I Became A Capture Target In A Otome Game.

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

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I, Vincent De Nightingale, a 15-year-old boy with memories of my past life as a game developer reincarnated in the game called "Welcome To Thornes Academy," an R-15 Otome RPG, Which i was working on a DLC for the game before I died. I'm currently at Thornes academy heading to royal class A, and drawing a lot of attention from the female students.

'I can't tell if there is something wrong with me, is there something on my face, do they think I'm attractive? I've never been this popular with girls or is it because of the rumors surrounding Vincent? Vincent is a criminal mastermind as well as one of the 6 main capture targets in the game, with the nickname the prince of crime. Vincent is a fence in the criminal underworld, he could get you anything you needed but at a price usually for trade, he crafts illegal potions as a side hustle, and he grew up as an orphan pickpocketing. But that is all in the past because I want to escape from the game endings.'

It was then on my way to royal class A, I met my new friend Lance Howle, a 2nd year student with light purple hair, a fierce demeanor, and striking Turquoise eyes. Lance is a fellow capture target, despite looking like a fantasy delinquent, is a really nice guy to hang out with.

We greeted one another and exchanged pleasantries.

Lance looking tired said he was working a graveyard shift.

'Literally, he was working in a graveyard, smashing the dead who decide to rise from their graves like a game of wack a mole. In the game, if you had extra stamina to spend you could get a part-time job after school to earn extra money, and also you could trigger lance's capture route.'

'I wonder if I can help Lance out a little. The currency system in the game was a shill to players, and was a way to encourage microtransaction for more premium currency to take capture targets on dates.'

'The game wasn't even free to play, it was a base cost game, with DLC and shop microtransactions, nearly making me rage quit so many times, but played the game because I was a part of the team making the DLC adding fantasy races into the game.'

I offered Lance a part time job if he needed money, he then paused and said he needs some time to think about it.

'It seems lance is also aware of the bad rumors surrounding Vincent, but its OK I still consider him my friend. Maybe I should have made it clear I need a fitness buddy to work out with me.'

I entered Royal Class A and sat down next to another fellow capture target Christopher De Thornes, the crown prince of the Thornes kingdom. Chris was the same age as Vincent, he had wavy blonde short hair, a prince charming face, and kind blue eyes.

'Chris is considered the main capture target in the game, a very popular character among fans, and to trigger his route you had to meet with him in secret to get him to open up to you.'

I'm sitting next to Chris for a few reasons, he is one of my few friends that I have, and two is to secretly watch the girl sitting next to him Cecila De Rose, a love rival to the heroine in the game and the person I'm secretly having affair with behind his back.

'I don't have many chances to meet with Cecila at school, and she can't visit me at my loft too often, or else it would be suspicious, so these brief moments I get to see her means a lot for her, and I, even if we don't show it openly.'

The homeroom professor Alan fields, another fellow capture target came into the classroom, and announce that next week will be our first field trip into the "Wilds" outside the academy.

'We will be in teams of four if I remember correctly, the combat tutorial will be starting soon. If I team up with Chris, then Cecila will also be there, and that would leave the 4th spot open.'

A frizzy auburn long hair girl 15 years of age with bright brown eyes and a modest face walked into royal class A, I then return to my assigned seat. It was the heroine of the game and the person who triggers a lot of my bad endings, Amelia Bernard.

'Not her, anyone else but her.'

'But you don't have any other "friends" in class?'

'Shut up, I can make another friend in the class before next week.'

'... Can you though?'

My eyes were drawn to Cecila who sat looking like an elegant painting next to the crown prince, who was talking to the heroine Amelia.

I can overhear Cecila trying to convince Amelia to switch seats with me because she is a commoner and deserves to be in the back. Now Chris is defending Amelia from Cecila's harassment, this is the exact scene where he invites her to be on his team, for next week's combat tutorial.

'Is it wrong that I find Cecila incredibly hot right now, bullying the Heroine Amelia, or should I be concerned that she showing off her inner villainess, which could lead to a bad ending for both of us.'

'It's about her inner villainess, right?'


I looked out the classroom window at the training ground in the middle of the academy, where I can see other students in a variety of colors running around, then a burst of red energy erupted near them.

Looking over to find the culprit of that red energy, the Aura Professor Lara Seakane, a woman 20 years of age with a Bluish-green long ponytail wearing an open red tracksuit, a black sports bra, black spandex leggings, unleashing that red Aura energy. Several students laid out around looking unconscious twitching and hopefully still alive.

