In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 64: 0062 trouble

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"What should I know about this place?" Shisui asked softly as he sat down before the handsome young man, the young man smiled slightly at this.

"Haha, good question... this place is the inheritance ground of the supreme Heaven Palace, we were a high-grade palace, holding many true immortals and a half-step Immortal Emperor. due to a  huge war, our palace was destroyed. we all died, but before our spirits disappeared, we created this world to help the next generations." He said calmly as he looked deeply into Shisui's eyes

"I don't know how many years have passed, but long ago a powerful beast tried to destroy the Dao we fought hard and in the end, although we killed that strange beast, we found that it was just a clone. its main body was fighting the sages, in trust, we only won thanks to someone name Ling Han. he with the power of every lifeform under the heavens was able to fight it," He said with a depressed look, shocking Shisui slightly

"Well, because of how that fight went down. we needed to strengthen all lifeform to await the beast. if that was just a clone, its dying birth told us that it was simply a clone with a drop of water compared to the endless sea... with that, we need to strengthen everyone. the stronger they are, the more power Ling Han would have to draw upon the beast's second arrival." He said softly,

"This place has 5 main inheritances you should look out for, this mountain is one of them. this tea in front of you is called the Soul calming tea, it calms your mind and allows you to gain enlightenment." He said with a smile, making Shisui's eyes widen slightly as he looked at the tea.

"as for the mountain, it's also a rare treasure. Godly Mt. Xumi, this mountain holds the strongest technique under the sage realm. The infinite Godly Xumi Art allows one to create an infinite number of arms, each arm capable of fusing any technique you have. once mastered, you can make 1 octillion clones. the best part is you can enter the Goldy Mt formations, forming a huge avatar capable of slaughtering the heavens. also, these clones are considered their own being, so their death will not affect you." He said with a smile, shocking Shisui to the clone.

the number of clones didn't shock him, those with an endless amount of energy could make an infinite number of clones. what shocked him was that these clones could join to form an avatar, clones couldn't normally do this. but shockingly this technique could allow something like this to happen.

"to make the Godly Xumi formations, you would need 1 billion clones, so you could make a total of quadrillion avatars. you can even take this to another level, using Godly Mt. Xumi as the core, you can use all of the avatars to form an even stronger avatar. sadly, no one could ever gain the full technique, not even I could." He said with a shake of his head,

"those who have gained the right to come up this mountain, would also try to gain the right to try and take the mountain," he said with a smile, Shisui went quiet for some time while looking at him deeply

"How did your palace have such a powerful item? as for the beast, did the sages not act to save the Dao?" Shisui asked in confusion, the young man frowned slightly hearing Sora speaking about the sages.

"the sages turned their head away while this world was near destruction, they can't be trusted. the heaven and earth birth them, yet they turned away the second the heavens is in danger." She said angrily, but he calmed himself down as he answered Shisui's first question

"I found the Godly Mt. Xumi, once I found it I managed to get the mountain to accept me. but I couldn't get the mountain to give me the full technique." He said with a shake of his head with a look of disappointment. he was not talented enough,

"but even with it, I managed to fight against even someone like the heavenly emperor while only at half-step Immortal Emperor. just cultivating that art, my strength was greatly improved." He said with a prideful smile,

"Well, I believe you're more talented than myself. you would surely take the technique.. from what I see, you're hiding a huge amount of your true power. go ahead." He said with a smile as he disappeared, Shisui looked at the cup of tea in his hands before he waved sending the tea into the system, where the system went off. but no one could hear it, not even Sora who was currently a mortal.

After that, Shisui went on to look at the mountain. Shisui sat down on the mountain, as he closed his eyes, the mountain suddenly shook slightly, and those walking up the mountain were shaken off, Shisui slowly opened his eyes and saw he was within the Godly Mt. Xumi.

the Godly My. Xumi held a world of its own, endless and seemly boundless. Shisui looked around for some time before a small golden statue suddenly appeared in front of him. but on second look, the golden statue was alive.

"you have gained the requirement to test to gain my technique." The tool spirit said calmly as it snapped its finger, out of nowhere, a puppet with the same cultivation as Shisui had appeared.

"defeat every puppet and once you do, you can gain the full technique." The tool spirit said with crossed arms, Shisui nodded slightly before looking at the puppet, he breathed out slightly, and with that breath, the puppet turned into dust.

but the puppet quickly put itself together, and a new puppet reformed. and so, Shisui easily defeated the puppet. but the puppet reformed with double the numbers, this went on until Shisui defeated 32 puppets,

once they were defeated, Shisui had to face 32 puppets, he went back to 1 puppet, but this time the puppets had a whole stage of cultivation above Shisui at High Late Moutain and river. Shisui cleared the puppets none stop, and once the numbers reached 32 puppets it went back to 1 puppet, and the cultivation of the puppets improved.

this went up all the way until the puppet's cultivation reached high early Heavenly Immortal, at which point Shisui completed the test after defeating 32 puppets at this level of cultivation.

"Good, you can skip 2 realms above your cultivation." the puppet said with bright eyes, this level of talent was what it was seeking. one should know, skipping two levels within the immortal tiers was shocking, it was more shocking than simply skipping 2 realms at the Gold rank. with this level of power, one could fight 3 realms above their cultivation at the Gold rank. matching the likes of the Son Of Heaven.

