heart wasn’t in it any more. Besides, teasing squirrel-girls wasn’t much fun, they were always so serious. Although it was amusing if one could get them riled up enough that they lost control and reverted back to their natural form; a three foot tall squirrel was always hilarious! Especially since it meant they didn’t fit in their human clothes, which usually ended up in a heap around them.

You could get Risugāru to change back to human by dumping cold water over them, which cooled off their tempers, allowing their ingrained control to take hold and change them back to human… and if you timed it right, they’d be naked in public. That never ceased to be amusing.

Rin considered the idea of doing it anyway for a bit less than a minute, then decided that since there were children present, that would just be crass. Besides, the idea of Paul-san looking at them in a disappointed way made Rin feel uncomfortable.

Rin was considering the idea of going back to the temple out of sheer boredom, when they overheard some of the senior high-schoolers talking about a band… Rin began to smile.

It took a few minutes worth of charming one of the schoolgirls involved to find out the names of the other band members, and where they were all meeting up to get changed. Rin had also persuaded her to give Rin her phone number, written on her panties no less!

Rin had no intention of calling, or of seeing her again, but the idea of her walking around naked under her skirt amused Rin, and as it turned out, a pair of girl’s panties were needed for the next part of Rin’s plan anyway.

According to what Megamui, the girl, had told Rin, the boy who was the guitar player in the band was dating the koto player, who was sister to Megamui. It was simplicity itself to sneak backstage, and find the bands costumes. Then all Rin had to do was sneak the pair of Megamui’s panties into the boy’s costume in such way that as soon as he took the jacket off the peg, they’d appear to fall out of his pocket.

It was a classic Kitsune trick, but with enough of a twist to make it amusing, and it was only a single step in Rin’s plan.

Sure enough, moments after the band members went to get changed, shouting could be heard coming from the back stage area… and shortly after that one of the girls came storming out of the area, only half changed into her ghost costume, followed fairly quickly by another girl in a ‘mummy’ outfit and a boy still in school uniform. Rin guessed she was the boy’s sister from the way she was berating him. It seemed like no-one believed his protests of innocence.

Rin grinned, and went to find Shoko and drop a word or two in her ears. Rin didn’t anticipate it would take much to get her to volunteer to fill in for the missing band members.

That part had gone unexpectedly well; Rin had bought Shoko an impaled eyeball, a gyoza on a stick, and mentioned what Rin had ‘just happened’ to over-hear. Shoko-san sucked down the meat dumpling and before Rin could even suggest volunteering, was off like a candy fuelled rocket, Jiao and Yuko in tow, to find Tatsuo and Yuri and drag them into it.

Rin had watched the swirl in the crowd caused by their determined little cousin, and swiped a spare book of raffle tickets. Rin hadn’t planned on getting Tatsuo involved, but if he was then Rin had a pretty clear idea of the effect the young Oni would have on the high-school girls. Rin was also sure that Tatsuo wouldn’t know what to do about that, and would need some encouragement just to speak to them.

Rin was sure though, once he’d been ‘managed’ into going out on a date, Tatsuo might even start enjoying himself. Rin wasn’t sure what his hang-up about human females was… Tatsuo had no such problem with Oni women that Rin had seen, but it was high time he got over it. Besides, the idea of the tall, burly and handsome Oni being quietly terrified by a high-school girl amused the heck out of Rin!

Things went well at first. Shoko and the others played a couple of pieces they had in common with the other band members; ‘Adieu to this lively graveyard’ and ‘Happy Happy Halloween’ both were quite popular and easy enough to play along with, even for those not familiar with them.

Then Shoko got that look in her eye... asking if the other band members were ready for something more challenging, and Tatsuo took his shirt off. Rin had to admit, he did make quite the sight… sweat glistening on his chest, muscles bulging, laughing wildly as the band egged each other on, showing off.

Rin was almost tempted to buy a few tickets as well.