'That was a rank 2 Aura ability called burst. In-game players had access to a variety of different abilities depending on what path they chose, but they could only choose a total of 4 of them whether they were passive or active abilities. Since I'm Vincent and I'm going down the path of the Aura user I've chosen what abilities I wanted. Unicorn horn to sense incoming dangers, Dire wolf dreams to help me find hidden items, and the essence of a banshee will give me a stunning scream attack to defend myself, the fourth ability tends to be randomly leading to repeat play through of the game.

The fastest way to beat the game was to find hidden items, gold, and a secret dungeon in the wilds, you didn't have to defeat monsters you just had to break the dungeon core to win. Also with Vincent's talent of "Tipped Scales," this build will allow me to beat this game with minimal effort and earn enough money to elope with Cecila faster.'

It was when I was looking at the window I saw my own reflection and fell into a trance, only to snap out of it, when Professor Alan was wrapping up the homeroom in royal class A.

'Dammit, it happened again, it might be a good idea to ask Cecila on a date this weekend to change my looks. For an otome game, one of the key features was taking the capture target out on dates to the city of Rosen, and customizing their looks to match the players' preference for a small microtransaction of course, but I found it weird that a target would go school in swim trunks and no one would say anything about it in-game.'

Today my class schedule was homeroom, introduction to baking, Fey languages, lunch, free period, Introduction to Aura, and beginner crafting.

'One thing Vincent and I do share is our love of cooking, so I chose this class for me. The fey languages because I might have to escape or elope one day, and Feyheim culture is similar to the human one on Alta, with the fey being more in touch with nature.'

In my introduction to baking my cooking partner was someone I knew from the game. He was a boy 16 years of age, had frosty Silver hair, and his eyes were a deep shade of purple. The boy wore the standard Academy uniform for boys with a priest collar underneath indicating he was from the "temple" and also a Thornes academy 2nd-year student.

'This person was Marcus a priest in training and one of the 6 main capture targets from the game. Marcus was also the first capture route I played through. The capture route for Marcus was fairly simple and straightforward, it was some what forbidden for the temple acolytes to fall in love or else they would lose their divine protection. It was saintess Zenna who was your love rival in the game, who tried to persuade you not to fall in love with Marcus, but didn't really stop you in any way, making him a fairly easy target to go after. They're several endings for Marcus on top of the regular ones, one where he loses his divine protection and chooses to be with the heroine Amelia, One where Amelia gains divine protection, replacing Zenna who became possessed by an evil god, and one where Amelia and Marcus take over the kingdom through a religious purge, turning the Thorne Kingdom into The Holy Thorne Empire. To be honest, having the heroine falling in love with Marcus might be my best option in changing Vincent's fate, because he's only executed in the holy empire ending, starting a fake charity.'

It was when we were making chocolate chip cookies I learn that Marcus can't bake to save his life, and the only reason he's learning is that that the temple forbids him to bake for the orphans of Rosen. Marcus's cookies turn out black and burnt despite both our cookie trays entering the runic oven at the exact same time.

'Marcus seems really troubled by this, this could be my chance to change Vincent's image.'

I offer him to help him with teaching him how to bake over the weekend inviting to the cafe under Vincent's loft, and Marcus was moved to tears crying into my shoulder, which I console him by rubbing his back.

'Did I make a mistake? How bad can his baking be.'

We both were the only boys in class as I begin to hear the familiar rumor whispers from the female students, ignoring them to comfort my new friend Marcus.

'See I can make new friends.'

'Uhuh, sure.'

In my next class Fey languages, I was surprised to see that the Professor was an elf. There were only 2 other people in the class and I knew both of them, Brianna and Daphne, or how I like to call them "Yellow" and "Pink", 2 of Cecila's Followers, who were sitting on either side of me.

"Hey Vincent, I'm rooting for you." Pink Said.

"Don't worry about us we can keep it a secret," Yellow said.

I could only nod to them and smile Wryly

'Of course, they know, Cecila's followers saw me meet with her yesterday, but at least they don't seem hostile to me about it.'

I at least want to be on friendly terms with them, so I gave them baked cookies I made and ask them to pass some on to Cecila, along with a note asking her on a date this weekend. They happily agreed, and Daphne even ate some of the cookies during class ignoring the elf professor who was eyeing the cookies.

'It will be easier to date Cecila, if I can get some of her followers to be on my side.'

The long elf ears of the professor started twitching in annoyance, as she started class.

"Human children can call me Lexi, I'm a fey elf from Feyheim, and-." The professor said in somewhat of a dead tone.

Professor Lexi was a female elf with the appearance of a young girl, she had long hair that seem to shift between colors, was shorter than the average female height, had a flat chest, and a slender pretty face. Lexi's long ear seem very expressive despite having a deadpan expression and her color-shifting hair was like a living mood ring as we quickly learned. This would be her first time teaching human children making us her first human students.

