HP: The Dark Arts Master

Chapter 9: Chapter -9

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chapter -9

"S-Sorry big sister, what were you saying again?" Noah asked, making an sorry expression.

"Hahaha, it's okay, your mind must be wandering around Hogwarts." Olive replied with a smile which to Noah smiled awkwardly.

"I was saying that we should hold a banquet on your birthday as our family has finally reunited." Olive said as she stared into his eyes.

'That sounds interesting.' Noah thought.

Seeing some excitement in Noah's eyes Olive took that as yes and said, "Okay then it's decided, how about we go shopping tomorrow and buy you your school's stuff.

"But sister, didn't you say that only after I receive an admission letter I can go to that school?" Noah asked as he hadn't received any kind of letter yet.

"Don't worry little Noah as your sister has received that letter already." Olive replied with a smile.

'What? Shouldn't they send it to me directly?' Noah Thought confusedly while Olive kept smiling at him.




With a loud bang a silhouette appeared in front of a large black gate, the silhouette took out its wand and muttered something while waving the wand into the air.

The waving of the wand started manifesting a silver fume which slowly took the shape of a cat.

"Inform professor of my arrival." The silhouette whispered and the Astral cat began flying toward the magnanimous castle which stood tall on a high Mountain.

The silhouette waited outside the gate for some minutes and then saw a small figure rushing forward behind the Astral cat.

"You're here, dear Olive." A cheery voice came from the small figure standing behind the gate.

"Hello professor flitwick, I've received a letter regarding my lost brother from the Headmaster." The silhouette said as it took out the cape and her milky white face unfolded in the sunlight.

"Yes, of course dear, Albus is waiting for your arrival." Flitwick said as he lightly tapped his wand on the gate opening it for her entrance.

Expressing her gratitude Olive rushed toward the castle as the letter she had received from Headmaster was a big breakthrough for her in uncovering the lost track of her Little brother.

After that horrible accident took its place Maxmillian palace had turned into a desert as her parents, butler and house elves were all dead but amid all of that her little brother couldn't be found anywhere.

Nobody knew what happened to that little child as dead men tell no tale. But still she didn't stop because for that thirteenth year old girl, that lost brother was the last straw of hope which flickered a light into her heart.

She used the power of galleons for ten years but sadly it didn't yield any results.

Many things changed in those ten years. The Little lost girl had now turned into a young woman who handled big companies. She had everything a young witch or wizard could desire but still her frail heart longed for her brother.

She didn't know the reason why she felt like that, was it to fill the dark holes of her lonely youthful days or was it to replace that emptiness which still resides in her frail heart?

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But now everything felt like a dream from the moment she received that letter, her every single desire faded away in an empty mist leaving only a hope, a hope that this time she could really find her brother.

"Sherbet lemon." Olive heard as she got out of her thoughts, she was now standing in front of a stone gargoyle guarding the entrance of the Headmaster's office.

Gargoyle jumped out of the way after hearing the password, Olive slightly bowed toward professor Flitwick and started ascending the stairs.

Knock. Knock

"Come in" After hearing an old weary voice Olive stepped inside the office where she had been many times even before becoming one of the governors of Hogwarts.

"Governor Maxmillian." The white haired old wizard greeted her from behind the desk.

"Just Olive is fine professor." Olive said lightly as she sat down on the chair.

"Cockroach clusters." The old wizard moved a Little tray full of weird looking chocolates toward her.

"No thank you, Professor, I've come here to make a query about your letter." Olive said cutting straight to the topic.

"Miss Maximilian, as one of the governors you're well aware of how we get the list of new born witches and wizards which will be the future backbone of the wizarding world of Britain." The old wizard said as he placed one chocolate in his mouth.

"How is that thing related to my brother professor, and if I'm not wrong my brother's name was never on that list." Olive said wearily.

"You're Right, young Noah's name was not on that list which only meant that he was born as a squib." The old wizard said mysteriously.

"Professor Dumbledore, is all of this related to my brother?" Olive asked impatiently.

"Yes, because even if a child's name is registered on that list, it doesn't make him qualified to get into the school, as many of them can't manage to awaken the magic residing in their blood until their coming of age." Dumbledore said 



Meanwhile Olive couldn't comprehend many of his words and how all of these things were related to her brother so she couldn't help but stare at him like what bullshit are you spewing.

Of Course that little stare didn't go unnoticed and a Little chuckle escaped out of Dumbledore's mouth.

Dumbledore gently opened a drawer and pulled out a letter and gradually handed it to Olive.

Olive for a moment dumbfounded stared at the letter and Dumbledore but then she noticed Hogwarts logo and the name of the child to whom this letter was about to deliver.

Noah Maxmillian 

Clover child orphanage 

1679, Snow Valley, surrey.

"I-Is he really my little brother Noah?" Olive stuttered as tears welled up in her eyes in hope.

'No i can't, this is an opportunity provided by fate i shouldn't waste any time on making assumptions.' Olive thought.

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