I Became A Capture Target In A Otome Game.

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

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'Combat in Welcome to Thornes Academy was a side scrolling 2.5 D rpg hack n slash game, where the players played as the heroine character Amelia Bernard. Amelia could choose among the games capture targets if their affection levels were minimal enough to be on her team. Teams could consist up to 4 members, including Amelia, who could go into "wild" zones to fight monsters and maybe encounter special dungeons. Amelia would choose different capture targets to raise their affection levels for her by completing various quests and events. As fighting in game goes each capture targets had a unique role and position on the team. For example, Vincent De Nightingale was a dark mana user, who blinded incoming attackers with darkness magic and then stole their wallets wither they were human or monster, he really was a scumbag character.'

I'm in the middle of my last class of the day called Basic Combat for beginners.

"Urk." I'm currently sparring with the professor of the class, Lara Seakane, one of the love rivals to Amelia in the game.

'Or, who I now secretly called Professor S, to whom I was quick to learn has a sadistic nature to her when it comes to sparring.'

When I say spar, I mean I'm currently pin down facing into the sand arena floor with my arms grapple behind my back and held between professor S firm yet 'surprisingly' soft thighs. Around me are other student sparring against one another in the training halls of the beginner combat class. No other students wanted to pair with me and my new friend Lance Howle was taking the intermediate combat class on a different day.

'There was a damage system for the game, it was divide into 6 types, strikers, grapplers, dashers, reflectors, range dealers, and specialists. It was a simple rock paper scissor mechanic, with 6 types of fighters, and each fighter had a weakness against 2 other types. The game's damage system didn't guarantee victory from one fighter type over another, but it did make it easier to win against them. '

Professor S is not using any aura abilities and all she said was "Come at me.". This is my 7th attempt trying to hit on professor S, I can't even last a few minutes against her, before I'm grapple to the sand floor and pin with her on top of me.

'Aura abilities can include increase strength, tougher skin, faster reflexes, and those are considered tier 1 passive abilities. Active Aura abilities has a cool down system to them, the more powerful a ability is the longer the cool down will be or more stamina it cost to use it. Stamina replenishes daily over time, which forces players to have different capture targets on a team rotation and to develop different strategy's with those teams. '

Professor S is wearing her signature look, a black sport's bra, black spandex high waist pants, and leather combat boots, standing in a relax posture, gesturing to me to come at her. I stood back up and started striking at Professor S, but was quickly brought down in the sand sparring ring, as she pin me into an arm bar and started to put me in a choke hold.

'Capture targets can have up to 2 damage types, depending if Amelia plays through their special events. Vincent was a specialist type with his dark mana, and his second damage type was range dealing, dealing damage over time to his blinded targets while robbing them.'

"Hmm." Sounds came from Professor S, who was holding my arm out in an arm bar along her well define abs, her thighs wrapped around my head and my face pressed closed to her crotch. Professor S firm thighs were squeezing my neck and my hands held out straight pressed firm against her sports bra, which held her larger than average breasts. Professor S started to squeeze tighter with her firm tone thighs, cutting off my oxygen supply and my last thoughts were.

'Professor S smells like a refreshing ocean breeze.'

"Che, weak." Professor S said, then made me pass out from the lack of oxygen.

When I came to from passing out, the Beginner Combat class was already over and I was the last one in the training hall. Professor S was standing over my head, I could see she had a look of disappointment on her face and her bluish green pony tail was swaying back in forth as well, in dissatisfaction.

'Vincent as a character was meant to be a mana user, he was the type to use his brains and not his brawn, his scrawny body is proof of that. In order to change my fate I need to be different, and becoming an Aura user is just one of the things I need to do.'

While I was still on my back looking at Professor S from the floor, who then spent several minutes lecturing me how scrawny and weak I am, she handed me a beginner Aura training routine to follow. Taking the training guide from the professor S, I could only help but swallow, as I stared at it.

