I Became A Capture Target In A Otome Game.

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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I'm standing at the academy outdoor training grounds in a red color track suit. I'm currently being pointed at in a accusatory manner by my fiance Julia Daystone. Julia is a girl 15 years of age with shortish reddish strawberry hair, green emerald color eyes, and a round cheek bone face with freckles. Julia is tall for a girl her age, she was starting to gain a strong curve figure that came from years of training, her being from a family of knights. Julia stood across from me wearing a similar track suit of the same color as me. Julia and I attracted the gazes of other students, who either wore red, blue, green, or yellow tracksuits colors.

'In Welcome To Thornes Academy there are 4 types of students that make up the entire student body. Red tracksuits for Aura students, Blue tracksuits for Mana students, Green tracksuit for Merchant students, and Yellow tracksuits for Craft students. The player heroine Amelia Bernard chose which color they want at the start of the game for aesthetic purposes. Amelia passed all of the color's entrance exams with exceeding marks and entered Thornes academy on a full scholarship. Vincent De Nightingale by the way passed the merchant entrance exams, by bribing all the examiners to get into the Academy, Vincent is really a scumbag character.'

"Jules, it's nice to see you again, you look lovely today." I gently guided Julia's accusatory finger back to her waist, and tried to compliment her.

'In order to change my fate I have to change my relationship with Julia, or else I'll get a bad end if she catches me committing a crime.'

"Julia, I'm not the same Vincent you knew and I'll show you that." I said, really meaning it.

'Aren't you planning to murder someone after school?'

'Julia doesn't need to know that.'

There was a gathering of other students in different color tracksuits who were watching close by, murmuring to one another.

'ugh, the dreaded rumor system. In the game there was a system that notified players how they were doing with different capture targets. The game would hint players with murmuring whispers and let them ease drop on students conversations. The player would then be inform of the level of progress with that said capture target.'

I closed my eyes briefly to hear some of the rumor conversations.

"That's Vincent, he looks so different!"
"Daystone is pointing at him, did he cheat on her again?"
"I heard their engagement is a front for his illicit affairs."
"Haven't you heard the other rumor's about him."
"I wouldn't mind being one of his mistresses."

'Sh**, this makes it look like I'm having an affair.'

'But you are, you just had sex like 20 minutes ago.'

'Shut up. Julia and I are not in a relationship and in every game ending we never end up together. Besides Julia is more of a childhood friend who I haven't seen in awhile, I don't see her in that way.'

It was when Julia reengaged pointing her finger at me in an accusatory manner.

"Why are you wearing that, your suppose to be wearing blue?" Julia said indignantly.

I gently guide her pointed finger at me back down to her waist.

"As you can see, I've chosen the path of the Aura User." I said to Julia, while turning around to model off my red track suit to her.

"Julia, I'm seriously making the effort to change, please believe me." I said to Julia.

"But, when we were kids-." Julia said.

But was then interrupted by the Professor of the class.

It was the Physical instructor for the class, and the Aura User instructor, Lara Seakane.

'Lara also happens to be from the game.'

Lara was 20 years of age, she had a long blueish green high ponytail that fell down to her mid back, her eye color was the color of her hair and she had a young athletic face. Lara had a tall well toned athletic body, especially her abdominal region, which she showed off in the clothe she wore. Lara skin tone was a dark tan color and supported numerous amount of scars from fighting monsters out in the wilds.

'A lot of the quests involve players hunting monsters or collecting materials in the "wilds." The wilds are randomly created spawn zones in the game that would kidnap the heroine and the capture targets they were with. The player would then be brought into a dungeon environment. In the dungeon environment, players would have to find the core of the dungeon and break it to return back home. There were also special dating dungeons, but only appeared it the capture target affections level were high enough and were the selling point of the game.'

Lara wore a black sports bra, an unzip red tracksuit jacket, and black spandex waist leggings with brown leather combat boots.

'Lara was a commoner who quickly rose fast through the ranks of Aura users and became a professor at Thornes academy. If the player's decided to go after Professor Alan fields as a capture target, Lara would be their love rival for him. As a love rival, Lara game mechanics work by sapping the player stamina pool if they ever "fought" each other, so it was recommend for players to try and capture Alan in the late stages of the game with a bigger stamina pool. As a character, Lara's personality and character can be said to be the opposite of Alan who was considered easy going. In short, Lara had a strict type of personality and a lack of common sense when it came to the physical capabilities of non Aura users.'

"All right, find a stretching partner and then well warm up with 100 laps around the academy." Lara said while yawning and stretching herself out, much to the delight of male students and a few female students.

'Lara was a very popular character amongst fans, so much she too had a series of spin off games called "Professor Lara's private workout routine." A series of health fitness VR games dedicated to teaching young kids to teens various work out routines and promote healthy dieting. Lara's fan base nearly riot at the company when they found out she wasn't going to be in the upcoming anime adaptation, the company had to negotiate with her fans and also at the same time as the "Alan incident."'

