In a Fictional World with an All Girls Chat Group

Chapter 11: Chapter 10.

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I smirked as I saw their reply in the Chat, I know that I was already a Perfect Male by appearance but I really did not except this reaction from them. Especially [Frozen Beauty] and [Best Maid] as in their world there should not be a shortage of handsome man as one has cultivators and on the other one had all the supernatural beings in existence.

From what I can conclude from their introduction is that, their story has not started. I am really glad about it, which means that I  still have a chance.

[Best Maid] : Can I ask you a question, @Perfect Progenitor.]

I pulled myself out from the thoughts as I see athe message.

[Perfect Progenitor](Admin) : Yes, please.]

[Best Maid] : If what you say is true, and you are human than why did your nickname says a Progenitor. From what I know about a Progenitor is that he is a founding father of it's Race, so are you a founding father of Human Race?]

[Berserk Healer] : Is it true!! so are you really a founding father of Humans. Like Adam that is mentioned in the Bible. Wow, it's so cool.] 

[Frozen Beauty] : Is it true, you are a founder of human race.] 

[Snow Goddess] : +1 ] 

[Perfect Progenitor](Admin) : No you got it all wrong, I am not the founder of humanity or anything it's just the effect of an item that I used that I had evolved into a Progenitor. I am just a Celestial Human, which just a same race as that of Human Progenitor race.]

[Best Maid] : Ohh! is that so I thought you are Progenitor. What do mean by you evolved, and what Race is the Celestial Human Race. I have never heard of it. Can you explain.]

[Perfect Progenitor](Admin) : Well, a Celestial Human is a peak of Humanity that any human can reach in my universe, it's an evolutionary process and it's based on a strength of a person. As one's strength reaches to a certain hallmark their existing race would evolved into a higher one and set an new hallmark that one has to break to evolve again, it's continuous process. But because of my Luck, I got an rare fruit, which is known as Evolution Fruit. It's a fruit that ignores the strength hallmark of the one who consume it and Evolves his existing Race, it's the fruit that I had consume, it was the result of that. Also can you all change your names it's kinda awkward to call you by the Nicknames. There is a profile option on top of your screen, you should press that and change your name.]

[Perfect Progenitor](Admin) : has changed his name to Yuuya.]

I replied to chat as, I remembered in the original story when Yuuya has reached a sufficient strength his Race has been evolved to an higher one. Well I really got the fruits by Luck. 

[Best Maid] : ...I see, thanks for answering my question.]

[Best Maid] : Has changed her name to Grayfia.]

[Frozen Beauty] : Has changed her name to Chu Yuechan.] 

[Berserk Healer] : Has changed her name to Asuna.]

[Snow Goddess] : Has changed her name to Mu Ningxue.] 

[Asuna] : .....Well @Grayfia, @Chu Yuechan, @Mu Ningxue and @Yuuya, please don't be shocked too much, because as your names sounds familiar to me I tried to check it, and it turns out you are the fictional character in my world and are part of the fiction...or you exist so it should be real.... I don't really know.]

[Mu Ningxue] :  Fiction? You're saying we are not real? Don't make fun of me.]

[Grayfia] : ...  ]

[Chu Yuechan] : What do you mean?] 

Saying that her life is a fiction, Mu Ningxue became angry. She wanted to throw things around, but her curiosity still overpowered her. 

It's like one day a stranger tells you that you're just a character of a fictional story, who would believe that?

[Yuuya] : Well it's not only her but I also just checked @Mu Ningxue and @Asuna you are two are the fictional characters in my world. As for the others there is no information about you.]

I really didn't expect that in Asuna world there is the novel of myself and others.

[Yuuya] : Well judge it by yourself.]

[Yuuya] : As uploaded a the files 'Versatile Mage' and 'Sword Art Online' series. The first is for @Mu Ningxue and the second one for the @Asuna.]

[Yuuya] : @Asuna you should also share the things you have discovered.]

'I hope they won't get mad' I thought has having your life scripted is not funny at all. 

[Asuna] : Ahaa!! ye-yesss I will share it.] 

Asuna was really having the hard time, as first she got invited in a Mutiverse-chat-Group where people from different Dimension can chat. Then the said people turn out to be the fictional character in her world, with some amazing abilities and power. While she herself is a fictional character in one of the members World. She was really thinking that she was daydreaming. But she still shared the members about their stories.

[Asuna] : As uploaded the file 'Against the Gods', 'High school DxD' series and 'I Got A Cheat Ability In A Different World, And Become Extraordinary Even In The Real World'. The first one is for @Chu Yuechan, while the second one for @Grayfia and the last one for @Yuuya.]

[It is detected that the members are having hard time accepting the fact, that they are the characters of a novel, is just the authors who write the novel just sees your world in the dream and write about it. So you all can be rest assured that all the things written in these Novels are not 100% true. Please have peace of mind and even if it's true you can change it with sufficient strength. So please work hard everyone.]

[Note : You can check your [Beginner Pack] in the inventory.]

[Yuuya] : See everyone there is no need to panic, so whynot we check the Beginner Pack distributed by the System.]

After saying that I immediately checked the contents of the of the Beginner Pack...

[ 1.  Skill Upgrade Tickets x3

 2. 1000 CP 

 3. World Travel Ticket. ]

[Skill Upgrade Tickets] : Allows you to upgrade one of your skill to an higher Level.]

[World Travel Ticket] : Allows you to visit the World of the members of Chat Group. .(works for 48 hours, time in your original World Will be stopped)]

The were only these three items in the Pack, even though I still feel satisfied with them. 