What was more impressive was that the fact Shisui didn't seem to be going all out, as if he was hiding something. this made her want to see what was he hiding from it,

Shisui quickly gained the Moutain's acknowledgment, before he went to gain the Godly Mt. Xumi art. back to his main body, he opened his eyes while looking down at the mountain, and with a thought, the mountain shook before it floated into the air.

"Can you block off the eyes of powerful experts at the Immortal emperor realm?" Shisui asked calmly,

"snort, even those at half-step Sage realm can clearly see me. with me, you are in good hands, so worry not, you will not be spied upon. if I could be so easily discovered, I would have not stayed here all this time." The Godly Mt. Xumi said pridefully.

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

"so, do you know where the next most impressive treasure is? i', guessing you are the number treasure, I am also guessing I just meant with the palace leader." Shisui said calmly,

"That's right, I'm number one under the heavens, and that was the palace leader. as for the second best, go towards the volcano over there, thats with the Fire Lord Immortal left his treasure." Godly Mt. Xumi said calmly, Shisui nodded before heading towards the Moutain.

meanwhile, within the system. Gowther, the head of the justice hall said with a deep frown. in the past few months, chaos had broken out within Sora's world. as the head of the justice hall, it was his job to withhold justice.

The Goddess clan has tried many times to fight many who did evil, but these people were not easy people to handle.

"Sir Gowther, Father had destroyed 100,000 lower realms, it's expected that he is making the Philosopher's Stone." An angel said as he entered Gowther's office, making Gowther's face darken. as new worlds are conquered,d it's his job to quickly understand the power system of this world, and keep tabs on the evil items and such.

Once a world is conquered, He steps forward to give the world a few years to itself, untouched by the other conquered world. this allows the conquered world to quickly catch up in power while being under his wings.

Alchemy is the fictional science of manipulating matter by harnessing energies that pervade the world of Fullmetal Alchemist. The act of performing Alchemy is known as a Transmutation, and it can be used for a variety of means, most commonly changing the shape and composition of an Alchemist's surroundings as they see fit.

A Philosopher's Stone is an extremely rare object sought after by most alchemists, as it allows one to ignore the Law of Equivalent Exchange, effectively creating and reshaping matter as they see fit. to create a Philosopher's Stone the lives of many people must be sacrificed, as it is a concentration of their souls and the great energy they produce.

Equivalent Exchange is the principle that limits alchemy's infinite potential. It's a simple concept: something cannot be created from nothing, and so in order to obtain something, something else of equal value must be lost.

the Philosopher's Stone allows a person to outright ignore that, with them ignoring that law, they would be seemly all-powerful. to make things worse, this Philosopher's Stone was created out of lives of 100,000 lower realms. each lower realm holding infinite lives, just what power would that be?

In Fullmetal Alchemist, they only used a few million or thouands of lives, with such a little amount, a person had already had the power to ignore this law. what about the souls of infinite numbers of lives? this thought was scary,

Gowther instantly know how serious this matter was, but it didn't take long for another angel to run in with another matter to report.

"Sir Gowther, an evil originations is currently slaughtering realm people within the higher realms, they seem to be cultivating demonic technique." The angels said quickly, but more and more angels entered, speaking about the many evils that had appeared.

from wild robots which were going around stealing others' cultivation, to demonic beings killing everyone to gain unmatched power.

"This is to be reported the lord, send someone to go ask for support. as for everything, the whole goddess clan and Justice hall are to move out." He said seriously if he lets this go on any longer then things might get out of hand. If Sora had to personally make a move, it would be her greatest shame.

soon, Red and the others got the news of what was going on. with Sora being gone at such a time, it was truly troublesome. in trust, Sora caused this. with the announcement of the tournament, everyone wanted to win. so they would throw everything out the window.

"for so many to be going against the laws... punishment is something that should be thrown out without mercy," Zeldris said with killing intent, everyone nodded in approval, laws were there for a reason if by chance they could get away, and survive within 100 years than they would have gained the right to live. after all, this was all for the right to live. after all, killing them all would weaken this world.

With that, the harmer was brought down. the 10 commandments and 7 deadly sins shot down, the Father and many others were forced to go into hiding, not daring to slaughter others on such a large scale.


Zeldris clashed with Father, sending him flying backward. Father laughed madly as he waved his hands, creating a powerful sword. the sword swung, watching with Zeldris's sword, but to Zeldris's shock, his word shattered.

"This is called the weapon-shattering sword. this is the power of a perfect Philosopher's Stone, I can create weapons with even unique abilities. I have the power of creation at my fingertips, you know how hard it was to have a Philosopher's Stone created within this world with different laws? but look at the gains of powers." He laughed madly to create the Philosopher's Stone, he had to experiment with it to go along with the unique law and Dao of the cultivation realm.

Zeldris frowned, but Father created more and more items, quickly overwhelming Zeldris. Zeldris quickly fell backward. but the battle was cut short by other members of the 10 commandments who were heading this way, Father quickly few off. he personally was weaker than Zeldris, he needed the Philosopher's Stone to beat him.

"... are you alright?" Mael asked with a frown as he looked at Father who disappeared before looking at Zeldris.

"yeah, he is strong. the philosopher stone is powerful, Father is weaker than me, but I sense the Philosopher stone is strengthening. over time, I will be his match, even now I'm not his match thanks to that stone." He said with a deep frown,

Mael frowned for some time, before sighing. so many people died for such a small stone, such a thing should be destroyed. or at least used on the enemy,

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