'The fantasy race DLC is in play, if I remember correctly it was a 2nd year DLC after players completed the first year of school. The other fantasy races would send some of their students next year for an exchange program, and if the heroine Amelia picks any of the fantasy races the endings would lead to the destruction of the Thornes kingdom, so I'll have to steer her to pick from the main capture targets at least.'

It seems professor Lexi is also new to the human continent because she mainly asks us questions for the entire class, rather than the other way around, she also seems really interested in the sweets I made.

'I should bake the professor sweets for next time, maybe she can tell me what Feyheim is like and what the easiest way to travel there is.'

I actually remember this time how I got to the upper lunchroom dining hall, and was happy to see Daphne share the cookies with the rest of the followers, then gave Cecila my note. I could even see Anna grumbling while eating a cookie as she openly death glared in my direction.

'I'll win you over one day, Anna, You'll see.'

it's because of Anna glaring at me Cecila can look over in my direction and secretly mouth "Yes," holding the note up, before returning to talking to her followers.

'I wonder what disguise should I wear on my date with Cecila.'

I didn't even pay attention to the conversation with Chris the person I was eating lunch with, which was my mistake.

"So, for next week I think our team should be me, you, Cecila, and Amelia, what do you think?"

All I heard was Cecila name and nodded my head, before realizing that Chris and Amelia would be there as well.

'Maybe I can give Amelia a helping hand with the crown prince, it seems she is going down his route anyway, I can help her out with that. It's not because I want to secretly spend more time with Cecila, I really want to help a friend out.'

It was when I was returning to royal class A, that I found another blank envelope on my desk again.

'If this is from Zenna again, I swear.'

The letter was a love confession letter to Vincent asking to meet him at the old classrooms behind the academy.

'I'm really weak to these kinds of things, This is another thing Cecila doesn't need to know about, I was quick to learn she is very prone to jealousy, and I don't want her to cause trouble to anyone else not necessarily.'

I stuff the letter into my pocket and plan to turn them down gently after school, and spent my free period in the academy library.

'The Academy library was a huge labyrinth you could spend your free time in, in the game if your grades were good enough you could take your capture targets on school study dates.'

There was only me and another girl in the study area, someone who I didn't recognize, but looked familiar. The girl was 16 years of age, had long light color green hair, wearing a red beret, large circle frame glasses, which made her red-orange eyes stand out, and was surrounded by books with similar titles, "Gold is all you really need", "Only money will solve your life's problems, and 50 ways to avoid paying taxes".

'My instincts are telling me to avoid this girl, she looks to be a commoner trying to make money. Similar to how Vincent whose scams of selling fake stamina potions in the academy to students, led to him becoming a drug lord.'

I kept quiet and read books in the Library that would secretly boost my stats and not as their titles would suggest, which are dirty romance novels. "The secret affair of the queen's personal butler", "I tamed the foreign savage", and "The scandalous lady and her loyal men."

I can feel the light green hair commoner student's judgemental stare as I read the books.

'These books are pretty interesting.'

I then went to the final 2 classes with no trouble, even Anna who I got accustomed to glaring at me had a relaxed expression on her face.

'See, I knew cookies were the right way to go.'

It was after the beginner crafting with Oliver De Foxwitt, another capture target from the game, and making sure he was getting enough to eat I was heading to the old academy classrooms to turn down someone's confession, did I receive a message from Cecila's Talent "Secret message."

I heard her voice in my head.

"Vincent! watch out for Anna."



Fade to black.

The taste of a syrupy amber liquor ran down my throat, and brought me back to my senses, as I was starting to wake up.

'Was I just jumped by four girls with wooden bats? and I thought I was making progress with them.'

"Will this stuff really work Anna?" Blue said.

"Don't say my name, and yes, the person I bought it from recommended for only one drop, so the entire vile should turn him into a wild beast," Black said.

"I feel really sorry for Julia though. Oh well, she's a commoner anyway, besides she's his fiance, she might like it." Yellow said.

"He's waking up! Sorry about this Vincent, the cookies were really delicious though." Pink said.

"Let's get out of here, he'll be waking up soon, one of you needs to inform his fiance about him "assaulting" us, his head will roll or he'll be kicked out of the academy and Lady Cecila won't have to deal with this trash ever again."

I could hear footsteps leave and a door slam shut, my eyes open to find an empty classroom. As my body was gradually heating up from whatever went down my throat.

My breathing was becoming erratic, and my heart was beating louder, as the academy uniform, became uncomfortable to wear, as lust started to fill my head with carnal desires. Soon my head would shut off making me lose my reason.

My Mouth, my body, and my lust were becoming thirstier with the passing second, with the need to satisfy it. My consciousness became out of focus as my mind started to enter into a light daze

My actions became restricting except for one desire, which was to quench my growing lust and satisfy it.

