I am Luffy, The Sun God.

Chapter 4: Nami.

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Two days later,

The little wooden boat successfully found its way towards an island in this limitless sea.

Looking at the almost destroyed island, full of rubles and craters, Luffy sum up.

'This must be Orange Town.'

"Zoro, alone or acting in a group."

Zoro looked at the destroyed surrounding and his eyes shone with a bloodthirsty light.

"Let's act alone."

Zoro said in an excited tone. He seems to be longing to fight against this power that almost destroyed a town.

Luffy nodded, as they choose different routes.

Luffy crossed over the town entrance, as he exclaimed.

"Uuuf, this artillery power is daunting. The strength is almost catching up with the damage of pirates above Hundreds of million.

As expected of Buggy. While his power is embarrassing, his tricks, means and unbelievable luck overshadow all his weaknesses."

As Luffy carry on his walk, as if by a stroke of fate.

He coincidentally saw Nami who was being chased by three pirates.

"Little thief, you are courting death."

"Damn thief, return the chart you stole to us!!"

"Stop your useless resistance! Hand over the chart and we may spare your life!"

Nami run with more effort, as she wisely ignored their threats, but as she stole a look behind her, her face paled in fear.

"Damn it. They are catching up!"

But in her peril, her eyes captured a familiar figure in red and blue approaching. (Not Superman suit, it's just a red vest and blue shorts.) 

'It's that sexy young man that easily defeated Alvida and the scary looking navy colonel. Saved!'

Nami thought as her eyes lit up. She hurried towards his direction, while shouting.

"Boss, save me! I got the chart you asked me to stole."

The moment she made it to Luffy's side, she instinctively hid behind him, as she looked in the direction of the three coming pirates.

Seeing them stopping their chase, she finally heaved a sigh of relief.

The three ugly looking pirates frowned, as they looked at Luffy and Nami viciously.

"Ha?! There are accomplices?!"

"Look around, there may be more."

Luffy looked at this classic scene with amusement.

Shaking his head a little.

"Let's sleep first."

As Luffy said this, in the confused sight of Nami, his body seems to burst with an intangible pressure force that affected the surrounding air and made it explode with unceasing waves.

Luffy's clothing and hair started flowing as his hair, hat and clothing started blown over backwards, the same for Nami and the three pirates that looked terrified.

The rubble on the ground seems to lost its weight as it started floating.

The ground cracked a little under this force impact. While it was small cracks, it's already shocking from the orange haired girl perspective.

Nami hidden behind, had her eyes wide open in shock, but soon this shock turned to an instinctive fear, as her breathing started getting slower coupled with her heart beatings that seems to be slower and somehow heavier.

Her grasp on Luffy's back tightened, and when this depressing feeling vanished, she was stunned at the sight of the three pirates laying in the ground with unfocused eyes, bleeding all over from the seven orfices.


"What..what the hell happened just now?! That's unbelievable. Did you do this just now?!"

Nami's tone was shaken, amazed, and at the same time she felt that she was in trouble.

She looked at the young man in front of her, and acted as soft as possible, as to not bring out his ire.

"You don't have to be nervous. I already teached you a small lesson."

Luffy wasn't angry at her actions, but decided to take the opportunity to portray himself as a mighty powerhouse, so as not to be bullied by her in the future.

Nami blinked her eyes innocently, as she remembered her previous unusual state.

She gave Luffy a bad look, but she didn't decide to slip away.

In her eyes, Luffy was a great protection umbrella. While its use seems to be accompanied by some difficulties, she is confident in her strategies to deal with this young man.

Luffy watched her face changed again and again, and he was amused.

Actually he can see through her thoughts without even using his domineering.

(As his basking in the sun increased, all special types of domineering will be awakened and strengthened.)

But he didn't bother to expose her.

"I'm Monkey.D.Luffy, the man who will become the Pirate King! What about you?"

"Hmm, Pirate?! How come?!"

Nami was taken back. Her gaze towards Luffy instantly turned bad, but she still introduced herself.

 "I'm a thief who specifically targets pirates, Nami, do you want to cooperate with me?"

Luffy shook his head in denial.

 "Cooperation? No, I'm a pirate, do you want to join my pirate group, become my third partner. You seems to be alone. Since you are able to navigate freely, you must be a very talented navigator."

Nami looked around.

"The third one? What about the second one?"

"The second one is acting on his own. You'll see him later after joining."

Nami showed no interest.

Even the idea of using this young man seems to be thrown from the window.

"I don't have time to play pirates with you, I have to make more money, a lot of money.

