In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 63: 0061 big shot

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time went by, and Sora and his new pet tiger went on to live a normal life within the mountain, as Sora lived this normal life, his mind was free, and as he understood more of the Dao, he began slowly creating his own path. a path of conquest.

the power to conquer all things, why understand it when you can dominate it? His path should be that of a god of conquest, all other paths were simply paths awaiting to bow before him. with them conquered under him, then it would be much easier for him to comprehend.

when Sora reached this level of thinking, he went on to put his theory. and like that, months went by and soon Sora saw someone on top of a flying sword heading his way. seeing this person, Sora smiled as it was Shiro.

Shiro flew over a mountain, while looking at the house on top of the mountain, she looked at the garden in shock, as they were all spiritual herbs. the tree was covered with a huge amount of Qi, stunning her. Sora even had his own animal ranch and was correctly using the compost into high-grade soil for his garden.

She opened and closed her mouth, but no words could come out. She had cultivated to the peak of silver rank within the short amount of time she was gone, she thought this was impressive, but to return she saw everything around Sora was at least at the diamond rank.

"What's all this?" She asked in a soft voice as she landed on top of the mountain, but she seemed to have entered a new domine, as she was hit with a powerful dense Qi. She swallowed her saliva slightly as she looked at Sora,

"the village was getting in the way of my comprehension of the Dao, so I came here... but even so, I got nowhere," Sora said with a shake of his head, he was honestly scared now. he was just a mortal, in a hundred years he would die. this quest had a time limit on his lifespan, since he could be conquered to be in his 30s, he had at best 70 years. that's not needing the chances that this realm might not be destroyed the next day

Shiro's eyes twitched, this was getting nowhere. just his comprehension of the Dao had reached such a high level that everything he touched turned into a treasure. what was scary was the speed she comprehended the Dao.

this was Dao we were talking about, how was it that Sora could comprehend the Dao to such a level within a short amount of time as a mortal? a powerful immortal had a powerful thinking speed compared to a mortal, now that Sora was a mortal to comprehend the Dao with the thinking speed of a mortal was indeed scary.

the thing was, even if Sora's strength was suppressed, his talent and comprehension capability were there. Sora's talent was countless times greater than anyone within the mortal realm, after all, he had taken the talent from the best of the best around many anime worlds. the number one physique and all other physiques put together wouldn't give a person enough talent to be even 1/10000 of the current Sora.

Sora's comprehension capability only increased when he mastered his mind. the chaos primordia physique could allow one to master all Daos within a few millions of years, Sora could do that as well. but since he was a mortal, it got harder. but lucky for Sora, he was not simply trying to comprehend Dao, this whole thing was to simply create his own path, his own Law, and Dao.

"so, how was the sect?" Sora asked as he went to clean up within a nearby pond he had created, Shiro's eyes almost rolled back, and she almost died on the spot seeing Sora watching his hands in high-grade spiritual water. everything around Sora was a treasure, she would have better recourses here than in the sect.

"It's great, I have passed the test to gain the god of conquest cultivation art, with it my cultivation speed greatly improved," She said softly, Sora nodded slightly, although he had spread the cultivation art all over his world, many greedy people didn't want everyone to know of it.

there was also the fact that if everyone knew of this technique, people would go around stabbing people and absorbing them. So, laws had to be passed around. the heavens would punish anyone who goes around using the technique for evil. of course, this didn't stop people from finding a way around this, they either created another way to absorb other, who blocked the view from the heavens.

"that's great... but what's with the down mood?" Sora asked with a soft as he whipped his hands on his clothing to dry himself.  Shiro took a deep breath to calm herself, before shaking her head.

"It's nothing, I'm just worried for the lower realms," She said softly, many mortals didn't know the happening within the higher realm, but she knew that the lower realms were in great danger. With the benefits of power, many would destroy every lower realm for power.

"So, you're trying to comprehend Dao?" She asked changing the subject, Sora nodded slightly as looked at everything he had done within the year since he self.