Drools started to escape my lips

'Sh**, this drug is really good. Think Vincent Cecila's followers just drug you with an unknown aphrodisiac.'

My body was only getting hotter and disheveled as time went by, I was in no state to leave the academy.

'What did they give me, I can craft a counter agent to relive some of the effects long enough to pass through my system back at the loft.'

I compromise by taking off my academy jacket and a few buttons from the shirt underneath.

'Focus, if you lose it, if you fall asleep, if you give in, it's all over you will never be with Cecila, you will suffer the same fate and nothing will change.'

A thread of reason and sanity returned to me, as I manage to gain control of myself, but I had to act quickly not knowing how long it will last.

'Focus! lock or barred the classroom door first, buy enough time before-.'

The front of the empty classroom door opened, and it was a person I didn't want to see, It was my fiance Julia Daystone with her sword drawn out in front of her.

"Vincent how could you!" Julia said, with a painful tear expression holding a sword and coming closer to me, either to kill me, arrest me, or both.

My reason went out the window as I threw my academy jacket at Julia and I pounce on her pinning her to the ground, her sword sliding to the corner of the room.

Julia struggled underneath me as I just held her in place, with her arms above her head being held by me. It was when Julia look into my eyes she could sense something was wrong.


'I can't hear Julia, but her soft kissable lips are moving, I've never noticed before but Julia looks gorgeous, I'm a lucky person to have her as my fiance.'

'STOP, fight it, that is the aphrodisiac talking.'

My head was becoming insane from trying to fight back this uncontrollable desire, as whatever I was giving was making my body burn with a lust-filled fever.

"Julia, I'm going to kiss you now," I said to Julia in a passionate tone and watch to see her reaction

Julia's emerald green eyes were filled with fear and hesitation when I said those words.

'Not once, has Vincent thought of Julia romantically, but always as a childhood friend.'

I prolonged the kiss for as long as I could, as seconds felt like minutes. My lips were about to press onto Julia's lips, until soft delicate hands guided me in a different direction. I felt the familiar soft sensation I was already accustomed to kissing me. It was Cecila who enter the room unnoticed and guided my kiss to her saving me in the process of kissing Julia.

That kiss brought me back to sanity as I was led from atop of Julia to standing in front of Cecila kissing her with such passion.

I could only utter a single word before my conscious entered a foggy state filled with lust and desire.

"Loft," I whispered into Cecila, not wanting to use her in a passionate way but to get to the loft where my materials were to make an Aura Core.

My head entered into a fog-like state trying to control my actions to a certain extent, I can hear the whispering voice of students, while I felt like I was being carried.

"Hey is Vincent OK?"

"Did Daystone makeup with Vincent."

"I know they are engaged, but do they have to be so intimate with each other."

"What a lovely couple, they look good with one another."

"Vincent, stay with me, follow my voice were almost there."

'That Cecila's voice, just follow her voice, focus on it.'

I came back to full senses for a brief moment.

"Hah, ha, ha."

Cecila was pinned down underneath me out of breath and panting heavily, both of us were on the staircase leading into the loft. Cecila Academy's uniform was half torn open exposing her bra and modest breasts.

"Vin, are you there?" Cecila said, looking into my orange-reddish eyes with her golden color ones, with a look of fear and understanding.

'Sh**, I lost focus for just a moment and I'm already hurting Cecila.'

"Yes Ceci, I'm here," I said with my forehead resting against Cecila's forehead, having a moment of lucidity for now.

You are reading story I Became A Capture Target In A Otome Game. at novel35.com

"Ceci, I need your help," I said.

Then we both headed into the loft upstairs.

'Has it been minutes, hours, or days? I made my Aura core in less than favorable conditions. I had a dream I was a hungry wolf named Vincent, my fur was a lush dark blue, my eyes a striking orange-red, and I was a scrawny wolf wearing a spiked collar sleeping peacefully tied by a chain to a post. There was a strawberry armor knight approaching the post sign that read "Do not approach."'

As a wolf, I growled, snarled, and gritted my teeth at the strawberry knight, but the knight took the collar off my neck and I pounced on him. The strawberry knight was quickly defeated barely putting up a struggle before disappearing, and all that remained was a jar of strawberry honey, with only a thin pink fabric with a tiny bow onto covered the dripping jar before me, a hungry blue wolf.'

Lick. Lick. The strawberry honey tasted wonderful, my wolf thirst was starting to become quench, but the honey jar was trembling and trying to get away.

The blue wolf wouldn't let this delicious meal getaway, so the wolf held the Strawberry honey jar firmly down with his paws, burying his snout deeper into the honey jar, as warm sweet liquid started to fill the pot with more delicious honey.

