In a Fictional World with an All Girls Chat Group

Chapter 12: Chapter 11.

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[Asuna] : Ohh! Yuuya-san you're back...]

[Chu Yuechan] : So Yuuya as you had said can you really help us to increase our Luck.] 

[Geayfia] : +1]

[Mu Ningxue] : +1]

[Yuuya] : I really don't know will it work on Gacha or not, but I had increased it as a result it cause me to join this Chat-Group, which confirmed by the Chat-Group itself. So I really doubt that it will not work with the Gacha, and as I said it's up to you decide.]

[Chu Yuechan] : Well, what you said is true... OK then I will like to try, so I will be coming.]

[Grayfia] : Me as well.] 

[Asuna] : +1]

[Mu Ningxue] : +1]

[Yuuya] : Ok, so can you all teleport to my location.]

[Asuna] : Ok ]

[Chu Yuechan] : Ok ]

[Geayfia] : +1 ]

[Mu Ningxue] : +1 ]

After confirming that they all are coming I quickly prepared the lunch, and cover it so it would not become cold, and moved out of the kitchen and make my way towards the hall of my house and sat on the sofa and waited for their arrival.

I did not wait for long as four portals started to form in front of me and from the four portals I can see people coming out of them, all four of them were girls, with two of them as same age as me and other two who looked like they were in their early or mid twenties.

One thing, they had common is they are all beautiful in their own right, I had really not seen anyone more beautiful than them in my whole life.

But, he being a good citizen, who follows the Law's of the society, he knows that looking at women with lustful look is very rude. He is not like the standard Young Master from Chinese novels that everytime he see's someone beautiful, he will use every means to get her. So he just appreciated their beauty.

Yuuya could see that the girls that had just appeared are not in a good condition, as it was noticeable as their was cold sweat on their forehead and from their looks of some, as it seems like they were going to throw up anytime. 

But when the girls caught the glimpse of his figure they felt their faces started to heat up and immediately looked away from him and tried hide their faces from him. 

When I saw their reaction I knew what happened to them, and to not make them uncomfortable with me, I stepped forward and introduce myself with a smile as warm as the morning sun.

"This are first meeting in person, so I'll reintroduce myself. My name is Yuuya Tenjou, but you can call me Yuuya."

When the girls saw him introducing himself with a warm smile, they felt their heart beat quicken, but they tried to appear as normal as they could and started to introduce themselves. 

"Huuhhhh.... My name is Chu Yuechan, nice to meet you all." 

After exhaling briefly, Chu Yuechan introduce herself while looking around.

"My name is Grayfia Lucifuge, but you can call me Grayfia, nice to meet you."

Grayfia introduce herself with a noble bow, as she seems to look fine.

"It seems that the space transfer really makes some people uncomfortable" I said as I looked at the two beautiful girls who are about the same age as me, holding their heads.

""Yeah, it does cause some dizziness"" Chu Yuechan and Grayfia confirmed at the same time.

The girl with the long snow white hair, with the slightly cold face, wearing a close fitting white dress recovered first, as she spoke in a slightly cold voice.

"My name is My Ningxue... nice to meet you"

"M-my name is Yuuki Asuna..... I may not be much use, but please advise"

After everybody had introduced themselves, I moved them towards the sofa and made them sit. Just as everyone has sat down....


We heard a grumbling sound as when we look at source, Mu Ningxue and Asuna quickly covered their faces as to hide their embarrassment, but to me they look quite cute.(T/H : Just felt like it.????)

"Why don't we eat something first, as I had just prepared Pancakes, so why not join me we talk over while eating it."

I looked at everyone as I suggested it and to not make both girls more embarrassed than they already are everyone nodded as they accepted my suggestion.

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"Great, then please follow me" I said with a gentlemanly bow. 

I took them towards the dinning room and made them sit comfortably...

"Please, wait a minute I'll serve it"

They offered their help, but I decline them and without giving them a chance to respond I quickly moved towards the kitchen to bring the cakes. Just as I return with the cakes and as they are still warm, it's aroma started to spread. The aromatic smell was so addicting that it had caught the attention of everyone present, the girls looked at me, or to precisely to the food with their intense eyes looked hungrily at the food as they can't wait to devour it. They looked like the child deprived of food. 

Looking at their state I had urge to tease them, 'Well-cooked food can truly tame beauties' I thought as I started to skillfully serve them...