"I thought coming here would lead to me comprehending the Dao much better, planting, crafting, blacksmith, and so on. but it did nothing. any tips?" Sora asked calmly as he looked at her, Shiro's eye twitched a few times as she wanted to beat Sora up, what tip could she get? he had to be mocking her.

"you try too hard." She said with a cold sneer, trying so hard to show off, it no longer was impressive, it just showed that you were looking for a beating.

"I'm trying too hard? you're right, this whole time I have been acting and trying to comprehend the Dao, instead, I should just let it come naturally. I shouldn't see it as work, but see it as a hobby." Sora said with enlightenment, comprehending Dao was the job while creating the Dao of conquest was the job. a hobby is not something you push you're to do, but do it out of pleasure,

as Sora got to this point, he began entering the mindset of a simple mortal trying to live and enjoy his day. the many stuff around Sora began hiding their aura, as if not wanting to break Sora out of his mindset,

"come inside, I have been trying to learn to cook for some time," Sora said with a smile as he entered the house, Shiro entered the house, and upon entering, she almost fainted, everything within the house was powerful treasures, an even higher grade than the ones outside, everywhere she turned, she saw treasures,

The chairs, near the void rank, the hand-made carpet also near the void rank, everything neared the void-shattering realm. she swallowed her saliva, to think her husband was such a big shot. thinking everything here was normal

Sora went on to freshen up before he created some food for her. after which, he had her eat while watching her reaction closely. the food only tasted good to him, something which disappointed him, but he wanted to know what others thought about his cooking.

Shiro was slightly unconformable with the way Sora was looking at her, but upon getting a good smell of the food. she seemed to float in the heavenly clouds. she felt as if she was in heaven, making her stomach scream out as she wanted to eat this food.

She blushed slightly hearing the reaction from her stomach, it had been months since she felt hungry. she took another smell of the food before she suddenly had a breakthrough, reaching the gold rank on the spot. she froze for some time, just the smell of the food made her breakthrough. swallowing her saliva before shakingly eating the food.

an explosion of pleasure went off in her mouth, unable to control herself, she let out a moan, she had never eaten anything so good. she never expected something so good could exist within this world, unable to control herself. she madly eat, making Sora sigh in relief, at least his cooking had some superpowers.

now he wanted to enter the world of the Food War and challenge them into a cooking match... on that thought, it would be good to conquer that world and have the MC become his personal chef.

"This is amazing. you have more?" She asked with bright eyes, Sora nodded slightly as he pointed at the kitchen, Shiro disappeared at shocking speed, appearing within the Kitchen as she eat out of the pot, not bothering to put the food on a plate.

"wow, you must be at the copper rank or something," Sora said speechlessly, Shiro froze at his words, she looked at her cultivation and found she was at the peak of the gold rank. a slight plus appeared on her face before she coughed

"I fear this food would go to waste... if I don't go to hell, then who would? for all the hungry children who are going to sleep, I will eat." She said righteously, making Sora speechless while looking at her. Shiro ignored him, and eat her food.

suddenly Shrio froze as she felt something heading towards them, she froze as she turned around a saw a huge tiger entering the house. the tiger eyed her while on guard before slowly walking up to Sora, rubbing its head against him.

"This is my pet tiger... he is a coward, I'm shocked that it came even after knowing someone as powerful as you came. I guess I'm better at taming than I thought. if it came all this way to stand by my side." Sora said softly, Shiro's eye twitched at Sora's words, this tiger could blink and she would be dead, since when did Sora become so hotty?

back to Shisui, Shisui smiled slightly after collecting all the treasures within the garden, he eat a few things and sent a few others into the system. His cultivation had greatly improved, and now he was at High Early void shattering realm.

with everything collected, Shisui was fighting a group of plant men. these planet men were the gardens of the garden, Shisui cut them none top but they simply regrew and reconnected themselves, making all injuries pretty much pointless.

countless vines shot toward Shisui, each vine holding enough strength to kill those at the early sun and moon tier. the guard's strength changed depending on the cultivation of those who entered, since Shisui only had strength at the mid easily mountain and river, he could easily handle this.