And that was when Rin discovered that the raffle tickets had run out… and the fight started.

Paul stared at the crowd in dismay. At the front of the stage was a screaming, snarling tangled ball of perhaps a half dozen young furies, wildly throwing punches and kicks, pulling each others hair.

The band stood on stage, a bit at a loss for what to do, to say the least. Inari had gone round the side and even now was creeping up onto the stage, intent on rescuing Shoko and the others before the fight spilled over. Paul stood on tip-toe, and looked over the heads of the crowd… and sure enough at the far edge and closing rapidly, was the police, in the shape of the women officer he’d seen earlier.

Paul glanced around, seeking inspiration.. and spotted what appeared to be a large plastic tank filled with water. He waved at Yuri and Yuko, gesturing them to come over. Tatsuo nodded at them, and tucked Jiao behind him, as the young Oni women dived off the stage to one side, and came around the side of the cat-fight in progress. Paul nodded at the tank of water that had a few forlorn apples bobbing around in it.

“Give me a hand here you two, and let’s break this cat-fight up.”

The sisters nodded, and between all three of them they lifted the small swimming pool up.

“On three… one , two, three. Ho!”

Fifty gallons of ice cold water flew though the air, hitting the combatants like a wave, knocking the young girls off their feet and drenching them quite effectively. Silence descended, just as the woman police officer pushed her way though the crowd, and demanded to know what was happening.

Paul strode forward, an easy smile on his face.

“Good afternoon officer… ah, Mitsu, I apologise for the disturbance. Just a bit of youthful high spirits.”

“Looked like a fight.”

Paul inwardly sighed at the quelling look from the stockily built female police officer.

“Well, yes...technically. These young girls were having a bit of a disagreement… but as you can see it’s been stopped. Ah, Rin... come and explain to the good officer here what happened.”

Rin gave Paul a dirty look, and slunk over.

“Hoi... Paul-san. I don’t know a thing about it..”

“It’s ok Rin, it’s not your fault you sold all the raffle tickets.”

The police officer’s ears almost literally perked up.

“Raffle tickets? For what…?”

“Raising money for the temple of course, and the prize was a ‘date’ with the young man over there, currently glaring at everyone and protecting his little sister. We have permission from the organisers for the raffle.”

Ms Mitashi who’d just caught up, heard the tail end of that tale, and as the police officer looked at her nodded.


The woman police officer looked almost comically disappointed, before turning to glare at the half dozen bedraggled young girls.

“Right you lot… you’re coming with me while we work out what to charge you with, and I’ll call your parents to collect you.”

Paul pitched his voice low enough that officer alone could hear him.

“Umm, excuse me officer Mitsu, I know I’m an outsider here, but it occurs to me this scuffle occurred during a school organised event, between what appear to be students of said school… might it not be more appropriate to allow the school principal to deal with the miscreants, rather than involve the whole legal apparatus?”

“They were fighting in a public park. That’s against the law...”

Inari who had come down off the stage with Shoko following her, came up close behind the police officer. She leaned down and whispered something in the officers ear. Paul watched, fascinated as the officers eyes went wide, and she visibly swallowed before nodding once, convulsively.

“Ah.. yes.. th.. that’s a good point. No fight was actually witnessed by myself...so. Oh Ms Mitashi, those are your students I believe, so the matter is yours to deal with now. I’ll... I’ll be on my way.”

The police woman didn’t quite run... but she definitely walked hurriedly, not looking back.

Ms Mitashi spared the officer a baffled glance before rounding up the wet and shamefaced young girls. Paul looked curiously at Inari as she came over to put an arm around his waist.

“Ok, what did you say to her?”

“Just told her who I was.”

“That’s it? That’s all you said?”

“MmHmm. My name carries weight still. Besides, she was a Risugāru, a squirrel spirit, in human form.”

“What has that got to do with it?”

“Paul-san… at my very least I’m a kitsune, a fox-spirit. Foxes eat squirrels.”