"Umm, professor, we can't do that much."

Some of the students who weren't wearing red tracksuits start to voice there concerns to the amounts of laps needed to run.

'Thornes Academy is a huge place, it can take up to 10 minutes to briskly jog from one end to another. Running around the academy would take around 15 minutes for normal students '

"Che, weak." Professor Lara muttered, "OK, stretch then run until I say stop."

It was then students started partnering up and I was left all alone. No one wanted to be stretch partners with me, Julia was already surrounded by girls in different color tracksuits who started to clamor around her.

'Hm, it looks like Julia's looking at me asking for help for some reason, but it looks like she has plenty of partners to choose from?'

It was when I was about to stretch on my own when someone approached me.

It was a guy 16 years of age with light purple colored hair, his head shaved from the sides and top hair was slicked back. He had a fierce stare and striking turquoise colored eyes. His face was handsome with sharp facial features that made it look like he was constantly glaring at you.

'I knew who this person was.'

This person was Lance Howles a second year student and one of the capture targets in the game.

'Lance, despite his character looking like a fantasy delinquent, is one of the nicest capture targets in the game. Lance was a commoner student trying to become a Aura knight, who also worked two jobs after school to help support his family. '

"I'm Lance, need a partner." Lance said offering.

Lance held out his hands to greet me.

'This type of greeting is considered taboo amongst most nobility. It's a greeting considered only used amongst thugs and hire mercenaries.'

"Yes, I'm Vincent, nice to meet you." I shook lance's forearm like brother in arms.

'Among all the capture targets, Lance's capture route is very wholesome to play through. As a character, Lance is a very supportive person who always encourages others to do their best and is considered amongst fans to have the most "good feels" moments in his route. If players did choose to go after Lance, even your love rival for him added to that wholesomeness, because you have to try and win them over in order to be with Lance. But luckily they don't show up until next school year.'

Lance and I spent 10 minutes stretching each other.

I began to hear the familiar whispering sounds that would hint players to a current rumor and decided to ignore it. A lot of the female students started to stare at Lance and I more intensely.

After lance and I were finished stretching one another we started to run laps around the academy. Lance kept encouraging me with positive reinforcement which made me want to keep up with him.

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'I as Vincent, need to raise my stamina up if I'm going down the path of the Aura user.'

I continue to run with Lance, and felt like I made a friend in the process.

POV Julia.

'Vincent, but why, what happen to our promise together, doesn't he remember it? and what do you mean your trying to change. ! I see Vincent, your trying to trick me again, like you always have since we were kids, but I won't fall for it. Huh, when did Vincent and Lance get so friendly, he never like to run before, especially when we played knights and criminals as kids.'

POV End.

It's lunch time now, I feel like I past out during running, so I don't have any idea how I got here. My muscles are screaming.

'Last thing I remember was me running trying to keep up with my new friend Lance. Other than the Crown Prince, Vincent doesn't have many he can call a friend, but he does have a few criminal associates he can call upon.'

My hands are shaking as I attempted to cut into my steak and onion meal before me. My muscles are screaming at me to lay down but noble etiquette dictates I must continue to maintain a dignify appearance while in public.

'But how did I get here? I don't even remember Professor Lara calling to stop running. Why do I have vague memories of Lance giving me a princess carry to the infirmary and female students getting nose bleeds.'

I'm eating with the crown prince Christopher De Thorne, Vincent's best friend and fellow capture target in the game. We are eating together in the upper balcony of the lunch hall which be a restaurant on it's own.

'The steak is OK, but they didn't caramelize the onions long enough.'

While thinking on how I could improve this recipe, Chris was trying to get my attention.

"Hey Vincent, I think someones staring at you." Chris said trying to get my attention.

It was when I looked over to an opposing balcony area were Chris indicated, I saw the person that made my heart skip a beat. It was Cecila De Rose. Chris's fiance and the person who I'm having affair with behind his back.

Cecila was happily chatting with her followers unaware I was looking in her direction.

"Did something happen between you and Anna?" Chris asked in a concern tone.

It was then I look over slightly to see Anna, one of Cecila's followers glaring daggers at me staring in my direction. Anna was staring at me while cutting her meal so intensely you could faintly hear the sound of her knife screeching into the fine porcelain plate.

"It's nothing, I'll take care of it." I said trying to shake off Anna's lingering death glare.

I broke eye contact with Anna, who continued to stare daggers at me. It was then Cecilla got her attention, Anna's face turn into a bright smile as she happily started talking to her. Cecila looked over to where Anna was looking, our eyes met one another, and a growing smile started to form between us. Cecila and I stared at each other for as long as we could, then turn our faces away before it became noticeable to others.