'This will kill me, doing half of this routine will kill me. Hmm, I wonder if Lance has the time, or maybe Julia. I really don't want to suffer alone in Professor S beginner's workout routine.'

After despairing and resolving myself to at least try the professor's workout routine, I went back into my regular Thornes Academy uniform, and headed to the Academy's temple.

'The Academy's temple was a place in game where you could receive a buff called a "blessing". "Blessing" was a buff system In the game, where the heroine Amelia could pray to a statue before going into the "Wilds." zones outside of the academy. One statue represented war and destruction, which was a attack boost. One statue represented peace and prosperity, which was a health boost. The last statue represented luck and fate, which increase critical chances and encounters with special dungeons in the wilds.'

Entering the Academy's temple I headed to the confession room, I didn't see Anna, but I did see another person kneeling. The person was praying at the base of an indoor pond with a stone statue at the center of it. The statue depicted 3 faceless cloaked individuals who where standing back to back to one another, their hands in different poses.

'The 3 faceless statues, represented the three blessings, and also the 3 gods the humans believe in. They were Aphira the goddess of war, Serena the goddess of peace, and Fate the god of luck.'

I activated my talent "Tipped Scale", so the negotiation will go in my favor and waited for Anna, but to my surprise the person kneeling stood up to greet me.

"Welcome to the temple-." A female voice said, in a friendly manner before her voice stop in the middle of welcoming me.

The person praying on her knees stood up, and turn to face me. The girl 16 years of age was an ethereal beauty, she had long white hair flowing down to her chest with average breast size, and rare color amethyst eyes. She was slightly shorter than the average girl her age, her pear shape figure and well develop behind stood out in her priestess attire. It was when they turned around and I saw her rare color amethyst eyes, I knew who this was.

'It was Zenna, one of the 3 saintesses in the Kingdom of Thornes. In the kingdom of Thornes there are 3 major religions, each having their own chosen saintess and Zenna was one them. Zenna was also a love rival character in the game.'

When Zenna turn to look at me, a flash of fear came across her face.

"Sir Nightingale! you should stop doing that to lady Rose." Zenna said, while stuttering and her face slightly blushing.

There was a long moment of silence between Zenna and I, as I started to process the meaning of her words.

'Is Zenna my blackmailer, but how? I'm sure the only ones who knew about Cecila and I secret meeting were her followers.'

I took a step towards Zenna, who flinch back slightly in fear.

'Zenna must be a aware of the rumors surrounding Vincent, I can use this to my advantage.'

"And what is "That", you are referring to Miss Zenna?"

I continue stepping closer to Zenna's direction, ignoring her growing fear of me. Zenna took a step back, her well develop butt already against the indoor ponds rim.

'Assume that Zenna knows nothing, she could be bluffing, but what could she possibly want?'

"Your face was in lady Rose's pee hole, and you were making her pee in your mouth." Zenna said, her face becoming more flustered with every word and her cheeks turning a deep red hue, as her head was starting to overheat from embarrassment.

'What! stay cool Vincent. Zenna doesn't know anything, I mean that literally. Play dumb and act ignorant, Zenna doesn't know'

"Miss Zenna, I believe you are mistaken with what you saw." I said to calm down a increasing embarrassed Zenna.

'It would be really bad if I did anything to harm saintess Zenna, the "temple" would become involve and they would be a hassle to deal with. The temple has allot of authority when it comes to moral doctrine, and here at the Academy they are represented by acolytes like Zenna, at best I would be banished if anything happens to her, but it might expose my relationship to Cecila. Zenna is the temple's moral representative at the academy and I have to try to keep her mouth shut.'

"I saw you with my talent "gods eye", you and lady rose were on the academy's rooftop, your face was licking lady rose pee hole and you made her pee in your mouth. Then you pulled out your really big pee pee from your pants and put it on lady rose small pee hole. You started pushing in and out of lady rose pee hole slowly at first, then started moving faster with your big pee pee, both of you were groaning in pain loudly, until-." Zenna said recounting what Cecila and I did during our "secret meeting" in extreme childish detail, as if she was there, and watched what we did up close.

