I Got Turned Into A Demon-Girl And I Am *Totally* Ok With This!

Chapter 28: 28. Exuberant

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"This is going to be absolutely EPIC!" I giggled as I stared at myself in the mirror. "Best halloween party ever!"

Melissa laughed, "As long as we don't get raided by the church or something. I know these are supposed to be costumes but I can't help feeling like we're pushing our luck a little bit, you know?"

I just giggled again, then turned and practically danced out of the bathroom to help the others with the final preparations. Not that there was much left to be done, we'd spent most of the day getting everything ready. This was the day I'd been waiting for practically all year. It was halloween, it was Saturday, there was a full moon tonight, and the DLP was ready to party.

The past week I quickly learned how to do the shapeshifting stuff, while we all came up with ideas for our magic-fuelled costumes.

To no-one's surprise whatsoever, me and Mira decided to be identical twin demon-girls. Both of us had matching horns, tails, and wings on full display. Wings! I finally had wings and every time I thought about that it put a huge smile on my face. In addition to the wings and horns and tails me and Mira tinted our skin red, and we were wearing matching black bikini tops, shorts, and low-heeled shoes.

My girlfriends all had a theme going on as well. Melissa went for the same thing as last year, she gave herself fuzzy pink cat-ears and a long fluffy pink tail. Susan had a pair of tall furry fox-ears and a big floofy red tail with a white tip, to match her red hair. And the two of them talked Amber into sporting a pair of big round mouse-ears and a long skinny mouse tail. I had a feeling the succubus cutie made herself even smaller for the night too, though it was hard to tell since she was in heels.

One thing Susan made clear to all of us and all the guests was we couldn't have any actual nudity at the party tonight. Mostly because we were in a residential neighbourhood and there'd be kids coming to the door trick-or-treating, and we had a load of candy to give out. We all wanted to show off our 'costumes' to the neighbours, but we didn't want to get in any actual trouble.

The other thing was costumes weren't mandatory, so we knew some guests probably wouldn't bother. That was ok too, and we definitely weren't doing a contest or anything since a bunch of us had magic as an unfair advantage. It was all just for fun and for showing off.

Sam and Troy arrived early to help with the setting up and stuff again too, and even they got into the spirit. Melissa's brother dressed up like the Joker, while Troy was in a pretty good Harley Quinn get-up. According to Troy he tried to talk Sam into dressing as Poison Ivy, but Melissa's brother wasn't quite as adventurous as his boyfriend.

"Hey Sue," I said as I approached the curvy sexy foxgirl, "Need a hand?"

She was opening boxes of chocolate bars and dumping them into one of our big coolers that we had set up by the front door. It was already nearly full, with bags of chips and packages of candy. And all of it was the full-size stuff too, not the little mini 'fun-size' stuff that most places passed off as halloween treats.

Yeah, we were going to totally destroy the trick-or-treat market for this neighbourhood. The DLP would be loved by kids, hated by parents and dentists, and envied by everyone else.

"Nah I've got this," she smiled as she emptied another box of chocolate bars into the bin. "Can you light the jack-o-lanterns? I know it's a bit early, but a lot of parents like to take the younger kids out around this time and we don't want to miss anyone."

I opened the front door and strutted out there with my horns and tail and wings fully on display. We had seven carved-up pumpkins set out around the door. There was one each for the four succubi, two more for me and Mira, and a big one for Lily. Originally the idea was we'd each carve our own, but Lily didn't want to and Grace didn't get a chance to come over and do hers. So me and Mira did theirs too.

After a quick glance around I decided to be a little dramatic. Rather than open each one and light the candle with a lighter or whatever, I made a gesture with my hand and flicked my tail around then said some demonic words. All seven jack-o-lanterns lit up at once, and I let out a happy giggle then danced back inside.

"This party is officially started!" I announced with a grin.

Sue turned up the music, we had a fire going in the fireplace, and we were all going to take a turn at the door to hand out candy. Amber volunteered to go first, since the earliest arrivals were likely to be small children and our cute little mouse-girl succubus was least likely to frighten or mentally scar young humans.

Grace showed up not long after. Of the four succubi she was the only one who couldn't shape-shift, or at least not yet. Originally she told us she wasn't going to bother with a costume but as she strutted into the house through the side-door I realized she changed her mind. She was done up like a supermodel, she looked like she just stepped off the runway or something.

Some human guests came next, and their reactions to the rest of us was a whole new level of amusement. Willow and her new girlfriend Vicky were dressed as a couple ghostbusters, and they'd obviously put some real time and effort into their outfits. It kind of made me feel bad that the rest of us basically just cheated with magic.