"You shouldn't mess with Anna, out of all of Ceci's followers, she is the hardest to talk to, and scares even me sometimes." Chris said helpfully.

I could only smile wryly to Chris.

'Chris is your best friend, he is just trying to be helpful.'

"It's fine, I'll handle it." I firmly responded.

Chris and I finished our meal together then we both departed to our next separate classes.

'That's right Anna, I will meet you after school to settle things.'

It was in my next class called Introduction to Aura. I'm sitting in the front row of the classroom listening to the Professor explain how to form a Aura core and how Aura abilities work.

'Aura abilities works by drawing power from the aura core. An Aura core is made by absorbing monster essence from defeated monsters and materials. Aura abilities tend to work in one of two ways, internally or externally for the user. The higher rank an Aura user is the more aura abilities they have access too. Most Aura users choose to have a few Aura abilities to specialize in.'

I diligently listen to the professor and took notes on the lecture.

'So in other word you gain experience by defeating monsters and to provide the necessary materials needed to rank up, in turn you gain access to better abilities. In the game the skill tree for Aura users was divide between passive and active abilities, then they were subdivided again into offensive and defensive types for players to choose from. In short there are 10 character type builds for players could aim for If they chose to be a pure Aura user.'

Anna was also in this class as well, I could feel her death glare from the back of my head. Anna was in the back of the classroom with her fellow follower Claire, who by the looks of it was diligently taking notes for the both of them, writing in two separate note books.

'hmm, By next week we must have a core form in order to continue taking the aura classes. I've decided I'll create my core from legal and illegal materials from the "backroom" of Vincent's loft. I've heard creating an Aura core is pretty easy but absorbing one can take along time and can be extremely painful. I should inform Cecila I won't be available for a couple of days because of this.'

After Introduction to Aura class was over, I headed to my next class called Crafting for beginners.

'Is Anna going to be in the next class as well? I'll Try not to think about it.'

In Crafting for beginners we are assign lab partners, at different desk space apart throughout the classroom. My desk partner happen to be another fellow capture target Oliver De Foxwit. Oliver was a boy 10 years of age with messy neck length yellowish orange hair, bluish purple eye color, and adorable face that was losing his baby fat. Oliver's height barely reach over the standard standing craft table provided for students. Oliver wore the standard school uniform, which looked 2 sizes to big for him and hung off him loosely.

'Oliver was the capture target known as the genius baby prince of the academy. Oliver's backstory is some what tragic, he is the son of a Marquis who's house fell into massive financial debt. Oliver in order to pay off the debt he became engage to a wealthy merchant's daughter. The merchant's daughter is another love rival to the heroine and is consider by many fans to be the female version of Vincent. In order to pay off his family debt, The merchant's daughter forces Oliver to create things for her basically for free. As for Oliver's personality, he is shy, quiet, and an introverted type of person. Oliver is considered among fans to be the most difficult capture target in the game. In order to capture Oliver players needed to have a high intelligence and crafting skills in order to help get him out of debt.'

It was when the lecture portion of the class was over and the practical crafting was about to begin. I saw Oliver struggling to reach for a few crafting materials on high shelves from the sides of the classroom. I brought him over a chair for him to stand on and intuitively Oliver climbed on to the chair to grab the materials. It was a moment when Oliver was standing on the counter to reach the materials, he was looking back down, as if he was starring back at a chasm from atop a great height. Oliver reach for the material with my support then I gently guided him down with my arms to continue our classroom crafting assignment.

I could hear the familiar rumor whispers coming from different students in class, but chose to ignore them to focus on helping Oliver.

Oliver and I began to work in complete silence with one another throughout the entire time. Whenever Oliver needed something, I assisted him in reaching for it, eventually I started to anticipate what he needed. We then work like a well oiled machine, we became the first to finished the classroom crafting assignment and one of the few partners to finish at all. Toward the end of the assignment I could see a small smile forming on Oliver's face.

It was then when it was at the end of class and I was placing the different crafting material we used back to their correct shelves.

"Thank you."

I heard in a shy prepubescent voice. Then a low rumbling growling sounds started to come from Oliver's stomach. I handed Oliver a wrap biscuit I took from lunch in napkin that I was going to try and reproduce later back in the cafe back at Vincent's loft.

"This is for you." I said handing Oliver the biscuit.

Then I watched Oliver adorably eat the biscuit for the rest of class, before I headed for my last class of the day called Combat Practice for Beginners

'I think I made another friend today.'

Chapter End.

A/N I will probably be going back to add better character descriptions to the previous chapters and onward. Also in terms of the sexual orientation and smut scenes, Vincent will be the only male involve in them, but shounen Ai situations that leads to many, many misunderstandings are on the table.

Thank you for reading.

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