In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system

Chapter 66: 0064 the phoenix

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storm clouds gathered above Shisui who was sitting upon the pillar, only a few days had passed and he had broken through to the low-late mountain and river tier. with this breakthrough, Shisui had to face tribulation.

Shisui completely ignored the tribulations, as he cultivated. and like that, in a few hours, he passed his tribulations. a week quickly went by before he broke through two mid-late mountains and a river, and so, at a shocking speed, he broke through none stop and soo he reached Early peak Moutain and river, making him face another tribulation, which he easily passed without even looking at it.

soon, Shisui had finished his six months, and he had reached high-peak mountains and rivers. with that, he left the pillar and went on to climb a high-grade pillar to cultivation. every 6 months, there would be some empty pillars, so he didn't have to wait. once a person was on top of a pillar, they would be considered to have entered a safe zone as they would be protected by the pillars.

Shisui cultivated and months quickly went by before his cultivation stepped into half step Sun and Moon. but he couldn't reach Sun and Moon tier before the six months were done, so he left the pillar and went climbing another high-grade pillar.

but as he was climbing a high-grade pillar, Shisui froze as he noticed someone climbing the pillar alongside him.

"My love, it's been a year already," Lu said with a charming smile that could move the heart of any man, a slight chill ran down Shisui's back while looking at him.

"I hear you reached the peak pillar in only a few hours, as expected of the money I fell in love with." He said with a smile, Shisui frowned slightly while looking at him.

"Don't worry, I will not try to suppress you or something that stupid. I truly love you, with true love one should use force. I will one day show you," He said softly, the few females around them were moved to hear his moving words, males of the cultivation world useless use their backs to try and move others into sleeping with them. it was indeed rare to have someone go after someone without trying to show off.

"But, let's start off as friends, we got off to a wrong start back then, although I'm still looking forward to battling you. if I win, you have to agree to a date." He said with a smile as he reached his hand out to shake Shisui's hands. Shisui thought for a moment, but he could tell he was not a bad guy, so he agreed to be his friend, after all, having good connections couldn't be bad. I might even help in his missions.

"Well, shall we race? if I win you must treat me out for a meal, but if you win I will treat you." He said with a smile, Shisui wanted to say no, not wanting to give this guy any hope, but he suddenly went off before he went off. Shisui shot off, not wanting to treat this guy to anything.

with a flash, he quickly caught up to Lu and overthrew him, stunning Lu as Shisui's strength had greatly improved. when he fought Shisui, Shisui's powerlevel was not even at a million, while he had a powerlevel of 9 million heavenly Dao. but before his eyes, Shisui had a powerlevel of 18 million Heavenly Dao

Shisui within such a short amount of time had become 2 times stronger than him, this was scary. but it made his heart beat scarily for Shisui, such a strong man. not to mention Shisui was not some arrogant young master who goes around showing off his power. such a person made his heart beat quicker, who didn't want such a person as their man?

Shisui quickly reached the peak of the mountain, and after throwing a look at Lu, he began cultivating. Lu sighed helplessly seeing this, before climbing back down and heading up another mountain.

if a deer could climb, he would try and climb up the peak pillar, he, of course, had the chance to do so, but couldn't. of course, with his level of power he could transform into any shape he wanted. but under the huge gravity, he would be forced back into his true form. which was a deer.

6 months went by, and Shisui was somewhat closer to reaching the half-step Sun and moon tier, just as the 6th month neared, he broke through to half-step Sun and moon, after the time was up, he left the pillar and went to go climb the highest grade pillar.

and so, 6 months quickly went by before a huge tribulations cloud appeared above Shisui, everyone suddenly felt chills while looking at this tribulations cloud. it was unlike none others compared to what others have seen.

thunder shook the world as a huge lightning dragon appeared, looking down upon Shisui before it shot down. Shisui didn't try and resist as he let the tribulations hit him. he gritted his teeth in pain as his body was burned badly, but he absorbed most of the power from the tribulations, allowing his physique to be refined.

Shisui breathed heavily as the burnt marks disappeared in a blink of energy, Sora went through something similar when he went through his diamond rank tribulations. at that point, he did it to become a demi-god, Shisui was doing the same thing, he was going to become a Demi-god.

lightning fell nonstop, Shisui's body healed and recovered at a fast speed, but over time the speed of recovery began slowing down. when Sora went through these tribulations, his recovery speed was much slower than Shsiui's current recovery speed, this was because Shisui had the help of the life orb to help him recover.