"Hum, that's easy to say. You have seen that I'm quite strong. What about joining me. After defeating other pirates, you can take over their treasures. I'm not very interested in money."

Luffy throw away a very appetizing bait, and sure enough, she bite it instantly without any thought.

"Really?! I'm in."

Nami's flushed face with golden shining eyes amused Luffy.

"You seems desperate for money. Is there something important you need to buy?"

Nami looked at him in surprise.

"You don't have to be surprised. I can tell that you are a kind-hearted girl, that's why I invited you on board. Such a person as you, won't steal for no reason or simply for fun."

Luffy brushed his favorability, as Nami looked at him with complicated eyes.

"It's a secret."

"Well, I hope you will share it with me once you feel that I'm trustworthy enough."

Luffy walked ahead, leaving Nami in daze.

Nami felt a warm current in her heart. It's her first time meeting someone that shows such caring for her.

"Let's go find a restaurant. I'm quite peckish."

Nami smiled, as she followed behind.

The restaurant wasn't found open due to Buggy's pirates disruption.

Under Nami professional lockpicking, they easily made it inside.

Within the meal session, Luffy asked about the amount of money required, and Nami answered truthfully which surprised him a bit.

"Is this why you stole that chart?"

Luffy asked as he swallowed another piece of meat.

"Yes. As long as I have this chart. I can go to the grand line. There, I'm confident to raise more money. 100 million ßailey isn't impossible feat anymore."

Nami spread the map, as her eyes shined with splendor.

Luffy watched her as his hands never stopped moving.

"Ah, don't take my orange fruit. The only things I like are money and oranges."

Nami took away the fruit from his mouth, as she cleaned it lightly from his saliva.

Luffy's face turned black.

He punched her head, as he took away the fruit under her resentful eyes.

'Cool! Hitting Nami's head is an incredible feat!'

After a satisfying meal, the duo left the restaurant, as they headed towards Buggy Pirates lair. Each with his own objective.


On a high-rise platform in the town.

A large number of pirates could be seen cut all over, drowning on their blood.

Zoro in a black bandana tied around his head, wielding three knifes stood solemnly, as his forehead dropped with sweat.

His waist along with many body parts were full of scars, dripping with scarlet blood, as it dyed the ground beneath him in red.

"Damn it. What's wrong with this guy?! Is he an immortal?!"

Zoro who felt that he lucked out finding Buggy's hideout, attacked indiscriminately, creating a bloody massacre, however, after defeating some cadres, and wanted to challenge Buggy, he was abused badly.

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"No matter how much I cut him, there is no effect!"

It was Zoro's first time experiencing such a situation.

"Hahahaha, Captain Buggy is the swordsman's bane. Even the world's greatest swordsman is the same."

Listening to the touting of his subordinates, Buggy felt giddy.

"Bounty hunter, swords are useless to me. Let's stop playing, I'm going to get serious."

Zoro's face also turned serious. As he decided to use the back of the sword to inflict a blunt damage, he suddenly turned towards the side in surprise, as he cut with his swords.

Unfortunately, it was late.

A small cannon shell exploded right in front of him sending him flying.

His blood fall like a downpour.

"Damn it. I was tricked by him again."

Zoro found that he has a big weaknesses. He is too careless.

"Hahahaha... Little bounty hunter, it's a hundred years earlier for you to think about my head."

"Captain. He is still alive."

"What a resilient bastard."

Buggy tsked, as he looked down at Zoro on the ground.

As Buggy intended to deliver the final blow.

He heard one of his little subordinates in binoculars suddey shouted.

"Captain Buggy! Found the thief. There is also an accomplice with her."

Buggy took the binoculars from his subordinates.

As his sight enlarged, he saw the hateful orange haired girl, and besides her a young man in straw hat.

"Shanks hat?! Damn it. Use Buggy's super cannonballs."

Recalling his past memories in Roger's ship with Shanks, he felt a fire in his heart.

Buggy turned mad after seeing that familiar hat, as he gave the order in a cold tone.

Even the chart preciousness was thrown behind.

"Understood, Captain Buggy!"

The gun muzzle aimed at the street where Luffy and Nami were, intending to blow them.

Boom! !

The cannonball was soon fired, and the roar caught the attention of Nami and Luffy, who looked towards the high platform.

Nami's eyes widened, her pupils contracted, and she was terrified.

The destructive power of the approaching cannon shell. She knew it clearly.

This is a power enough to destroy a kilometer radius of land.

Nami looked towards the shell that kept enlarging in her view, as she was about to close her eyes and welcome death.

