I Wished For A Loving Wife But Got Two: Ara~ara And Tsun~tsun Oneesans

Chapter 19: Chapter 19: GG?

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⚠️ Heads up!  I'll real honest here...

I haven't been in a relationship since bert yet. So I don't know shit about romance. So romance may be forced? I don't know. 

Why make a Romance story then? 

I have my fantasies okay. I want it to record it or make some story about it so I that's why this fic was created. 



I am now at a food market in this village along with the old man. It's about 5 minutes walk from his house.

It's a bit crowded here. I can hear the people's loud bustling murmurs. 

We walked near a Dango stand.


As we were coming close, I took a whiff of a sweet fragrant scent mixed with a nutty smell of flour coming from somewhere.

'That's….' I spoke in my mind as I felt I was familiar with the scent. 

I followed the old man as he went to the Dango stand.

*Sizzle Sizzle*

Sizzling sounds of the Dango skewer being grilled resonated in my ears as we were just in front of the stand.

I couldn't see the face of the vendor because there was a curtain that covered just the level of the head. 

"Welcome, what's your order?" I heard a sweet feminine voice as she spoke and greeted the old man.

'What's your order? Is that a coded question?' Perplexed, I questioned in my mind. 

Was there supposed to be anything else besides Dango? Because I can't see anything other than that. There was even a big 'Dango' sign on the roof to make it obvious.

"I'll take 4 plain flavored skewers. Two for me and the other half for the young man here." The old geezer specified the order.

"Coming right up!" The female vendor cheerily replied. 

'Ah. She was talking about the flavor huh? My bad.'

A couple of minutes later the skewers were ready. 

Oldman Mitsu Bishi then gave me two.

It has been a month since I've eaten something different other than fish and boar meat so, I was planning to savor the taste and enjoy it for a bit.

I was about to grab a bite but then the old man spoke to me. 

"Young man, I remembered I have something to do. I'll be right back." He gave me a knowing wink and left while biting the Dango skewers.

'Uhuh. You're going to run away? I know you won't come back. Keke ~' I chuckled in my mind at this obvious display of a cheat.

I saw that he hasn't paid anything yet.

'And what's with the wink? He thinks his doing me a favor now? Great! Just great.'

I complained in my mind. 


"Take care ~," I said with a lazy tone and raised my hand to say goodbye to the old man's back. 

'It's nice knowing you. May we not meet again, old man. Keke~' 

It's better this way, the old man seriously is bad news. I felt like my whole person is being threatened by him — my chastity especially. 

I don't have money in me. Heck, I don't even know what's the currency here. 

But I'm not going to chase after the poor old man. I'll just handle this on my own then.

But before that, I had to enjoy this Dango first.

I took a bite of the Dango.

'Hmm. It tastes like sweet rice. It has a chewy and tender texture. Overall it's not bad.' 


Syri suddenly pops up from the opening on my chest. 

"Sniff sniff. Ning!" She sounded. I think she wants some of it.

So I took the other skewer in my right hand and placed it in front of her mouth and she took a bite from it.

"Ning! Ning!" She made a delighted sound.

"Keh~ You like it?"

"Ning!" Syri nodded.

"Then, here have some more." I feed her more as I held the skewer just in front of her.

A couple of minutes later, Syri and I finished our skewers and she went back inside the covers of my chest.

'Now what to do with this problem?' 

'Hmmm…' I wracked my brain to search for a solution. 

The problem was how to pay for 4 skewers of Dango, including the old man.

"..." I took my time thinking of a better and more civilized solution.

You are reading story I Wished For A Loving Wife But Got Two: Ara~ara And Tsun~tsun Oneesans at novel35.com

And —

'Oh! That's a brilliant idea.' I commented after finally having thought of a solution to this current predicament.

'I gotta do what a pro does.'

And that is —

'Let's get outta here real quick. I'm a bubble in this atmosphere. I don't exist. Now you see me, now you don't. Umu' I nodded as I marveled at my genius idea.

I turn my back as calmly as I could and when I was about to take the next step, a hand grabbed my shoulder, stopping me to move towards freedom, of everlasting peace.

"Ara ~ Where do you think you are going? Hmm?" I heard a sweet feminine voice behind me. Her grip tightened.

'She's strong.' I thought.

Feeling threatened, I raised both of my hands in surrender.

I turned around dramatically as if it was a shampoo commercial. I then finally saw the face of the vendor. She was giving me a chilling smile.

But the moment I faced the woman, her eyes strangely diluted but that went away quickly as if it didn't happen. 

She had pale violet eyes. Her nose was pointy, not as much as Pinocchio but its considerably long. She had a pale complexion. Her hair was styled in a ponytail. She's beautiful. 