'Tsk, "Gods eye", really, how could I have predicted this, and I can't get rid of Zenna it would get the "Temple." involve. '

I close the distance between Zenna and I, she step back nearly falling into the pond statue behind her, stumbling to sit over the edge as her bouncy behind touch the clear water in the pond. My hands found there place holding the ponds edge on either side of Zenna's well develop hips, being careful not to touch her. As I gaze down looking at Saintess Zenna's face, trying to look as unamused as possible, she was looking up at me terrified, as if she was a mouse caught by a cat.

"And what does Miss Zenna want, to keep this between us." I said, staring directly down into Zenna's terrified amethyst eyes, her mouth was agape.

There was a long moment between Zenna and I, as I waited for her to speak, even while looking at her, though she was terrified she had an ethereal beauty to her.

'Zenna is terrified, but maybe if I can give her what she wants she'll stay silent about Cecila and I. And I'm also enjoying bullying Zenna in this manner.'

It was then Zenna and I heard the door to the temple confession's start opening, a look of panic flashed on both our faces.

'Sh**, a witness, if rumors gets out I was in a room alone with saintess Zenna and bullying her things will become troublesome.'

I entered into the nearest place I could find, the Temple's confessional booth, but there was a problem.

Zenna followed me into the confessional booth as well and sat on top of my lap in this confine space that was only meant for one person.

Zenna's shapely bouncy butt squish comfortably onto my lap, as my hands grab her to push her off me. My hands grabbed onto Zenna's big soft bouncy behind through her slightly wet saintly robes.

"Hmm". A moan came from Zenna's lips, but both of us froze when we heard the voice of the visitor.

"Is someone there?"

It was the voice of the person I both wanted to hear from and did not at the same time. I stop struggling with Zenna, who became silent as well, as she too recognize the person voice as well, having listen to her intimate moans from atop the academy's rooftop secretly.

Zenna and I heard the visitor's foot step walking closer and open the adjacent door of the confessional booth. The visitor then enter the booth next to Zenna and I, and then sat down, their lavender scent through the partition filled my nose. My arms gave way to resting Zenna's comfortable bouncy butt against my lap as we both remain deathly silent.

"May I start confessing?" The visitor asked, for surely sensing another presence in the booth next to them.

Their was a long moments of silence that it was starting to become suspicious, that I had to Squeeze Zenna's bouncy butt, hard enough that you could consider it a pinch.

"Yes!" Zenna said in surprise.

'Cecila knows my voice, and I really don't want to have to explain why I'm in a confession booth holding on to the saintess's bouncy butt, maybe during our one year anniversary I'll tell her, but not today.'

Zenna look back at me in a incredulous look from the pinch, as I slowly started to massage that area, rubbing it with a few fingers in small circular movements as slowly as possible to ease her pain.

"Keep talking, or were both in trouble." I whisper softly into Zenna's ear, quietly enough so only both of us could hear it.

Zenna must have stop being angry, because her breathing was becoming shallow and heavy, as she turn away from looking at me putting her hands in prayer.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" Cecelia asked not expecting for an answer.

There was going to be another awkward pause again, so I gently squeeze harder on Zenna's bouncy butt to remind her to answer, before going back to the soft finger rotations from before.

"Yes." Zenna said while still praying, her breathing was becoming rougher and breathier.

"Is it wrong to fall in love with that person?"

'Is Cecila talking about me, I fell for her as well.'

"Yes." Zenna said not really paying attention the question.

"Really?" Cecila said wanting a different answer.

I grab onto Zenna's bouncy butt and squeeze both her butt cheeks together.

"No! I mean no, it's not wrong." Zenna said her voice sounding huskier.

Zenna turn to look back at me in a pleading expression, her eyes watering and face starting to pout.

'This girl is fun to tease.'