“Oh! You wouldn’t…?”

“Please, we are civilised. I was just scaring her a bit. Speaking of which, can you watch Shoko while I go and have words with my other cub...”

“Go easy on Rin, it truly wasn’t their fault.”

“Hmmph, then why is Rin trying to sneak away?”

Inari pitched her voice a bit louder, so it’d reach Rin’s ears. Rin froze in their tracks, turning to flash a sickly smile at Inari. Paul dryly remarked.

“Probably because Rin’s thinking you’re going to blame them, regardless.”

Inari flashed a sharp look at Paul, and snapped.

“Well then, if you are so sure of Rin’s innocence, you talk to them. Shoko and I will be heading back to the temple. Where it’s safe.”

Paul did not miss the resigned look of disappointment on Shoko’s face. He sighed.

“No Inari. That would be punishing Shoko.”

“Did you miss the part where she was nearly caught up in a riot?!”

“Six girls having a fight over a boy is not a riot. At no point was Shoko in any danger.”

Inari glared at Paul.

“I’m her mother Paul-san!”

“Which still does not give you the right to punish her for something she had nothing to do with, or to allay your own fears through her.”

“And you have no right to tell me what to do!”

Paul lowered his voice enough so only she’d hear him.

“I’m your Herald Inari, it’s part of my job to tell you when you’re being an ass, isn’t it?”

Inari opened, and closed her mouth. Paul smiled at her.

“Besides, if we stay long enough to watch the fireworks, I’ll owe you a reward.”

“That’s unfair Paul-san...”

“Life is. Only occasionally is it unfair to our advantage. Look, send Rin back to the temple if you must. Although honestly I suspect that one’s problem is that they were and are bored sick. So it might be better to find something Rin can do that doesn’t involve getting into trouble.”

Inari looked thoughtful, then slowly nodded.

“I think you might be right.. but I don’t know what to suggest. There’s nothing here for Rin to do.”

“Which is crux of the problem, isn’t it. Here Rin is useless, a fish out of water.”

“You’re not suggesting we send Rin back to Osaka!”

“Nope, Tokyo. Someone has to set things up there, and before you explode, I’m not suggesting Rin goes alone either. I was thinking of asking Ash to go along too, mostly to make sure Rin doesn’t get carried away. Failing that, I could go.”

“But Rin is completely irresponsible!”

“Sure, because that one has never had to be responsible, except for themselves. It’s past time they learnt. Besides, I think you’re underestimating them.”

Inari sighed, and leant forward slightly, resting her forehead against Paul’s chest. Paul smiled slightly and placed a kiss on the top of her head, putting his arms around her waist and clasping his hands together, resting them against the small of her back. He glanced at Shoko over Inari’s shoulder, and winked, nodding with his head in the direction of Kiko. Shoko winked back, comically obvious and trotted off, leaving Paul and Inari alone together. After a moment Inari sighed.

“Sometimes I hate it when you are right, my Herald.”

“You’d only get bored if you got your own way all the time Inari.”

Inari chuckled, nodding against his chest.

“That’s true. Thinking back, far, far back.. I was SO bored. I just didn’t realise it at the time. I think that’s why I like mortals, they are never predictable, except for being predictably wilful, and even then not always. It’s delightfully entertaining.”

“I suspect that wasn’t a popular opinion among the other Kami?”

Inari shook her head, murmuring into Paul’s chest still.

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“No, not at all. They just wanted mortals to shut up and do as they were told all the time, as well as the other yokai, spirits, lesser gods...really, anyone who wasn’t as powerful as them.”

“Let me guess, and spent a lot of their time bitching with their peers about all those stuck-up, higher ranked Kami, pushing them around and telling them what to do… right?”

“Mm, it’s like you were there Paul-san. You describe it perfectly.”

Paul laughed, and Inari turned her head the better to listen, closing her eyes in contentment. Paul gently remarked.

“The gods are just people too… and as they say, power corrupts.”

