In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 65: 0063 become my man

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"... you're off the goddess clan?" Sora asked with slight surprise seeing the white wings behind Shiro's back, Shiro gave a bitter smile as she nodded slightly.

"the goddess clan is from the higher realm, what are you doing here in the lower realms?" Sora asked calmly, Shiro took a deep breath before explaining.

"I'm the princess of the goddess clan, a few years back a fallen angel tried to overthrow the goddess clan. the battle was chaotic, and in the end, I lost my cultivation and found myself near the village. they saved me, and helped me get back on my feet," She said softly,

"I plan to cultivate and return to the higher realm and get my revenge I hear that the lord had set the tournament to be within 100 years... I don't dare to believe I would win, but he has a chance of winning, so I have to do anything I could to stop him from winning." She said seriously,

"that's easier said than done, how would you get so strong within a small hundred years? you have to know you're going against experts who have been alive since the chaos era. their talent could be at 9 or even stars. well, they could be some 14 or 15 stars." Sora said calmly making Shiro bit her lips slightly, she knew this. she was only had 6-star talent.

ever since the dragon world bloodlines were added to the system, the power of those within the system had greatly increased. currently, the most talented within the system could skip 15 stars, meaning they could skip 5 realms within the gold rank. meaning, they could match those in the heavenly immortal realm in the gold realm.

this is something that even Sora couldn't do while at the Gold rank, of course, if Sora had the same ability at the gold rank, he could do the same. those with 15 stars were the peak of talent within the system, they were Sora's pride. of course, Sora would not let them die so easily. Sora could care less about their crime, in the end, strength is what truly matters.

that fallen angel Shiro was speaking about is the Ludociel son, Ludociel was one of the seven deadly sins, but his son was born with higher talent than himself. with his son going crazy for power, he had turned into a fallen angel and tried to take the goddess clan.

"T-than help me. I understand you're living the life of a mortal, and even then everything you touch is a treasure... I don't have much to give you now, but if I can return to the goddess clan, I would be able to repay you." She said seriously, but her heart dropped when she saw Sora shake his head.

"you're mistaken, since when do I need my wife to repay me?" Sora asked with a smile, what on earth could she reward him with? plus if he could teach someone, then he would get to see his mistake and correct them.

after all, a person playing a game would miss out on many stuff, meanwhile, a person watching the game would see the whole thing.

"r-really?" Shiro was not expecting this, she knew what she was asking for was over the top. but the fact Sora so easily agreed to this like it was nothing made her wonder, just who was Shiro?

"yup, but what do you mean by everything I touch is a treasure?" Sora asked calmly, Shiro went quiet for some time before she walked over to a tree. she broke a piece of the tree before she sent a chaotic amount of energy into the stick. the energy was so much that even Sora could see it with his naked eye.

"..." Sora's eyes shrank slightly while looking at this. the stick should have instantly turned into dust, after all, it was just a normal stick, if it could handle that huge amount of Qi, it could only mean 1 thing, it means 2 things. one, that stick was no normal stick, or 2... Shiro was playing around and she had perfect control of her Qi.

"you're a mortal so you can't sense it, but you have reached a high level within the comprehension of the Dao. you ever movement is infused with the power of Dao." She said seriously, making Sora go quiet for some time before he nodded in understanding,

Sora went quiet for some time before closing his eyes as he went through his thoughts. the fact he did all this and did not understand what he was doing meant he had some mistakes somewhere. if he wills something, it should be created as he wills it to be created. not be created in a way without his knowledge or understanding,

his whole time, Sora had thought he was just a normal mortal. but he was surrounded by treasures, birthed from mortals' hands. now, this sounded cool and so, but it meant Sora had made a mistake at some point, after some time opened his eyes and looked at himself.

He was the mistake, in trust, he shouldn't care about whatever mistake he made. he was the god of conquest, the fact he trying to find the mistake was wrong. all paths were just paths awaiting to be conquered, there was no need to understand the said path.

He was a god of conquest, everything shall and will be conquered. His path was supreme, the number one of all other baths. yet he foolishly cares so much about how other paths act? that's foolish,

Sora slowly let out a breath upon reaching this point, the heaven and earth seemed to shake slightly when he reached this point. He had reached another step in creating his path of conquest, from now on, Sora stopped bothering about other paths. he split minds fused together, and went on to put his full attention on comprehending the path of conquest.

Sora went through all the knowledge of conquest and domination from every world he had conquered so far. what was conquest? He needed to understand this.

{the superpower WIke state that. Conquest Embodiment- Users embody conquest, being the physical representation of subjugation and domination. Being the literal embodiment of conquest, users would be able to effortlessly conquer anything or anyone, immediately seizing dominion of whatever they wish through absolutely any means necessary. Most of the time, users would already be in extremely high positions of power or authority through having conquered nearly everything. Truer embodiments would be able to conquer nonphysical things such as concepts or thoughts, essentially enabling users to manipulate and control them.} Sora closed his eyes and went through the whole internet searching for more information.

