I Got Turned Into A Demon-Girl And I Am *Totally* Ok With This!

Chapter 31: 31. Relations

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"Are you sure you're ok?" I asked as I hugged her from the left.

Mira hugged her from the right and added, "I'm sorry it's not what we thought."

Lily wrapped her arms around both of us and replied, "I'm fine. I keep telling you I'm fine."

"Can I keep calling you mater?" Mira asked.

"Yes," our demon mom replied with a smile. "You can both call me mater, I already told you that too. Now please, stop fussing over me! I'm supposed to go and meet with Emma and Carol."

Neither of us let go of her yet, and I asked once more "Only if you're sure you're ok Lily?"

"I said I'm fine Mara," she repeated in a firm but kind voice.

Both my twin and I were worried about Lily ever since we realized it last night. The stuff our human mom figured out, the stuff we all discussed before dinner about where Mira came from and how me and her were connected, that kind of proved she wasn't really Lily's daughter magically resurrected.

So Lily had a month of believing she was reunited with her long lost child, only to figure out that wasn't really what happened.

Except it still sort of was, because me and my other half were both demon-Mara in that past life. And Mira had all those memories and stuff, like she experienced that whole life, but as a magical replay instead of living it real-time in the past.

The whole thing got super confusing when I really thought about it, but then it was already kind of confusing before that anyways. At least this way we actually had answers for all the mysteries and stuff. And the good news was both me and Mira weren't going to die again any time soon. We were still bound to each other and to Lily, and we had the two bodies to use so we could have separate lives while remaining connected inside.

We still needed to figure out some stuff though. Like Mira and mom worked stuff out yesterday before dinner, and we knew mom accepted both Mira and I as her daughters. Or daughter, I wasn't sure if we counted as two because there were two of us, or one because we were both kind of the same person in a way. And Mira knew mom was our human mother.

Now we needed for Lily to meet with mom and Carol, and hopefully when that was over we'd have three moms all teamed up together and friendly with each other and stuff.

Then once we got home, me and Mira would have to have a long and probably awkward and confusing talk with the rest of the DLP.

With mom's help we kind of explained over dinner how me and Mira were connected and stuff, but I wasn't sure if our girlfriends understood what that meant in terms of them and Mira. At least now I knew why my twin got kind of uptight around them before. Like she basically loved them just like I did, but she thought she was a stranger so she didn't think she'd be allowed to be close to them the way I was.

Like basically for the last month she'd been surrounded by people she loved like they were her girlfriends, but she had to keep herself isolated because everyone including her thought she was someone else. So all five of us needed to figure out how to make things work, because I couldn't leave the situation the way it was. I just hoped Melissa and Susan and Amber would understand.

But that was a problem for later-us. Current-us needed to let go of our mater so she could go make friends and join Team Mom.

Mira and me held on for another second or two, before we both let go then slumped onto the big leather sofa together to watch as Lily stepped out into the body. Our second body was currently resting, Mira left it laying down in the guest room when she came in here. So the second window was dark and quiet.

The view out the main window shifted as our body grew bigger and changed into Lily's true demonic form. I cringed again as Lily finally went into the kitchen to meet our two human moms. Our demon mom was nude and even though we warned mom and Carol ahead of time I was worried how they'd react to the big blue demon walking naked into the kitchen.

"Ha!" Mira laughed as she elbowed me in the side. "I told you there was nothing to worry about. Where do you think we got it from?"

Sure enough mom didn't freak out, she didn't act scared or upset. She looked a bit surprised, but her reaction wasn't far off how I felt the first time I saw the real Lily. Carol wasn't as obvious about it, but I was sure she was checking Lily out as well.

"Oh my," mom commented as her eyes flicked up and down over Lily's body. "After all the dire warnings I was expecting you to be scary. I didn't think you'd be so hot..."

Mom's cheeks suddenly went pink and she asked, "Are Mara and Mira listening in on this?"

The two of us burst into giggles inside on the sofa, and I was positive our mater was blushing too at that point.