Sora died facing his tribulations, but he came back thanks to his link with the system. if that link was not there, Sora would have died for good. of course, Sora didn't put up any defense. if that link was not there, he would have simply blocked the lightning.

everyone who was on the pillars quickly awaken from their cultivation state sensing the huge danger above them. this caused their cultivation to go unstable, leading to many coughing up a mouthful of blood.

they all looked at Shisui in shock who was sitting on his pillar with closed eyes, no defense and still facing his tribulations. this sight made everyone question if Shisui was ok in the head, such a tribulation made everyone here shake in fear, yet he dared to not even put up his defense.

hours went by, and soon the tribulations disappeared, while Shisui who was a step away from death suddenly had his black burnt body start falling. to everyone's shock, Shisui's glowing skin appeared behind the burnt body.

as Shisui slowly stood up, all of the burnt flesh fell off, and skin that could only be considered godly appeared before everyone. Shisui slowly opened his eyes, looking down upon everyone, and everyone suddenly felt a powerful pressure from his eyes. with a powerlevel fo 1 billion heavenly Dao, Shisui's strength could match those at the peak of the Heavenly Dao.

"Well, now I need to spend some time to comprehend Dao," Shisui said softly, everything about him was powerful. all but his comprehension of the Dao. he should at least have the Dao reach the same level of his strength, but since he was at the Sun and Moon tier, he could now form stars within his world, at which point he could burn these stars to boost his powerlevel by 100 times, the more stars, the longer this power up could remain.

Smiling slightly, he jumped down from the pillar, landing heavily on the ground, before going on to search for the next holy ground for cultivation. the next place was a place to help comprehend The Dao.

this zone is filled with many unique trees which could put one in a unique state where one could comprehend Dao. this was a place where anyone could enter without any real test, the only thing one couldn't do was harm the trees.

Shisui went on to appear before this Zone, once he did he smell which calmed the mind and strengthened it hit him. Shisui's mind cleared, as he better sensed the Dao. Shisui's thinking process became clear. but it was not that effective with his current strength, So, he went up and headed deeper into the Zone. there more and more of these trees appeared, and their effect got stronger and stronger.

but as he got closer, so did the pressure they felt. each step felt harder and harder, but Shisui ignored them all. he was now a Demi-God, he could easily ignore this pressure. soon, he arrived at the core of this place, where a huge flower blossom tree stood over a small leave.

Shisui's eyes moved slightly as they landed on a young man who sat under the mountain, he was at the sun and moon tier and was currently fishing with closed eyes. this image looked like something which came right out of a picture,

the young man slowly opened his eyes as he looked at Shisui, he looked at Shisui for some time, before his eyes turned sharp. disdain filled his eyes as he looked down upon Shisui, it was like he was looking at some low life.

"who allowed you to look upon me?" He asked coldly, Shisui looked at him for some time. he had a powerlevel of 250 million heavenly Dao, which was impressive, and he most likely had high comprehension of the Dao as well,

"you're right, I can't believe I looked upon shit. I wish I was blind." Shisui said calmly as he went to sit down on the other blossom tree, and went on to start fishing, once he did, his mind cleared to a shocking level, and he felt his mind entering a unique state.

but this state didn't last long as the young man angrily stood up, his killing intent locked down upon Shisui, making Shisui annoyed. the young man suddenly shot up, as he slapped Shisui, but he froze upon looking into Shisui's eyes.

he suddenly found himself unable to move as Shisui stood up, catching him, just as Shisui was about to kill him, the young man broke out of the illusion, and kicked Shisui, SHisui easily caught the fist, before his hand turned into shape claws.

shock appeared in the young man's eyes, before he quickly transformed, turning into a huge golden phoenix. Shisui looked at him with a deep frown, this young man's powerlevel suddenly increased by 100 times, annoying him deeply. this was the Supreme Immortal Phoenix. one of the purest bloodline phoenix clans.

this bloodline instantly made one almost unkillable, normal ways of killing an immortal phoenix would not affect them. the only way to truly kill those with this bloodline is to ease them from existence, this means removing them from time and space, everyone's memories, and even reality. it would be like they never existed, this was immortality of half-step level 9

"you piece of shit dare force me to go all out?" He yelled as his claws reached down to grab Shisui, but to his shock, Shisui suddenly floated up. one shouldn't be able to fly in this world, SHisui could only float up like this when he uses the Godly xumi art.