Shisui waved his hands, phoenix flames exploded on his sword before he swung it around, cutting through the vines, and burning the garden guards to ash. with phoenix flames, Shisui could create an undying flame that could burn away all things.

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

Shisui of course easily handled this guard allowing him to enter the garden while exploring the garden, he saw many unique herbs, and each herb has its own ability and capability, they were all heavenly grade herbs, meaning even those at the heavenly immortal realm to madly seek after them.

Shisui went on to take all the herbs, with each herb he picked, he felt a powerful pressure weighing down on him. with each herb, this pressure only increased. Shisui easily guessed this was a way to limit how many herbs one could take. but he easily ignored the pressure and took all the herbs, before entering the house near the garden.

as he entered the garden, he saw many papers which spoke about the guard, research, and much other stuff. Shisui closely studied these papers, but when he pulled he pulled his attention away, the information would slowly disappear

"... Dao?" He said softly, this garden touched upon Dao... no, they guard and everything where was grown using the power of Dao. if one can't comprehend the Dao, the information would simply disappear. Shisui tried to take the papers but found the papers were extremely heavy, the knowledge was too much for him to carry.

"Without a choice, he left behind a clone to comprehend all of this, while he studied the formations which were on paper. closely looking at the formations, he understood it after a few weeks and found that there was a treasure powering the formations.

leaving the house, he made some hand seals, making the formation show itself. as the seal appeared, Shisui made more hand seal, and slowly a green orb which gave off the Power of the Dao of life appeared before him. Shisui slowly reached out, leading to the orb falling into his palm

this orb was known as the Life Core. a core that held the power of the Dao of Life, with this core all lifeforms would grow stronger than ever. a simple grass would grow to become a powerful immortal-grade herb.

with this orb, life would also grow countless times faster. if something took 1 million years to grow, it would only take a few years to fully grow. the speed plants would grow, and so on would also be produced much faster. the lifeform would also become countless times faster, holding a huge amount of Life Qi.

this orb can greatly increase his life base technique, for example, if he had a technique that sucks life forms, this Orb would increase that ability by many times over. it could even allow one to comprehend the Dao of life. the best thing of all, it could allow one to control life.

It could be used to help a person recover from serious injuries, be someone from death, and take life away from living things. to a limited degree, this orb gives one absolute power over life and death,

Shisui channeled his energy through the orb, and suddenly all trees around him came to life, moving to the side, allowing Shisui to easily leave the forest while he headed to the next place where a treasure awaited him

but just as he left, he heard someone appear from behind him. turning around, he saw a group of people following behind a young man with a map. with a look, Shisui easily guessed they were using that map to pass through the forest power of space.

"elder brother, someone is here." a man with a scar over his lib said as he looked at Shisui, everyone looked up and their eyes quickly landed on Shisui. they quickly turned to look at the guard but found that everything at the guard had disappeared, their eyes instantly turned cold as they looked at Shisui and the orb in his hands.

"What did you do to our garden?" the young man with the map said coldly, he was at half step Sun and Moon tier, he was the leader of the group.

"to gather a group so fast... no you are all from the same sect, you all must have a way to stay together," Shisui said softly, with a snort, the man with the scar didn't bother to say and think and shot towards Shisui. they could tell he was at only mid easily -Moutain and river tier, so they didn't even bother to be on guard against them.

The man appeared before Shisui at a speed instantly close to being called instant, his punch neared Shisui at an even scarier speed. but at the last second, he fell weakly to the ground as all his life force had disappeared from his being.

"so fast," Shisui said softly as he held the life core with his right hand and the man with the scar lifeforce with the other hand.

everyone who saw this froze as fear appeared in their eyes, but the masked man exploded in rage. with a step, he transformed into a 3 headed wolf as he shot toward Shisui, countless elements covered his body, and he moved at a speed countless of times greater than the scarred man.