I went back to to rubbing softly Zenna's sore butt gently with my finger, who calmed back down and return to praying.

"sorry, your doing great." I whispered into Zenna's ear, so only the 2 of us could hear it.

Zenna's bouncy butt started to fidget against my lap trying to find a comfortable position to rest, but pause when she felt a soft bulge down one of my pant legs.

"That's great! I love him, I want to be with him, I can be myself around him, but. My father would never allow it, and were both engage to other people. Please, what should I do?" Cecila asked wanting to hear an answer.

Zenna's look back me with the same incredulous look from earlier, but this time with a hint of disgust.

I lean in whispered next to Zenna's ear for what I want her to tell Cecila, which cause her to calm down and look again at me for confirmation, which I nodded to in response.

"If he loves you, and you love him. Talk to him about what is worrying you." Zenna said, while with a face of complex emotions.

'Not exactly what I said, but Zenna got the point across.'

There was along moment of contemplation as Cecila began to ponder over the words she just heard.

"I will, thank you for listening to my confession today.' Cecila said.

The door next to us open up as Zenna and I heard Cecila's foot step's walk away and leave the confession room, only when we heard the door close did we both breathe a sigh of relief. I push Zenna off me roughly out the confession booth and onto the ground before standing up to adjust myself.

"I suggest we keep quiet about today, we wouldn't want the temple finding out about this." I said.

Zenna was on the ground of the confession room, her eyes started watering up, as she look up to me with a sadden and pouting face, rubbing her sore behind with her hands.

'I'm bluffing, I don't want the temple finding out about this, but I don't have any other play, then to try and reverse blackmail Zenna.'

Zenna's amethyst eyes started to fall downward, her gaze stopping to rest on my academy's pants. There was a clear wet spot on my pants that outline my sleeping cock, Zenna was staring with her mouth agape.

"Do we have a deal? miss Saintess." I said to Zenna, unsure of my bluff was working or not.

Zenna nodded in confirmation, as I walked past her and whispered one last thing into her ear, which cause her to gulp a mouthful of saliva.

'I don't like threatening people, it's something the old Vincent would do, Hopefully Zenna will be the last.'

With that I left the academy's temple and head back to my loft back to my love Cecila.

Zenna's POV.

'What was that! I feel hot my lower half feels tingly when I look at him. When he touch me, my heart started to pound so hard. Why did I want him to touch me more, no this is wrong, he's a bad person, he has that "thing" between his legs, it must be a tool for evil, yes a evil tool meant to corrupt innocent people like lady Rose. Don't worry lady rose I'll save us both from his corruption. Eh, I feel like I'm forgetting something, he said something about coming back here.'

Zenna's hand slowly move down along her pear shapely body, from the outside of her saintly robes and unknowingly started rubbing the entrance of her holy cave. Small moans of pleasure escape from Zenna's lips, startling her out of a trance making her realize her uncontrolled actions. The Saintess started to pray to the 3 faceless statues for the rest of the day, and trying to forget about the pleasure she felt and thinking about what to do about a boy.

You are reading story I Became A Capture Target In A Otome Game. at novel35.com

POV End.

It's been a long day, all I want to do is take a bath in my loft, and by the time I got back to my place, which is located in a secret back alley near the academy, I saw the person I wanted to see the most waiting for me in front of the cafe called, "Vincent's cafe".

'The cafe is own by me, and is never open, except when Vincent is meeting with a potential client, this is his base of operation when he conducts any shady business dealing.'


Celia ran up to me burying her head in my chest, as I reflectively held her tightly in my arms, my fatigue washed away by her presence.

I buried my head into Celia's long platinum hair and sniff my favorite smell in the whole wide world.

'I wish I could have this smell on me all the time, but someone is bound to become suspicious why I smell like the crown princes fiance.'

Sniff. could be heard as Cecila too was breathing in my scent.

'Do I smell funny, I did work out today, this is why I wanted to take a bath.'

