I Got Turned Into A Demon-Girl And I Am *Totally* Ok With This!

Chapter 29: 29. Explanations

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Without a doubt, our big halloween party was a massive success. I had a blast and I was positive everyone else did too. We even remembered to dispell our costumes before getting up in the morning, considering we had some humans sleeping over and everything.

Sam and Troy crashed down in the den with some sleeping bags. Matt and Kenzie borrowed Amber's bedroom since the small succubus spent the night with the rest of the DLP. And Grace joined Mira in the guest room.

The only annoying bit was Lily refused to tell me anything about her friend, and Amber didn't know anything about the shy cute drummer either. All we knew was Kate was friends with Annie's little sister.

Sunday was a fairly lazy day, we had leftover pizza and wings plus more candy than we knew what to do with. Our remaining guests eventually went home, and the five of us spent the rest of the day tidying up.

Then Monday it was back to college along with all the other normal weekday stuff that went with it. Melissa and Susan were still doing their weekly work for Lily, they tended to do that Mondays or Tuesdays to get it out of the way. Neither said anything and I wouldn't ask, but I was curious if any of them were thinking about taking Lily's offer to destroy their contracts.

I tried a few more times to get Lily to tell me about her pen pal, but all she had to say on the subject was they exchanged emails after halloween and Lily let the poor kid know it was fine and she wasn't upset with her or whatever.

Now it was Saturday again and we had another busy weekend ahead of us.

"Mara," Melissa stated in a pointed tone, "You warned your mother about everything right?"

"Of course," I replied. "She knows there's five of us now, I told her we were all coming for the weekend."

We were in Melissa's car, and we were nearly at my moms' place. The two taller girls were up front as usual, while me and Mira and Amber were squeezed into the back seat together. Not that it was that cramped, considering two of us were petite and Amber was smol.

Melissa's birthday was coming up on Thursday, and mom wanted us to come visit so we could celebrate ahead of time with her and Carol. We'd be having another little party at home on the actual day too, but it was a good excuse to visit my human moms.

After a minute or so the busty blonde asked, "Wait, you told her there's five of us? Or you told her you're bringing an identical twin sister?"

"Yeah," I replied as my cheeks started to go pink. "I definitely told her one of those things."

Susan facepalmed and Melissa just shook her head. Amber stifled a giggle while Mira just looked awkward.

And I protested, "You know I can't explain stuff like that over the phone! I have a hard enough time doing it in person. It's just easier to do it like this right? Like last year with Susan? Just be like, 'here look, new girlfriend!'. Only I guess this is more like, 'here look, new sister!'."

"Except I'm not really your sister," Mira pointed out.

I shrugged, "Maybe not, but we're still sort of family. Like step-sisters or something? You're past me, I'm future you? Plus you and me are identical, plus you're using our last name and we have the same made-up birthday. If we're pretend identical twin sisters, then my mom's your mom the same way your mater's my mater. And that means Carol's going to be your mom too. We both get three moms, and I'm pretty sure that's a win!"

Mira was quiet for a few moments, then finally agreed "Very well 'sis', I can't argue with any of that. And I'm not just saying that because I didn't understand half of it. Now I'm eager to meet our mom for the first time."

It was only a few minutes later when we pulled up the long drive and parked next to mom's house. The five of us climbed out of the car, we got our stuff out the trunk, then I led the way over to the side door. As usual I could hear Farah barking and mom shushing her.

The door opened before I got to it, and I gave her a hug and said "Hi mom!"

"Hello Mara," she replied, then motioned me inside. "Come on, all of you get in the house before we let all the warm air out!"

Amber was behind me, then Sue and Melissa. And hiding at the back was Mira. She and I dressed exactly the same again, we were in dark leggings, long loose black tops, big comfy hoodies, and sneakers. And I had my horns and tail hidden, so the two of us looked completely identical.

Mom didn't even realize there was a second Mara in the group at first, she just let go of Farah's collar once everyone was in the house. The dog had no trouble knowing who was who, and as usual she almost tackled me immediately.