“I almost don’t want to go back to being a Goddess, if that’s what awaits me.”

Paul scoffed.

“As if ! I’d keep your feet on the ground for a start Inari, and it’s not like it’s in your nature to be cruel or callous. Besides, if you’re a Goddess and it does become more than you can stand, you can always give it up again.”

Inari lifted her head, gazing up at Paul, realisation shining in her jade green eyes.

“That’s true! I can, can’t I! It was never a rule that one couldn’t give up one’s Divine power, only that one shouldn’t. I could put it aside, store it in something, and live like this again.”

“Why not let it go? After all, you can recharge if necessary.”

Inari shook her head.

“Oh, no, it’s not just about mana. No amount of raw power would turn a mortal into a god. You need a seed of Divinity as well. Umm, you know how you described growing crystals to me a few days ago? It’s sort of like that. You need a starting point of Divinity. That converts mana into Divine Power as it adds it to oneself. If I lost that, I could never become a goddess again.”

“Huh... did not know that. But I see why myths and stories often call one’s Godhood a pearl, given how pearls are created.”


“Inari-san… we can’t stay like this all evening.”

Inari coloured, and took a step back as Paul let his arms fall away from her.

“I… I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I was quite happy too, but one of us has to remember there are other things we need to do.”

Inari sighed, and nodded.

“How is it that I am thousands of years older than you, and yet you’re the mature one?”

“Because it’s not about age. You’re Inari. Eternally youthful, always beautiful, and ever graceful.”

“And now I’m blushing.”


Inari batted at Paul, giggling, who shook his head grinning.

“Ok, the fireworks will be starting in a bit, go and join Kiko and the two girls over there and actually have some fun. I’ll go talk to Rin and sort that mess out ok?”

“What about Tatsuo?”

Paul looked round, but there was no sign of the Oni, although he could see Yuko and Yuri off in the distance, and Jiao was with Kiko and Shoko of course.

“Huh! I guess he’s fled back to the temple. Remind me tomorrow to have a chat with him and find out exactly what his problem is.”

Inari shook her head slightly.

“No, I’ll do that. He’ll open up more to me than you I think Paul-san.”

“You might well be right. Ok then. Remember, the bus will pick us up at nine, if I don’t see you again before then. Now go, have fun!”

“As you so order my lord!”

Inari walked off, giggling. Paul shook his head, glad to see her back in high spirits after the fright. Then he looked around for Rin, and saw no sign of them.

“Hmm. Now, if I was a kitsune, where would I be?”

Paul murmured to himself thinking… well, a kitsune is a fox spirit and foxes when frightened will go to earth.. so...

Paul frowned in the direction of the open-air stage. He walked around it, and as he suspected, found a hatch at the back. The foundation was basically a concrete box, with the utilities in it. Paul gave the hatch a push and found it unlocked. He dug out the tiny penlight from his back pocket and switched it on, producing a surprisingly bright red beam of light.

Sweeping the light around the inside, he spotted a pair of eyes reflecting in the darkness.


There was a fierce sibilant hissing sound, followed by the dry rasp of something scaly moving over concrete.

“Oops, sorry… didn’t mean to disturb you… er whatever you are. My apologies.”

Paul could almost hear the startled surprise at his polite response.

“Who are you?”

The voice was almost normal, female, youngish… but there was a slightly breathless hissing quality to it.

“Paul Holmes, Inari’s new Herald. And you are?”

The sound of something sliding over the concrete came again, and at first glance in the dim light it looked like a tall young woman was walking towards him, swaying slightly, but from about where the hips would be was a snake’s body, one of tremendous size.

“Oh I say. A Naga! I didn’t know you were in town.”

“You’re... not afraid?”

“Hardly, let’s see.. colouration and physique suggest a constrictor analogue, plus I don’t see any sign of fangs, and your mouth and facial structure are human enough that you couldn’t possibly eat anything much larger than a quarter-pounder burger in one go. Conclusion, not a threat.”