'She looks kinda familiar…' I think I knew of her somewhere. 

But I didn't stay in that thought for long, because…

"You're blonde," I muttered. 

Looking at her face — No, at her hair, I suddenly felt irritated.

And I know the reason. 

I was Onodera fan back on earth. A character from the Nisekoi, a slice of life, harem, romance anime. There were more than 2 love interests and Onodera was one of them, though she wasn't the main heroine. 

It was Chitose, a blonde girl, a daughter from a mafia-gang family. 

There was a plot that has something to do with the pendant. A promise to marry the person who has the key to the MC's pendant. Initially, Chitose had the biggest possibility of being the one who can open the lock and she was the promised girl. 

But in the end, it wasn't Chitose it was Onodera. Onodera and the MC promise to marry when they grow old in their childhood.

I know that Chitose has a lot of exposure and she also deserves to be chosen by the MC. 

I'm just frustrated that Onodera wasn't chosen, that's all. 

I'm not mad about the promise being broken and all because I knew promises are meant to be broken, after all. I just believed that without a strong supporting ideal. I'm feeling kind of edgy and it's cool. 

So that's the reason why I am kind of biased towards blonde — blonde girls rather. 

I took my frustrations from the anime personally and I guess till now, I'm still hung up about it.




"Yes, Yes. I'm blonde. So where do you think you are going, hmm?" She spoke once again in a sweet tone and now she opened her eyes and glared quizzingly at me.

"Ahhhhhh? — I don't know what you are talking about. I was just doing my daily routine.

I like to turn around and attempt to take a step in the air. It's fun, try it." I replied in a neutral tone.

While in my thoughts:

'Kekeke what a stupid excuse.' 

Looking at her face, I just had this sudden urge to tease her.

"Huh?! You were about to run away and —" She said, her tone was a little a bit higher and there was a hint of irritation as she tried to say something but I cut her off.

"Listen here carefully," I removed her hand gently from my shoulder. 

I continued saying,

"A beautiful woman like you don't get anything you want in life." 

I spoke with a stern tone, my face was firm and I look straight at her in the eyes. 

"Huh??!! What are you saying?! You're clearly in the wrong here. And by that point, A pretty boy like you doesn't also get anything that you want in life too! I just wanted you to pay for the food you ate earlier!!" She shouted, angered by my words.

'Tsk. She's a tough nut to crack.' I mentally clicked my tongue in annoyance. 

I then notice that her voice was so loud and she had gathered attention from the crowd. They were looking at us curiously.

Realizing this I made a toothy grin.

"What are you saying to your husband my darling? You want me to pay you just so that I can eat the food? How cruel. Even though I worked so hard day and night and even gave you all my earnings — because you said so. And now you want to ask for payment just for 4 Dango skewers? I thought you loved me." I said with a distressed, heartbroken tone.

"What a disappointing wife…"

"I can't believe it…"

"How could she do that."

I heard varying voices from the crowd as they were taking my side. 

'Kekeke ~ I think I'm a low-key genius.'

I chuckled and imagined patting myself on the back.

What can you call this situation again? 

It's —

{Keikaku Doori} I moved my lips to pronounce the phrase looking at her.

I know she wasn't in the know. But the reference was just for the current situation.

"..." She saw me do that and her mouth was gaping widely but not for long as it was replaced with a grin of her own.

'Eh? Ehhhhh?' 

I'm having a bad premonition about that.

She then suddenly grab my hands and hug me tightly.

"Oh my poor husband, I'm sorry about treating you like that. I just wanted to make sure and keep the money so that you won't go somewhere else and enjoy being on someone's legs. I love you so much… {That I want to strangle you.}" She spoke with a loving and tender tone. But she whispered that last line in my ears with a firm voice.

She continued and explained,

"And about you paying for the Dango earlier…I-I just want to keep the money because I planned to buy a land of our own. I didn't just ask for your earnings to constrict you but was saving the money for the future. I just want us to be happy in the end. " 

*Sob Sob* 

I then heard her sobbing after she said that last line.

"Oh, she's a wonderful woman."

"Now, I hate the husband for not realizing the wife's intention."

"What a dense bastard!"


Now the crowd slowly turned in her favor.

I swear I heard someone take a spit there.

"You're going to regret starting at me because I'm going to work you to the bone 'H-U-S-B-A-N-D' " She whispered at my ears as her hold on my back was getting firmer to the point I could feel her long nails piercing my cloth-artifact.

My lips were twitching as I responded to her hug, patting her back nice and slow, and made a mental comment:

'W-well played?' 

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