Sniff. Cecila continues sniffing me as she were a dog that caught onto a specific scent, I had a realization which made me nervous and start to sweat a little.

Sniff. Cecila kept sniffing, trying to figure out a certain smell on me, but was unable to.

"What's wrong? Do I smell bad?" I said trying to distract her.

'This isn't lying to Cecila, this is tactically choosing not to tell her everything that happen today.'

"it's nothing." Cecila said with a suspecting tone.

Sniff. Cecila seem very interested in what was in my Academy jacket pocket, as I pull out and handed her the letter.

Cecila was puzzle at first but after reading the letter, became nervous and asked who sent the letter and I assured her I can take care of it.

"Hey Vin, What you do if people did find out about us?" Cecila said, looking at me for answers.

'I've thought long and hard about this, this question also ties into my fate to avoid the bad ending for me in the games.'

"I love you Ceci, if people found out, lets elope together if possible, if they tried to separate us."

'I love Cecila, but I don't know if she loves me the same way or enough to throw away her entire life away to be with me.'

"I understand if you don't want to-" I said before being cut off, as Cecila jump me pulling me into a passionate kiss.

Cecila POV.

'I was raise to be elegant, graceful, and poised. From a young age I was taught to create the perfect image everyone else wanted me to be, to be the perfect example of a noble's daughter, to be unable to feel comfortable with just being myself. My friends were decided for me, my fiance was decided for me, and even my entire life was decided for me, but it didn't bring me any amount of happiness. It was when I convince my father to let me attend school with my fiance I was given a little amount of freedom, I met Vincent. Vincent didn't know who I was, he made me laugh, he made me feel safe, and he made me feel comfortable with being myself. It was the next day I learn he was an academy student, I was so excited that we could see each other at school. When I saw him talking to my fiance the crown prince, I became sadden if Vincent was a ploy my father used to test my fidelity, which I failed. It was when Vincent with his look of surprise realize who I was and began acting proper did I hope again that the thing we share together was real. I used my followers to set up a secret meeting and sent Vincent a message with my talent "Secret Message". We talk, we bonded, and I felt I could be myself again with Vincent, free to be me with him. It was when my friends were warning me about Vincent, I started having my doubts, we both have fiances and our statuses were too far apart to change any of that. It was when Anna started telling me of the rumors surrounding Vincent which made me worry if I was making the right choice, was Vincent hiding something from me? I went to the temples after school to resolve some guilt and ask for advice from the confession acolyte, who told me to talk to Vincent. I love him so much, like a deep connection that I've known him for a long time that I can't explain and became over joyed when I saw him again. It was when I heard the words "Lets elope together" I knew Vincent was the one for me, and I truly love him from the bottom of my heart.'

POV End.

After several minutes of kissing, I pulled out a map of the known world spread across an empty table to show Cecila.

'Kingdom of Thornes is located on the southern west peninsula on the continent of Alta, which is home to several human nations fighting for dominance, but who are currently at peace at the moment. Alta is one of five known continents in the world of Pangrea. The other four continents are, The Beast Lands, home of the beast kin tribes, Deidren, home of the demon alliance, Feyheim, home of the fey creatures, and Gola, home of the golem race. According to the legends of this world their used to be a sixth continent called Virtsa but it said to have ascended into the skies'

If I'm going to elope with Cecila, first I'm going to need money, allot of money for her and I, to live comfortably for the rest of our lives.

'Maybe pick one continent and set up a human cafe, I feel like that could work.'

Second a connections, I need to make some legitimate friends.

'I'm a new Vincent, no more meeting with shady clients.'

"Lets try and wait after graduation." Cecila said, than kissed my face which was showing a look of worry.

'Cecila is so smart, now I have some time to plan it out.'

It was when I stop worrying about the future, I started to unbutton my academy's uniform and headed up stair into my loft.

"What are you doing?" Cecila ask with curiosity.

"I was going to take a bath when I got home and you kept sniffing me so I forgot, your welcome to join me if your so concern about my smell." I said in a teasing manner and a smile of mischief widening into a smirk.