Countless arms appeared behind Shisui, as if they were illusions, countless clones quickly filled the sky, each also having countless arms. each arm held countless techniques, from palm technique to fist technique, and so on.

"Godly Xumi Art!" the Phoenix yelled in shock before a burning look appeared in its eyes, it rushed towards Shisui before countless attacks rushed towards him. it had a powerlevel. it didn't even bother to defend itself, as it healed almost instantly from all types of damage.

"Haha, I'm a future Sage, an ant like you dares to think you could match me?" He laughed mockingly as he destroyed the clones. but suddenly, a huge buddha hand fell from the sky, slapping it onto the ground,

Shisui's main body floated above him, with a buddha statue floating high and mighty above him, this buddha statue seemed to be infinitely larger than all of existence, making people feel small. Shisui calmly looked down at him,

This was another technique of the Godly Zumi art, instead of having all those arms appear on you, you form a huge buddha statue with countless arms. this statue was 10 times one strength, and one only needs to be thought to perfect control it. it also has a powerful move, once it opens its mouth, it could unless a powerful beam that couldn't be looked down upon

with this, Shisui could show the power of 10 billion heavenly Dao, but even so, the person in front of him had a power level of 25 billion heavenly Dao. that last move only caught him off guard, and the phoenix slowly floated up while looking up as Shisui, his eyes narrowed as he saw the many clones slowly forming this buddha statue.

Shisui at some point had created after images, distracting him while he went up to form this statue, this technique needed some time to work. so he needed time to use this,

'i woulder how powerful the buddha statue would be with the Susanoo.' Shisui thought as he felt slightly uneasy, the thought of holding back so much made him greatly annoyed. just imagine a Susnaoo with countless arms. thinking this, he suddenly thought of something. with a flash, Shisui flew off, leading to the phoenix running after him, they quickly left the zone of the flower blossom tree where they could fight each other all out.

You are reading story In a Cultivation world with a world conquering system at

Shisui suddenly stopped fighting, and turned to face him. the phoenix Sneered disdainfully seeing this. the buddha statue behind him suddenly made a hand seal, suddenly roots shot off the ground and wrapped around the phoenix which was about to attack. the Phoenix was slightly shocked as he found this wood was suppressing and absorbing his energy.

he was shocked for a moment before the flames that made his body exploded burning the roots to ash, but before this short amount of time, Shisui had moved, standing on the Buddha statue which was not covered in roots armor, Shisui took a deep breath before the orb of life floated above his head.

The phoenix frowned seeing this, he had sharp senses and could sense that orb was making the now wooden armor buddha statue stronger. a wooden dragon suddenly around the buddha statue like a snake before the buddha statue rushed towards the phoenix.

the phoenix frowned as the flames which made its body condensed, forming a real-looking body. bird-like feathers covered its body, and each feather seemly being harder than any metal under the heavens. the phoenix opened items, releasing powerful flames, which covered parts of its body, before turning into burning red armor.

with his move, the phoenix's power suddenly reached 900 billion, making Shisui speechless, even with all of this, he now had a powerlevel of 50 billion, Shisui thought for some time before he formed many clones, the clones all quickly gathered, forming a huge buddha avatar with him being in the center,

with a powerlevel of 800 billion, Shisui coldly looked at the phoenix, if he could simply go all out, this would easily work.

"gentle fist art... 8 trigrams 64 palms," Shisui said softly as all the arms suddenly moved, a trigram seemed to appear under him, covering seemly the whole world.

"8 trigrams 2 palms," Shisui said as two huge arms of the buddha statue which could cover the world shot down, hitting the phoenix he wanted to dodge. as the palms hit, they were gentle, but they bypass the phoenix's defense, sending energy into the phoenix which caused chaos to the era hit.