A figure stopped in front of her. The young man seems to be playing by a stone in his hand.

"Luffy, don't, run away!"

Nami hurriedly shouted in fear.

The boy gave her a reassuring smile, as he faced the upcoming trail of fire fearlessly.

The impact brought by the canonball made Luffy clothes blown backward, as his straw hat shows tendency to fall.

Putting a hand on his head to stabilize his hat, while the other was used to throw the stone.

The small stone shot from his hand in an incredible speed, as it penetrated the artillery shells and blasted away in mid-air.

The flames shot into the sky, apparently because of the stones that swept in quickly.

Nami looked at the shocking incident in front of her eyes as her heart raced in amazement.

"Unbelievably strong. A small stone can actually generate such a destructive power?!"

The young man in front of her shocked her once again.

"Even Arlong will die under such artillery. Maybe.."

Nami silently took a decision.

Luffy through his domineering already discovered Zoro miserable state, but he wasn't angry.

Zoro needs to recognize his weakness, so that his training will be more effective.

Zoro has an invincible mindset, and he really think that he is the peak.

Luffy is pretty sure that after this setback, and the upcoming ones, he will grow more mature and steady.

However, debts are to be paid.

"Your name is Buggy right? Since you sent me a welcome gift, it would be rude if I don't pay you some courtesy."

Ignoring the distance, Luffy's voice resounded all over the town.

Even the residents hidden in their houses heard it.

Zoro raised his head with difficulty, as he wanted to spy over his captain incomprehensible power.

Luffy shot his hand back, scaring Nami away.

Luffy's hand enlarged infinitily as it disappeared in the distance behind.

Rising the corner of his mouth, Luffy jumped over to the sky as he spelled out.

"White Hawk!"

Suddenly, a white light in a hawk shape could be seen coming from distance behind Luffy, only to discover that it was actually his previous fist that was returning.

The town's temperature suddenly shot up geometrically due to Luffy's power.

His fist temperature is almost catching up with magma, and its explosion effect is equivalent to a raging volcano.

The fist soon aimed at Buggy's lair.

Before the fist even arrived, the pirates in front were sent flying. The ground was razed and formed huge craters and gullies all around, while the houses in the fist trajectory caught fire magically.

The fist was akin to a natural disaster volcano explosion.

As the fist avoided Nami and Zoro skilfully, it blasted Buggy's hideout completely, razing it to the ground.

The high platform ceased to exist, as if it has never been there.

The fist continued its trajectory as it fall in the distant sea.

Along with a huge explosion, sea waves raged, as a misty area with thousands meters radius suddenly formed under the high temperature.

Retracting his still smokey fist, Luffy said in surprise.

"What a lucky bastard! He was actually blown away by my fist whirlwind, and avoided the true power of my fist."

Nami and Zoro looked at him in shock.

"Are you sure you are human?!"

That was their united thought.

"Ahhh. Luffy you bastard. You destroyed my treasures."

Nami immediately regained her senses, as she attacked Luffy in frenzy.

Luffy easily took her on a hug, as he suppressed her rebellion.

"Quiet, my fist is carefully guided. The treasury is still intact."

Hearing this, Nami looked at Luffy with bright eyes.

Zoro who was also blown away, looked at the aftermath of the attack and felt deeply powerless.

"It's surely not even his full power."

Luffy watched the lively Nami that run towards the treasury, and Zoro who fall into self-doubt, as he remembered his devil fruit training with Joey Boy.

While, he wasn't successful in his awakening, his grasping of the fruit is more deep and throughout than the previous Luffy, and was in a preliminary awakening state.

He only has to grasp more devil fruit essence, and won't need to die and depend on the protagonist armor.

Per example. His body can easily withstand high and lower temperatures. Magma temperature is negligible, after all, he is the sun god.

His four gears are completely different and more lethal.

As for the white colored flame, it has something to do with the rubber color in its liquid form and the high degree of temperature.

Because his understanding of the fruit is bordering the awakening state, his usage of the devil fruit is more skillfull than the previous blind Luffy.

Soon, Zoro in a miserable form, full of scars, laid down beside him.

He opened his mouth to say something, but he stopped.

Later on, a smiling Nami who was carrying a bunch of bags full of treasure returned also.

"Captain, let's sail!"  

Nami was in a good mood, as the captain title flowed from her mouth smoothly.

Carrying Zoro on his back, they moved into the shore direction.

After boarding the small wooden boat. Luffy finally felt that he could control his sea route, rather than letting it to fate.

"Our sailing is up to you."

"Don't worry, captain, leave it to me."

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