Humanities Finest

Chapter 2: System Shit

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"All right, what's my basic stats?" I had asked

"The Stats Go From E-Ex and currently, you have E in everything but Intelligence and Wisdom, where you have A- and A respectively" she had said

"Hey" I said as I stared at her naked body "don't you need some clothes? Aren't you cold?"

"Oh, well, I haven't descended in my physical form for, about a millennia, I'd say, so I don't really know what cold and hot is" she had said "but if you're that irked about it, I can make some clothes"

"Yeah, do that please, and can you make some clothes for me?" I said as I looked at myself, my hair was long and messy pitch black and my eyes were a vibrant ambrosia, i was wearing a heavily creased business suit with a gold watch and business shoes

"Well, those look fine to me, but whatever" she had said, her voice was mostly androgynous but leaning towards the feminine side and she raised her hands and snapped her fingers, am my clothes were replaced with a casual hoodie AC/DC Hoodie and dark blue sweatpants and some unbranded but comfy shoes

She was wearing a dark dress which was both simple and elegant, as it accentuated her curvaceous body and was, in my personal opinion, not hindering her sexiness, she was also wearing high heels and a deep purple ear ring

She blushed at my thoughts, you know, maybe you should stop reading my thoughts, like a pervert

"You're the pervert, thinking so lewdly about my body!" She had said, with and angry expression, but it only made her appearance cuter, heh she's blushing more,it's fun to tease he

"No its not! I'll stop, I'll stop…" she had said, her arms crossed and she was pouting, who knew that beings as old as time would be so childish and cute, maybe its because I'm in the My little pony universe

"Wait a second…how do you know what clothes I like?" I had asked

"Oh, well, I was poking around your memories for a bit and found a bunch of things that were both funny and unnerving…but I also found your memories of anime and manga, as well as manhwa and manhua! They were amazing reads" she said with excitement, turns out, Vicky is a pervert, snooping around my memories as she pleases

"I am not a pervert!" Caught You~

"On another note, can you give me any information about this universe? The only thing I remember was the characters and their tropes" I had asked

"I can give you the entirety of the MLP plot if you want, it was shoved way down your memories, I can resurface them if you want" she said

"Yep, I'm gonna need that" I said as a flurry of information rushed into my brain, didn't have a headache though, probably my A- Intelligence"Do you know where Ponyville is?"

"Of course I do, its down there, just keep walking for a bit and you'll find it, let me lead the way" she said as she started walking off,and I right behind her


—a few hours later–


Me and Vicky had gotten pretty good friends during our few hour journey, her not actually talking to anyone in a literal millennia didn't help, turns out, I'm the only person within the entirety of her lifespan that has ever been able to hear her, she was very excited even though she didn't show it

"And then she asked me out! Can you believe that?" I said and Me and Vicky Broke out into Hearty Laughter

"Wow, your life is unlike anything I've ever heard before!" She said as we finally arrived at Ponyville, it looked like your everyday medieval village but something was slightly different, there were only ponies! No humans or anything like that

We walked down into the village as thousands of eyes where laid upon us, where I found a certain pink pony, staring daggers into us

She gasped a loud and obnoxious gasp that physically caused her to move of the ground for a period of time, before she ran off in a direction, she was fast, like, really fast, the same speed of an adult race horse if I were to guess

"Well…that was something…" I had said, staring dumbfounded at the pink pony's trail of dust as we started to walk around, I saw a giant wooden tree, which was Twilight Sparkle's house so I went up to it and knocked on the door, because i f I remember correctly, it was also a library

*knock knock knock*

But there was no one inside, I moved to one of the nearest group of ponies and asked them about it

Turns out, it's an abandoned library that's getting revamped due to an oncoming V.I.P (Very Important Pony) who was sent here by the princess, who was gonna arrive in a week or two

"So were two weeks behind 'plot', if you can even call it that" I said to Vicky as I walked around aimlessly, trying to familiarize myself with the surroundings, I had managed to find Rarities house but decided to stay away from it.