On the other hand it was funny as hell watching them try to figure out how our 'costumes' worked. Like they kept looking at me and Mira to see how our tails and wings were attached and stuff.

Matt arrived next, along with his date Kenzie. He was done up like a wolf-man, Kenzie was a sexy vampire. They were a cute couple and Kenz seemed nice. She also seemed a little overwhelmed by the rest of us, like not only our costumes but the whole supernatural beauty thing that the four succubi had going on, and the fact that Matt and Amber were best friends from high school and stuff.

Logan and Erin came by as well, they were the only two so far who weren't in costume. And once they had a good look at me and my girlfriends and stuff, I could tell they were a little blown away and maybe a little freaked out. I was mostly ignoring my demonic intuition thing but I barely needed it to realize they were thinking about the stuff Tracey said back at Canada Day. Like about Sue and the rest of us being succubi and being able to shape-shift.

Seeing Susan with fox ears and a fox tail, seeing me and Mira with horns and wings and tails, and everything looked so real or whatever, the two history students both seemed a little uneasy.

Around that point we put in the order for dinner, we had a bunch of pizza and wings and stuff delivered. It wasn't as much fun as cooking but it meant none of us had to stop and work or whatever. Plus there were chips and snacks and stuff too, so nobody would go hungry.

I took a moment to look around and grinned. Folks were mingling, talking, and smiling. They were drinking and eating pizza. I was showing off my horns and tail, and I had a pair of wings! Wings! Even if I didn't know how to fly yet I was like halfway there! I couldn't help feeling like everything was going perfect, and I almost wished we could do this every weekend.

We had a steady stream of kids coming to the door all night too. Word obviously got out pretty fast that we were giving out the best candy and we had the best costumes.

After Amber's turn on the door Susan took over, so we went from a cute little mousegirl to a curvy attractive foxgirl. A busty blonde pink catgirl took the third shift, and by the time my turn came up there weren't any young kids left. It was just the older kids and teens out trick-or-treating without their parents hanging around to embarrass them.

I was positive a few of the ones who came by were repeat customers, like even if it was the first time I saw them their body language and stuff made it clear they were here for a second helping. And the older ones, teens and stuff, they looked torn between getting the candy and getting an eye-full of the sexy demon girl handing it out.

The whole thing was a ton of fun, about the only thing I was sad about was I missed out on the parents' reactions. Maybe next year I'd dress more respectably so I could meet the little kids and see what their folks thought about all this.

Towards the end of my shift I spotted a quartet of older girls approaching. They were dressed up as a band, like their costumes all followed a punk-rock theme. I giggled as I realized who they were, or at least two of them anyways.

"Hey Mara," Tracey grinned at me. "You're totally selling that whole 'not really a demon' thing tonight."

She was dressed as the lead singer, with ripped jeans and spikes and chains on her jacket. She had a microphone in her hand and some wild make-up on. Next to her was Annie, who was obviously the guitarist based on the plastic toy instrument hanging from a strap over her shoulder.

I laughed, "So what's the name of your band? And who're the other two members?"

Tracey giggled, "We never agreed on a name! Anyways, that's Annie's sister Hannah, she's our bassist. And the shy drummer at the back is Hannah's girlfriend Kate."

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Looking at them, I could tell the other two were at least a year younger than Tracey and Annie. There was definitely a family resemblance between Hannah and Annie, even under the make-up and costumes they were obviously sisters. And like Annie, Hannah had a plastic guitar hanging around her neck by a strap.

Kate looked really cute and her make-up was the least outrageous of the group. She clutched a couple drumsticks in her hand as she kind of cowered at the back behind the others. Tracey said she was shy but from what I could see she actually looked scared.

I gave her a friendly smile and said "Relax Kate, despite the costumes we're all pretty friendly here. You girls are welcome to come in and join the party, but no booze tonight ok? I know you're all underage."

"Ok Mara," Tracey agreed, then she led the others into the house.

The cute drummer practically darted past like she was terrified of me for some reason, but before I had a chance to think about that I heard Tracey's voice over the music as she exclaimed "Holy shit check out my big sister the tiny mousegirl!"

That was followed a moment later by another loud Traceyism, "What the crap, there's two Maras?!"

I was still giggling about that when the next group of teens showed up so I could give them candy while they stared at me. And that's more or less how the next fifteen or twenty minutes went, until Grace took over for a shift with the candy.

As I left the door I told her, "Once the teen boys find out there's a supermodel handing out candy I'm sure you'll have plenty of customers."

She grinned and rolled her eyes then said, "Go on and have some fun. It's late enough now I doubt there'll be many more people coming around for treats."