He should be the very meaning of Authority, his words shall shake the Dao, and make the heavens shake in fear. the fact that the Dao saw him as an ally was a problem, he was not of this world, he was the rebirth of the conquest. he existed on a whole different level than this one simply world, he existed on a plane of existence where even the omniverse would shake.

as Sora thought longer and longer about this, causing heaven and earth to shake madly. outside Sora's system, everyone from the mortal realm, and immortal realm, and hell suddenly looked at the sky. they all suddenly felt the strong unease of heaven.

this confused everyone, for one. the heavens are something that was truly justice, you can do anything and even enrage the heavens. but in the end, so long as you have the power to pass its tribulations, you can even destroy the heavens, and it would not fight back. heaven's judgment although different from realm to realm, at its core it realms the same.

you could be a demonic being who tried to destroy the heavens, yet in the end, if you were birth from heaven and earth, the heavens would in the end moan your death. it was like a mother, and everyone under the heavens was its child. you can act up all you want, but show the capability to handle the consequences, it would let you be. of course from then on, it would be harder and harder on you until you can't take it anymore and change your ways for the better or die.

yet the heavens were feeling unease, even millions of years ago when the heavens were about to be destroyed, the heavens didn't even feel unease. even the sages who didn't bother much about this world also felt this strange feeling which made them uneasy, they frowned greatly but they couldn't find where the feeling was coming from. Sora's karma was too much to the divine, leaving them blind and helpless as to where this uneasy feeling was coming from.

"Well, let's begin your training," Sora said with a smile, although he didn't no longer master the Dao, there was a saying. Know thy enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated. When you are ignorant of the enemy but know yourself, your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are sure to be defeated in every battle.

Sora's battle was now with the Dao, he didn't understand his own self and the Dao. so he needed to still try and understand the Dao to some level, after conquering the Dao, he would have the power of every Dao equipped to the power of his Dao of conquest. this means, Sora could pretty much comprehend just one Dao, and in return has all 100,000 Dao comprehend to a similar level.

but in trust, this was not the only bath Sora could take. the path of dreams was also another bath he could take. Dream Walker state that the Dao fo Dream was the only true Dao, all other Dao was simply something dreamt by the Dao of Dreams. with the Dao of dreams, everything would simply be a dream.

these were the power of conquest, but Sora only had one question about all of this. was the conquest dream walker talented about the same as his conquest of conquest? or was the concept of dream something simply within this cultivation world?

so many questions yet so few answers. anyways, Shora and Sora went on to start training, but not too far away within another region of the lower realm. a young man sat within a hidden chamber, a young man kneeled before a mirror that showed the image of a demon.

"begin with the destruction of the sect, point out all talents that the demons would capture." The demon said calmly, not bothering to even look at the kneeling man. the kneeling man quickly nodded before the mirror went black.

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

after a moment, he sighed softly as he stood up. he was a spy placed within the thunder mountain sect by the demon from hell. with the tournament around the corner, the demons had put him to work, and as for what they wanted these people for, he cared little. but there was one person he wanted to himself, to say the least Shiro.

the moment he laid eyes upon her, he had fallen in love. the fact she ignored him only made him want her even more. so what if she was married? what he wants, he shall get.

anyways, back to Shisui. Shisui floated in the air with cross legs, as he waved his hands, countless images of hands appeared behind Shisui. Shisui coldly looked down at the 10 experts at half-step Sun and Moon below.

"snort, this peace of trust does know his place, when I said become my man, you will become my man." A handsome young man said coldly as he attacked Shisui. Shisui showed a disgusted look, before his hands shot down, the many hands overwhelmed the attack, and slammed heavily on the ground, the handsome young man flashed, shooting towards Shisui.

"haha, the more you resist, the more love I will give." the handsome young man suddenly disappeared, turning into beautiful-looking deer. energy channeled through the deer antlers, before a huge and powerful beam shot toward Shisui.

the beam shot through Shisui, but Shisui slowly disappeared as if he was an afterimage. everyone was shocked for a moment, before he saw countless afterimages appear in the sky, each afterimage having countless arms.

'he has a power level of 6 million heavenly Dao, I'm only his match if I go all out... but even then, it would be a hard battle." Shisui thought with a deep frown, the only reason he was not dead yet was because the deer in front of him wanted him to join the harem.

"just my harem, I promise I will shower you with all my love." He said with a smile, Shisui calmly looked at him, before sighing. he slapped his hands all of the sudden, as the orb of life suddenly floated above his hands.  everyone froze slightly, before the necklace around Shisui's neck suddenly shot off him, turning into a huge root dragon that coldly looked at the group of 10

"I can tell you're not some unreasonable people, I would like to avoid pointless killing," Shisui said calmly, the deer froze for some time before it laughed. it stumped its leg on the ground, causing the earth to shake. suddenly the grass all around gathered, frowning at a huge grass giant, with a powerlevel of 90 million.