"They are," Lily responded as she did her best to ignore the two of us giggling inside her head. "I can ask them to give us some privacy if you'd prefer?"

Mom quickly got control of her expression and her blush faded. She gave Lily a serious look and replied, "I'll leave that choice up to you. I have some difficult questions for you, and I don't mind if they hear them."

Our mater paused a moment, then nodded "I understand. If you're comfortable with them observing our conversation then I won't ask them to leave."

She sat down sort of gently and awkwardly onto one of the kitchen chairs. It was sturdy enough, like the chair wasn't going to break or whatever. But it probably wasn't that comfortable, since Lily was that much bigger than a normal-sized human.

Once she was seated she asked mom and Carol, "What were your questions?"

Mom sighed, "Where to start? With all the revelations yesterday about Mira and Mara, there were a few comments the two of them let slip that suggested my daughter faced some sort of mortal danger recently? They mentioned more than once about dying or disappearing, and it seemed like there was some surprise about the fact that they're both still with us. I want to know exactly what sort of danger you put my daughter...my daughters in?"

Lily sighed, and both me and Mira were positive she was blushing again. She answered mom's question though, she gave our human moms the short version of the story.

"We confronted another demon, the one who killed my child two millennia ago. After our victory over Verothilas last December, we expected similar success with Armaros. We'd been planning and preparing for months. I thought I took every precaution, I was certain we'd be safe. I was wrong. Our foe turned the tables on me, and if not for Mara's quick actions and Mira's preparations and research, none of us would still be here today."

After another sigh our mater added, "Mara took charge of the situation and all but sacrificed herself to save the lives of myself and her girlfriends. I still don't entirely understand how she and Mira did it, but they saved us all, and themselves. Though at the time none of us even realized Mira existed."

By the time Lily stopped talking the look on mom's face said it all. She was extremely Not Happy that we were in some kind of life and death situation, even though it all worked out ok in the end. Mom's and Carol's chairs were close together, and Carol had her arm around mom's shoulders in a supportive hug.

Our other human mom didn't look as upset as mom did, but she was still kind of surprised and maybe a little freaked out that we were all risking our lives and stuff. And maybe she was still a little overwhelmed about meeting a real live demon face to face.

Mom finally responded in her sternest angry-mom-voice, "I'm not going to lecture you about risking my child's life. But I am going to insist you Never. Do That. Again."

Our mater bowed her head slightly, "I will do my best to keep both of them safe. And I apologize for putting them at risk in the first place. It would not have happened, had I been aware of the danger."

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That seemed to be enough for mom, at least for now.

"Moving on, I have some questions about Mara and Mira. Girls if you're still listening in, I apologize if this gets awkward for you." Mom paused for a moment then continued, "Lily, do you know how or when they became separate? Did you cause it? Or was your magic responsible?"

Lily hesitated, and before answering the question she addressed the two of us as well. "Mara, Mira, I'm going to be honest with your mother and as she said, this part of our conversation may be troubling for you to hear. I won't ask you to leave but you are warned."

Mira looked at me and I looked at her. She said quietly, "I want to stay, I want to hear what they have to say."

"Me too," I replied. "Whatever the answers are, I want to know."

The two of us moved closer together on the big leather sofa, we each put an arm around the other so we were cuddling and supporting each other. Like just incase it did get upsetting or whatever, we had each other's backs kind of thing.

With that decided, our mater addressed our human moms again.

"I'm confident that at the time we formed our original pact last summer there was only one Mara," she explained. "Had there been two of them, I would have sensed it. I did not cause them to split, I wasn't even aware of Mira's presence until after Mara found her. However, I do believe my magic was indeed responsible."

Lily sighed slightly as she continued, "When Mara and I formed our pact, she insisted I include a clause that would allow her to share my magic. That meant she has access to my power. That's what fuelled her ability to hide her horns and tail, among other things. She's used my power inadvertently on at least a few occasions. And as Mira reasoned yesterday, it's almost certain that my power was invoked when they consumed that 'magic tea' in March."

"I do not know if that's the moment Mira came into existence," our mater added, "But I believe that was the catalyst. And in retrospect, there were several hints or clues that she was with us. I believe the earliest such event occurred in July."