I laughed and started giving her pets and scritches as I greeted her, while my girlfriends took off their coats and shoes. Except Mira who didn't move yet, she just waited quietly.

As soon as Farah was finished with me, she ran past Melissa and jumped up at Mira. That made me laugh again, like normally it was me then Melissa but this time it's like there were two Maras so the dog had to greet us both.

And that's when mom finally realized what she was seeing. Her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped open as she looked back and forth between me and Mira. When Farah got her fill of pets and stuff from my demonic twin she finally moved on to Melissa.

"Wha..." mom mumbled as she stared at me and Mira, but it only took her a second to recover. She gave the two of us a hard look, then her eyes focused on me and she stated in a firm tone "I'm sure you have a very good explanation for this Mara, and I can't wait to hear it."

I grimaced, "How do you know I'm the right Mara?"

Without batting an eye she stated, "I'd like to say it was mom magic, but you're the one who was holding her breath. And I'm still waiting for that explanation."

My girlfriends all did their best not to giggle too much while I cringed, "Ok ok!"

"Mom this is Mira. And Mira, this is mom," I said as I gestured. Then I looked at mom and added, "Uh, Mira is Lily's daughter? The one who died two thousand years ago? She's the one who was me in a past life? Or wait no, I was her in a past life. She's who I was in my last life before I was reincarnated as me, so I used to be her? You know what I mean. Anyways now she's here too, only her name's Mira Carter. Otherwise we'd both be called Mara and Lily said that was too confusing. So she's Mira and I'm Mara and we're like, identical twin step-sisters?"

Mom looked from me to Mira again, and I noticed my twin was looking a little awkward or uptight again, like how she did around my girlfriends.

She smiled awkwardly and said, "Hello ma'am, it's a pleasure to meet you. Mara's told me a great deal about you and your fiancée."

My mom took a deep breath then replied calmly, "Hello Mira. Mara's told me absolutely nothing about you, but I'm sure that's about to change very quickly."

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"Melissa, Susan, Amber, why don't the three of you take Farah into the den and make yourselves comfortable?" mom added to my girlfriends. Then she raised her voice slightly and called, "Carol? Would you mind joining us in the kitchen? We're having another 'Mara Moment' and I'm really going to need your support for this one."

I cringed again while my girlfriends all giggled quietly.

It took us all about five minutes to get everything sorted out with shoes and jackets and drinks and stuff. Melissa and Susan were on the sofa in the den sipping drinks, Amber was in there too but she was laying on the floor cuddling and petting the cats and the dog again.

Me and Mira were sitting at the kitchen table with a couple vodka coolers, while mom and Carol sat across from us with a couple glasses of wine. The two of them had pushed their chairs close together, Carol had an arm around mom in a supportive hug. She hadn't said much yet though, she was too busy just staring at me and Mira. And Mira still seemed uptight to me, but she was trying not to show it.

Mom had a sip of her wine then asked, "Mira perhaps you can explain things a little better than Mara? Who exactly are you, how and why are you here?"

"I will do my best ma'am," my step-twin replied uneasily.

She sounded like she was making an effort to be extra polite and stuff, despite how tense or uptight she seemed to be feeling.

Mira paused for a few moments before she began her info-dump, but where I'd have babbled and got all excited and stuff my twin forced herself to stay calm and quiet and polite.

"You know my mother as Lily, though in my time she was known as Lilith. And I was commonly called Mara. I was born approximately three thousand, six hundred years ago in the Aegean, and made my home on the island known as Thera. I led a relatively quiet and peaceful life for a demon, until I was killed by someone my parents and I believed to be an ally. I was young for a demon, barely sixteen centuries old when I died, and to be honest that should have been the end of my story."

Mom and Carol exchanged a look, they both had some wine, then mom asked "So how did you get here? And if you're here, I take it that means my daughter isn't... Mara can't be a reincarnation of you, if you're here yourself. Right?"