"4 palms, 8 palms..." SHisui said as the aims doubled while slamming down upon the phoenix which was coughing up blood with each blow. This is a secret martial art of the Hyūga clan's main house, traditionally only known by the head of the clan and the clan's heir. when Sora conquered the Naruto world, he, of course, got this martial art. but he didn't pass the martial art to everyone, only those with high positions who should be a jack of trades learned this, such as those within the assassins.

Using their Byakugan's near-360° field of vision, the Hyūga envisions themselves within the center of an Eight Trigrams symbol. The user then delivers a series of attacks to a target that is within the symbol's perimeter, striking sixty-four of their pressure points Those sixty-four pressure points are subsequently blocked, stopping the flow of chakra within the target's body and making it difficult for them to move.

The sixty-four strikes are broken into six smaller sets. Users perform each set of strikes within the same length of time, but because each set has more strikes than the one before it, the set's strikes become increasingly faster. The last set, during which thirty-two strikes are performed, is especially difficult, demanding great resolve and a strong step forward to pull off.

Immortals didn't have pressure points, even so, this technique was unique was it sent energy into a person's body, bypassing most types of defenses. so long as contact is made, then Shisui could send energy into the phoenix's body, leading to great internal damage.

the phoenix coughed up many mouthfuls of blood, but it recovered as quick as the damage appeared, but soon roots popped out of the ground, wrapping around him. these roots had absorbed this blood, leading to the roots being much stronger, and having a greater suppression towards him

"what's this?" the young man yelled in shock, these roots were bright red, and had a huge suppression on his bloodline.

"is it not clear? you're a pain in the ass, so I wanted to use your blood to help evolve my roots into being your counter." Shisui said calmly, he had wood release of course. wood release could suppress and absorb other energy, adding his blood which led to the new wood becoming a huge counter to him. this happened so fast thanks to the orb of life, which gave him the power of life to a limited degree

"you dare hold me, you piece of shit of this backwater region? I'm the young prince of the phoenix clan," the phoenix yelled angrily as he struggled to break free, Shisui mockingly look at this foot. waving his hand, a portal to the system opened.

the roots moved, sending him toward the portal. but the young man tried with all his strength to not enter, but in the end, he was forcefully pulled into the system, where Itachi clone was awaiting along with another Assassin.

Eivor calmly looked at the phoenix who was looking at them in horror as he realized something was off with the aura coming off Sora and the others. they were the people from the lower realm.

"your job would be similar to Shisui, you should fuse with him and enter the phoenix clan as a spy," Itachi said calmly, Eivor smiled slightly as he looked at the Phoenix,

"a simple task, you need to assassin a few people within?" Eivor asked with a smile, to which Itachi simply shook his head.

"it's best you capture a few other people within the clan, along with others from other clans. retreat if you need help, your raven also stays behind." Itachi said calmly, making Eivor shake as h looked up towards a black raven that was looking at them

"by Odin beard, are you truly to blind me?" Eivor asked, that raven was his eyes, they both shared a link. this link and the bird's ability and strength when they began cultivating, to say the raven was a part of him was an underestimate.

"I understand what you are saying, but even Shisui left behind his bird. we can't allow anyone to get a clue of you being undercover." Itachi said calmly, every assassin had a pet bird, these pet birds were their eyes and ears, to say the least, they had extremely sharp senses, allowing them to see beyond time and space.

"sigh, goodbye old friend, I shall be back within a few hundred or thouands years... well, to you it would be a few months." He said softly, Shisui has already been in the immortal realm for many years, meanwhile, the lower realm barely moved had 4 months pass.

"Also, be on the lookout for any weak points within the phoenix clan, they only had a level 2 immortal emperor. with the right chance, we could move and kill him. but we need more information and catch him off guard in a human form. after which, our army can move out and lunch an attack. at which point, we can move all the lifeforms from the lower realm to the immortal realm, and use the power of the people to scare off the powerful powerhouses" Itachi said calmly, Eivor nodded slightly.

"well, he is powerful, lets's suppress his will before you fuse. you don't want him to slowly take control or anything.... better yet, let's destroy his will." Itachi said calmly, no point of weakness could be left behind. Itachi didn't want to see someone use the power of friendship to bring this back, and make him take back control or something.

and like that, the two began raining punches down on the phoenix as if it was a gang fight or something. the phoenix let out cries, and soon, its will was destroyed. Eivor went on to fuse with him before Itachi used the little power Sora gave him to control the system to such any hint of the system on the phoenix before having him leave.