Me and Mira were still holding each other, and didn't see how our human moms were reacting was because I was looking at my other self. I had some butterflies in my stomach, like the stuff Lily just said wasn't upsetting but it still felt like a big deal. And I was positive Mira felt it as well, like both of us were a bit nervous and a bit numb maybe.

"What do you think?" I asked quietly. I already had an idea in my head, a theory about how it happened. I didn't want to say it until I knew how she was feeling.

Mira nodded, "I think you're right. I'm thinking the same thing, and it feels right."

We both agreed, so we shared the theory with Lily and she passed it on to mom and Carol.

"They've just told me, they don't think there was any single moment when it happened," our mater explained. "They believe Mira gradually came to be over the span of March, April, and May. Mira became aware of herself in her villa in our mind in June, and the first time she and Mara met was in early July."

She continued, "As for the reason why, they say the tea and the dreams of their past life played a large part. Equally important was their need for... They had a strong desire for me to accept them as the reincarnation of my child."

Lily hesitated and we could feel she was getting emotional, despite her best efforts. She kind of skipped over some of the details and rushed to the end since it was affecting her, "They subconsciously wished Mira into being, both Mara and Mira. They wanted that connection to me and to their past enough to make it really happen. We're sure my magic helped, and as you suggested yesterday Emma their experience sharing a body with me meant they were already open to the idea. And as Mira said yesterday, she stayed focused on their past life in order to learn as much as possible."

Mira and I hugged each other a little tighter. We both still felt butterflies, but not in a bad way. And we were both watching the window again to see what our human moms had to say, and how they were reacting.

Carol looked thoughtful, maybe a bit surprised, but mostly the feel we got from her was she was just kind of rolling with it. Like she loved Emma regardless, she already knew she was marrying into some weird shit with half-demons and succubi and stuff. And meeting the real Lily face to face was shocking but she wasn't scared. Finding out her fiancée had two daughters instead of one wasn't any kind of deal-breaker or whatever, and compared to all the other wild stuff it was a pretty minor detail.

Mom's expression was more complicated, and so was the stuff we were getting from her through the intuition thing. Like on the one hand she wasn't so surprised by any of this. Maybe she even expected some of it.

She finally said, "Thank you for being honest with me."

"Of course," Lily replied. "May I ask a question of you Emma?"

Mom agreed, "What is it?"

Our mater asked, "Apart from the questions you've had for me, you seem to have an understanding of the situation with Mara and Mira. Do you have anything to add, can you shed any light on it for all three of us?"

Our mom responded, "As you know I've spent the past eighteen months learning as much as I could about what it meant to have two people sharing a body. Even before I started university last year, I was researching online and reading books on the subject. Obviously I didn't find anything that covered this exact scenario, but I learned enough to have an open mind about it."

"When Mira mentioned yesterday that the villa where she found herself trapped turned out to be connected to your apartment in Mara's mind, it reminded me of similar mindspace layouts I've read about. And as I said to her yesterday, if your child was reincarnated as my child, then Mira had to be with Mara from the start."

Mom added, "Perhaps I'm coining a new term, but I'd describe this as a case of thaumagenic plurality. That is, plurality which was brought about through magic."

They were all quiet for a bit after that, till eventually Carol spoke up. She looked at our mom and asked, "So what's the verdict Emma?"

After a deep breath mom replied, "I've known since last summer that I was sharing my child with Lily. And since we met last December I've also known that Lily felt like a parent to her. And I know how much she...how much they care for Lily too."

Then she hugged her girlfriend a little tighter and stated, "I have two daughters, and my daughters have two moms. And hopefully they'll have a third mom sometime soon, assuming you haven't been scared off by all this supernatural stuff."

"It'll take a lot more than this to scare me off Emma," Carol replied, and the two of them exchanged a kiss.

There may have been some more talking after that, but neither me or Mira could hear it over our squealing and cheering.

And so the first meeting of the moms was declared a success by both Mira and me, because all three moms agreed to be friends and stuff.

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