I took a moment to have a look around the house to see what everyone else was up to, and to figure out what I wanted to do next. Melissa and Amber were in the living-room sitting on the love-seat, talking with Matt and Kenzie who were in a couple chairs from the dining table. The four of them were discussing college from the sound of it.

Mira was in another chair next to the sectional, where Tracey and her band were all chilling out. Or three of them were, the poor drummer still looked uptight. They were talking about music, like they got the idea to dress up as a band because all four of them were actually interested in doing something like that for real.

Sam and Troy were in the kitchen where they'd stopped for a make-out session, I didn't disturb them as I snuck past. Even while they were smooching Troy stayed in character, he'd been calling his boyfriend 'mister J' all evening.

I found Susan downstairs in the den, along with her four university friends. As I came down the stairs I heard Willow talking, "...figured you'd be dressed up as some sci-fi alien or something. How'd you end up picking a foxgirl costume?"

Sue laughed, "There can be foxgirls in outer space too you know? I've been reading a sci-fi web novel with a foxgirl protagonist, maybe I'm cosplaying her?"

Logan responded, "I assumed you were staying on theme with the catgirl and mousegirl, and the two demon girls. Which by the way, how the hell did you lot manage those costumes? They almost look real! Seriously Sue, sooner or later you're going to have to show us how you did it."

None of them had noticed me and I quietly snuck back up the stairs again so I wouldn't have to be involved in that conversation.

I grabbed a vodka cooler on my way back to the living-room, where I joined Melissa and Amber on the love-seat. At first I squeezed in between them but Amber squirmed out and ended up perched on my lap like an absolute cutie.

Around ten o'clock we put out the jack-o-lanterns and closed the front door, then turned up the music and got the party going into round two. There was more drinking, some dancing, lots of talking and joking and stuff. Maybe some kissing and making-out and stuff too, which was always fun.

At one point me and Mira started dancing together and without saying anything we both decided to put on a show for everyone. We were kissing and touching and just generally doing a bunch of fun sexy moves on the dance floor. And my demonic twin seemed to finally relax and enjoy herself while we danced. It felt like the first time in a couple weeks that she wasn't tense or uptight, and that made me happy too.

According to my intuition thing, the people watching us dance seemed to have a few different kinds of reactions. Like some of them thought it was super hot. Some of them were squicked out at us because they thought we were twin sisters. And some of them were squicked out at themselves because they thought it was hot that we were twin sisters.

I decided to play it up and make more of a show out of it since folks were watching, and Mira seemed happy to go along with that. We both got way more into the act, with more kissing and more contact. We even did a bit of grinding to the music. I almost got my tail involved before I remembered I was supposed to be pretending it was a costume.

The two of us kept that up for a couple songs before we finally collapsed into each others arms and broke down giggling. And that kind of took all the tension out of the air. It was a ton of fun though, and I was glad she enjoyed it as much as I did.

Then by eleven we had the first people packing up to go. Annie and Hannah's parents came by in their car to pick up Hannah and Kate. I hadn't had much of a chance to talk with either of them, but Hannah seemed like a fun girl. I felt bad for Kate though, like she seemed on edge all night I was worried she didn't really enjoy herself. I figured she probably got dragged into the whole thing by her girlfriend and the others.

As the two of them left I waved and said bye, like I tried to be nice and polite and all that. Hannah waved she headded out, but Kate sort of cringed and hurried out the door like she couldn't wait to escape.

"Poor kid," I sighed to myself. "She probably didn't have a good time tonight."

My demon mom had been quiet all evening, but she spoke up at that point. She sounded embarrassed and maybe even guilty as she admitted, "Kate is my pen pal. I told her to never contact you or Amber. She's probably terrified I'm going to be angry with her for attending your party."

"What?!" I gasped. "Lily you should have said something! We could have told her it was ok or whatever right? Damn, now I have a thousand questions for both you and her."

I wasn't going to get any answers though, my demon mom was quiet again. I ended up just letting the topic drop as I got back into the party spirit with everyone else.

Tracey was complaining about her band getting broken up, but mostly she was just playing it up and staying in character. She and Annie stayed another hour or so, till about midnight when they left to go back to the Dubois house. Logan and Erin decided to head home around the same time as well.

That left the six of us, along with Sam, Troy, Matt, Kenzie, Willow, and Vicky. I wasn't keeping track of time or whatever, but it was probably around two in the morning when Willow and her date left. And it wasn't long after that when me and my girlfriends went to bed.

And as a demon girl cuddling in bed with a catgirl, a foxgirl, and a mousegirl, I couldn't help thinking this had to be the best halloween ever.

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