The blue wolf found a magical honey jar of never-ending strawberry-flavored honey, and he would never let the jar go, not until his dry thirst was satisfied.

'This honey pot is really noisy, it keeps begging, pleading, and, moaning for me to stop drinking it, but I won't be fooled, this is a magical never-ending strawberry-flavored jam honey pot, and I won't stop until my wolf thirst is quenched and my hunger satisfied.'

Lick. Lick. Slurp. Slurp. Gulp. Gulp.

Minutes after the strawberry honey jar continued to struggle, as overflowing juices were licked and cleaned thoroughly by a blue wolf.

More minutes later the strawberry-flavored honeypot struggles became less as time went on, as the blue wolf kept devouring the incoming juices at an astonishing rate.

After almost an hour passed, the honey jar now squirted a burst of fresh flavor strawberry juice, from a hidden hole in the jar, as the wolf lick the hidden hole thoroughly causing more juices to squirt from it, the jar stop struggling at this point, only moaning incoherent word and sometimes the name of the wolf.

After a couple of hours, the blue wolf's hunger and thirst seem thoroughly satisfied as juices drip from his mouth licking his lips in satisfaction. The strawberry flavored honey jar pitifully laid empty, shuddering to try to spray more juices out its secret hole.

'I hear desperate pleas of pleasure calling my name.'

The strawberry honey pot then became a light strawberry female wolf, heavily panting, pitifully looking vulnerable, its emerald green wolf eyes looked daze and unfocused. The light strawberry wolf was in heat, as the blue fur wolf hunger had a new thirst, a sexual kind that was turning him more into an untamed beast. As the new kind of hunger was starting to take over, someone new entered the dream space. It was a knight in golden platinum armor who seem to be calling out to the blue wolf. In front of the blue wolf, he had two choices, the light strawberry fur female wolf that was in heat lying pitifully on the floor ready to be mated with, or the golden platinum knight that was calling to him, which deep down the wolf felt a deep connection to. The blue wolf whimpered and moan as he made the right choice choosing the golden platinum knight who led him back to the post he was before.

The blue wolf senses smell a delicious scent coming from the crotch of the golden platinum knight and kept sniffing. The golden platinum knight then turned into another honey jar, but this time with a white lace fabric covering the opening.

'I'm such a lucky wolf, finding two magic jars of honey on the same day.'

The blue wolf stuck its snout into the honey jar, it had a minty sweet flavor in it, this jar seem to welcome him eating from it and not like the other jar. The blue wolf could hear his name being called in delight and small delicate hands running through its dark bluish fur and after several minutes of eating directly from this jar, it turn into a beautiful elegant platinum blonde female wolf in heat.

The blue wolf's lust couldn't be stopped, as he pounce on the platinum blonde wolf, who howled in delight from his actions, she also kept angrily growling at the light strawberry wolf who was whimpering nearby.

Every time the blue wolf licked, kissed, and sucked on the platinum blonde wolf he felt a jolt of energy enter him as he continued mating with her.

Soon after the platinum blonde wolf was too tired to continue and slowly drifted to sleep in triumph over the light strawberry fur wolf, who was loudly whimpering in the corner in defeat.

'That light strawberry wolf is making me sad looking at her.'

The blue wolf crawled closer to the crying light strawberry wolf, who didn't notice him, only whimpering in defeat, before she was dragged by her ear over and made to lay next to the tired platinum blonde wolf, who was panting heavily, still shuddering from the pleasure.

'I'm a wolf, I want them both, I want a big wolf family, I want them to give birth to my wolf pups, I want to protect them, I want to provide for them, I want to give a safe home for them, I want to love them, and as a wolf, I'll have them.'

The blue wolf licked the dry and wet tears from the light strawberry wolf, licking her filled him with newfound energy. The light strawberry wolf lick the blue wolf back in response, as the platinum blonde fur wolf lay next to them asleep.

Soon my wolf licks, turned into human kisses, as the crying whimpers of that light strawberry fur wolf turn into a voice I recognize calling my name repeatedly, while lightly crying. I was no longer a wolf I became human again and the 2 female wolves from before turned into people as well.

The 2 female wolves turn into people I knew, the light strawberry fur one with emerald green eyes turned into Julia, who was lightly sobbing and crying out my name, and the other platinum-blonde fur one with golden eyes turned into my love Cecila, who was tired, all disheveled, seemingly drain of energy.

"I love you too Vincent, please love me too," Julia said with an aching love in her voice.

'I must still be dreaming, no way Julia would say this to Vincent.'

"Jules, I do love you too, but I love Cecila, there's a connection I can't explain drawing me to her," I said to dream Julia.

Cecila who was next to us smiled in triumph still in a daze lying next to Julia and I, her tired face slowly drifting to sleep with a smile on her face.