A blush and a smile form on Cecila face as she quickly follow me up into my loft as we started to undress each other and getting the bath ready.

'The bath in Vincent's loft is quite large and can fit several people in it.'

After activating the water and heat runes in the large square shape bath, I slowly ease my weary body into the warm water from a long and tiring day.

It was when Cecila and I were undressing each other, she command me to enter first and I listen to her obediently.

'Come to think about it, have I seen Cecila completely naked yet?'

While pondering useless thoughts the person in question entered the room, wearing nothing but a medium size bath towel cover around her petite body and modest breast.

I watch Cecila every moment in anticipation as she enter the large square bath and went to sit with her back against me snuggling into my chest in comfort like it was the most natural thing to do. Only a thin bath towel separating our skins from completely touching one another. My head lean forward and sniff Cecila's head, her scent brought me a sense of comfort when I did.

'Cecila still smells like lavender.'

My cock was hardening under Cecila, who was resting comfortable in my lap.

It was a few minutes before Cecila reach down into the warm bath water as her delicate hands began to wrap around my growing cock.

"Ceci, do you want to?" I asked hoping for a yes.

"Hmm, no." Cecila said, as she continued to play with my growing and hardening cock in her delicate hands.


It was a few minutes of pleasure and agony as Cecila continue to play with my cock in the warm bath water as she were trying to figure out how it worked.

'Is Cecila just curious.'

"Do you want to see it?" I whispered in Cecila's, a low amount of lust in my voice from her touching me down there.

A shy nod was Cecila's response, as I slowly sat on the edge of the bath corner, my legs open wide for her to come closer and my expose cock erected into the air for her to see.

My half erected cock is being stare at, seriously by Cecila, who move closer for a better look. I can feel Cecila's warm breath just inches away as she stared at my cock with curious eyes. Cecila golden eyes moved up from the base of my water soaked balls all the way to my cock's head and back down tracing the different thick veins running along my member.

'It looks like Cecila is trying to search for my weak points, I'm more than happy to show her.'

"Right here and here." I said, pointing to the base and the cock head, which Cecila started to wrap her delicate hands around that part. My cock started to twitch from Cecila touch as she took the initiative to start gently massaging the base of my shaft and penis head.

"Hmm." Small amounts of pleasure started building in my cock, as Cecila was massaging the base and head, her eyes lock on to the entirety of my dick. My lust was starting to become unlock from it's cage.

Cecila wanted to know what to do next, as she look into my eyes with her golden color ones, as if she was telling me to give her a hint without telling her.

'This girl, is really not going to ask for help, huh.'

I position my hips that was in front of Cecila's face, and slowly started to pump my hip with my cock still in her delicate hands in a rocking motion for a minute to indicate what she needed to do, before stopping my hips resting it back on the bath's edge.

Cecila started to stroke my cock up and down trying to pump me into a climax, with her playful teasing look, seems to bring her some amusement watching me become more disheveled. As my breathing and facial expression was becoming rougher, the longer Cecila continued to stroke my cock, which was now fully erect.

'I can't lose here, if she makes me cum like this, her teasing will only get worst from here on out.'

With a quick movement, I've lifted Cecila from the bath water turning her to face away from me, to sit on my lap over my erect cock. Cecila had a look of surprise and a startle laugh, as she turn to face to me for an answer for interrupting her work.

I just pressed my lips to Cecila's lips as I gave her my answer as my hands started rubbing her modest breast over her thin bath towel. Cecila's hands fumble to keep the towel in place as I started to fondle her modest breast, as she stop kissing me to catch her breath.

"Vin, the towel, please." Cecila said sounding desperate.

'Cecila's breast might be a sensitive topic for her, I better stop.'

"Sorry, I got a little excited." I said to Cecila calming down a bit from her plea.

"I want to show them to you when they get bigger OK, so don't look until I say so." Cecila said as if it was a matter of fact.