"why did he go and no me?" a woman covered in a tattoo asked seeing all of this happen, this was the female version of Eiva, for some reason, they didn't fuse when they entered the system.

"he is a male, he knows males better than you. you can get your chance to have fun when a female enters." Itachi said calmly before he turned into countless crows that flew all over the place, female Eiva sighed softly.

She had just gained a new form, The God of Conquest Super Saiyan God. gaining the number of people to help her enter this form was not easy. in dragon ball, a person could enter the Super Siayn god, a ritual is needed in order to achieve the Super Saiyan God transformation. It requires five righteous Saiyan

but thanks to the changes to the bloodline, the requirement had increased to a new height. now, a ritual needed to happen. a person must do a ritual and gaint the knowledge of heaven and earth to gain this form. the number of people needed for this was 50, and they all had to be around similar power and still be righteous.

this made everyone look towards the goddess clan, but with the fallen angel who had nearly destroyed the goddess clan, not many goddesses bothered to help others with simple matters like this. they had to rebuild heaven and keep peace across the whole world.

as for how strong The God Of Conquest Super Saiyan was. it was of course heaven shaking, it was because of this that the next level above Super Siayn God of Itachi believed they had a chance of fighting the Phoenix clan. but it was a chance. Itachi didn't like violence, but he knew this was for the good of the system. but he would not allow those of the conquest to be sent to their death, so he wanted to be sure of their victory.

many people within the system had gained the COnquest Super Saiyan 1, 2, and 3. some even got 4, limit breaker. only a rare few had The God Of Conquest Super Saiyan. that form requirement left many helpless.

but because of all of this, the highest cultivation within the system was currently only late mountain and river. this was something that left them all helpless, the stronger they became, the harder and harder to have a breakthrough.

currently, the strongest person could match someone at the peak of the true immortal realm, which made them way better than Shisui who had higher cultivation yet could only match someone at the peak of the heavenly immortal realm. this of course impressive, and that said strongest person was currently Hope.

With his cheat, plus the dragon sealed within him, he had more than one form of a cheat. in a close second were Seth and Levi, Seth had countless devil fruits which could allow him to adapt two a world much faster than others, and with the countless cultivation art he has, he too could fight someone at the peak of the true immortal.

Levi on the other hand could gather the power of the people, with the power of the people, plus the fact he had no limited rage and the fact he could get power from all his soldiers, he was indeed powerful. adding the power of the people, he was strongest, but alone he was tired of 2nd place.

within 3rd place, this went for people like Merlin, with her bright mind and huge hunger for knowledge, to say the least, she had gained many information. be it within formations, pill making, crafting, blacksmith, and so on. she was among the best, she wasn't the best, but among the best.

With merlin also having Infiteinity, adding her wide field of knowledge, she was indeed a hard person to handle. she even had the chance to fight for number with Hope if even time to create something to counter Hope.

below her, were the others such as Itachi and so on. Sora had given itachi the Dreame emperor cultivation art. With the dream emperor cultivation art, Itachi's illusions capability had reached a level where he saw all things as simply illusions. you punch him? he simply turns that punch into an illusion, leading to it not affecting him.

to say the least, Sora spoiled itachi. he was a huge fan of Itachi, this was because Itachi was his favorite anime character of all time. Itachi was a jack of trades, similar to Merlin, but Itachi walked the path of an assassin.

He was also an assassin, I've him the chance and he could even kill Hope. a straightforward fight was not something he went for, he was not just killed in killing, but he was also skilled in illusions and the arts of a dream.

rivaling Itachi for 4th place were, Red, Silver, the father, Zeldris, and the fallen angel. although they were ranked 4th, it was not a clear winner who would win if they all fought.

after all, they were all on an equal playing fried, having the same bloodline, cultivation art, and so on. even Seth, and Levi would have to take Itachi and the others seriously in a fight, if they were to fight to the death, their battle could last years without a clear winner. the gap in strength was that huge, the only huge gap was with Hope, he had a dragon sealed within him, and he outright cheat as he could draw power from another being within him and even fuse.

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