Julia's face began to tear up more whether from joy or sadness after realizing that I could hear her again.

"Then love me anyway, I've caught you, Vincent, don't you remember our promise together whenever I caught you."

Julia reach her arms out to me, and I guided them to rest on my naked waist.

'Even if I can't make real Julia happy, I can least indulge in making dream Julia a little bit happy.'

I leaned down pressing my lips into Julia's lips, indulging in this dream-like fantasy, licking my tongue on the inside of her mouth, which she happily allowed me to enter.

'Dream Julia's saliva tastes really good, It will become addicting if I continued to kiss her.'

I began pampering Julia, her face was already flushed, covered in sweat, and tears of joy. My arms caress Julia's entire body which was warm and soft to touch, small moans of pleasure came from her when my hand massage her well toned butt, her growing breast, and inner thighs

"I love you, Jules." Kiss.

"your tenacity, when you're trying to catch me." Kiss

"how you're always trying to steer me on the right path." Kiss.

"And I remember our promise, you've caught me, Jules, what will you have your magic criminal do for you."

'When we were little, Julia always played as the knight of Justice, and I was always a runaway criminal magician, whenever she caught me I would do anything she wanted for the rest of the day.'

Tears of joy overflowed from Julia, as she wrapped her arms and legs around my body in happiness.

"Vincent, make me yours, take responsibility for making me feel this way," Julia said pleading, whispering into my ear.

A warm feeling of love filled my body for Julia.

'This is a dream, I can love dream Julia.'

Dream Julia was beautiful, her naked sweat covered body was a splendor to behold, as my hands ran all over her soft and tone body, which came from years of training being from a family of knights. Julia's tone arms, to her tense shoulders, to her developing growing breasts which were already large enough to fit in my hands, to her flat stomach that show hints of her tone abs underneath soft-to-touch skin, and her glistening special cave which was already flowing with love juices, she was already ready for me.

'This dream feels so real.'

My own cock look bigger than usual, it stood fully erect on Julia's flat and firm stomach, reaching past her navel, the veins on it seems to pulse on top of her, sending chills of anticipation throughout her whole body.

"Are you sure Jules," I said to dream Julia.

'Even in a dream I still don't want to hurt Julia.'

Julia grab my cock that was resting on her flat stomach with her coarse and callus hands, which was a new sensation for me that didn't feel that bad.

"Yes," Julia said tugging a little on my erect member and giving me a pleading expression.

I reposition my bigger than usual member and place it to the entrance to her already warm wet cave entrance, which started to deform over my cock head ready to suck me in. I look into Julia's vivid emerald green eyes for one final time in confirmation.

"I love you, Vincent," Julia said to me, crying tears of joy.

I pumped my hips into Julia sliding through her secret cave, I felt a ripping membrane tearing over my cock head as I plunged a large portion of my member into her. My cock poke the end of her vaginal tunnel, hitting her womb entrance. Julia's vaginal walls clamp down on my cock like a vice grip sending a rush of dream-breaking pleasure into my brain.

'This isn't a dream is it.'

POV Julia.

Julia Shrieked in pain as her hymen was torn and lost her virginity in one swell swoop, she heard that it would be painful and thought she would lose her virginity on her wedding night to Vincent whom she was engaged, just not like this.

'I've always imagined my first time to be with Vincent, but not like this. It started a few days ago, when a girl with black hair ran up to me looking frantic and out of breath, telling me Vincent was assaulting female students in the abandoned classrooms behind the academy.

I ran as fast as I could seeing another student with light blue hair directing me to go in a certain direction. When I got to the abandoned classroom a couple more female students with yellow and pink hair stood against the door saying Vincent was inside.

I ready my sword and headed in, Vincent was already standing in the room in a daze his clothes hung loosely off him, I didn't want to believe those girls but had no choice but to turn him in.

It was then Vincent pounced on me with such strength I couldn't get him off me. We both stared a long time into each other's eyes, before Vincent told me he was going to kiss me.

I knew Vincent was going to be my first, but I wanted him to be more gentle about it. I was scared and nervous, I wasn't ready so I closed my eyes and waited to receive my first kiss from Vincent, but it never came. I open my eyes to see Vincent kissing another girl in front of me. My heart sank when I saw this, as I saw Vincent being taken away from me by this girl, who started kissing each other passionately, leaving me on the ground.

Who is this girl?

After what seemed like an eternity of them kissing in front of me, the girl asked me to carry Vincent somewhere because she didn't have the strength to do it.

