I Invented Smartphone In A Magical World

I Invented Smartphone In A Magical World

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I Invented Smartphone In A Magical World

Review: 8.8/10 from 17 ratings
#science #internet“Qiao Si was a software engineer who died of overwork. He transmigrated to a world of sorcery.He inherited his family’s sorcerer’s tower.However, because of the failed management of his father, the sorcerer’s tower lost more money than it was making, and was on the verge of bankruptcy.If they fail to make profits soon, they will be forced to declare bankruptcy and sell the tower to clear their debt.As such, Qiao Si invented the smartphone based on his experience in his previous life.This was the beginning of his journey to change the world – he started the internet revolution in the world of sorcery.The apprentice sorcerer rode a broom to deliver goods.The House of Ancient Spirits and Payment Express started a close partnership.The Red-robed Sorcerer used smartphones for his online lectures.The Nine-ringed Sage used NetJoy network to buy his sorcery scrolls.As for Qiao Si, he had made more money than he could ever spend and become as rich as an entire country.”


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