"Girl's, why it's looked like you're on a edge?" I tried to tease them, as I also bought out the Queen Bee Honey and some Maple syrup for the taste, while I served them the food. 

As he tried tease them but they did not answer him, just looked him venomously. If looks kill then Yuuya would probably been dead. Yuuya just chuckled on seeing the looks that they are giving to him, and served them with lots of cake's, and sat down with them to eat. 

When the food was served as they didn't need a signal to eat, and elegantly put the piece in their mouths. Just as they put the food in their mouth they felt like they were transferred into the clouds naked and we're flying in pure bliss, as freshness of the honey and tenderness and flavor of the cake exploded in their mouth. The honey could be seen covering their lips as the savored the heavenly taste of the cake as if it was their last day. They couldn't help but release and orgasmic moan due to the intense flavor that exploded in their mouths. They couldn't help but look at Yuuya who was looking at them with a smile, upon seeing him looking towards them they quickly averted their eyes from him, but embarrassment and anger could be seen in their eyes, when they realized what they had done and while the culprit for all of it is enjoying their reaction as if he had expected it. 

Yuuya who was silently observing such a beautiful scene worth remembering. He imprinted the beautiful scene deeply in his mind. While internally praiseing himself and his Cooking skill, that had made it possible. He also proceed to gobble up the food and couldn't help sigh how heavenly it tasted. He looked towards the embarrassed girls who are silently eating while looking at him time to time, with restament visible in their eyes, noticing their eyes I tried to tease them a bit more...

"This is life. Eating while being accompanied by group beauties, what else can I wish for more in life?" Yuuya commented in a carefree tone as he flash a seductive smile in the end while looking towards the girls. Listening to his words which were clearly directed towards them. The Girls started to feel even more embarrass and a had little sweet feeling in their hearts as he praised them for their Beauties. 

"How's the food, do you all like it?" I tried to. tease them in an attempt to start the conversation, even though I know their answers. 

Hearing his question, they know that he was trying to teaseing them but they still still feel embarrassed about it, as they kept their head's low in attempt to not show him their embarrass face, which is now red as tomato, because of the earlier incident.

Chu Yuechan and Grayfia, being adults were able calm down fast as they looked at eachother and nodded with smile. 

"It's delicious, Yuuya I really had not eated such a delicious food in my whole life." Chu Yuechan said as she was trying act as normal as possible to hide her embarrassment, because she herself remembered how she had acted when she  tasted his food for the first time.

"Yes, it's delicious"


"Yeah, it tastes quiet refreshing"

Seeing that Chu Yuechan had started the conversation and was trying to avoid more teaseing and embarrassment the rest looked at her as she was their greatest savior who had freed them from hell, as they all joined the conversation.

"Ohh! that's good, thats really good I glad that you all like it" I nodded several times with an happy smile. I know that internally they are trying to avoid more teaseing and embarrassment, which I let them but I know that they are not uncomfortable with me, which is a great news for me.

"So has anyone of you had read their stories which Asuna and I had share on the Chat Group?"

When I asked them this question, I suddenly felt that the atmosphere become a little quiet and awkward. As the faces of the girls became little strange, as their previous embarrassed face are nowhere to be seen. I can guess that the fact they are the characters of a fictional story is bothering them.

"No, we had decided to read it after the Gacha"


"Ohh! Ok it's nice then, also please don't take it seriously as Chat Group has said that everything in the story is not 100% real so you can relax, and even if it is real you can change it with enough strength and we are also here to help so don't hesitate to ask for help if you feel like it."

I tried to cheer them up, as I am happy for them because they had accepted the fact which is a bit difficult to accept. 

"Yuuya, can explain to us, how are you going to help us raise are Luck?"


When Grayfia asked this question all the girls looked at me with an eyes that is demanding an explanation as I had cheated on them and they had caught me red handed. 

"Yes, It's like an RPG game...." the way that they look at me as started to hurt me, as I explained them the process how I am going to help them to raise their Luck, the process really surprised them. (T/H: honestly I am not going explain this as it's too complicated so, sorry guys.)


Creation is hard, please vote for me if you like it. If you had any idea please share it with me.

Please comment on what rewards I should give them for the Gacha, as it will really help me.????

Thanks for reading.

See you in the next chapter.

Peace Out.????


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