I was too shocked to react but did what the girl wanted, she seem to have a dignified noble aura around her that compel me to listen to her, I shoulder Vincent and began to follow her, who was several paces away. It was when we walk through the halls of the academy I notice Vincent's condition, his breathing was heavy, his body felt hot, and he was in a trance-like state kissing my neck, I knew something was wrong. Vincent's kisses felt like light tickles at first, but soon my body was starting to feel weird as well. We were still in the academy, it was after lessons, but he was still kissing my neck in public. I was both mortified and embarrassed, but I continued to carry Vincent and follow the mysterious girl who kissed him.

Why did she kiss Vincent, What is she to him?

My mind started asking questions with answers that made my heart sink only deeper into despair. Vincent isn't himself right now, as I carry him outside the academy to a nearby close cafe that is hidden deep in an alleyway.

The girl with platinum blonde hair open the door with no hesitation, and as soon as we got inside she took Vincent away from me.

I felt sad when she took him away from me.

They both stumbled when the girl tried to carry Vincent up the stairs. I then saw Vincent push the girl onto the stairs and started to take her clothes off, he was assaulting her. I reached for my sword but it wasn't there, I was about to jump in and try to save the girl from Vincent, but she stared me down before kissing him in front of me again.

Why is my heart hurting, watching her kiss him?

Vincent came back to his senses again, the way he was looking at the girl his face had a remorseful expression as they both help each other into the room upstairs, leaving me behind.

I understood that they were lovers and that Vincent was leaving me behind.

Not knowing why, I followed them into the room upstairs and found a well-furnished loft.

Does Vincent live here, he never showed this place to me before.

It was when I followed them into one of the backrooms, I understand why he never showed me. In the backrooms, they were stolen famous artworks, priceless jewelry, various disguises, and illegal contraband outlawed by the kingdom.

Vincent! what have you gotten yourself into?

I was aware of the rumors surrounding Vincent, five years after we last met his name kept popping up in my father's incident reports but there was never any solid evidence, so my father gave me a task before meeting him again after so long, to keep an eye on him, and report anything suspicious.

It was then I was handed a mortar and petal by the platinum blond girl who was following the instruction of a now slightly lucid Vincent, who directed her to gather some of those illegal contraband, only a few i could recognize which would get him in trouble and sent to jail for a really long time.

Unicorn horn, Dire wolf dreams, and an empty core stone, is Vincent trying to make an aura core? but he's missing a crucial ingredient, but why does he have all these things in his loft,

why didn't I notice this before?

I was crying before I knew it my tears fell into the mortar as the empty core started to absorb the crushed ingredients turning a reddish purplish hue.

This should detoxify Vincent and turn him into an Aura user, but I don't want him to become one. I didn't have a choice because the platinum blonde girls snatch the Aura core away, just like she snatch Vincent away from me.

Do I like Vincent?

Vincent was tied strapped to the bed, he was covered in sweat from whatever was given to him, and he was starting to overdose on it. The Aura core was placed over Vincent's chest and slowly enter his body.

I was helpless watching Vincent spasm in pain as the Aura core was being absorbed into his body, this process would take a few days, the core would restructure his body to become stronger, faster, and tougher, making his body brand new.

I didn't want him to become an Aura User, because of this he might become a cripple, and it was safer for him to become a Mana User.

After a few hours of Vincent's pain spasms stopped, he went into a meditative sleep.

The platinum-blonde girl then asks for me to check on him tomorrow, because she can't be with him for a few days, until she sorts stuff out, and to not tell anyone about this.

This girl really loves Vincent, I can tell by the way she looks at him, my heart felt like it was breaking, but I agreed to watch him for her.

I stay by Vincent's side for the rest of the day, taking care of him, making sure he doesn't hurt himself during his pain spasms, then left for school the next day when his condition stabilized.

so her name is Cecila, it was the only name Vincent was mumbling incoherently in his sleep.

I ask around about Cecila in the academy, it turns out she's a noble, the daughter of a Duke of rose, and the crown prince's fiance.

Vincent how can you be so stupid! They will execute you for this if they found out. I have to keep this a secret, I don't want Vincent to be dead, but I want to know why he chose her over me.

I watched Cecila secretly to find out why, she was elegant, graceful, and poised, everything about her was perfect, unlike myself. Cecila was talking to the four girls I saw yesterday who said Vincent was assaulting them, her voice seem gentle, yet authoritative. The 4 girls were trembling in Cecila's presence.

Did Cecila use those girls to trick me? I was getting angry thinking that Cecila tricked me, but why?

It was then I heard a voice in my head "Go to the Academy rooftop." When I arrive on the rooftop I waited and soon Cecila arrived, the girl who stole Vincent from me. I couldn't contain my feelings anymore and pointed yelling at her, for putting him in danger, for making him this way, for tricking me with those girls, and I cried for her to give him back to me, all she said to me was to remember to check on Vincent for her in an elegant manner before leaving. After lessons were over, I rush back to Vincent's loft nearly becoming lost along the way, to my relief he was still there no one had taken him away. Vincent was delirious and in pain, he kept calling out for that girl Cecila, which made me angry.