"I have the Forest Deer Lord Bloodline, so long as I'm near life, I'm within my domain." He laughed happily while looking at Shisui. this handsome young man... he had to make him his, just thinking of the fun they would have in bed soon, made him lick his lips slightly.

"you're not willing to give up?" Shisui asked with narrowed eyes, but the deer answered him by controlling the grass giant to punch the huge root dragon. Shisui waved his hands, and suddenly, the lifeforce all around them was sucked towards the root dragon.

"w-what?" the deer froze as he saw his control over life was being suppressed, and overpowered by another power with higher control over life. to his shock, he found that Shisui had taken control of the grass gaint, with a wave, he was sent flying backward while coughing up a mouthful of blood.

the other 9 who were watching this were shocked before they moved to help their friend with benefits. This group of 10 likes to have their fun, all males equid all funs. females were just some heartless demons in human skin, males were better. a male could be himself among others of his kind, unlike with a female where they had to be different,

"... cough,  that is that orb?" the deer said softly as he slowly returned back into his human form while looking at Shisui in shock.

"it's the life orb," Shisui said calmly, the handsome young man nodded slightly, before standing up, his injuries had quickly covered thanks to his bloodline.

"Well, you have beaten me... a sigh, may I know your name?" he asked calmly, Shsiui was slightly surprised, not expecting something like this. this should be the part where he angrily yells at him while talking about his powerful background.

"Fang Tian," he said calmly, the young man nodded slightly before a burning look appeared in his hands, he pointed at Shsius before he spoke.

"Fang Tian, I'm Lu. you're still blind and believe females are your trusted friends. but, I will help you to understand. females in this world only want to use you, and crush you." He said seriously, he couldn't bare to watch Shisui the love of his life walk down the same road he was walking.

"I too once foolish fell in love, I thought she was my world. but all she wanted was to use me, the moment someone better came around, she threw me aside without a second thought. it was then that I realized every woman I have ever loved never truly loved me, they only wanted to use me. it then I realized, that I'm most happy around my brothers." Lu said softly as he looked at the group, the group smiled slightly as a few of them blushed.

"if that's all I shall get going," Shisui said, not wanting to sit with this group of people any longer, the young man said in disappointment, but he will one day help Shsiui open his eyes. at which point, he would marry him.

Shisui suddenly flew off, heading toward the center of this world. although he had gained the most important treasures, there was 1 place known as the cultivation ground, which spend up cultivation. this pill would be open for 10 years, and so far not even a week had passed. Shisui was simply to flash as he took everything,

the cultivation ground had a unique formation that sped time up by a million times, it also had a huge formation that allows a person's cultivation to improve by simply breathing. upon arriving, Shisui saw that there were many 1,000 pillars.

each pillar could only hold one person, a person who wished to seat upon the pillar had to climb up the billiard where they would gain the speed boost effect. the higher the pillar, the greater the effect. once a person sat upon the pillar, they would have 6 months to cultivate until the pill kicks them off, allowing someone else to step up.

there were only 750 low-grade pillars that speed time up by a million times, so for 6 months on these, it would equal 182,500,000 days of cultivation within the best condition.

the mid-grade pillars were a total of 150,  these pillars were higher up and sped time up by 10 times that of the low-grade pillars.

the high-grade pillar was a total of 49, these pillars were even higher up, and speed time up by 10 times that of the mid-grade pillars.

but above them, was the highest pillar, which was said to be 10 times better than the high-grade pillar. cultivating here, Shsiui had high hope to not simply reach late, but even peak Moutain and river tier, hell, the sun and moon tier was not out of the picture.

the best part about all of this was that the effect of time didn't affect one age. it only speeds up their cultivation speed. of course, the stronger someone was, the more resistance they would have to this time effect, they would have to greatly suppress themselves if they wished to have this truly affect them.

Shisui went on to aim for the best pillar, a person could only use a pillar once every year. so once Shisui uses this, he would have to wait a whole year before climbing back up. the pillar started off huge, but as one got higher up, it got smaller and smaller, forcing others to run into those who were climbing the pillar. there was also being pressed down by powerful gravity, each time they got closer to the peak, the more powerful the gravity became. luckily, everyone still had their cultivation so they could fight this.

although Shisui could use Mt. Xumi to fly within this world, he couldn't over here, some kind of strange barrier forced him not to reach a height even with the mountain.

many people ignored the pillar shisui was true to climb, many have tried but many had failed, and only those few talents could reach the peak of that pillar. the gravity pressing down upon Shisui was also not overwhelming, it went along with his cultivation level and got harder and harder until it reached a point where even those in the heavenly immortal realm would have trouble climbing up.

Shisui was talented and had a powerful physique, and to everyone's shock, he was able to fight against the pressure and reach the peak within a few hours. before he began cultivating. everyone who saw this was shocked, a few of them were waiting to watch him make a fool of himself, yet he reached the peak in record time. others took months, he only took a few hours, this was indeed shocking.

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