The girl stared at him, with eyes that appeared to be dark bottomless wells. Either her pupils dilated much more than a humans could, or her corneas were dark coloured too. Then she blinked, twice. Both with normal human-like eyelids and a nictitating membrane that flicked across her eyes from the corners, one after the other.

“Holmes? You don’t have.. an ancestor.. called Sherlock.. do you?”

“I get that a lot… excuse me for asking, but you sound breathless and bit wheezy, is that normal for you or do you need help?”

The girl shook her head.

“Asthma… the dust..”

“Oh.. crap. Do you have an inhaler?”

She shook her head.

“All gone...”

Paul thought a moment, shining a light around the ‘basement’ of the stage.

“Ok… I think I can improvise a nebuliser, and I can try to find some meds, would that help you?”

The naga girl nodded, relief evident in her eyes. Paul nodded.

“I’ll be right back, keep the door open a crack and breathe the air through that, it’ll help.”

The girl stared at the door, and shook her head.

“Too bright. I might be seen.”

Paul glanced at her eyes, and produced a pair of sun glasses from his coat pocket and a handkerchief.

“Ok, glasses, and tie the handkerchief so you breath through that. It’s not ideal but it will keep the dust out a bit.”

The girl nodded and folded the kerchief in half diagonally, tying it over her nose and mouth before putting the glasses on and slithering nearer the door.

Paul got a better look at her. Her yukata was neat and clean, free of sand. Her human half looked to be mostly normal, except for the eyes, but her scales were dull and had dry flaking patches mottling along her body.

“Oh! Of course, you’re moulting, and you came down to the beach to use the sand to abrade away the dead skin, right?”

The girl looked at him surprised, and nodded. Paul grinned.

“Had a friend who kept snakes as pets, he was always going on about them. And I’ve got one of those minds that never lets go of useless bits of trivia.”

The girl laughed silently, then started to cough. Paul moved rapidly, supporting her upper half while her body thrashed. The fit eventually subsided, leaving her weak and clinging to him.

“Ok miss, you hang on a few minutes while I go and get what I need, ok?”

She nodded, then wheezed out, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Thank you. My name is.. Saori Hironaka. I live at.. the Taishaku-ji.. buddhist temple.”

“Ok, two minutes. I promise. Even if you stop breathing, you can’t suffocate in two minutes.”

“I can.. hold my breath.. for thirty.”

“Right, of course. I’ll be right back. Remember, sit up straight, long deep breaths... you know the drill.”

Saori nodded, hope and desperation in her dark eyes.

Paul hurried outside, looking around, and spotted a familiar flag of long silver/white hair behind the sea wall by a tree.

“Hey Rin?”

Rin started, and almost bolted running, before their shoulders sagged. Paul inwardly sighed.

“Hoi, Paul-san… I’m sorry.”

Rin didn’t get any further than that before Paul pulled them into a hug, cupping the back of Rin’s head with his hand. Rin made a startled; “Eep!” sound, sounding very like Shoko, and then melted against Paul.

“It’s ok… I understand. Look, I know we really need to talk, about you, Inari and everything. But I’m kinda in a hurry. There’s a young naga girl under the stage quietly dying of an asthma attack, possibly literally, and I need to grab some things to help her breathe. I need your help, ok?

“I..what.. Ok! What do you need me to do?”

“Find the first aid station, see if they have an asthma inhaler and medicines to go with that. Failing that, head for the pharmacist and see what they have, at a pinch magnesium sulphate or hydrocortisone will do if they don’t have anything else. I’m trusting you to be fleet of foot Rin!”

“Ok! On it!”

Rin pulled free, vigorously scrubbed at their face to remove any signs they’d been crying, and ran...already three strides away before the sand kicked up by the first stride hit the ground again.

Paul hurried off himself, also looking for a source of medicines but on the look out for water bottles and any other bits and pieces he could use to build a nebuliser.

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