Inheriting the Influence #2

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

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Dr Martin handed Halo the envelope with the results in. He quickly opened it and read what was written. Halo sighed, relieved and side-eyed Romeo that stood up.

“What does it say?” Romeo asked nervously.

Halo turned to him and handed the paper over, but he didn’t take it. He was afraid of what it would say.

Halo retracted his hand, confused, and said, “It says you are a match for the donation.”

“Am I his father?” Romeo asked.

Halo nodded his head reluctantly. “You are his father.”

Romeo sighed, relieved, and leaned against the window. Juliano, who was eavesdropping, peaked his head out and said, “So you are my father.”

Everyone got a fright. Dr Martin chuckled and walked up to him. “How are you doing, Mr Juliano?”

“I’m bored and hungry,” he answered with a pout as he looked at Halo.

Dr Martin nodded his head. “I’ll have them bring you something to eat, but before that, you need to get back to bed. Who knows what could happen to you?”

Juliano nodded his head and went back in with Dr Martin.

Halo looked at Romeo and asked, “Now that you know you are his father, what are you going to do?”

Romeo wiped his tears away and said, “Isn’t the next step to get ready for surgery? I’ll wait for the doctor to come out and speak with him.”

Halo nodded his head and walked up to him. He touched Romeo on the chest, asking, “Are you sure about this? Do you really want to help us?”

“Why are you so reluctant now? It’s not like you have any other option, do you?” He asked sarcastically.

Halo didn’t know what to say. He was happy, he really was, but after the conversation they just had? He sighed and said, “Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me. Isn’t it my duty as his father?” He asked.

Halo felt weak in his knees. What was he going to do now in this situation? Looking away, he said, “I’ll phone Anthony and give him the results.”

As he started walking, Romeo grabbed him and got real close in his face and said, “You better not think of letting that mother fuck you again. This time, I’m keeping my eyes on you.”

Halo yanked his arm away and glared at him. He remained silent. He didn’t want to upset Romeo then have him go back on his words to help Juliano. Walking away, he heard, “I’m dead serious, Halo.”


Anthony and Justin arrived at the hospital together. Halo looked at them confused, “Why did you come here? I could have told you over the phone.”

Anthony seemed anxious and shook his head. “I want to read it for myself.”

Halo forced a smile as he hugged Justin. He took out the paper from his pocket and handed it to him. 

Anthony read the paper as Justin asked, “Where’s Rome?”

“Inside,” he answered.

Justin looked at the hospital building and said, “I haven’t seen him in years. How is he doing?”

Halo looked at him, confused, and shook his head. “I didn’t know you two weren’t speaking. He’s being prepped for the surgery.”

“Damn, but to think he is a father,” he thought out loud.

Anthony looked at Halo and could see that he was happy. He didn’t want to ask, but he had to. “Is it doctored? You said the results will only come out by the end of the day.”

Halo sighed, “I hope it isn’t. Dr Martin said Romeo paid a lot of money to have the results done asap.”

Anthony nodded his head. He couldn’t deny it he hoped Juliano would be his, but he knew the truth beforehand. Looking at Halo, he asked, “How is Juliano?”

Halo shook his head. “Still the same, but he figured out that Romeo was his father.”

Anthony smiled. “When will they hold the surgery?”

“I don’t know. It all depends on Romeo’s health condition,” he asked.

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They nodded their heads, “Well, it looks like everything is working in your favour,” Anthony said.

Halo nodded his head sheepishly. If only they knew what madness would come from having Romeo back in his life and with the leverage of saving their son.

Halo said goodbye to them then went back in to see what was happening. Halo was lost for a moment, then he found out by a nurse that Romeo and Dr Martin were in Dr Martin’s office.

He went to Juliano’s room and saw that he was sitting on the bed, staring at the window. He went to sit on the bed and hugged him. Giving him a kiss, he asked, “What are you doing?”

Juliano leaned his head against him and said, “I heard Dr Martin say that if my other dad is healthy, we can do the surgery in two days.”

Halo smiled, “That’s good, isn’t it?”

Juliano nodded his head. “But I’m scared.”

Halo hugged him tighter. “I know you are scared, and I am scared too, but if you don’t go through with the surgery, then I… I… I don’t know what I am going to do. You mean the world to me, Juliano and I…”

Juliano started crying too after Halo couldn’t finish his words.

Romeo knocked on the door, grabbing their attention. They turned to him and Halo quickly wiped his eyes. “Romeo.”

Romeo nodded his head and closed the door. He walked up to them and asked with concerned, “Why are the two of you crying?”

Halo took in a deep breath and forced a smile. He stood up and stepped to the side, “Uh… Romeo, I’d like you to meet my son Romeo Juliano Washington.”

He looked at his son and said, “Juliano, this is your other father, Romeo.”

Juliano looked at him shyly and smiled. “It’s nice to meet you, although we already met.”

Romeo looked at Halo, confused, then at Juliano, and smiled. He walked up to him and hugged him. He kissed him on the head and asked, “Do you know how it feels to know that I have a son?”

Juliano shook his head.

Romeo chuckled and looked at Halo. Taking in a deep breath, he said, “Well, if it was anyone else, I don’t know if I’d like them but you. I liked you from the moment I saw you.”

Juliano chuckled and punched him in the stomach. “Nice one.”

Halo rolled his eyes, amused. 


Romeo walked up to Halo that was signing a consent form. “Halo?”

He turned to him, surprised, and smiled. “Yes.”

“Can we talk?” He asked.

Halo nodded his head as he put his signature on the paper. Placing the pen down, he said, “Sure.”

They stopped against a wall, and Romeo hugged him. Halo looked over his shoulder, surprised at the nurse, who looked at them.

“What are you doing?” He asked.

Romeo kissed the side of his neck and asked, “Why did you reconsider?”

Halo sighed. “I’m tired of fighting Romeo. My feelings, the hospital, my anger. I’m just tired of it all, and I want Juliano to be happy. He was always looking forward to finding out who you were, but I never told him because all my memories of you hurt.”

Romeo stepped back and looked at him. He cupped his cheeks and wiped away his tears with his thumbs. Romeo sighed and nodded his head. “Halo, I never meant to cheat on you.”

“That’s in the past Meo, why are you bringing it up?” He asked.

Romeo shook his head. “No, you never gave me the chance to explain myself. Yes, I slept with other people, but they meant nothing to me. You know I wanted you and only you, but I had to take things slow with you and I didn’t know how to. Me and Niam, that was just a pastime, and I went to him to find out if he had heard anything from you, but we ended up…”

Halo stared at Romeo as he spoke and he had to admit, no matter how much Romeo tried, he could see past his bullshit but it was in the past and now he needed to focus on the present so that his son wouldn’t be implicated.

As Romeo was trying his best to make things sound right, he could tell that Halo wasn’t believing him.

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