"a powerlevel of 5,515,930 Heavenly Dao," Shisui said with a slight nod while looking at this, he was of no match to this person. but who said he had to be stronger to win? the life core glowered and suddenly the trees all came to life, roots shot out of the ground as they turned into guards which attacked him

the 3 headed wolves destroyed all the guards, but to his horror, countless guards were being formed by the second. a cut root transformed into another guard which attacked him, each guard had a power of 100,000 Heavenly Dao, with such a huge number and being so hard to kill, he was quickly outnumbered.

to make things worse, his lifeforce was being sucked, lucky, Shisui was too weak to use the orb to its fullest power, but even so, the Orb ability was too powerful. his lifeforce was being taken out of him, while at the same time he was being overwhelmed by the many guards, which were feeding off his life force to grow stronger and stronger,

"run." the 3 headed wolves yelled as he turned to run, but at this moment, the map was suddenly destroyed by a leaf storm, making everyone's eyes shrank. with this, they were trapped within the forest.

"I'm the sect leader and personal disciple of the Heavenly Wolf Sect, if you dare kill me, you would have bad karma with my sect." He yelled in horror seeing his death might not be too far away.

"don't worry about me," Shisui said calmly, and like that, a few hours went by, and it didn't take long until they were all killed. with them all killed, Shisui fused all the guards, creating a powerful root dragon that had a powerlevel of over 10 million heavenly Dao. with this, he set off from the forest towards the next gold mark on the map, which was a huge mountain which seemed to go on forever.

One couldn't fly up, and had to keep climbing to reach the peak, as Shisui headed up the mountain on top of the root dragon, he passed many people who were climbing up. they were covered instead as if a normal mortal climbing the mountain, this stunned Shisui for a moment until he realized something was off.

nowhere much the dragon walked, it was always infinitely far away from the peak, it seemed like they were getting close, but speech seemed to have been stretched to a new level. Shisui had the dragon stop as he wanted to look around, but once the dragon stopped, Shisui found himself at the bottom of the mountain.

"snort, what a fool, don't you know a person has to walk up the mountain." the young man said disdainfully as he walked up the mountain, his power was quickly suppressed by the mountain, seemly turning into a mortal as he tried to climb up.

Shisui sighed softly, before getting off the dragon, with a wave, the dragon turned into a necklace, which he put around his neck before he headed up the mountain. once he did, he began seeing that he was indeed getting closer to the peak, but he was suppressed to nothing more but a mortal... well, everything was suppressed but his physique.

With a step, Shisui began rushing, quickly passing everything around him, this shocked everyone who was mocking him at first. as shisui's speed had reached the likes of the sun and moon tier, even while facing the suppression.

as Shisui neared the peak, he noticed much unique energy entering his body, tempering his cultivation with each step. he also saw many herbs on the side of the mountain, each being rare.

as he got near and near, he felt the pressure on his getting stronger. slowly, he began slowing down as the pressure got heavier and heavier. but the stronger the pressure, me more energy was entering his body, tempering his cultivation and slowly helping him reach a breakthrough.

Soon sweat covered Shisui's whole body, but he was only 2 steps away from reaching the peak. these two steps took a lot of him, and once he did he fell to the ground as he breathed heavily. after catching his breath, he looked around and saw that there was a small house on top of the mountain.

As he stood up, he found that his cultivation has reached High easily Moutain and river, making him smile slightly. he entered the house and saw there was only a stable with two cups of tea, entering he suddenly felt a powerful will appearing

"Someone has finally reached this place." a soft voice sounded as a handsome young man appeared sitting down at the table.

"body cultivation is a rare and hard bath that many people can't handle, to reach the peak of this mountain, shows you have cultivated your body well. come, drink some tea with one. as the first person here, I will answer one question you have," he said with a smile while looking at Shisui

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