The area was surprisingly large, and according to Vicky, This World Was Almost 10x Larger than my previous world, it only seems so small due to the speed that which almost all beings move at is the speed of, well, a horse

I had managed to find most notable landmarks and the houses of the main crew, excluding Fluttershy's house

"All right, I've been putting this off for a while so, I'm gonna ask now" I said, standing on the outskirts of the village "what are the main features of my system?"

"Oh, well that's easy, item and information gacha" she said "and you can also gain skills"

"okay, is there anything I can do right now?" I asked

"You have 10 tickets, they can be used on either items or information, and you also have a gift you can open" she said

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"Use all tickets on items and open the gift please" I had asked Vicky

"Alright… you got 5 minor random stat pills, 3 medium random stat pills and 2 unique rank random skill orbs from the gacha and 1 legendary skill orb and 1 Unique 'Any Weapon' Card" she said, I could over most of their uses from the name but why would they give me such high quality things right of the bat…ah, that makes sense, they thought that I was a 5-ish year old girl, of course they would give something legendary rank to me as a gift, if they thought I was who I am, I would have ,most probably,  gotten something common rank

"Alright… can you give me my items?" I asked

"What's the magic words~?" She said, this was definitely payback for the teasing but whatever

"Please?" I said and 5 red pills and 3 yellow pills appeared in my hand, they where the size of a marble, as well as 3 clear orbs,two with a purple hue they emmited and 1 with a golden one as well as a card that simply said 'Unique' on it

"Before I get too happy can you explain the ranks?" I asked

"Ah,Ok, Trash,Common,Uncommon,Rare,Unique,Legendary,Mythic and Ultimate" she explained quickly

"Now how do I use my items?" I asked and she looked at me a little dumbfounded

"I thought you had A- Intelligence?well, whatever, you eat the pills, crush the orbs and rip the cards" she said and I did just that, I ate all the pills at once, I felt a flood of strength in my legs, if I was as fast as a normal person before, I'm now as fast as a bike now

"What are my state now?" I asked, and after I did, she started drawing in the dirt, the drawing was actually a system screen, but only my stats


Strength:E (2/4)





Agility:E (2/4)

Luck:E (¾)


"Okay… I can guess what the ¼ things are but can you explain to make sure?" I asked

"Yeah sure, each random stat pills give a random stat a specific amount of whatever,Minor stat pills do ¼ of a sub stat upgrade

Medium stat pills do 2/4 a sub stat upgrade

Major stat pills do 4/4 a sub stat upgrade

Ex stat Pills do 4/4 a stat upgrade" she explained as I blatantly stole some glances at her body, I wasn't trying to be secretive about it, seeing her get flustered is quite funny to me

"All right…" I said as I looked at the unique skill orb, I crushed it in my hand, it was quite easy, like they were made of thin ice and my body was filled with light, I then did the next, then I did the legendary one, it was just as easy

"What are my skills?" I asked

"Telekinesis and Lightning Manipulation was your U Ranked Skills and For Your L Ranked Skill, it was Can't Fool A Bloodline" she said, and at the beginning it was slightly confusing but when I digged into my memories I found out that it was from a manhwa called 'My Mom Is My Constellation' but I needed to check

"What are the abilities of 'Can't Fool A Bloodline'?" I had asked

"You get a 1000000% increase in learning speed, i should also mention this now,all your abilities are inheritable, whether or not they are inherited though, is up to genetics and luck" she said, heck this is way better

in 'My Mom Is My Constellation' it only did a 1000% increase in weapon learning speed, again, they must have boosted it because I was supposed to be a 5-ish year old girl

"Cool, cool…i just thought of this but are you as strong as you were The Narrator?" I asked

"Oh, no, when I am a disembodied voice, I can travel at a range between -∞ and ∞, same with my strength and my intelligence makes me able to comprehend thousands of books just by looking at them, and I know everything in this universe, literally, so if I were to say, my stats are all Ex++++++++++++++++++, well you get the idea, but due to literally no body being able to physically contain all my power, my knowledge,intellect,speed,strength and endurance are all limited to a measily Ex+, well, normally, but since I'm your 'System Ai', I will always have the same stats as you" she explained

"Oh, but have retained all my knowledge and learning speed, as well as all my 'skills'" She added on

I already expected this but god damn it she's strong!

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