Mira grimaced slightly, "That's where it gets rather confusing. About four and a half months ago I woke up back in my villa on Thera. I believed only a brief time had passed since my death, that it was still two thousand years ago. But I couldn't leave my villa, I seemed to be a prisoner there. Then one day I encountered your Mara in my home. She claimed to be dreaming, she believed I was dead. Following that encounter, I began having infrequent dreams of her and this strange new world she lives in."

"A few weeks ago there was a...magical incident, and your Mara ended up in my villa again with me. I thought perhaps she had died and the two of us were trapped in my villa forever, like some sort of purgatory. Except she very quickly figured out how to free us, and the two of us left there together. We discovered what I thought was my villa on an island in the Aegean was actually some sort of imaginary place inside Mara's and my mater's mind. It's connected to the place where my mater spends most of her time."

I added, "Mira's villa is attached to Lily's apartment in our head. There's a door at the back of the apartment that's connected to the front door of Mira's villa. It's pretty wild! We wedged the door open and you can like step from inside a posh modern apartment to being on an island in the ocean two thousand years ago!"

Mira took over again, "To complete the story, fifteen days ago my mater used her magic to create this body so the three of us wouldn't be stuck sharing that one. We all remain connected, but we now have two bodies to share between the three of us. Unfortunately none of us know for sure how I came to be here, or how... Let's just say, a few details of that magical incident remain something of a mystery."

Mom took a deep breath, then let it out as a long slow sigh. She picked up her glass and drained it then set it down again, and finally asked "So you were the original Mara, Lily is your mother, and you're a demon? You're sixteen hundred years old, and you've been dead for two thousand years?"

"Yes," my twin nodded. "That's more or less correct."

"And now you're my daughter's identical twin and you're calling yourself Mira?" mom asked next.

She nodded again, "There was some debate but our mater decided your Mara would keep that name since she had more family and friends who knew her by it. I was asked to pick a new one, and with Mara's help I settled on Mira. And yes, I suppose if anyone asks I'm posing as Mara's twin sister. I'm now known among humans as Mira Carter. My human birthday is May third, same as Mara's. And I've enrolled at her college as a transfer student, where I'm studying health sciences."

Carol glanced at my mom as she held her a little tighter. "Emma how are you holding up? Are you doing ok?"

Mom put an arm around her girlfriend and hugged her back, "I'm managing."

After a pause she looked at me and Mira again and added, "I think I understand what's going on. Not the magic part, that's something else entirely. But the rest of it makes sense to me."

"It does?" I asked. "Could you maybe explain it to us?"

Mom smiled slightly, "Maybe later Mara."

Her expression became serious again as she looked back at my twin. "Mira, if you're posing as Mara's twin sister then you're also posing as my daughter. Is that just an act, or do you see me as a mother to you? Are you going to keep addressing me as ma'am, or would you like to call me mom?"

My twin hesitated and I could tell she'd gotten all tense again, like maybe she was stressed about that. Or maybe she was afraid mom would be angry that Mira was pretending to be her daughter or whatever.

I asked, "Is that ok? Like if she called you mom would you be ok with that? I guess it's kind of like you'd be adopting her or whatever, like a step-daughter or something?"

Both mom and Mira were quiet for another few seconds, with my twin looking uneasy while mom looked thoughtful.

Finally mom suggested, "Why don't we leave it for now? I think I need to talk with Carol for a bit, so why don't you two join the others in the den? And I think Mira and I should have a private conversation at some point too."

"I'm also going to want to speak with Lily again," mom added. "Both Carol and I need to meet with her, but maybe we can save that for tomorrow."

"Ok mom," I grimaced slightly at the thought of my mom meeting the real Lily in person. Fortunately that was a problem for tomorrow-me.

For now I grabbed my drink and Mira took hers, and the two of us went out to join Melissa and Susan and Amber. And mom and Carol stayed where they were for a private chat.

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