'I really love this girl.'

With that out of the way we quickly got back into rhythm as Cecila continued to stroke me from this position with her delicate hands. My hand were stroking Cecila's thighs in tandem, gently rubbing her high inner parts with my thumbs near her clitoris. Cecila's breathing was becoming rough as well, as we started to make out in this position and masturbated each other.

It was a few minutes after we started this impromptu game of who can get who off first, when I felt a building pressure at the base of my cock.

"Come for me Ceci, I want you to cum for me." I whispered into Cecila's ear, as I use one thumb to gently massage her clitoris in small circular motions, and my other hand began stroking the inner wall entrance of her secret cave, that was already flooding with her love juices.

After a few minutes of Cecila and I pleasuring each other, we both reached a climax.

Cecila's hips push forward and her entire body began to shudder in pleasure, as my cock soon followed by ejaculating in her hands into the bath as well.

Both Cecila and I sank back down into the warm bath water, as we cuddle together for several minutes with listless faces, before taking a proper bath together.

'Cecila's skin is so silky smooth to touch.'

Afterward Cecila return back to the Academy's dorms, it would get suspicious if she came over every day to my place. We only can meet each other twice in the week during school, Cecila will contact me when to meet with her "talent", are class schedules don't match this semester.

'Should I change my classes to match with Cecila, no this is for the future, I'll bear with it for now. I feel like I'm forgetting something about the dorms, I pretty sure Vincent has a dorm room, but never uses it.'

After failing to convince Cecila to spent another night over like she did yesterday. Cecila and I kissed and said "I love you to one another." before I walked her to the entrance to the academy.

'I hope Cecila doesn't get in trouble for curfew, students aren't allowed to leave the academy's grounds during certain hours.'

I return to my loft with a deep feeling of satisfaction as I went to bed with a smile on my face and plans for the future.

'4 years in the academy until graduation, and the final ending of the game as well.'

POV Thornes Academy Library Evening.

A girl 15 years of age, with long frizzy auburn hair, bright brown eyes, and a modest face sat by herself alone at an empty table in a secluded spot in the Academy's library. The girl was diligently writing away in her notebook in a focus studious manner, there was a growing anger building up in her.

"Tsk." sound could be heard as the ink pen in the girl's hand snap into two pieces, as she gritted her teeth and blood started dripping from  between her fingers.

'How dare someone change Vincent's default settings. It's been 15 years since I've reincarnated into this game world and I finally got into Thornes Academy. Only to find out that their is another person who reincarnated here as well, but who is it? It can't be Vincent I've already interacted with him already, and he's the same scumbag character as he was in the game. No it must be someone trying to capture Vincent, and by the looks of it his affection levels for them they must have spent a lot of time with him, if they manage to take him to the "Barber shop" already.'

The face of a light strawberry haired girl with emerald green eyes and had a round cheek bone face with freckles, flashed in the her mind.

'Julia, huh, It would make sense if someone did reincarnate as her, they would have plenty of time to raise Vincent's affection levels to that degree. I'll just show Julia whose boss, and get her chase out of the academy if she turns out to be a reincarnator. Lets see, should I trigger Vincent's route early, no, it would mess up my plans. Well no matter, Vincent is a scumbag character, only I know the best way to capture him. For I am the heroine in Welcome to Thornes Academy.'

On the table in the academy library where she sat at, were sprawled out pieces of paper with the title plans, "The Main Capture Targets of WTTA plan." on different sheets of paper had different names on them. Alan, Chris, Marcus, Lance, Oliver, and Vincent each written on different sheets of paper with hearts floating above each name. Next to those names was a thick leather bound note book with Property of Amelia Bernard written onto the cover.

POV End.

Chapter End.

A/N I've almost finished introducing the main cast, the last 2 will be introduce in the next chapter bringing the introduction arc to a close, Also considering changing the name of the series to "Welcome to Thornes Academy". Let me know in the comments about the name change.

Thank you for reading.

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