A moment later, notification started to appear on my chat screen. 

[Mu Ningxue] : Yes, there is no need to panic if everything is not 100% real in the story, as for the Beginners Pack I had recivied it as well.]

You are reading story In a Fictional World with an All Girls Chat Group at

[Asuna] : Yeah, a total 10+1x Gacha coupons, 1000 CP points and a World Travel Ticket. Seems very generous to me. ]

[Grayfia] : Same as well.]

[Chu Yuechan] : Me too.]

"Hey! System why did I not get the 10 Gacha coupons like rest of the members." I immediately asked the System as everyone has recived the coupons while I did not get any of them.

[Ding, it's because the host already has the 10 Gacha coupons, which host has gotten from completing the mission. As it would be unfair for the rest of the members.]

I was left speechless by the System explanation, but I really could not do anything about it. It would really be unfair for the rest, thinking about the Gacha something click to me as I immediately...

[Yuuya] : Wait, wait a minute girls, before using the Gacha I have suggestion for you if it really works it will benefit you all.]

[Asuna] : What is it Yuuya-san?]

[Mu Ningxue] : Yeah what is it?]

[Yuuya] : Do you girls remember, what I had said about my Luck. How it can be increased and I can help you with that. So I was thinking how about you all come to my world and raise your Luck as high as you can, and then use the Gacha. As we all have [World Travel Tickets] so use it in our possession. So why not use the Ticket and you all travel to my world as your world time will be stopped, till you are in my world, and you will have 48 hours to raise your Luck. If my idea really works it will certainly help you to get excellent results. It just the suggestion you can consider it and disscus it then tell me, as I have something do, so I will be back in short time.]

[Yuuya] : has gone offline ]

After, I send the message I closed the Chat-Group. I really wish that they will accept my suggestion and come to my world, so I can get to know them. 

"Yosh, let go"

Looking at my surroundings which had completely been destroyed because of my fight with the Bees. As there at many drops scattered around the destroyed field, so I started to gather them... 

{Earth Veins}

I just invoke a spell to gather all the scattered items in the battlefield. Just as I invoke the spell, small cracks started appearing on the earth, from the small cracks veins started to appear as they started to gather all items in front of me.

Once, all the items were gathered in front of me they formed a hill infront of me. As there were only two items in front of me first there were dozen of jars at my half hands size, with something in it, while the other are fist size magic stones with the different colors forming a Hill in front of me till my hips, as I immediately appraise them.

[The Queen's Honey] : A Rare drop from Rainbow Queen Bee a honey of the highest quality. It's has the effect of beautifying the skin of one who consumes it. Also keep you look younger.]

[Fire Stone] : A stone consisting pure fire elemental, can help you raise your resistance against fire attacks.]

[Water Stone] : A stone consisting pure water elemental, can help you raise your resistance against water attacks.]

[Lighting Stone] : A stone consisting pure lighting elemental, can help you raise your resistance against lighting attacks.]

[Earth Stone] : A stone consisting pure earth elemental, can help you raise your resistance against earth attacks.]

And so on... there atleast thousands of stone of different element present here.

After going through their discription I stored all of them in the Item Box. 

"Okay, lets go home and see what they had decided it about the my suggestion."


A magic circle formed around my feet as I was vanish from the battlefield, and appear in the Sage's cabin. 

Once I appeared in the Sage cabin I immediately went towards the Door and covert the things I don't have any use for the money.

After the conversion I got another ¥2.5 million. Which I stored in the Item Box, and in these three months I have gotten around ¥500 million which were around $3.5 million. Which was lot of money, but I had use some of it to renovate my house, to a luxurious house.

My house which was previously a two story traditional Japanese house which can be considered as large for a person as now changed to an complex five stories Traditional Japanese Mansion exterior with around 250 rooms with attached bathroom and many modern facilities including Kitchen, a Dining room that can hold upto 100 people, Gym, Theater, private and shared Swimming Pool, Spa, Hot Springs, a Playground, Garage that can hold upto 50 luxurious cars, the house is also equipped with the 12 high speed elevators which can support 50 people, as I had also equipped the whole house interior with the luxurious decorations, all the furniture in the house as magic applied in it to make them more comfortable. 

The garden has also been renovated as it is now much bigger than before with many zelkova, cherry blossom and maple trees. In a garden there is also an small artificial lake in which you can occasionally see some Koi fishes swimming in it. 

There is also an underground floor where I had moved all the items with the from the secret room, as there is also an Training room, Laboratory for my experiments and big storage room where I had stored all the Mithril and Gold Ores that I had mined from the other world.

I had reinforced the whole house with the Magic as now it can even withstand an nuclear attack, so my safety is guaranteed.

When I was renovating my house I had also buyed all the lands surroundings lands my house, which were unoccupied considering my house was at the outskirts of city. And for to make the money appear legal I had made up lie as the money was the part of the inheritance I had recivied from my Grandpa. 

To make the renovation finish fast I had use my Magic, honestly Magic really makes the life easier.

Once, I was in my house as I changed from my armor and took the shower and wore more normal and comfortable clothes which consists of a simple black T-shirt and black track pants, as I started to prepare lunch...

[Yuuya] : has online]

[Yuuya] : So what did you all of you decide.]  

While I was prepareing for the lunch, I inquire about the girls opinion in the chat group about my suggestion.


Creation is hard, please vote for me if you like it. If you had any idea please share it with me.

Thanks for reading.

See you in the next chapter.

Peace Out.????


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