I spent the rest of the day taking care of Vincent and trying to convince him to stay away from her, and wanted him to say my name at least one time.

I return to the dorms dejected because not once did he call for my name.

Stupid Vincent!

It was the next day that went by like a blur to me as I hurried after lessons to Vincent's loft to my joy to see him still tied to the bed sleeping peacefully.

This is my chance, it looks like he is over the worst of the Aura core transformation, if I take him somewhere safe then she won't be able to take him away from me again.

It was when I was releasing Vincent from his restraints, that he pounce on me like a wild animal, he was acting like a wolf, growling, snarling, howling at me. Wolf Vincent started sniffing me and began tearing off my lower layers of clothing with his teeth.

Vincent is a lot stronger than I remember.

My bottom half was fully exposed except for the pink panties my roommate gave to me, wolf Vincent tore right through them and began licking my exposed lower half. At first, I tried to stop him, but every time, he lick, slurp, and gulp from my genitals, a burst of pleasure silent my attempts.

Eventually, I gave up, and squirm violently from the pleasure at the mercy of wolf Vincent who was making me feel weak and getting weaker with every lick, I felt a build-up of pressure. My whole body shuddered in ecstasy, I had my first orgasm and wolf Vincent thought I was something to drink from. I could feel I was getting weaker from the constant feeling of his mouth and tongue on my lower half, as another pressure was building in me, so soon from the last one. I tried to stop him as another mind-numbing pleasure made my head go blank for a moment. None of my words reached Vincent, as the time it took the pressure to build in me was becoming shorter, and this time I struggled with all the strength I had, as a spiking of pleasure surged out from me, my mind went blank.

I lost track of time as I woke up shuddering in pleasure, another big pressure taking its time to build in me, I felt too weak to fight back as wolf Vincent kept thoroughly drinking from my lower half.

My spiking pleasures were becoming shorter and shorter, my body was heating up, and I couldn't think straight, as wolf Vincent's mouth seem to be buried deep in me. Vincent seems unaware that he was making me feel so much shame and pleasure at the same time, I didn't know what to think anymore.

Do I hate Vincent? Do I love him, all I knew is that I had to get him off me, before he drains anything else from me I was holding in, it was when I was panting for breath I notice the building of pressure stop.

Vincent was looking at me finally with a wolf-like gaze, sending a tingling sensation through my body.

I wasn't thinking, I started removing the rest of my clothes, my body felt hot, and heavy, and my mind was in a daze, all I knew is that I wanted him.

It was when I saw wolf Vincent was going to pounce on me, that girl Cecila walked into the room, and swiftly took him away from me again, she was there long enough to see me take off my own clothe and try to entice him. I was mortified to be seen by her in such a state and didn't realize how cruel she could be.

Cecila led Vincent to his bed and started removing both their clothes right in front of me, taunting me in the process by throwing every single piece at me one by one. Cecila expose her lower half to Vincent who was drawn to it like a starving wolf and he started licking her down there as he did to me. It was when that girl Cecila started moaning Vincent's name in pleasure, that the dam of emotions that were building up in me broke, she had taken him away and was showing it off. All I wanted to do was crawl into a hole and die, Cecila had won and Vincent didn't even notice me crying in the corner, as they had sex, I couldn't stop crying.

Why Vincent, you're supposed to be my fiance.

I cried for hours unable to move, as Cecila kept moaning in pleasure Vincent's name, until she collapsed onto the bed as a shuddering mess.

It was a biting pain in my ear that brought me out of my despair, Vincent still acting like a wolf drag me over onto the bed where Cecila was now sleeping. It was Vincent who got on top of me and I was genuinely confused about what was happening, he started to gently lick away my tears, which brought me a sense of comfort.

Do I hate Vincent? no, deep down I always imagine I could change him, stop him from doing any crimes and we would get married one day. Do I love Vincent? I don't know, but I want him to love me and not her.

It was when Vincent's face was close enough, that I kissed him, and held him in my arms.

I've caught you, Vincent, please come back to me.

It was when I saw Vincent being back to normal, I said everything in my heart that I've always wanted to say to him, but was too scared to say for fear he might run away from me.

POV End.

I could only hug Julia in a tight hug like when we were little, whenever Julia started crying, I hug her until she calm down. I look over to see the face of my love Cecila, who was sleeping peacefully.

'I keep forgetting an important fact, Vincent is a scumbag, and I am Vincent.'

Chapter End.

A/N I will be capping the chapters to be around 3ooo-5000 words.

Thank you for reading.

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